Pixels Array Too CPU Intensive - java

I have been working on a Java 2D game for a little while. It is a raster graphics system with an array of pixels (integers).
private BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
private int[] pixels = ((DataBufferInt) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
I then create an array of integers separately, manipulate it with the screen objects (rendered from external image files, such as .png), then copy that array into my main one, which is projected on the screen. I found no performance difference (and really didn't expect to) in using array copying methods over iteration. Regardless, the graphics render well and the game is coming along swimmingly.
However, I have found this to be extremely CPU intensive. My activity monitor says that the application is using more than 100% of my CPU. This is obviously because I am iterating through a pixel array (76k integers) each update (60 times per second).
I chose this technique for educational purposes. This is a personal project and I simply wanted to get insight into Java graphics. I am, by no means, married to this rendering technique.
My question comes in three related parts...
Obviously there is a better way to do this. What libraries/frameworks would do it better?
Will those libraries essentially do the same thing (loop through the pixels), just in a more efficient way?
Is there a way I can optimize this technique without using external tools, or is it just not worth it?

OpenGL is most often associated with 3D graphics applications, but it can also be used for 2D applications. Using an orthographic projection and textured quads to take the place of sprites and background images, you can construct the graphics and interface for a game with absolutely no 3D elements at all, despite the fact that the drawing is being done, in a sense, in 3D.
I have no experience using OpenGL in Java. However, I know that it is possible using the LWJGL library and possibly others. You should check it out if you want to drastically improve your graphics performance.
To answer your second question, OpenGL in this application actually works very differently from your approach, using the same techniques it would use to draw textured polygons in 3D rather than simple block image transfers into a framebuffer, though pixel data can be accessed and manipulated.
Here's an example of 2D graphics using OpenGL with C, from a game project I never finished but nevertheless may serve as a good visual example of what I'm talking about. In this case, I did not use an orthographic projection, but rather a perspective matrix to get parallax effects by drawing the various layers at different depths in 3D space.


Real time screen recording in a LibGDX screen

In short, I'm making a simulation where I have a bunch of creatures that can see each other. The way I want to do this is to capture an area around each creature and give it to their neural network, and make them evolve to recognize their surroundings. I am coding this using LibGDX, and I don't plan on making screenshots every single frame because I can imagine that that is already a very poor idea. However, the problem is that I don't know how to get the pixels inside a defined square without capturing the entire screen and then cherry picking what I want for each creature, which will cause a MASSIVE lag spike, since the area these creatures will be in is 2000x2000, and therefore 12 million different values (4 million RGB values).
Each creature is about 5 pixels (width and height), so my idea is to give them a 16x16 area around them, which is why iterating through the entire frame buffer won't work, it would pointlessly iterate through millions of values before finding the ones I asked for.
I would also need to be able to take pictures outside of the screen (as in, the part outside the window's boundaries), if that is even possible.
How can I achieve this? I'm aiming for performance, but I do not mind distributing the load between multiple frames or even multithreading.
The problem is you can't query pixels in a framebuffer.
You can capture a texture from a framebuffer, and you can convert a texture to a pixmap.
libgdx TextureRegion to Pixmap
You can then getPixel(int x, int y) against the pixmap.
However, maybe going the other way would be better.
Start with a pixmap, work with the pixmap, and for each frame convert the pixmap to a texture and render that texture fullscreen. This also removes the need for the creatures environment to match the screen resolution (although you could still set it up like that).

opengl / JOGL - best way to draw textures

I thought about the best way to draw a picture in OpenGL / JOGL.
I currently program a Game and it is my goal to save the information about a picture in a text file instead of saving the picture.
My idea was to program a method that saves every pixel information (RGB) at the position of X and Y.
Then I draw every pixel and it is finished.
What you think about that idea?
You should simply use TextureIO to make a texture from your picture and use this texture with 4 vertices that have some texture coordinates while drawing. glReadPixels() is very slow, reading each pixel of a picture would take a lot of time, saving its content as a text file would require a lot of memory (saving it as a compressed image in a loss-less format like PNG might be worth a try), drawing each pixel one by one would be a lot slower than drawing a texture. derhass is right. You could vectorize your picture (make a SVG from it) but you would have to rasterize it after or you would have to implement some rendering of vectorized contents and it would be probably slower than using a texture. I'm not sure you really need an offscreen buffer.
I had a similar problem when I began working on my first person shooter. I wasn't using JOGL at the very beginning, I reused the source code of someone else, it relied on software rendering in an image, it was very slow. Then, I used JOGL to draw each pixel one by one instead of using Java2D, it was about 4 times faster on my machine but still very slow for me. At the end, I had to redesign the whole rendering to use OpenGL for what it is for as derhass would say, I used triangles, quads and textures. The performance became acceptable and this is what you should do, use OpenGL to draw primitives and clarify what you're trying to achieve so that we can help you a bit better.

OpenGL work with non-OpenGL drawings?

Can graphics rendered using OpenGL work with graphics rendered not using OpenGL?
I am starting to learn OpenGL, but I am still shy when it comes to actually coding everything in OpenGL, I feel more comfortable drawing them out with JPanel or Canvas. I'm assuming that it wouldn't cause much issue code wise, but displaying it all at the same time could cause issues? Or am I stuck with one or the other?
Integrating OpenGL graphics with another non-OpenGL image or rendering boils down to compositing images. You can take a 2D image and load it as a texture in OpenGL, such that you can then use that texture to paint a surface in OpenGL, or as is suggested by your question, paint a background. Alternatively, you can use framebuffers in OpenGL to render an OpenGL scene to a texture, when can then be converted to a 2D bitmap and combined with another image.
There are limitations to this approach of course. Once an OpenGL scene has been moved to a 2D image, generally you lose all depth (it's possible to preserve depth in an additional channel in the image if you want to do that, but it would involve additional work).
In addition, since presumably you want one image to not simply overwrite the other, you're going to have to include an alpha (transparency) channel in one of your images, so that when you combine them, areas which haven't been drawn will end up showing the underlying image.
However, I would suggest you undertake the effort to simply find one rendering API that serves all your needs. The extra work you do to combine rendering output from two APIs is probably going to be wasted effort in the long run. It's one thing to embed an OpenGL control into an enclosing application that renders many of it's controls using a more conventional API like AWT. On the other hand, it's highly unusual to try to composite output from both OpenGL and another rendering API into the same output area.
Perhaps if you could provide a more concrete example of what kinds of rendering you're talking about, people could offer more helpful advice.
You're stuck with one or the other. You can't put them together.

Java Tile Game Zooming

I am building a 2D top-down tile based game in Java. Naturally you can pan around and zoom in on the game, currently zooming in on 10 different levels, where each tile ranges 10x10 pixels to 100x100 pixels appropriately. Currently, the the tiles for each zoom level are stored in separate sprite sheets, read in at the startup of the program and stored in a buffered image array. I am sure this can't be the best way to go about this.
I am looking for any tips to enhance efficiency for the long-term, would it be better to have the 100x100 tiles only and scale them dynamically in java; somehow use vector graphics in java (I'm sure how, but I'm sure google could help me) or what?
Many thanks!
I'd go dynamic.
Normally in computer graphics you use matrices that, applied to the graphics context, modify everything you draw on it.
This is used to modify position, scale, rotation, etc. Rather than subtract the camera position to every tile, you apply the translation once to the graphics context, and then you draw your tiles in world position. The graphics context will take care of placing the tiles in the correct screen space.
I suggest you the following reads:
If you're doing fixed zooming (i.e. each zoom level is a fixed distance from the camer), as opposed to fluid zooming (the player can zoom in by 3.3x, 7.5x, and not just 1x, 2x, 3x, etc.) then it's massively wasteful to try to solve this by simply applying a zoom transform. It's tempting because that's the least complicated approach, and it's easy to understand from an implementation standpoint, but that means that at maximum zoom-out, you're going to be rendering an area that's 10x larger in the X direction, and 10x larger in the Y direction - so the area of the world that you have to render is 100x larger than at maximum zoom-in. I also doubt that you'll like the way your textures get squished by the hardware as you're zooming out. Computer graphics isn't the same as optics - subpixel rendering, and other things that happen in computer graphics aren't going to make your textures look very good if you hand that task off the the software/hardware.
Even if you do fluid zooming, I would still do level-of-detail textures, and dynamically swap them out depending on the distance between the world being rendered, and the camera.
Also, 10 zoom levels? Are you sure you really need 10 zoom levels? Zoom is usually used in 2D games to allow you to perform different activities at different levels of detail because a particular zoom level is especially well suited for a certain set of activities. I don't remember any 2D game that needed 10 zoom levels to accomplish this. 3-5 is the most I've ever seen, and I've never felt that it wasn't enough. It also seems like a lot of art work to produce the images at every zoom level for 10 zoom levels.
You're also likely going to find that applying an AffineTransform sounds like a good idea, but that it's extremely computationally expensive, and if you need 60fps performance, you're highly unlikely to achieve it this way. Don't take my word for it though, go try it and see how badly it falls over on itself.

How to create 3D Tag Cloud in Java

I need a suggestion/idea how to create a 3D Tag Cloud in Java (Swing)
(exactly like shown here: http://www.adesblog.com/2008/08/27/wp-cumulus-plugin/)
, could you help, please?
I'd go either with Swing and Java2D or OpenGL (JOGL).
I used OpenGL few times and drawing text is easy using JOGL's extenstions (TextRenderer).
If you choose Swing, than the hard part will be implementation of a 3D transformation. You'd have to write some sort of particle system. The particles would have to reside on a 3D sphere. You personally would be responsible of doing any 3D transformation, but using orthogonal projection that would be trivial. So it's a nice exercise - what You need is here: Wiki's spherical coord sys and here 3d to 2d projection.
After You made all of the transformation only drawing is left. And Java2D and Swing have very convenient API for this. It would boil down to pick font size and draw text at given coordinates. Custom JPanel with overriden paintComponent method would be enough to start and finish.
As for the second choice the hardest part is OpenGL API itself. It's procedural so if You're familiar mostly with Java You would have hard time using non-OO stuff. It can get used to and, to be honest, can be quite rewarding since You can do a lot with it. If you picked OpenGL than you would get all the 3D transformations for free, but still have to transform from spherical coordinate system to cartesian by yourself (first wiki article still helpful). After that it's just a matter of using some text drawing class, such as TextRenderer that comes with JOGL distribution.
So OpenGL helps You with view projection calculations and is hardware accelerated. The Java2D would require more math to use, but in my opinion, this approach seems a bit easier. Oh, and by the way - the Java2D tries to use any graphic acceleration there is (OpenGL or DirectDraw) internally. So You are shielded from certain low-level problems.
For both options You need also to bind mouse coordinates s to rotational speed of sphere. Whether it's Java2D or OpenGL the code will look very similar. Just map mouse coordinates related to the center of panel to some speed vector. At the drawing time You could use the vector to rotate the sphere accordingly.
And one more thing: if You would want to try OpenGL I'd recommend: Processing language created on MIT especially for rich graphic applets. Their 3D API, not so coincidentally, is almost the same as OpenGL, but without much of the cruft. So if You want the quickest prototype that's the best bet. Consult this discussion thread for actual example. Note: Processing is written in Java.
That's not really 3D. There are no perspective transformations or mapping the text on some 3D shape (such as, say, a sphere). What you have is a bunch of strings where each string has an associated depth (or Z order). Strings "closer" to you are painted with a stronger shade of gray and larger font size.
The motion of each string as you move the mouse is indeed a 3D shape which looks like a slanted circle around a fixed center - with the slant depending on where the mouse cursor is. That's simple math - if you figure it for one string, you figure it out for all. And then the last piece would be to scatter the strings so that they don't overlap too much, and give each one the initial weight based on their frequency.
That's what most of the code is doing. So you need to either do the math, or translate the ActionScript to Java2D blindly. And no, there is no need for JOGL.
Why don't you just download the source code, and have a look? Even if you can't write PHP, it should still be possible to read it and figure out how the algorithm works.

