String to File (JAXB Validation) - java

I have a method like this.
public void myMethod(String xml){
File file=convertStringToFile(xml) // I need to convert xml string to File
fileDemandingMethod(file) is expecting File but my input is string.
How can I get my xml string in the form of File object?
I need this for this JAXB Validation
Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new File("C:\\schema.xsd"));
unmarshaller.setSchema(schema );

Since you can also work with a StreamSource, you can construct a javax.xml.transform.Source from the String with:
new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml))

You don't need a file, you surely don't want the overhead of writing to a file.
setSchema() can take any object implementing javax.xml.transform.Source
StreamSource is one such class, and that can be constructed from an InputStream or Reader.
Reader reader = new StringReader(myString);
Source source = new StreamSource(reader);

The best way to do that is to create/generate a class in e.g. Employee
from your Schema (C:\Schema.xsd)
After that the rest is easy
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Employee.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
Employee object = new Employee();
m.marshal(object, new FileOutputStream("result.xml"));


Convert string to JAXBElement using Java

I'm having some issue while converting String object to JAXBElement string object where I need to set this one
This is the target method where I need to set the value
public void setData(JAXBElement<String> value) { = ((JAXBElement<String> ) value);
For this one, I have written code something like this
ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
JAXBElement<ApplicationIngestionRequest> jaxbElement = new JAXBElement(
new QName(ApplicationIngestionRequest.class.getSimpleName()), ApplicationIngestionRequest.class, request);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(ApplicationIngestionRequest.class);
context.createMarshaller().marshal(jaxbElement, writer);"JAXBElement object :\n"+ writer.toString());
Unmarshaller u = context.createUnmarshaller();
JAXBElement<ApplicationIngestionRequest> o = (JAXBElement<ApplicationIngestionRequest>) u.unmarshal(new StringReader(writer));
Log gives me following output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ApplicationIngestionRequest><BranchCode></BranchCode><SourceCode>0000005511</SourceCode></ApplicationIngestionRequest>
Now when I try to set into the method as
It doesn't allow me to set as its expecting as JAXBElement format. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
As per the code snippet [setData(JAXBElement value)] , setData , accept instance of '(JAXBElement'). But here , you are trying to set a string value [losRequest.setData(o.toString())] . Here you have to set an instance of 'JAXBElement' .This could be the issue.

Wrap a String of an instance of JAXBElement

I have the following code,
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(TestResults.class);
Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( "nosferatu.xml" );
TestResults tr = new TestResults();
tr.setUuid(new JAXBElement<String>(new QName("uuid"),String.class, "uuidcontent"));
//ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
m.marshal(new JAXBElement<TestResults>(new QName("uri","local"),TestResults.class,new TestResults()), System.out);
in which I am trying to wrap the Java String Class as a jaxb element, since if I do not I get
unable to marshal type “java.lang.String” error.
However when I try wrap the java.lang.string in a jaxb element, I get the following error
The method setUuid(String) in the type TestResults is not applicable for the arguments (JAXBElement<String>)
The setUuid method looks as follows
public void setUuid(java.lang.String value) {
this.uuid = value;
How can I then wrap my String as a jaxb element where this error will not be thrown?
When marshalled as the root object an instance of String needs to be wrapped in a JAXBElement to provide the root element information (same as for any class without an #XmlRootElement annotation.
When marshalled as a field or property value the containing element is normally derived from the containing field/property so a JAXBElement by default is not required.

xml string to java object using jaxb

I am getting an 832edi file with namespaces as xml string, i need to extract elements from this xml string. So i have generated jaxb classes based on 832edi file. When i am trying to store the contents of the xml string i am getting the following exception
javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement cannot be cast to org.bam.jaxb.Transaction834
I am using the following code to parse the xml string
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.bam.jaxb");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(im.getPayload());
Transaction834 edi = (Transaction834) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader);
List<Loop2000> loop2000=edi.getLoop2000();
where im.getPayload() will return an xml string . Here is the fragment of the xml.
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?><Transaction-834 xmlns:zcha="" XDataVersion="2.0" Standard="X12" Version="V5010" GUID="{C7846049-8C91-4E59-B0BA-4B24CEE69FBB}" CreatedBy="XEngine_4016" CreatedDate="2013-09-05T12:36:12" xmlns=""><zcha:Segment-ISA><zcha:Element-I01 Offset="4" Size="2">00</zcha:Element-I01><zcha:Element-I02 Offset="7" Size="10">Authorizat</zcha:Element-I02><zcha:Element-I03 Offset="18" Size="2">00</zcha:Element-I03><zcha:Element-I04 Offset="21" Size="10">Security I</zcha:Element-I04><zcha:Element-I05 Offset="32" Size="2">01</zcha:Element-I05><zcha:Element-I06 Offset="35" Size="15">Interchange Sen</zcha:Element-I06><zcha:Element-I05_1 Offset="51" Size="2">01</zcha:Element-I05_1><zcha:Element-I07 Offset="54" Size="15">Interchange Rec</zcha:Element-I07><zcha:Element-I08 Offset="70" Size="6">130905</zcha:Element-I08><zcha:Element-I09 Offset="77" Size="4">1236</zcha:Element-I09><zcha:Element-I65 Offset="82" Size="1">*</zcha:Element-I65><zcha:Element-I11 Offset="84" Size="5">00501</zcha:Element-I11><zcha:Element-I12 Offset="90" Size="9">000000001</zcha:Element-I12><zcha:Element-I13 Offset="100" Size="1">0</zcha:Element-I13><zcha:Element-I14 Offset="102" Size="1">I</zcha:Element-I14><zcha:Element-I15 Offset="104" Size="1">\</zcha:Element-I15></zcha:Segment-ISA><zcha:Segment-GS><zcha:Element-479 Offset="110" Size="2">BE</zcha:Element-479><zcha:Element-142 Offset="113" Size="15">Application Sen</zcha:Element-142><zcha:Element-124 Offset="129" Size="15">Application Rec</zcha:Element-124><zcha:Element-373 Offset="145" Size="8">20130905</zcha:Element-373><zcha:Element-337 Offset="154" Size="6">123602</zcha:Element-337><zcha:Element-28 Offset="161" Size="1">1</zcha:Element-28><zcha:Element-455 Offset="163" Size="1">T</zcha:Element-455><zcha:Element-480 Offset="165" Size="6">005010</zcha:Element-480></zcha:Segment-GS><zcha:Segment-ST><zcha:Element-143 Offset="176" Size="3">834</zcha:Element-143><zcha:Element-329 Offset="180" Size="4">0001</zcha:Element-329></zcha:Segment-ST><zcha:Segment-BGN><zcha:Element-353 Offset="190" Size="2">00</zcha:Element-353><zcha:Element-127 Offset="193" Size="24">Reference Identification</zcha:Element-127><zcha:Element-373 Offset="218" Size="8">20130905</zcha:Element-373></zcha:Segment-BGN><zcha:Loop-1000><zcha:Segment-N1><zcha:Element-98 Offset="231" Size="2">00</zcha:Element-98><zcha:Element-93 Offset="234" Size="4">Name</zcha:Element-93></zcha:Segment-N1><zcha:Segment-N4/></zcha:Loop-1000><zcha:Segment-SE><zcha:Element-96 Offset="243" Size="1">4</zcha:Element-96><zcha:Element-329 Offset="245" Size="4">0001</zcha:Element-329></zcha:Segment-SE><zcha:Segment-GE><zcha:Element-97 Offset="254" Size="1">1</zcha:Element-97><zcha:Element-28 Offset="256" Size="1">1</zcha:Element-28></zcha:Segment-GE><zcha:Segment-IEA><zcha:Element-I16 Offset="263" Size="1">1</zcha:Element-I16><zcha:Element-I12 Offset="265" Size="9">000000001</zcha:Element-I12></zcha:Segment-IEA></Transaction-834>
Here Transaction834 is the root element of the xsd.Please could you suggest me where am i doing the mistake ?
thanks for your patience.
Most likely the class Transaction834 doesn't specify the XmlRootElement annotation (probably because it's a top-level type rather than an anonymous type).
In this case you have to use something like:
JAXBElement<Transaction834> ediElement = unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StreamSource(reader), Transaction834.class);
Transaction834 edi = ediElement.getValue();
When you aren't sure whether the result returned from JAXB will be you can use JAXBInstropector to do any unwrapping of the JAXBElement if necessary.
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.bam.jaxb");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(im.getPayload());
Transaction834 edi = (Transaction834) JAXBIntrospector.getValue(unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader));
For More Information

How Serialize Objects To String Using SimpleFramework

Am working with GWT application and integrated with Simple framework to parse objects into XML, I have POJO classes on client side and use the parser on server side. I need to write the serialized object to String variable instead of file cause files not allowed in GWT App engine!topic/google-web-toolkit/M7Zo3U7CKD8.
Current code I have in the server side on GWT RPC ServiceImpl
File result = new File("c:/myXMLFile.xml");
Serializer serializer = new Persister();
MyBeanToSerialize beanToSerialize = new MyBeanToSerialize("firstName","LastName");
serializer.write(beanToSerialize, result);
I found the solution for returning String from the XML parser by using the writer object instead of File the code is as the following:-
String parser(){
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
Serializer serializer = new Persister();
MyBeanToSerialize beanToSerialize = new MyBeanToSerialize("firstName","LastName");
serializer.write(beanToSerialize, writer);
return writer.getBuffer().toString();

Problems converting from an object to XML in java

What I'm trying to do is to convert an object to xml, then use a String to transfer it via Web Service so another platform (.Net in this case) can read the xml and then deparse it into the same object. I've been reading this article:
And I've been able to do everything with no problems until here:
Serializer serializer = new Persister();
PacienteObj pac = new PacienteObj();
pac.idPaciente = "1";
pac.nomPaciente = "Sonia";
File result = new File("example.xml");
serializer.write(pac, result);
I know this will sound silly, but I can't find where Java creates the new File("example.xml"); so I can check the information.
And I wanna know if is there any way to convert that xml into a String instead of a File, because that's what I need exactly. I can't find that information at the article.
Thanks in advance.
And I wanna know if is there any way to convert that xml into a String instead of a File, because that's what I need exactly. I can't find that information at the article.
Check out the JavaDoc. There is a method that writes to a Writer, so you can hook it up to a StringWriter (which writes into a String):
StringWriter result = new StringWriter(expectedLength);
serializer.write(pac, result)
String s = result.toString();
You can use an instance of StringWriter:
Serializer serializer = new Persister();
PacienteObj pac = new PacienteObj();
pac.idPaciente = "1";
pac.nomPaciente = "Sonia";
StringWriter result = new StringWriter();
serializer.write(pac, result);
String xml = result.toString(); // xml now contains the serialized data
Log or print the below statement will tell you where the file is on the file system.

