Client Server Assignment modeled using Java Threads (Producer/Consumer queues) - java

I have modeled a Client Server application using Java Threads and BlockingQueues (producer and consumer queues) as recommended in a previous question.
What I have is server has a BlockingQueue<Request> and it will push responses to clients' BlockingQueue<Response>. Problem now is how do I setup the client to call server functions at all. I have client's run()
while (true) {
Response res = responses.take();
switch (res.function) {
case "getReservationStatus":
TreeMap<Integer, Boolean> reservations = (TreeMap<Integer, Boolean>);
for (Entry<Integer, Boolean> reservation : reservations.entrySet()) {
//System.out.println(" - " + reservation.getKey() + " \t " + (reservation.getValue() ? "Booked" : "Available"));
case "book":
SimpleEntry<Integer, Boolean> data = (SimpleEntry<Integer, Boolean>);
System.out.println(terminalId + ": Booking seat " + data.getKey() + " " + (data.getValue() ? "Successful" : "Unsucessful"));
How do I somehow from my main() allow user to control what commands to send to the client? For now I hardcoded my "simulation" before the while

I am not sure if I understand your question, but I'll try to give an answer and a few ideas:
If you wish to implement a user interface for your programme, you must first define what your user can do with your programme. One popular way is to define use cases, and infer the interface from it. Let's say rather that we define functionalities from these use cases. So clearly you don't need that step anymore, since you have the kernel of your app done.
Your app is about pushing requests to a server to have them processed, and get responses. These requests, and their parameters, constitute a language understood by the server. In the same manner, the responses are a language the clients can understand, so you can model your UI around the requests language. If that language is simple enough, you can represent it as a tree, which is easy to implement in a UI.
You have basically three options:
text input UII: it's supposedly the simplest of all,
graphical UII (swing for instance),
web UI
In all three cases, the interface can be modeled as a list of menus and submenus to cover all the possibilities of requests: each request is an entry of your first menu, then each submenu level represent a refinement of the selected request. You can see here the resemblance with a tree I hinted at earlier. for a graphical UI, or a web one (after all it's a graphical UI too), this is trivial almost to achieve: you will find plenty of tutorials on the web for that. For text input, you can just display a numbered list of items (the menu), and ask the user to pick a choice.
Some notes:
Your app as it stands, models the interaction of several clients with one server. I am not sure how you can have that in your UI: perhaps you can enhance the language with a set of commands to spawn and manage clients, as well as indicate which client should send which requests.
If you feel adventurous and chose the text input, you could try modeling a real language to represent your queries, and implement a parser for that, this is a very broad topic too, but quite interesting. You might get into that later on in your studies anyway.
If the requests are complex or tedious to input, you could devise a template system, where the user could create a request template, name it, and then refer to it later on instead of inputing the same request again. See how we're getting closer to a small programming language here.
Web apps in the java world are usually based on fairly complex frameworks and toolings, you'll probably want to start with the other options first to get a good idea of UI.
As mentioned in my comments, for a graphical UI, try an IDE like eclipse or netbeans which let you easily define everything graphically and hook code to specific events (like pushing a button).


POS Customer Display (Web Based Application) [duplicate]

I was searching for a way how to communicate between multiple tabs or windows in a browser (on the same domain, not CORS) without leaving traces. There were several solutions:
using the window object
The first is probably the worst solution - you need to open a window from your current window and then you can communicate only as long as you keep the windows open. If you reload the page in any of the windows, you most likely lost the communication.
The second approach, using postMessage, probably enables cross-origin communication, but it suffers the same problem as the first approach. You need to maintain a window object.
The third way, using cookies, store some data in the browser, which can effectively look like sending a message to all windows on the same domain, but the problem is that you can never know if all tabs read the "message" already or not before cleaning up. You have to implement some sort of timeout to read the cookie periodically. Furthermore you are limited by maximum cookie length, which is 4 KB.
The fourth solution, using localStorage, seemed to overcome the limitations of cookies, and it can be even listen-to using events. How to use it is described in the accepted answer.
You may better use BroadcastChannel for this purpose. See other answers below. Yet if you still prefer to use localstorage for communication between tabs, do it this way:
In order to get notified when a tab sends a message to other tabs, you simply need to bind on 'storage' event. In all tabs, do this:
$(window).on('storage', message_receive);
The function message_receive will be called every time you set any value of localStorage in any other tab. The event listener contains also the data newly set to localStorage, so you don't even need to parse localStorage object itself. This is very handy because you can reset the value just right after it was set, to effectively clean up any traces. Here are functions for messaging:
// use local storage for messaging. Set message in local storage and clear it right away
// This is a safe way how to communicate with other tabs while not leaving any traces
function message_broadcast(message)
// receive message
function message_receive(ev)
if (ev.originalEvent.key!='message') return; // ignore other keys
var message=JSON.parse(ev.originalEvent.newValue);
if (!message) return; // ignore empty msg or msg reset
// here you act on messages.
// you can send objects like { 'command': 'doit', 'data': 'abcd' }
if (message.command == 'doit') alert(;
// etc.
So now once your tabs bind on the onstorage event, and you have these two functions implemented, you can simply broadcast a message to other tabs calling, for example:
Remember that sending the exact same message twice will be propagated only once, so if you need to repeat messages, add some unique identifier to them, like
message_broadcast({'command':'reset', 'uid': (new Date).getTime()+Math.random()})
Also remember that the current tab which broadcasts the message doesn't actually receive it, only other tabs or windows on the same domain.
You may ask what happens if the user loads a different webpage or closes his tab just after the setItem() call before the removeItem(). Well, from my own testing the browser puts unloading on hold until the entire function message_broadcast() is finished. I tested to put some very long for() cycle in there and it still waited for the cycle to finish before closing. If the user kills the tab just in-between, then the browser won't have enough time to save the message to disk, thus this approach seems to me like safe way how to send messages without any traces.
There is a modern API dedicated for this purpose - Broadcast Channel
It is as easy as:
var bc = new BroadcastChannel('test_channel');
bc.postMessage('This is a test message.'); /* send */
bc.onmessage = function (ev) { console.log(ev); } /* receive */
There is no need for the message to be just a DOMString. Any kind of object can be sent.
Probably, apart from API cleanness, it is the main benefit of this API - no object stringification.
It is currently supported only in Chrome and Firefox, but you can find a polyfill that uses localStorage.
For those searching for a solution not based on jQuery, this is a plain JavaScript version of the solution provided by Thomas M:
window.addEventListener("storage", message_receive);
function message_broadcast(message) {
function message_receive(ev) {
if (ev.key == 'message') {
var message=JSON.parse(ev.newValue);
Checkout AcrossTabs - Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs. It uses a combination of the postMessage and sessionStorage APIs to make communication much easier and reliable.
There are different approaches and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s discuss each:
Web storage can be viewed simplistically as an improvement on cookies, providing much greater storage capacity. If you look at the Mozilla source code we can see that 5120 KB (5 MB which equals 2.5 million characters on Chrome) is the default storage size for an entire domain. This gives you considerably more space to work with than a typical 4 KB cookie.
The data is not sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) - reducing the amount of traffic between client and server.
The data stored in localStorage persists until explicitly deleted. Changes made are saved and available for all current and future visits to the site.
It works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be able available on the same origin.
Compared to others, there's nothing AFAIK.
The 4 KB limit is for the entire cookie, including name, value, expiry date, etc. To support most browsers, keep the name under 4000 bytes, and the overall cookie size under 4093 bytes.
The data is sent back to the server for every HTTP request (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) - increasing the amount of traffic between client and server.
Typically, the following are allowed:
300 cookies in total
4096 bytes per cookie
20 cookies per domain
81920 bytes per domain (given 20 cookies of the maximum size 4096 = 81920 bytes.)
It is similar to localStorage.
Changes are only available per window (or tab in browsers like Chrome and Firefox). Changes made are saved and available for the current page, as well as future visits to the site on the same window. Once the window is closed, the storage is deleted
The data is available only inside the window/tab in which it was set.
The data is not persistent, i.e., it will be lost once the window/tab is closed.
Like localStorage, tt works on same-origin policy. So, data stored will only be able available on the same origin.
Safely enables cross-origin communication.
As a data point, the WebKit implementation (used by Safari and Chrome) doesn't currently enforce any limits (other than those imposed by running out of memory).
Need to open a window from the current window and then can communicate only as long as you keep the windows open.
Security concerns - Sending strings via postMessage is that you will pick up other postMessage events published by other JavaScript plugins, so be sure to implement a targetOrigin and a sanity check for the data being passed on to the messages listener.
A combination of PostMessage + SessionStorage
Using postMessage to communicate between multiple tabs and at the same time using sessionStorage in all the newly opened tabs/windows to persist data being passed. Data will be persisted as long as the tabs/windows remain opened. So, even if the opener tab/window gets closed, the opened tabs/windows will have the entire data even after getting refreshed.
I have written a JavaScript library for this, named AcrossTabs which uses postMessage API to communicate between cross-origin tabs/windows and sessionStorage to persist the opened tabs/windows identity as long as they live.
I've created a library sysend.js for sending messages between browser tabs and windows. The library doesn't have any external dependencies.
You can use it for communication between tabs/windows in the same browser and domain. The library uses BroadcastChannel, if supported, or storage event from localStorage.
The API is very simple:
sysend.on('foo', function(data) {
sysend.broadcast('foo', {message: 'Hello'});
sysend.broadcast('foo', "hello");
sysend.broadcast('foo', ["hello", "world"]);
sysend.broadcast('foo'); // empty notification
When your browser supports BroadcastChannel it sends a literal object (but it's in fact auto-serialized by the browser) and if not, it's serialized to JSON first and deserialized on another end.
The recent version also has a helper API to create a proxy for cross-domain communication (it requires a single HTML file on the target domain).
Here is a demo.
The new version also supports cross-domain communication, if you include a special proxy.html file on the target domain and call proxy function from the source domain:
(proxy.html is a very simple HTML file, that only have one script tag with the library).
If you want two-way communication you need to do the same on other domains.
NOTE: If you will implement the same functionality using localStorage, there is an issue in Internet Explorer. The storage event is sent to the same window, which triggers the event and for other browsers, it's only invoked for other tabs/windows.
Another method that people should consider using is shared workers. I know it's a cutting-edge concept, but you can create a relay on a shared worker that is much faster than localstorage, and doesn't require a relationship between the parent/child window, as long as you're on the same origin.
See my answer here for some discussion I made about this.
There's a tiny open-source component to synchronise and communicate between tabs/windows of the same origin (disclaimer - I'm one of the contributors!) based around localStorage.
TabUtils.BroadcastMessageToAllTabs("eventName", eventDataString);
TabUtils.OnBroadcastMessage("eventName", function (eventDataString) {
TabUtils.CallOnce("lockname", function () {
alert("I run only once across multiple tabs");
P.S.: I took the liberty to recommend it here since most of the "lock/mutex/sync" components fail on websocket connections when events happen almost simultaneously.
I wrote an article on this on my blog: Sharing sessionStorage data across browser tabs.
Using a library, I created storageManager. You can achieve this as follows:
storageManager.savePermanentData('data', 'key'): //saves permanent data
storageManager.saveSyncedSessionData('data', 'key'); //saves session data to all opened tabs
storageManager.saveSessionData('data', 'key'); //saves session data to current tab only
storageManager.getData('key'); //retrieves data
There are other convenient methods as well to handle other scenarios as well.
This is a development storage part of Tomas M's answer for Chrome. We must add a listener:
window.addEventListener("storage", (e)=> { console.log(e) } );
Load/save the item in storage will not fire this event - we must trigger it manually by
window.dispatchEvent( new Event('storage') ); // THIS IS IMPORTANT ON CHROME
And now, all open tabs will receive the event.

Sequential execution of async operations in Android

Sequential execution of asynchronous operations in Android is at least complicated.
Sequential execution that used to be a semi-colon between two operators like in do_this(); do_that() now requires chaining listeners, which is ugly and barely readable.
Oddly enough, the examples that demonstrate the need for chaining sequential operations usually look contrived, but today I found a perfectly reasonable one.
In Android there is in-app billing, an application can support multiple so-called in-app products (also known as SKU = stock keeping unit), letting the user, for example, buy (pay for) only the functionality that he/she needs (and, alas, also letting bearded men sell bitmaps to teenagers).
The function that retrieves in-app product info is
public void queryInventoryAsync(final boolean querySkuDetails,
final List<String> moreSkus,
final QueryInventoryFinishedListener listener)
and it has a restriction that the list must contain at most 20 items. (Yes it does.)
Even if only a few of these 20 are registered as in-app products.
I want to retrieve, say, information about one hundred in-app products. The first thought would be to invoke this function in a loop, but only one asynchronous operation with the market is allowed at any moment.
One may of course say "do not reuse, change the source", and even provide very good arguments for that, and this is probably what I will finally do, but I write this because I want see an elegant reuse solution.
Is there an elegant (=not cumbersome) pattern or trick that allows to chain several asynchronous operations in the general case?
(I underline that the asynchronous operation that uses a listener is pre-existing code.)
UPD this is what is called "callback hell" ( ) in the JavaScript world.
You can sequence AsyncTasks one after the other by calling the execute() method of the next AsyncTask in the onPostExecute() method of the previous one.
Handlers are useful for sequential work on any thread, not only on the UI thread.
Check out HandlerThread, create a Handler based on its Looper, and post background work to the handler.
It looks like ReactiveX promises exactly this.
query("Hello, world!") // Returns a List of website URLs based on a text search
.flatMap(urls -> Observable.from(urls))
.flatMap(url -> getTitle(url)) // long operation
.filter(title -> title != null)
.subscribe(title -> System.out.println(title));
ReactiveX for Android:
Retrolambda: (Lambdas for Java 5,6,7)

Network Communication TCP [Code Design]

I've been messing a lot with TCP/IP Communication the last few days (Using Java and C#). I understand how it works and am able to use it. My Question is more a code design question, how its done the best and easy way to make a real communication.
For Example ive Built my own Multiuser Chat Server. I want my Communication to be able to decide wather its an Auth request, or a new chat message the ability to get the current user list etc etc.
Ive implemented a few ways on my own, but im not quite happy About that since i think theres a more standard and beauty way to do this.
My first thought was a String with Delimiters wich gets splitted, here is the Example of my Implementation of my Communication in Java:
//The Object-types im Using
clientSocket = new Socket(host, port_number);
_toServer = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
_fromServer = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
//Example Commands my Client sends to the server
_toServer.println("STATUS|"); //Gets the Status if server is online or closed (closed can occur when server runs but chat is disabled)
_toServer.println("AUTH|user|pw"); //Sends an auth Request to Server with username and Password
_toServer.println("MESSAGE|Hello World|ALL"); //Sends hello World in the Normal Chat to all Users
_toServer.println("MESSAGE|Hello World|PRIVATE|foo"); //Sends hello World only to the user "foo"
_toServer.println("USERS|GET"); //Request a list of all Connected Users
//Example In the Recieved Message Method where all The Server Messages Get Analyzed
serverMessage = _fromServer.readLine(); //Reads the Server Messages
String action = serverMessage.split("|")[0];
if (action.equals("USERS")) { //Example "USERS|2|foo;bar"
String users[] = serverMessage.split("|")[2].split(";");
if (action.equals("MESSAGE")) { //Example "MESSAGE|Hello World|PRIVATE|foo"
if(serverMessage.split("|")[2].equals("ALL") {
//Code and else for private....
if (serverMessage.equals("STATUS|ONLINE")) {
// Code
// I leave out //Code and } for the next If statements
if (serverMessage.equals("STATUS|OFFLINE")) {
if (serverMessage.equals("AUTH|ACCEPTED")) {
if (serverMessage.equals("AUTH|REJECT")) {
Is this the way its normally Done? Ad You See I need to send Statuscodes and Objects Corresponding to the Code. Ive Thought about Writing the Data in Bytes aswell and Implementing a "Decoder for Each Object", Example:
int action = _fromServer.readInt();
//opcodes is just an Enum Holding the corresponding int
switch(action) {
Note that this is more over a general design Question not just for this Chat Server Example, I think im Implementing a little Network Based Console Game just for Practise.
Is there a better way to do this or even an API/Framework?
Thanks in advance!
Essentially you're designing a protocol. There are a number of communication protocols that can handle this, the main one that comes to mind is IRC. I'm sure you can do a web search for tips on how to implement the protocol.
As for extending something like this for a console game, well I would start with implementing IRC, and using that to learn how real communication protocols are written. Once you've done that you can build on it to add your own commands to your framework.
If you are designing a protocol for inter-language communication, I would suggest not to use formated Strings as a means of communication but statusbytes. If you consider for example the design of TCP/IP itself you will find, messages consist of a fixed-format header and a variable payload. That way you always know, that (e.g.) the third byte of the message contains the messagetype, the fifth denotes an errorstate and so on. This makes handling easier.
If you have designed your protocol, you could consider working with explicit MessageObjects on the java-side, in which case you would implement a factory with marshalling and unmarshalling methods for these objects, converting objects from and to messages in your protocol.
If you are all-java you can even spare that effort and use ObjectInputStreams and ObjectOutputStreams on client and Server. If you are not, you might want to take a look at the Google Protocol Buffers:, which do essentially the same for inter-language communication.
If your project grows, you may want to have a look at Netty - it's a framework for dealing with communication code. If your code is simple, you will be better off doing things manually.
As for protocol design, it depends on what is most important for you: performance, extensibility, human-readability, ease of debugging etc. These criteria may oppose each other to some degree, for example high performance may mean preference for binary protocols, but these negatively impact ease of debugging and sometimes extensibility. It's usually a good idea to not reinvent the wheel. Get inspired by existing protocols. If you choose to go binary, don't start from scratch unless you really have to, start with Protocol Buffers. If your app is simple and not aimed at very high performance, use a human-readable protocol which will make your life easier (debugging and testing are possible with standard shell tools such as strace and nc).
I think Apache MINA will help you.
Building a Java C/S application is really complex, you need to deal TCP, UDP and multi threads programming; MINA can help you for these things.
I think the other part you need is your private chatting protocol, but how about the open sourced IM service like Jabber? :)

Java website protection solutions (especially XSS)

I'm developing a web application, and facing some security problems.
In my app users can send messages and see other's (a bulletin board like app). I'm validating all the form fields that users can send to my app.
There are some very easy fields, like "nick name", that can be 6-10 alpabetical characters, or message sending time, which is sended to the users as a string, and then (when users ask for messages, that are "younger" or "older" than a date) I parse this with SimpleDateFormat (I'm developing in java, but my question is not related to only java).
The big problem is the message field. I can't restrict it to only alphabetical characters (upper or lowercase), because I have to deal with some often use characters like ",',/,{,} etc... (users would not be satisfied if the system didn't allow them to use these stuff)
According to this, there are a lot of ways people can "hack" my site. But I'm wondering, is there any way I can do to prevent that? Not all, because there is no 100% protection, but I'd like a solution that can protect my site.
I'm using servlets on the server side, and jQuery, on the client side. My app is "full" AJAX, so users open 1 JSP, then all the data is downloaded and rendered by jQuery using JSON. (yeah, I know it's not "users-without-javascript" friendly, but it's 2010, right? :-) )
I know front end validation is not enough. I'd like to use 3 layer validation:
- 1. front end, javascript validate the data, then send to the server
- 2. server side, the same validation, if there is anything, that shouldn't be there (because of client side javascript), I BAN the user
- 3. if there is anything that I wasn't able to catch earlier, the rendering process handle and render appropriately
Is there any "out of the box" solution, especially for java? Or other solution that I can use?
To minimize XSS attacks important thing is to encode any field data before putting it back on the page. Like change > to > and so on. This would never allow any malicious code to execute when being added to the page.
I think you are doing lot of right things by white listing the data you expect for different fields. Beyond that for fields which can allow other characters which can be problematic encoding would fix the issue for you.
Further since you are using Ajax it gives you some protection as people cannot override values in URL parameters etc.
Look at the AntiSamy library. It allows you to define rulesets for your application, then run your user input through AntiSamy to clean it per your rules.
The easiest way is to do a simple replacement for the following
< with <
> with >
' with \'
That will solve most database vulnerability.

Java: Need efficient notifications between site users

I have a simple ajax game between 2 users with java backend (tomcat, spring). I need some good way of notifying one user that his opponent made a turn. Now all communication is done through database and waiting for opponent to finish his turn looks like this:
while(!timeout && !opponentIsDone) {
//...get the game record from db and check if opponent made turn
Can I somehow get rid of this loop with sleep() and get instantly notified without a delay (but with timeout)? I can probably make some global static var and communicate through it, but I still will need similar loop only maybe timeout will be smaller.
I can't just call some method once the turn is done because it is all need to go to the browser through ajax and I can't push data there, only pull. So I need to have process that waits for the opponent.
I am looking for some light and simple solution.
You may want to look into Tomcat's advanced IO (Comet) support.
I think you're looking for the Distributed Events (aka Subscriber/Publisher) pattern, and I believe Dojo Framework has implemented it:
There are many ways to push notifications to a web client. Gmail's IM client is an excellent example of this sort of thing. This is often accomplished by holding an open HTTP connection in some manner, and this family of techniques is referred to as COMET. Wikipedia has an article on it, and there are blogs dedicated to the subject ( ).
Even if you didn't use this technique, there are still many improvements you can make to the algorithm you identified in your question. One way would be to use a wait/notify sort of pattern or a subscriber/publisher approach. Another would be to return a "waiting for other player to make a turn" page immediately, and have that page automatically refresh every few seconds until the other player has taken his turn.
I think the solution you're looking for is COMET-style notification, though.
If you had a global static var of some sort, you could use a java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue<T>
BlockingQueue<Turn> handoff = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Turn>(1);
// opponent thread
// other thread can use
Turn otherTurn = handoff.poll( 90, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
if ( otherTurn == null )
// then no turn made
You can easily make the people wait for each other by using SynchronousQueue instead of ArrayBlockingQueue.
and of course it doesn't need to be global static -- it could be anything accessible to both users.
flex/flash has a real-time chatroom system (using remote-object programming).
you have to install BlazeDS (free), it comes with sample application. This is called AMF technology. I think Spring does support this AMF in one way or another.
It's good for Flash based website. However, if you don't want to use flash, i think u can hide it or make it small enough, just to use it as a communication channel on your page.
Perhaps you have to find a way to notify your webpage/javascript after flash receive data from server.
Yeah, I know this method is a bit hacky, and it's not a clean way of doing thing :) just to provide an alternative for you.
DWR (Direct Web Remoting) is a package that allows you to make Java methods on the server directly available to Javascript (by creating a proxy). It has a feature called "Reverse Ajax" that is an easy way to handle push scenarios.
Perhaps consider Jetty Continuations if you aren't locked into Tomcat? has some discussion about Tomcat NIO

