I am lookin for an algorithmn to get the fastest way to find all points 2D (x,y) that are in a box (a box is defined by 2 points: lowerLeft and upperRight).
Imagine we have 2 million points in a 2D space.
In that 2D space I create a box somewhere from 2 points, one is lower left and the other is upper right.
What is the fastest way to get all the points that are in the box?
Here is the java test with the worst scenario: loop each point (2 millions!) and determine if it's inside the box.
I am sure we can get really faster if the list of points is ordered first...
Do you have ideas?
public class FindPointsInBox {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// List of 2,000,000 points (x,y)
List<Point> allPoints = new ArrayList<Point>();
for(int i=0; i<2000000; i++) {
allPoints.add(new Point(46 - (Math.random()), -74 - (Math.random())));
// Box defined by 2 points: lowerLeft and upperRight
List<Point> pointsInBox = new ArrayList<Point>();
Point lowerLeft = new Point(44.91293325430085, -74.25107363281245);
Point upperRight = new Point(45.3289676752705, -72.93820742187495);
Date t1 = new Date();
// TODO: What is the fastest way to find all points contained in box
for(int i=0; i<allPoints.size(); i++) {
if(isPointInBox(allPoints.get(i), lowerLeft, upperRight))
Date t2 = new Date();
System.out.println(pointsInBox.size() + " points in box");
System.out.println(t2.getTime()-t1.getTime() + "ms");
private static boolean isPointInBox(Point p, Point lowerLeft, Point upperRight) {
return (
p.getX() >= lowerLeft.getX() &&
p.getX() <= upperRight.getX() &&
p.getY() >= lowerLeft.getY() &&
p.getY() <= upperRight.getY());
Improving on Mikhails answer (I can't comment yet) you could utilise quadtrees http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree. This is what Mikhail is talking about, I think, and works by partitioning space into a grid. If there are many points in a partition it is itself partitioned into a small grid.
When selecting points one can then compare the extents of the partitions to quickly exclude several points if their containing rectangle does not intersect with your selection rectangle.
The quadtree requires O(n log n) operations for creation on average while a selecting a bunch of points requires O(log n).
Split your space into square cells. For each cell store list of points that sit in the cell. For given rectangle first find all cells that intersect with it, then iterate through points in these cells and test which of them are in the rectangle. Here is code demonstrating this approach:
public class PointsIndex {
private final int width;
private final int height;
private final int rows;
private final int cols;
private final List<Point> [][] cells;
public PointsIndex (
int width, int height, int rows, int cols)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
cells = (List<Point> [][])new List<?> [rows][];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
cells [i] = (List<Point> [])new List<?> [cols];
public void addPoint (int x, int y)
int r = x * rows / width;
int c = y * cols / height;
List <Point> cell = cells [r][c];
if (cell == null)
cell = new ArrayList<Point>();
cells [r][c] = cell;
cell.add (new Point (x, y));
public Point [] getPoints (int x, int y, int w, int h)
int r1 = x * rows / width;
int r2 = (x + w - 1) * rows / width;
int c1 = y * cols / height;
int c2 = (y + h - 1) * cols / height;
ArrayList<Point> result = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int r = r1; r <= r2; r++)
for (int c = c1; c <= c2; c++)
List <Point> cell = cells [r][c];
if (cell != null)
if (r == r1 || r == r2 || c == c1 || c == c2)
for (Point p: cell)
if (p.x > x && p.x < x + w && p.y > y && p.y < y + h)
result.add (p);
else result.addAll (cell);
return result.toArray(new Point [result.size()]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random r = new Random ();
PointsIndex index = new PointsIndex(1000000, 1000000, 100, 100);
List <Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(1000000);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
int x = r.nextInt(1000000);
int y = r.nextInt(1000000);
index.addPoint(x, y);
points.add (new Point (x, y));
long t;
t = System.currentTimeMillis();
Point [] choosen1 = index.getPoints(456789, 345678, 12345, 23456);
System.out.println (
"Fast method found " + choosen1.length + " points in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " ms");
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (456789, 345678, 12345, 23456);
List <Point> choosen2 = new ArrayList<Point>();
t = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (Point p: points)
if (rect.contains(p))
choosen2.add (p);
"Slow method found " + choosen2.size () + " points in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " ms");
Your solution is linear, and you have no way to do better, because you have at least to read the input data.
I have this array
Ball[] balls = new Ball[7]; // 7 just being an example
In my Ball class, I have getters and setters for x and y values.
I'm trying to compare the x and y values to make sure that they don't intersect.
My first thought was to make a loop looking like
for(Ball b1 : balls) {
for(Ball b2 : balls) {
if(b1.intersects(b1, b2)) {. . .} // I made intersects, not my issue
But this is no good, as it compares:
balls 0 to balls 0
balls 1 to balls 1
for(int i = 0; i < balls.length; i++) {
System.out.println(f.getContentPane().getWidth() + "\n" + f.getContentPane().getHeight());
int radius = 10 + rand.nextInt(20);
balls[i] = new Ball(360, radius,
rand.nextInt(f.getContentPane().getWidth() - 4 * radius - 5) + radius + 5,
rand.nextInt(f.getContentPane().getHeight() - 4 * radius - 5) + radius + 5
for(Ball b1 : balls) {
for (Ball b2 : balls) {
while (b1.intersects(b1, b2)) {
System.out.println("Ball started out inside of another, replacing now.");
b1.setX(rand.nextInt(f.getContentPane().getWidth() - 2 * b1.getRadius() - 5) + b1.getRadius() + 5);
b1.setY(rand.nextInt(f.getContentPane().getHeight() - 2 * b1.getRadius() - 5) + b1.getRadius() + 5);
////////////// class change //////////////////
class Ball {
private int direction;
private int radius;
private int x,y;
Ball(int direction, int radius, int x, int y) {
this.direction = direction;
this.radius = radius;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Getters + Setters here
boolean intersects(Ball b1, Ball b2) {
double x = Math.pow((b2.getX() - b1.getX()), 2); // Distance formula
double y = Math.pow((b2.getY() - b1.getY()), 2); // Distance formula
double r = b1.getRadius() + b2.getRadius();
//System.out.println(x + " + " + y + " <= " + r );
return x + y <= r;
(Ignore that I didn't put my first hunk of code in a method and class, I've done that in my actual code.)
I, for whatever reason, can't think of a way to do this without a whole lot of if statements
(So I'm asking for the best way to do this)
One way to compare every distinct (i.e., no ball with itself) pair of Balls, without comparing any pair more than once would be:
for (int i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) {
Ball b1 = balls[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < balls.length; ++j) {
Ball b2 = balls[j];
if (b1.intersects(b1, b2)) {
// ...
Detecting new collisions introduced in the process of resolving previous ones just means making multiple passes over balls until you no longer have any collisions. A simple, perhaps naive, way of doing this would be something like this:
boolean foundCollision;
int numTries = 0;
int maxTries = 1000000;
do {
foundCollision = false;
for (int i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) {
Ball b1 = balls[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < balls.length; ++j) {
Ball b2 = balls[j];
if (b1.intersects(b1, b2)) {
foundCollision = true;
// resolve collision...
} while (foundCollision && numTries < maxTries);
if (numTries >= maxTries)
System.err.println("Couldn't sort out balls after " + maxTries + "tries: what now?");
I'm trying to generate a grid of points from its 4 corners. As this corners can be freely placed, it will look as the grid has a perspective.
I've written the following code in Processing, where corners are in clockwise order (starting at top-left)
PVector[][] setGrid(PVector[] corners, int cols, int rows) {
PVector[][] grid = new PVector[rows][cols];
for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
float fY = (float)y / (rows - 1);
PVector p1 = PVector.lerp(corners[0], corners[3], fY);
PVector p2 = PVector.lerp(corners[1], corners[2], fY);
for(int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
grid[y][x] = PVector.lerp(p1, p2, (float)x / (cols-1));
return grid;
This generates a grid with interpolated points, but it doesn't correspond to a perspective grid. All in-line points are equidistant, while in perspective closest points should be more separated than farthest.
I would appreciate some orientation, if possible, in Java/Processing
To clarify my answer. I define 4 random corner points, I want to get all the points that create a perspective deformed grid. Note that because of perspective dX1 != dX2 as well as dY1 != dY2 . The code I wrote does not this effect (I know this, but I don't know how to do what I require) as points are interpolated resulting dX1 = dX2 = ... = dXi and dY1 = dY2 = ... = dYi
I've read about perspective transform, but I don't need to transform an image, I just need to get the grid points coordinates.
In your example image the perspective effect is achieved by holding the number of lines invariant along edges of different length. That's what your implementation does, so I'm honestly not seeing the problem.
Here is a sketch calling your setGrid():
PVector[] corners;
void setup(){
corners = new PVector[4];
corners[0] = new PVector(35,20);
corners[1] = new PVector(15,height-30);
corners[2] = new PVector(width-10,height-10);
corners[3] = new PVector(width-30,10);
void draw(){
PVector[][] results = setGrid(corners, 9, 9);
for(PVector[] pvs : results){
for(PVector pv : pvs){
PVector[][] setGrid(PVector[] corners, int cols, int rows) {
PVector[][] grid = new PVector[rows][cols];
for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
float fY = (float)y / (rows - 1);
PVector p1 = PVector.lerp(corners[0], corners[3], fY);
PVector p2 = PVector.lerp(corners[1], corners[2], fY);
for(int x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
grid[y][x] = PVector.lerp(p1, p2, (float)x / (cols-1));
return grid;
...and the result looks almost exactly like your target image. If you are seeing something different, perhaps you are creating grids with very similar edge lengths?
If you want to project perspective on a regular trapezoid -- like a sidewalk receding into the distance -- then consider this approach instead:
I've solved it taking a geometric approach: identifying grid vanishing points from corners, and interpolating from the translated horizon line. I've created a class for this GridPerspective.
There are just 2 requirements:
Corners must be in clockwise order.
Grid sides cannot be parallel (vanishing point to infinite).
Processing code:
GridPerspective grid;
void setup() {
size(600, 600, P2D);
grid = new GridPerspective(10, 10);
void draw() {
void mouseClicked() {
grid.addCorner(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY));
public class GridPerspective {
int cols, rows;
PVector[] corners = new PVector[4];
int selC;
PVector[][] points;
public GridPerspective(int cols, int rows) {
this.cols = cols;
this.rows = rows;
public void addCorner(PVector corner) {
if(selC < 4) {
corners[selC++] = corner;
if(selC == 4) update();
public void update() {
if(corners[0] == null || corners[1] == null || corners[2] == null || corners[3] == null) return;
PVector[] vanishing = new PVector[] {
linesIntersection(corners[0], corners[3], corners[1], corners[2]),
linesIntersection(corners[0], corners[1], corners[3], corners[2])
PVector topHorizon = PVector.sub(vanishing[1], vanishing[0]);
PVector bottomHorizon = PVector.add(corners[3], topHorizon);
PVector[] bottomLimits = new PVector[] {
linesIntersection(corners[3], bottomHorizon, vanishing[0], corners[1]),
linesIntersection(corners[3], bottomHorizon, vanishing[1], corners[1])
points = new PVector[rows][cols];
for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
PVector bpr = PVector.lerp(corners[3], bottomLimits[0], (float)r / (rows-1));
for(int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
PVector bpc = PVector.lerp(corners[3], bottomLimits[1], (float)c / (cols-1));
points[r][c] = linesIntersection(bpr, vanishing[0], bpc, vanishing[1]);
public void draw() {
if(points != null) {
for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for(int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
ellipse(points[r][c].x, points[r][c].y, 4, 4);
private PVector linesIntersection(PVector p1, PVector p2, PVector p3, PVector p4) {
float d = (p2.x-p1.x) * (p4.y - p3.y) - (p2.y-p1.y) * (p4.x - p3.x);
if(d == 0) return null;
return new PVector(p1.x+(((p3.x - p1.x) * (p4.y - p3.y) - (p3.y - p1.y) * (p4.x - p3.x)) / d)*(p2.x-p1.x), p1.y+(((p3.x - p1.x) * (p4.y - p3.y) - (p3.y - p1.y) * (p4.x - p3.x)) / d)*(p2.y-p1.y));
Basically, what I need to do is take a 2d array of bitflags and produce a list of 2d rectangles to fill the entire area with the minimum number of total shapes required to perfectly fill the space. I am doing this to convert a 2d top-down monochrome of a map into 2d rectangle shapes which perfectly represent the passed in image which will be used to generate a platform in a 3d world. I need to minimize the total number of shapes used, because each shape will represent a separate object, and flooding it with 1 unit sized squares for each pixel would be highly inefficient for that engine.
So far I have read in the image, processed it, and filled a two dimensional array of booleans which tells me if the pixel should be filled or unfilled, but I am unsure of the most efficient approach of continuing.
Here is what I have so far, as reference, if you aren't following:
public static void main(String[] args) {
File file = new File(args[0]);
BufferedImage bi = null;
try {
bi = ImageIO.read(file);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.global.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (bi != null) {
int[] rgb = bi.getRGB(0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), new int[bi.getWidth() * bi.getHeight()], 0, bi.getWidth());
Origin origin = new Origin(bi.getWidth() / 2, bi.getHeight() / 2);
boolean[][] flags = new boolean[bi.getWidth()][bi.getHeight()];
for (int y = 0; y < bi.getHeight(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < bi.getWidth(); x++) {
int index = y * bi.getWidth() + x;
int color = rgb[index];
int type = color == Color.WHITE.getRGB() ? 1 : (color == Color.RED.getRGB() ? 2 : 0);
if (type == 2) {
origin = new Origin(x, y);
flags[x][y] = type != 1;
List<Rectangle> list = new ArrayList();
//Fill list with rectangles
White represents no land. Black or Red represents land. The check for the red pixel marks the origin position of map, which was just for convenience and the rectangles will be offset by the origin position if it is found.
Edit: The processing script does not need to be fast, the produced list of rectangles will be dumped and that will be what will be imported and used later, so the processing of the image does not need to be particularly optimized, it doesn't make a difference.
I also just realized that expecting a 'perfect' solution is expecting too much, since this would qualify as a 'knapsack problem' of the multidimensionally constrained variety, if I am expecting exactly the fewest number of rectangles, so simply an algorithm that produces a minimal number of rectangles will suffice.
Here is a reference image for completion:
Edit 2: It doesn't look like this is such an easy thing to answer given no feedback yet, but I have started making progress, but I am sure I am missing something that would vastly reduce the number of rectangles. Here is the updated progress:
static int mapWidth;
static int mapHeight;
public static void main(String[] args) {
File file = new File(args[0]);
BufferedImage bi = null;
System.out.println("Reading image...");
try {
bi = ImageIO.read(file);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.global.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
if (bi != null) {
System.out.println("Interpreting image...");
mapWidth = bi.getWidth();
mapHeight = bi.getHeight();;
int[] rgb = bi.getRGB(0, 0, mapWidth, mapHeight, new int[mapWidth * mapHeight], 0, mapWidth);
Origin origin = new Origin(mapWidth / 2, mapHeight / 2);
boolean[][] flags = new boolean[mapWidth][mapHeight];
for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) {
int index = y * mapWidth + x;
int color = rgb[index];
int type = color == Color.WHITE.getRGB() ? 1 : (color == Color.RED.getRGB() ? 2 : 0);
if (type == 2) {
origin = new Origin(x, y);
flags[x][y] = type != 1;
//Get Rectangles to fill space...
List<Rectangle> rectangles = getRectangles(flags, origin);
float rectangleCount = rectangles.size();
float totalCount = mapHeight * mapWidth;
System.out.println("Total units: " + (int)totalCount);
System.out.println("Total rectangles: " + (int)rectangleCount);
System.out.println("Rectangle reduction factor: " + ((1 - rectangleCount / totalCount) * 100.0) + "%");
System.out.println("Dumping data...");
try {
file = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + "_Rectangle_Data.txt");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)));
for(Rectangle rect: rectangles){
bw.write(rect.x + "," + rect.y + "," + rect.width + ","+ rect.height + "\n");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.global.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public static void clearRange(boolean[][] flags, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height) {
for (int y = yOff; y < yOff + height; y++) {
for (int x = xOff; x < xOff + width; x++) {
flags[x][y] = false;
public static boolean checkIfFilled(boolean[][] flags, int xOff, int yOff, int width, int height) {
for (int y = yOff; y < yOff + height; y++) {
for (int x = xOff; x < xOff + width; x++) {
if (!flags[x][y]) {
return false;
return true;
public static List<Rectangle> getRectangles(boolean[][] flags, Origin origin) {
List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList();
for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; x++) {
if (flags[x][y]) {
int maxWidth = 1;
int maxHeight = 1;
//The search size limited to 400x400 so it will complete some time this century.
for (int w = Math.min(400, mapWidth - x); w > 1; w--) {
for (int h = Math.min(400, mapHeight - y); h > 1; h--) {
if (w * h > maxWidth * maxHeight) {
if (checkIfFilled(flags, x, y, w, h)) {
maxWidth = w;
maxHeight = h;
break Loop;
//Search also in the opposite direction
for (int h = Math.min(400, mapHeight - y); h > 1; h--) {
for (int w = Math.min(400, mapWidth - x); w > 1; w--) {
if (w * h > maxWidth * maxHeight) {
if (checkIfFilled(flags, x, y, w, h)) {
maxWidth = w;
maxHeight = h;
break Loop;
rectangles.add(new Rectangle(x - origin.x, y - origin.y, maxWidth, maxHeight));
clearRange(flags, x, y, maxWidth, maxHeight);
return rectangles;
My current code's search for larger rectangles is limited to 400x400 to speed up testing, and outputs 17,979 rectangles, which is a 99.9058% total reduction of rectangles if I treated each pixel as a 1x1 square(19,095,720 pixels). So far so good.
(Sorry for the long post... at least it has pictures?)
I have written an algorithm that creates a mosaic from an image by statistically generating N convex polygons that cover the image with no overlap. These polygons have anywhere between 3-8 sides, and each side has an angle that is a multiple of 45 degrees. These polygons are stored internally as a rectangle with displacements for each corner. Below is an image that explains how this works:
getRight() returns x + width - 1, and getBottom() returns y + height - 1. The class is designed to maintain a tight bounding box around filled pixels so the coordinates shown in this image are correct. Note that width >= ul + ur + 1, width >= ll + lr + 1, height >= ul + ll + 1, and height >= ur + ul + 1, or there would be empty pixels on a side. Note also that it is possible for a corner's displacement to be 0, thus indicating all pixels are filled in that corner. This enables this representation to store 3-8 sided convex polygons, each of whose sides are at least one pixel in length.
While it's nice to mathematically represent these regions, I want to draw them so I can see them. Using a simple lambda and a method that iterates over each pixel in the polygon, I can render the image perfectly. As an example, below is Claude Monet's Woman with a Parasol using 99 polygons allowing all split directions.
The code that renders this image looks like this:
public void drawOnto(Graphics graphics) {
(i, j) -> {
graphics.fillRect(x + i, y + j, 1, 1);
private void forEach(PerPixel algorithm) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
int nj = height - 1 - j;
int minX;
if (j < ul) {
minX = ul - j;
} else if (nj < ll) {
minX = ll - nj;
} else {
minX = 0;
int maxX = width;
if (j < ur) {
maxX -= ur - j;
} else if (nj < lr) {
maxX -= lr - nj;
for (int i = minX; i < maxX; ++i) {
algorithm.perform(i, j);
However, this is not ideal for many reasons. First, the concept of graphically representing a polygon is now part of the class itself; it is better to allow other classes whose focus is to represent these polygons. Second, this entails many, many calls to fillRect() to draw a single pixel. Finally, I want to be able to develop other methods of rendering these polygons than drawing them as-is (for example, performing weighted interpolation over the Voronoi tessellation represented by the polygons' centers).
All of these point to generating a java.awt.Polygon that represents the vertices of the polygon (which I named Region to differentiate from the Polygon class). No problem; I wrote a method to generate a Polygon that has the corners above with no duplicates to handle the cases that a displacement is 0 or that a side has only one pixel on it:
public Polygon getPolygon() {
int[] xes = {
x + ul,
getRight() - ur,
getRight() - lr,
x + ll,
int[] yes = {
y + ur,
getBottom() - lr,
getBottom() - ll,
y + ul
int[] keptXes = new int[8];
int[] keptYes = new int[8];
int length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (
length == 0 ||
keptXes[length - 1] != xes[i] ||
keptYes[length - 1] != yes[i]
) {
keptXes[length] = xes[i];
keptYes[length] = yes[i];
return new Polygon(keptXes, keptYes, length);
The problem is that, when I try to use such a Polygon with the Graphics.fillPolygon() method, it does not fill all of the pixels! Below is the same mosaic rendered with this different method:
So I have a few related questions about this behavior:
Why does the Polygon class not fill in all these pixels, even though the angles are simple multiples of 45 degrees?
How can I consistently code around this defect (as far as my application is concerned) in my renderers so that I can use my getPolygon() method as-is? I do not want to change the vertices it outputs because I need them to be precise for center-of-mass calculations.
If the above code snippets and pictures are not enough to help explain the problem, I have added a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example that demonstrates the behavior I described above.
package com.sadakatsu.mce;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
public class Main {
private static interface PerPixel {
void perform(int x, int y);
private static class Region {
private int height;
private int ll;
private int lr;
private int width;
private int ul;
private int ur;
private int x;
private int y;
public Region(
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
int ul,
int ur,
int ll,
int lr
) {
if (
width < 0 || width <= ll + lr || width <= ul + ur ||
height < 0 || height <= ul + ll || height <= ur + lr ||
ul < 0 ||
ur < 0 ||
ll < 0 ||
lr < 0
) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
this.height = height;
this.ll = ll;
this.lr = lr;
this.width = width;
this.ul = ul;
this.ur = ur;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Color getColor() {
return Color.BLACK;
public int getBottom() {
return y + height - 1;
public int getRight() {
return x + width - 1;
public Polygon getPolygon() {
int[] xes = {
x + ul,
getRight() - ur,
getRight() - lr,
x + ll,
int[] yes = {
y + ur,
getBottom() - lr,
getBottom() - ll,
y + ul
int[] keptXes = new int[8];
int[] keptYes = new int[8];
int length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (
length == 0 ||
keptXes[length - 1] != xes[i] ||
keptYes[length - 1] != yes[i]
) {
keptXes[length] = xes[i];
keptYes[length] = yes[i];
return new Polygon(keptXes, keptYes, length);
public void drawOnto(Graphics graphics) {
(i, j) -> {
graphics.fillRect(x + i, y + j, 1, 1);
private void forEach(PerPixel algorithm) {
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
int nj = height - 1 - j;
int minX;
if (j < ul) {
minX = ul - j;
} else if (nj < ll) {
minX = ll - nj;
} else {
minX = 0;
int maxX = width;
if (j < ur) {
maxX -= ur - j;
} else if (nj < lr) {
maxX -= lr - nj;
for (int i = minX; i < maxX; ++i) {
algorithm.perform(i, j);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
int width = 10;
int height = 8;
Region region = new Region(0, 0, 10, 8, 2, 3, 4, 1);
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(
Graphics graphics = image.getGraphics();
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", new File("expected.png"));
image = new BufferedImage(
graphics = image.getGraphics();
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", new File("got.png"));
I spent all day working on it, and I seem to have a fix for this. The clue was found in the documentation for the Shape class, which reads:
Definition of insideness: A point is considered to lie inside a Shape if and only if:
it lies completely inside theShape boundary or
it lies exactly on the Shape boundary and the space immediately adjacent to the point in the increasing X direction is entirely inside the boundary or
it lies exactly on a horizontal boundary segment and the space immediately adjacent to the point in the increasing Y direction is inside the boundary.
Actually, this text is a bit misleading; the third case overrides second (i.e., even if a pixel in a horizontal boundary segment on the bottom of a Shape has a filled point to its right, it still will not be filled). Represented pictorially, the Polygon below will not draw the x'ed out pixels:
The red, green, and blue pixels are part of the Polygon; the rest are not. The blue pixels fall under the first case, the green pixels fall under the second case, and the red pixels fall under the third case. Note that all of the rightmost and lowest pixels along the convex hull are NOT drawn. To get them to be drawn, you have to move the vertices to the orange pixels as shown to make a new rightmost/bottom-most portion of the convex hull.
The easiest way to do this is to use camickr's method: use both fillPolygon() and drawPolygon(). At least in the case of my 45-degree-multiple-edged convex hulls, drawPolygon() draws the lines to the vertices exactly (and probably for other cases as well), and thus will fill the pixels that fillPolygon() misses. However, neither fillPolygon() nor drawPolygon() will draw a single-pixel Polygon, so one has to code a special case to handle that.
The actual solution I developed in trying to understand the insideness definition above was to create a different Polygon with the modified corners as shown in the picture. It has the benefit (?) of calling the drawing library only once and automatically handles the special case. It probably is not actually optimal, but here is the code I used for anyone's consideration:
package com.sadakatsu.mosaic.renderer;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.sadakatsu.mosaic.Region;
public class RegionPolygon extends Polygon {
public RegionPolygon(Region region) {
int bottom = region.getBottom();
int ll = region.getLL();
int lr = region.getLR();
int right = region.getRight();
int ul = region.getUL();
int ur = region.getUR();
int x = region.getX();
int y = region.getY();
int[] xes = {
x + ul,
right - ur + 1,
right + 1,
right + 1,
right - lr,
x + ll + 1,
int[] yes = {
y + ur,
bottom - lr,
bottom + 1,
bottom + 1,
bottom - ll,
y + ul
npoints = 0;
xpoints = new int[xes.length];
ypoints = new int[xes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < xes.length; ++i) {
if (
i == 0 ||
xpoints[npoints - 1] != xes[i] ||
ypoints[npoints - 1] != yes[i]
) {
addPoint(xes[i], yes[i]);
I am currently developing a 2D Mario-Like Platformer Game. I ran into a collision problem i've been trying to solve for a while now, but nothing seems to work :/
Basicly, i have a CenterLayer, which stores at which Position what kind of Tile is.
Then i have some Sprites and a Player, which should collide with these Tiles.
Because these Tiles can be triangular shaped (or any other kind of convex polygon), i decided to handle collision via SAT (Seperating Axis Theorem). This works great, but when it comes to collision with the floor where many tiles are adjacent to eachother and the sprite is moving left, it pickes the wrong edge and moves the Sprite to the right, but expected result would be moving it up. This causes the sprite to get stuck.
This is the code im currently using:
package level;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import tiles.Tile;
import sprites.*;
public class Collider {
/** Collide Sprite (or Player) with CenterLayer **/
public static void collide(Sprite s, CenterLayer c){
CollisionPolygon ps = s.getPolygon();
//Get blocks to collide with
int startXTile = (int) (s.getX() / CenterLayer.TILE_WIDTH) - 1;
int endXTile = (int) Math.ceil((s.getX() + s.getWidth()) / CenterLayer.TILE_WIDTH) + 1;
int startYTile = (int) (s.getY() / CenterLayer.TILE_HEIGHT) - 1;
int endYTile = (int) Math.ceil((s.getY() + s.getHeight()) / CenterLayer.TILE_HEIGHT) +1;
//limit to level boundaries
if(startXTile < 0) startXTile = 0;
if(endXTile > c.LEVEL_WIDTH) endXTile = c.LEVEL_WIDTH;
if(startYTile < 0) startYTile = 0;
if(endYTile > c.LEVEL_HEIGHT) endYTile = c.LEVEL_HEIGHT;
int sizeX = endXTile - startXTile;
int sizeY = endYTile - startYTile;
//loop through tiles and collide
for(int xc = 0; xc < sizeX; xc++)
for(int yc = 0; yc < sizeY; yc++){
int xblock = xc + startXTile;
int yblock = yc + startYTile;
Tile t = c.getTile(xblock, yblock);
if(t!=null){ //if tile == null --> tile is air
CollisionPolygon pt = t.getPolygon(xblock, yblock);
double[] projection = PolygonCollision(ps, pt);
//if collision has happened
if(projection[0] != 0 || projection[1] != 0){
s.moveBy(projection[0], projection[1]);
//update sprites polygon to new position
ps = s.getPolygon();
public static double dotProduct(double x, double y, double dx, double dy) {
return x * dx + y * dy;
// Calculate the projection of a polygon on an axis (ax, ay)
// and returns it as a [min, max] interval
public static double[] ProjectPolygon(double ax, double ay, Polygon p) {
double dotProduct = dotProduct(ax, ay, p.xpoints[0], p.ypoints[0]);
double min = dotProduct;
double max = dotProduct;
for (int i = 0; i < p.npoints; i++) {
dotProduct = dotProduct(p.xpoints[i], p.ypoints[i], ax, ay);
if (dotProduct < min) {
min = dotProduct;
} else if (dotProduct > max) {
max = dotProduct;
return new double[] { min, max };
// Calculate the distance between [minA, maxA](p1[0], p1[1]) and [minB, maxB](p2[0], p2[1])
// The distance will be negative if the intervals overlap
public static double IntervalDistance(double[] p1, double[] p2) {
if (p1[0] < p2[0]) {
return p2[0] - p1[1];
} else {
return p1[0] - p2[1];
public static double[] PolygonCollision(CollisionPolygon p1, CollisionPolygon p2){
boolean intersection = true;
int edgeCount1 = p1.npoints;
int edgeCount2 = p2.npoints;
double projectionX = 0;
double projectionY = 0;
double projectionDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
//loop through all the edges
for(int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edgeCount1 + edgeCount2; edgeIndex++){
//find edges
double[] axis;
if(edgeIndex < edgeCount1){
axis = p1.getAxis(edgeIndex);
} else {
axis = p2.getAxis(edgeIndex - edgeCount1);
double axisX = axis[0];
double axisY = axis[1];
//System.out.println("edge: " +axisX + ", "+ axisY);
//find the projection of both polygons on current axis
final double[] proj1 = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, p1);
final double[] proj2 = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, p2);
//Check if polygons are intersecting, if not end loop
double id = IntervalDistance(proj1, proj2);
if(id > 0){
intersection = false;
//Check if projection would be shorter than previous one
id = Math.abs(id);
if(id < projectionDist){
projectionDist = id;
projectionX = axisX;
projectionY = axisY;
//check if hit from "false" side
double d1x = p1.getCenterX();
double d1y = p1.getCenterY();
double d2x = p2.getCenterX();
double d2y = p2.getCenterY();
double midx = d1x - d2x;
double midy = d1y - d2y;
double dot = dotProduct(midx, midy, projectionX, projectionY);
if(dot < 0){
projectionX = -projectionX;
projectionY = -projectionY;
double[] result = new double[]{0, 0};
//System.out.println("colliison: " + projectionX +"; "+ projectionY + ", " + projectionDist);
result[0] = projectionX * projectionDist;
result[1] = projectionY * projectionDist;
return result;
Any Ideas?
I had this bug too , it happens when there are parallel edges on a poly.The easy way to fix this is to project the difference between the polygon centers on the found axis.If the result is negative you would just multiply the axis by -1.
Vector aMidPoint = new Vector();
Vector bMidPoint = new Vector();
for ( Vector v : aVerts) {
aMidPoint = aMidPoint.add(v);
for ( Vector v : bVerts) {
bMidPoint = bMidPoint.add(v);
aMidPoint = aMidPoint.scalarDivision(aVerts.size());
bMidPoint = bMidPoint.scalarDivision(bVerts.size());
Vector ba = aMidPoint.subtract(bMidPoint);
if (ba.dotProduct(minOverlapVector) < 0) {
minOverlapVector = minOverlapVector.scalarMultiplication(-1);