Spring and Klout Api - java

While I can use Spring Social framework to get info referred to an user from his account on Twitter or Facebook, is there a way to get info using Klout v2 api?
Actually, it seems an http get request is necessary.
So, how can I use my api key to get this information?

Klout API gives you influence scores and topics for a given user (twitter or google plus). It doesn't give any profile information. Need to use source APIs (wrappers like Spring Social) to retrieve those information. If you want to use klout v2 API for influence scores etc, you can use this Java wrapper - http://code.google.com/p/klout4java/


how to pass the query from the servlet to the google maps and getting the results back

User enters his query and search's for nearby places.
Can you tell me how to approach this problem to get the search and response from servlet where the user clicks search and the values are sent to google and the answer is returned back to servlet.
From client you will make http call to your servlet and pass the search term. In your servlet you will the search term request parameter and will use google maps rest API to search based on that search term. You will consume the REST API response and return in your servlet response.
Have you referred to google maps documentation yet? Do you not understand the google maps documentation or you do not know how to consume rest API?
Refer to google maps APIs here and decide which information you looking for https://developers.google.com/maps/web-services/overview
Google maps have client API as well, you could use this directly. Please check https://developers.google.com/maps/web-services/client-library#terms_and_conditions
If you want to implement your own then just google java rest api client and you will find tons of options. There are many libraries which you can use to consume REST APIs e.g. cxf, jersey and spring.
Google maps can be integrated directly via Javascript if you want https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/

Vtiger CRM REST API using Spring RestTemplate

I am trying to create a Java wrapper for Vtiger REST API. I want to avoid the use of vtwsclib library because I could not find its Maven artifact. I want to use Spring RestTemplate. Actually, I don't understand why I need some special library to access REST API of a webservice.
First a got into problem with login process. Even when I followed the instructions from this link, I was not be able to retrieve sessionName. Finally, I resolved it after some research of vtwsclib library.
Next problem is with the retrieve operation. Even when I had sessionName and tried to retrieve some object by id with request (a ticket I can see in client app)
GET .../webservice.php?operation=retrieve&sessionName=xxxxx&id=xxxxx
I got:
{"success":false,"error":{"code":"ACCESS_DENIED","message":"Permission to perform the operation is denied for id"}}
Last problem is documentation, even when I visited their wiki Vtiger WIKI I could not find attributes of Ticket entity to create fields map.
So the work with this API is a bit painful for me. My questions are:
Is there some tutorial how to obtain sessionName using only Spring RestTemplate?
Why retrieve operation failed? update: bad id format
This is the main question. Is there some better documentation (tutorial, blog, file, ect.) for Vtiger REST API and descriptions of objects like Ticket?
I am also using Spring RestTemplate for Vtiger rest api.
For Retrieving details of record using REST API we need to pass id as moduleId x recordID (2x1234) format, otherwise it will give ACCESS_DENIED Error

Get idToken using Paypal REST API

I am building a REST API to login to my system using PayPal credentials.
I'd like to use the PayPal-Java-SDK and I've succeeded to get all the info I need for a given PayPal account (starting from the Auth Token).
I had a look at Paypal Spring Social and I found another token I wasn't considering in my implementation. It's called IdToken. For example here
I tried to search online, but I couldn't find much info about it.
Why is that token needed?
Is there a way to retrieve it using the REST API?
I think I misunderstand the SDK. It doesn't seem to be currently supporting OpenId. That's why I couldn't retrieve the IdToken with it.

Custom android authenticator using Google App Engine

I would like to write a custom authenticator for Android. I found this nice tutorial to do it, but instead of using Parse as authentication server, I want to use Google App Engine:
The problem is that I couldn’t find the way to do it. Do you know if that is possible?
All I can find is how to implement authentication using a Google account, but I’d rather prefer to allow users to use any email account.
You have plenty of choices, the first ones that come to mind:
You can use 3rd party OAuth providers which not all email providers are.
Implemment and use your own Authenticator.
(Recommended) Since you are not accessing user data through OAuth just implement a standard user/password authentication method using endpoints and secure the API using your android's app SHA fingersprint, as explained here

Google Analytics API V3 - Authorization API KEY (JAVA)

I need to retrieve data from Google Analytics programatically in order to generate some reports, so OAuth 2.0 is not an option since it asks for user authorization..
Is there a way to retrieve data from GA API v3, using the API KEY ?
The user must be authenticated to grant your application access to his data. This applies to any use case.
You can certainly use OAuth 2.0. Google offers the possibility to obtain an access token, which can be used by your application to access user data. In this case, the user only needs to be authorized once.
See https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer#callinganapi for more info about accessing Google API's with an application using OAuth 2.0.

