Hibernate - Could not resolve property - java

I have table Users which contains column iduser (long) fk -> to table login to column id_user (long).
But I don't want to map table login into users. I just want to use this column iduser in Users like normal column and find specific object.
When I wrote something like this:
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq(ID_USER, (long) 3);
The error will appear:
could not resolve property: iduser of: model.domain.User
But when I used standard SQLQuery:
Query query = session.createSQLQuery("select * from Users where iduser = 3");
List list = query.list();
it will found the specific object.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Names of the persistent attributes are case sensitive. Because name of the attribute is idUser, it is expected that attribute iduser (lower case 'u') cannot be found. When Criteria or HQL is used, it is names of the attributes, not the names of the database columns that matters.


in #Query , I need to query DB to select a row where a column is null. I am using JpaRepository

I have tried using below query
#Query(value = "select E.SRC,E.TRGT,E.EVNT_STTS,E.ADDL_ATTR from EVNT.EVNT_LOG E where E.EVNT_ID=:eventId and E.ADDL_ATTR IS NULL" , nativeQuery = true)
List<AggregationLog> findByEventIdAndTargetAndAdditionalAttributeWithNULL(#Param("eventId") Long eventId);
in above query I am getting invalid column name.
Please guide me to select a row with eventID and addl_attr as null.
Well... invalid column means oracle cannot resolve the column name in the query. That usually means 1 of 2 things:
A Typo
The columns were created with case sensitivity. Whoever created the table surrounded the column names with double quotes and put column names in something other than all caps. Do a "DESCRIBE <table_name>" in sqlplus, sqldeveloper or any other client and check if the column names are all upper case. If they're not, you will need to enclose them in double quotes in your query with the name matching exactly what you see.

How to select a table by parameters in jasper report using java in eclipse?

I have a button. When I hit it. It creates a table in database with name+billno+date. and inserts all details like product name and etc into the database.
Now I want to when the new table is created, after that jasper report fetch that newly created table and show it in table of jasper report.
For that I created a parameter.
Hashmap param = new Hashmap();
param.put("TABLE" , name+bill+date);
After that I created a table in jasper report and tried to do this query.
select * from $P{TABLE}
But it throws an error.
You have to correct the query using $P!{} syntax (note the ! char between P and {):
Where $P!{TABLE} is replaced with the text value of the parameter (table name in this case).
$P{} syntax can be used in the case the parameter is used as standard SQL parameter, it means that the query can be executed using a prepared statement. For example:
SELECT * FROM bill WHERE id = $P{ID}
Where prepared statement is then:
SELECT * FROM bill WHERE id = ?
Side note: It looks like a little bit crazy scenario to create separate table for each combination of name + billno + date. Imagine that on some day you will need to implement search through all those records - how you will create SELECT query over all those tables?
It would be better to have one table (bill for example) with id column as a primary key, and other columns like name, billnum and date and pass that id into the Jasper report as a parameter. Products can be stored in the related table bill_item and relate them to bill by bill_id column. Then in Jasper report you can SELECT * FROM bill b LEFT JOIN bill_item i ON i.bill_id = b.id WHERE b.id = $P{ID}. But I'm just guessing how can look your data model.

Force ebean to not include an ID in a generated query

I'm building a select that has to get me all distinct values from a table.
The sql I would normally write would look like this: "SELECT DISTINCT ARTIST FROM MUSICLIB"
However, ebean is generating the following: "SELECT DISTINCT ID, ARTIST FROM MUSICLIB"
The finder is as such:
I've found that ebean is generating this ID on every single query, no matter what options I set.
How do I accomplish what I'm looking for?
You can't do that, Ebean for objects mapping requires ID field, and if you won't include it you'll get some mysterious exceptions.
Instead you can query DB without mapping and then write your SQL statement yourself:
SqlQuery sqlQuery = Ebean.createSqlQuery("SELECT DISTINCT artist FROM musiclib");
List<SqlRow> rows = sqlQuery.findList();
for (SqlRow row : rows) {
debug("I got one: " + row.getString("artist"));
Of course if artist is a relation, you need to perform additional query using list of found IDs with in(...) expression.

Hibernate issue - Invalid column name

I have added two columns in the sql to get the values through hibernate.My databse is oracle and those fields datatype i number. So i have created the beans with long and (tried Integer too) but when retrieving the values(executing the valuesquery).
Its giving me an error
org.hibernate.type.LongType - could not read column value from result set
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getColumnIndex(OracleStatement.java:3711)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.findColumn(OracleResultSetImpl.java:2806)
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet.getLong(OracleResultSet.java:444)
at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSet_oracle_jdbc_driver_OracleResultSetImpl.getLong(Unknown Source)
at org.hibernate.type.LongType.get(LongType.java:28)
at org.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:163)
at org.hibernate.type.NullableType.nullSafeGet(NullableType.java:189)
PRODUCT_NBR varchar2(54) NOT NULL,
PRODUCT_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCT_FAMILY_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_GROUP_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_GROUP_DESCR varchar2(180),
PRODUCT_LINE_NBR varchar2(30),
PRODUCT_LINE_DESCR varchar2(180),
PL_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCTLIST varchar2(750),
SALES_KEY decimal(22),
PRODUCT varchar2(60),
sql :
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();
Please help me to fix the issue ?
In your table definition, I can't see all the fields you're using in the addScalar() methods: there are no PRODUCTKEY nor SALESKEY fields. Instead I can see a PRODUCT_KEY and a SALES_KEY fields (underscores). I think you should use the correct name of the fields in the addScalar() methods.
But if your query is the one you put in your comments, you have to correct some details:
you should use p instead of pub as alias for the table name. As there is only one table in the query, you can suppress the alias.
In your SELECT clause, p.productprice is not an existing field in your table. Maybe you want to use p.pricelist instead.
In your WHERE clause, p.productnbr is not an existing field in your table. You should use p.product_nbr instead.
Then you should change the field names in the addScalar() methods to match those you are using in the query.
Modified query
SELECT distinct p.product, p.productlist, p.PL_KEY, p.SALES_KEY
FROM productlist p
WHERE p.product_nbr in ('1002102')
Your code should be:
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();
If you define aliases in your query, then you can use the alias names instead of the field names. For example, with this query:
SELECT distinct p.product, p.productlist, p.PL_KEY as PRODUCTKEY, p.SALES_KEY as SALESKEY
FROM productlist p
WHERE p.product_nbr in ('1002102')
you can use the following code (it's your original code):
Query query = session.createSQLQuery(channelQuery)
return query.list();

How to map native query to one model class?

Hi I´m using Eclipselink and I did a native query to select some fields of 2 tables. I mapped my table Logins in a model class. I would not like to map my table "B" because I need only 2 fields of this table on my sql result.. can I map this 2 fields in my Logins table to my sql result ?
My sql is this:
select l.login_id, s.lugarcerto,s.vrum, l.username, l.first_name, l.last_name, l.phone, l.fax_number, l.address, l.zip,
l.address2 as 'birth_date', l.city as 'cpf_cnpj'
from Logins l
join (select se.login_id, lugarcerto = min(case when se.service = 'IM' then '1' end), vrum = min(case when se.service = 'VE' then '1' end)
from (select distinct ad.login_id, substring(ap.Rate_code,(CHARINDEX('-', ap.Rate_code)+1),2) as 'service'
from Ad_Data.dbo.ad ad
join Ad_Data.dbo.ad_pub ap on (ad.ad_id = ap.ad_id)
where ap.ad_type =1) se
group by se.login_id) s on (s.login_id = l.login_id)
I did map Logins table and I want to map s.lugarcerto and s.vrum to my SQL query result.
There´s anyway to just add it to my Logins model ?
Not without having mappings for the attributes you want those values put into, and not without causing problems with them being cached in the entity.
Why not just return the values beside the entity, much like you would with a JPQL query such as: "Select l, subquery1, subquery2 from Logins l" ie:
Query q = em.createNativeQuery(yourQueryString, "resultMappingName");
And in the entity, include the annotation:
entities={#EntityResult(entityClass=com.acme.Logins.class, )},
columns={#ColumnResult(name="LUGARCERTO"), #ColumnResult(name="VRUM")}
Best Regards,

