incorporating .w files into a Java program - java

I am having trouble finding out what these .w files are and how to using them with my Java code: see at
I would post a screenshot of my files, but I don't have enough "reputation points" to post an image on this site--I usually just read answers from others b/c I'm just learning. I can't open these .w files or else I would paste some of their contents in here.
For the past year, I've worked a good amount with Python and C++, but I decided to learn some Java from these free Stanford online lectures:
I've looked all over and simply cannot find out what .w files are, and I haven't been able to open them. I realize they're clearly worlds for the graphical robot to move around in, but I can't get the .java & .class files to function with these .w (or "world") files.
I would be happy to post some of my code in here as well, if you want. And I could post an image of the files & folders once I get a good enough reputation.
Could someone please help me?

You seem to be missing the documentation for karel.jar. There is already code for reading and working with these files, in sandford.karel.KarelWorld there is a load(File) method. But you will need to be working with the rest of the classes in the jar file, too, so you'll need to look for documentation (maybe given in the lecture videos?) or you'll have a very frustrating time.


VS Code Java Debugger Making a Lot of Untracked Files

I actually don't remember what I did/installed precisely, but it should be something along the line of "installing Java Debugger". This is giving me a lot of(more than one thousand) .project untracked files, even if I delete them, they pop back up again.
Edit: Just found this link: What project files does Visual Studio Code create via its Java extensions? , it seems like the question is the situation I'm in right now, but the answer is still very confusing. So what should I do?
Thank you!

How do I edit .mca files from Minecraft?

I want to combine my separate Minecraft worlds into a single world and it seemed like a relatively easy feat, but as I did research it evolved into the need to make a custom program.
The Struggle
I started by shifting the region files and combining them in one region folder, which seemed like the obvious solution and it almost worked. Note: I've opened the files and it seems entire sectors have their coordinates stored, not entities, hence the terrain itself is spatially mismatched with the region file name.
That led to quite a bit of lag when I opened the client and the regions failed to render. I read up on the Anvil file format and imagined a scheme for reading NBT files. I figured I could manually read out the bytes and edit them, but in my continued research I got conflicting answers as to whether region files are gzipped.
I finished enough code to read some raw bytes, but the byte values didn't come out as I expected.
According to the info I have on NBT files, they all start with a CompoundTag and a CompoundTag starts as a single byte valued as 10, or x0A.
This is where I got my format information:
Here's a screenshot of what actually came out:
Note: The class description in the screenshot is not accurate. I just quickly filled in enough to read the bytes, not flesh out the UI function.
I assume these bytes coming out as non-sense is a sign that the file is compressed. I found this as a start to the gzip problem:
I imagine if I could get this installed it would unzip this .mca file and I could read the bytes as expected, but I don't understand the installation instructions. It says use the "Shell Commands, 'configure', 'make' and 'make install'". To me that sounds like Unix, but the file I downloaded is for Windows? There aren't any exe's, but there are quite a few C files. I don't have a C-compiler. . .
Note: I still have not got the gzip software to work.
Post Script
I've seen similar questions asked here, but all of them were either old (2016ish) with dead links to software that used to work, or they were recent and unanswered. I found one specific copy of this question asked 5 months ago, but I had to make an account to comment. Here's the link: How can read Minecraft .mca files so that in python I can extract individual blocks? His question is with regard to a Python implementation. He said he found an NBT library for Python, but it was rejecting his MCA files for being not-gzipped.
I've got a lead on understanding the problem because I have the NBTExplorer source code (see the answer I posted), but I'll have to update on how that pans out. As far as getting my world fixed, I think I have a viable solution now.
If anyone could point me to a finished Java library, with source code, that opens .mca's or a discussion board related to this topic that'd be cool. I'm still also interested in how file compression works, but that's probably outside this question's scope. I realize this isn't directly bug or error related; it's it was moreso that I didn't know what further steps to take to make a code that accomplishes this task.
I found someone else's program to do this and posted it as an answer, but I'd still like to know how the file is converted from bytes to useable info. Using the manual edit method of the answer I posted, I will need at most 241,664 manual edits, so I still need a better solution.
First of: As far as I know there is no more information about "where the chunks are", stored in the region files. There are 32(x direction)*32(z-direction)= 1024 Chunks stored within one region file and each of it has its position of data within the file. So the chunks are just numbered within the file itself and the first 8192 bytes are just about if there is any data about that specific chunk or not, where its found within the file and when it got last updated. Where the complete region (those 1024 Chunks) are positioned within the world can be worked out within the file name where the regions themself are numbered in x and z direction.
So in your case you should be able to rename your region files in a way they stay togehter as they are in the original worlds and you should be able to merge them together.
Second: The NBT Format is not the first thing to look at when you want to decode the data. First of the Region files have their own structure: and when you get to the actual data using Zlib (RFC1950) it's getting complicated...
Anyway if you want further information on how to decode I can give you some information (since the files and about Zlib (RFC1950) are written in a hard way to understand - at least it was for me). But theres a point where I myself am struggeling right now which is why I came across this question.
I found an editor!
Now I can edit, but I don't know how the editing works. I haven't learned anything, but I did finally find someone else's editor. Not quite what I wanted because I wanted to know how to do this myself.
Update: To fix a region using this software I have to manually edit 2 fields, for up to 32x32 chunks, and I have 118 regions that I need to fix. **That's 241,664 potential manual edits! This solution is not viable on a reasonable timescale, but it's the best I have so far:
I found this page:
Which linked to this page:
Which linked to this page:
I installed the software and it automatically linked to the .minecraft folder, here's a screenshot of the GUI:
On the bright side, the application download page also has a download link for the source, so I intend to read that! I've opened two files so far to take a glance and they were not commented at all. They're also written in C# which I have never seen before, but I've heard it's very similar to Java, so maybe I'll learn that language too.
This Java library is quite nice for editing .mca and has some examples of doing so in the README
As for how the compression works, chunks can be individually compressed via either gzip or zlib, but in practice are generally all zlib compressed, which is implemented in Java through Inflater and Deflater. One annoying thing about the format for chunk data is it is only prefixed with the size of the compressed buffer, with no info on the size of the uncompressed buffer (so the uncompressed buffer must be estimated to be large enough or multiple buffers can be used to fill until the compressed buffer is completely "inflated").

Opening Quadratic Sieve Jar file in Java

I hope the title isn't misleading.. It was hard to come up with a proper name for this. Anyways, I'm trying to implement the Quadratic Sieve method for factoring integers in Java for problem solving purposes, as it will make my life a bit easier. I've tried to write the program myself, but it has a few flaws, rendering it unusable as of this moment.
So what I tried was to find a Java implementation of this Quadratic sieve method to locate my mistakes and correct if needed, or even use it.
I entered wikipedia at at which the last implementation of Ariel, under the "implementations" section, is a Java implementation of this Quadratic Sieve method. I downloaded it and, unsurprisingly, it is a Jar file.. And opening it with "Java (TM) Platform SE Binary" doesn't work. Opening it with WinRAR later gives a list of a few folders that each contains lots of Classes within it.
Now, what I want is to somehow open all the classes and code written in that file, in my Eclipse IDE. Or a simpler explanation to this, is that I simply want to run this program in Eclipse, and view the code.
Question is, how do i do that :S?
Please be nice, I might be a good programmer, but I'm not as good in computers in general, try not to mock me :D
Thanks in advance, Matan.
You need the source files. They're not in the .jar, but you can get them here:
Click on "download snapshot" to get a .zip of all the sources

Is there a way to run a JAR online WITHOUT Java Web Start?

I believe about half a year ago I read somewhere it is possible, but (now I'm kicking myself) I didn't save the page I got it from. I was in a hurry, and maybe I misunderstood, but is there a way to run a JAR file without it being a JApplet? Specifically, is it possible to use an HTML5 tag to run a JAR file which uses JFrames? Thank you for any help you guys may provide

Recursive file expansion

What is File Expansion?
In many computer languages (be they for programming, text formatting or some other application) you can specify in a le A to include the expanded contents of some other file B. In C and C++ (which you do not need to know), this feature is implemented with the #include directive.
Suppose we have a file called root.txt which looks like this:
#include "myFile.txt"
The process of file expansion starting from the file root.txt produces a new file which has all the text before the #include directive followed by the (expanded) contents of the file myFile.txt followed by the remainder of the file root.txt of the le myFile.txt.
This allows us to stitch together multiple existing files to create another file. In addition, if we want some text repeated in the final output, we just include that file multiple times rather than cutting and pasting (further, if we want to edit that text, we only have to do it in one place).
Why do we say the expansion process is recursive? Because the included files (like myFile.txt) above may itself have #include directives in it and so on! In this project we will use this same directive, but for arbitrary files (not just C or C++).
I'm fairly new to java(only learned basics 2 months ago). I'm in this class and it's expecting us to know some advanced concepts. I'm really lost here. Don't even know where to start. Can anyone tell me where to start? How to think about this problem? I am a java novice; so I'm having difficulty breaking it into steps. Can anyone help me get started? Thanks!
I am sorry but probably we cannot help you more than guys on OTN forum.
Perhaps, you have "simply" to restart to learn java from scratch. Try Java Tutorials

