public class ServerPipelineFactory implements ChannelPipelineFactory {
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
PacketFrameDecoder decoder = new PacketFrameDecoder();
PacketFrameEncoder encoder = new PacketFrameEncoder();
return Channels.pipeline(decoder, encoder, new Handler());
and my decoder
public class PacketFrameDecoder extends
ReplayingDecoder<PacketFrameDecoder.DecoderState> {
public enum DecoderState {
private int length;
public PacketFrameDecoder() {
protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext chc, Channel chnl,
ChannelBuffer cb, DecoderState state) throws Exception {
switch (state) {
for (int i = 0; i < cb.capacity(); i ++) {
byte b = cb.getByte(i);
System.out.println((char) b);
return null;
throw new Error("Shouldn't reach here.");
and I send messages
Socket fromserver = new Socket("localhost", 7283);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(fromserver.getOutputStream(), true);
int data = 12;
but when I get bytes- I have cb.capacity() = 256
and message "?0?0" System.out.println((char) b);
please help
Using capacity is wrong a it is the "max" amount of bytes in the buffer. Also starting at position 0 is wrong as the readerIndex could be on an other position. Please read the apidocs of ChannelBuffer which all of this explains in great detail.
I have some problems with the connection between my EV3 and my Android-Device.
I am able to receive Data with my EV3, but I can't send.
I have signed up with my Github account if you like to see the App.
Here is my Code:
public class Bluetooth {
public static int speed = 100;
public static BTConnector connector;
public static NXTConnection connection;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Thread moveWithBluetoothThread = new Thread(new moveWithBluetooth());
public static void openConnection() {
connector = new BTConnector();
LCD.drawString("Waiting for Connecrion", 3, 1);
connection = connector.waitForConnection(0, NXTConnection.RAW);
LCD.drawString("Connected", 3, 5);
class moveWithBluetooth implements Runnable {
public void run() {
while (true) {
InputStream is = Bluetooth.connection.openInputStream();
BufferedReader dis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 1);
OutputStream os = Bluetooth.connection.openOutputStream();
BufferedWriter dos = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os), 1);
try {
byte[] b;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
String n = dis.readLine();
b = n.getBytes();
Bluetooth.connection.write(b, b.length);
} catch (Exception e) {
I found out, that there was no Problem with my EV3. That means, you can use this code. If you are having the same Problem, here is my solution:
The Problem was the Library I use in my Application. At the "Tssues"-Tab of Github was my Problem. The library waits until there is a complete Transmission, but the EV3 sends a permanent Stream, so I just had to add \r\n at the end of my Transmission. My final Code looked like that:
byte[] b = (n + "\r\n").getBytes();
Bluetooth.connection.write(b, b.length);
I am implementing an RSA Encrypted Socket Connection in Java, for doing that i use two classes the first is the Connection Abstract class which represents the real Socket Connection and the Second is the ConnectionCallback which is a class called when the Connection class receives data.
When data is received by the Connection class, the data gets Decrypted using a before shared public key coming from the connected endpoint (There can only be 1 connected endpoint).
ByteArray class:
public class ByteArray {
private byte[] bytes;
public ByteArray(byte[] bytes){
this.bytes = bytes;
public ByteArray(){
public void add(byte[] data) {
if(this.bytes == null) this.bytes = new byte[0];
this.bytes = joinArrays(this.bytes, data);
private byte[] joinArrays(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) {
byte[] array = new byte[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, array, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, array, array1.length, array2.length);
return array;
public byte[] getBytes(){
return this.bytes;
Connection class:
package connection;
import connection.protocols.ProtectedConnectionProtocol;
import crypto.CryptoUtils;
import crypto.algorithm.asymmetric.rsa.RSAAlgorithm;
import protocol.connection.ConnectionProtocol;
import util.function.Callback;
import java.util.Base64;
public abstract class Connection implements Runnable {
private DataInputStream in;
private DataOutputStream out;
ConnectionProtocol protocol;
private Callback callback;
private boolean isConnected = false;
public Connection() throws Exception {
this.protocol = new ProtectedConnectionProtocol(new RSAAlgorithm(1024));
this.callback = new ConnectionCallback(this);
public Connection(ConnectionProtocol connectionProtocol, Callback callback) throws Exception {
this.protocol = connectionProtocol;
this.callback = callback;
public void run() {
try {
ByteArray data = new ByteArray();
while( > 0){
if(data.getBytes() != null){;
} catch (Exception e){
protected void openConnection(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws Exception{ = new DataInputStream(in);
this.out = new DataOutputStream(out);
this.isConnected = true;
new Thread(this).start();
this.write(CryptoUtils.encode(((PublicKey) this.protocol.getPublicKey()).getEncoded()));
private void write(byte[] data) throws Exception{
System.out.println(new String(data,"UTF-8"));
private byte[] read() throws Exception{
byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];
int read =;
if (read <= 0) return new byte[0]; // or return null, or something, read might be -1 when there was no data.
byte[] readBytes = new byte[read];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, readBytes, 0, read);
return bytes;
ConnectionCallback class:
package connection;
import crypto.CryptoUtils;
import util.function.Callback;
public class ConnectionCallback implements Callback {
private Connection connection;
public ConnectionCallback(Connection connection){
this.connection = connection;
public void run(Object data) throws Exception {
ByteArray bytes = (ByteArray) data;
byte[] dataToBytes = CryptoUtils.decode(bytes.getBytes());
if(this.connection.protocol.getSharedKey() == null){
X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(dataToBytes);
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PublicKey publicKey = kf.generatePublic(spec);
} else {
// = StrongboxObject.parse(new String(bytes.getBytes()));
RSAlgorithm class:
package crypto.algorithm.asymmetric.rsa;
import crypto.CryptoUtils;
import crypto.algorithm.asymmetric.AssimetricalAlgorithm;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import java.util.Base64;
public class RSAAlgorithm extends AssimetricalAlgorithm {
private KeyPairGenerator keyGen;
public RSAAlgorithm(int keyLength) throws Exception {
this.keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
public void generateKeys() {
KeyPair pair = this.keyGen.generateKeyPair();
public byte[] encrypt(byte[] message) {
try {
super.cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, (PublicKey) super.getSharedKey());
return CryptoUtils.encode(super.cipher.doFinal(message));
} catch (Exception e) {
return new byte[0];
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] message) {
message = CryptoUtils.decode(message);
try {
super.cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, (PrivateKey) super.getPrivateKey());
return super.cipher.doFinal(message);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new byte[0];
ProtectedConnectionProtocol class:
package connection.protocols;
import protocol.connection.ConnectionProtocol;
import crypto.algorithm.asymmetric.AssimetricalAlgorithm;
public class ProtectedConnectionProtocol extends ConnectionProtocol {
private AssimetricalAlgorithm algorithm;
public ProtectedConnectionProtocol(AssimetricalAlgorithm algorithm){
this.algorithm = algorithm;
public Object getPublicKey() {
return this.algorithm.getPublicKey();
public Object getPrivateKey() {
return this.algorithm.getPrivateKey();
public Object getSharedKey() {
return this.algorithm.getSharedKey();
public void setSharedKey(Object sharedKey){
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] message) {
return this.algorithm.decrypt(message);
public byte[] encrypt(byte[] message) {
return this.algorithm.encrypt(message);
CryptoUtils class:
package crypto;
import java.util.Base64;
public class CryptoUtils {
public static byte[] encode(byte[] data){
return Base64.getEncoder().encode(data);
public static byte[] decode(byte[] data){
return Base64.getDecoder().decode(data);
UPDATE of 05/09/2019:
Code update same Exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 0
at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode0(
at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode(
at crypto.CryptoUtils.decode(
at java.base/
Please help me i am exasperated with this and have only 2 more days of Bounty, i prefer to give my Bounty to someone who helped me finding the solution to this problem than to lose it.
This is probably caused by your read method:
private byte[] read() throws Exception{
byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];;
return bytes;
You are always reading into array of 8192 bytes, even if there isn't enough bytes in input stream. returns amount of bytes read, you should use that value and only use that amount of bytes from this array, ignoring the rest - as rest of array will be just 0, so when you try to decode base64 from it you will get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 0
So when reading your bytes you can just copy them to new array:
private byte[] read() throws Exception{
byte[] bytes = new byte[8192];
int read =;
if (read <= 0) return new byte[0]; // or return null, or something, read might be -1 when there was no data.
byte[] readBytes = new byte[read]
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, readBytes, 0, read)
return readBytes;
Note that reading like that is actually pretty bad idea for performance, as you are allocating a lot of stuff for each read. More advanced libraries like netty have own byte buffers with separate read/write positions and just store everything in single self-resizing array of bytes, but first make it work, and if you will have any issues with performance then remember that this is one of places you might find a solution.
Also in your ByteArray you are coping both arrays into same spot:
for(int i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++){
bytes1[i] = this.bytes[i];
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
bytes1[i] = data[i]; // this loop starts from 0 too
you need to use i + this.bytes.length in second one. (and it's better to use System.arrayCopy)
public byte[] joinArrays(byte[] array1, byte[] array2) {
byte[] array = new byte[array1.length + array2.length];
System.arraycopy(array1, 0, array, 0, array1.length);
System.arraycopy(array2, 0, array, array1.length, array2.length);
return array;
And then just:
public void add(byte[] data) {
if(this.bytes == null) this.bytes = new byte[0];
this.bytes = joinArrays(this.bytes, data);
Also like in that other answer - it might be good idea to change flush method to just set field to null, or even better, just remove that method as I don't see it being used, and you could just create new instance of this object anyways.
I looked into your code and figured out that the problem is with the add() method in the ByteArray class. Let me show you, (See the comments)
Original : ByteArray
public void add(byte[] data){
if(this.bytes == null)
this.bytes = new byte[data.length];
byte[] bytes1 = new byte[this.bytes.length + data.length];
for(int i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++){
bytes1[i] = this.bytes[i]; // when this.bytes is null you are adding data.length amount of 0, which is not something you want i guess. This prevents the base64 decoder to decode
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
bytes1[i] = data[i];
this.bytes = bytes1;
Solution: ByteArray
public void add(byte[] data){
if(this.bytes == null) {
this.bytes = data; // just store it because the field is null
} else {
byte[] bytes1 = new byte[this.bytes.length + data.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.bytes.length; i++) {
bytes1[i] = this.bytes[i];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
bytes1[i] = data[i];
this.bytes = bytes1;
public void flush(){
this.bytes = null; // Important
After observing the codes that reads bytes in Connection class I found that it's reading unnecessary 0 bytes at the end. So I come up with the following workaround,
Refactor: Connection
public abstract class Connection implements Runnable {
public void run() {
try {
ByteArray data = new ByteArray();
while( > 0){
byte[] read =;
if (read != null) {
if(data.getBytes() != null){;
} catch (Exception e){
private byte[] read() throws Exception{
byte[] bytes = new byte[];
int read =;
if (read <= 0) return null; // or return null, or something, read might be -1 when there was no data.
return bytes; // just returning the read bytes is fine. you don't need to copy.
Framing doesn't appear to be working... When two clients connect at the same time I get the same data from both when it should be different.
When a client's channel becomes active it sends a HandshakeRequest which is pretty much just a string with the servers hostname to allow the server to fetch some details about it from the database.
public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext context) {
HandshakeRequest packet = new HandshakeRequest();
#Getter #Setter private String hostname;
public HandshakeRequest() {
public void write(ByteBuf buf) {
writeString(hostname, buf);
public void read(ByteBuf buf) {
hostname = readString(buf);
public void initChannel(SocketChannel channel) {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new LengthFieldPrepender(2));
pipeline.addLast(new PacketEncoder());
pipeline.addLast(new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(Short.MAX_VALUE, 0, 2, 0, 2));
pipeline.addLast(new PacketDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(new ClientHandler(client));
protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext context, DefinedPacket packet, ByteBuf buf) {
protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext context, ByteBuf in, List<Object> out) {
int id = in.readInt();
DefinedPacket packet = Packet.getTypeById(id).getPacket();
if(packet != null) {;
} else {
DefinedPacket (This is an abstract class extended by all packets):
public static void writeString(String s, ByteBuf buf) {
if(s.length() > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new OverflowPacketException(String.format("Cannot send string longer than Short.MAX_VALUE (got %s characters)", s.length()));
byte[] b = s.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
writeVarInt(b.length, buf);
public static String readString(ByteBuf buf) {
int len = readVarInt(buf);
if(len > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new OverflowPacketException(String.format("Cannot receive string longer than Short.MAX_VALUE (got %s characters)", len));
byte[] b = new byte[len];
return new String(b, Charsets.UTF_8);
public static int readVarInt(ByteBuf input) {
return readVarInt(input, 5);
public static int readVarInt(ByteBuf input, int maxBytes) {
int out = 0;
int bytes = 0;
byte in;
while(true) {
in = input.readByte();
out |= (in & 0x7F) << (bytes++ * 7);
if(bytes > maxBytes) {
throw new RuntimeException("VarInt too big");
if((in & 0x80) != 0x80) {
return out;
public static void writeVarInt(int value, ByteBuf output) {
int part;
while(true) {
part = value & 0x7F;
value >>>= 7;
if(value != 0) {
part |= 0x80;
if(value == 0) {
private final Packet type;
#Getter #Setter private int id;
public DefinedPacket(Packet type) {
this.type = type;
public Packet packet() {
return type;
public abstract void write(ByteBuf buf);
public abstract void read(ByteBuf buf);
Could you provide full class for
public void initChannel(SocketChannel channel) {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new LengthFieldPrepender(2));
pipeline.addLast(new PacketEncoder());
pipeline.addLast(new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(Short.MAX_VALUE, 0, 2, 0, 2));
pipeline.addLast(new PacketDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(new ClientHandler(client));
Where are you getting client from for passing it to ClientHandler's constructor?
I've solved the problem. It turned out to be an issue with the way new instances of packets were being handled after they'd been decoded (was reusing the same object for each instance of the same packet).It was just a really silly mistake :P
In my servlet I am running a few command line commands in background, I've successfully printed output on console.
My doGet()
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
String[] command =
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
new Thread(new SyncPipe(p.getErrorStream(), response.getOutputStream())).start();
new Thread(new SyncPipe(p.getInputStream(), response.getOutputStream())).start();
PrintWriter stdin = new PrintWriter(p.getOutputStream());
stdin.println("source ./taxenv/bin/activate");
int returnCode = 0;
try {
returnCode = p.waitFor();
catch (InterruptedException e) {
} System.out.println("Return code = " + returnCode);
class SyncPipe implements Runnable
public SyncPipe(InputStream istrm, OutputStream ostrm) {
istrm_ = istrm;
ostrm_ = ostrm;
public void run() {
final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
for (#SuppressWarnings("unused")
int length = 0; (length = != -1; )
// ostrm_.write(buffer, 0, length);
((PrintStream) ostrm_).println();
catch (Exception e)
private final OutputStream ostrm_;
private final InputStream istrm_;
Now, I want to save the ostrm_ to a string or list, and use that inside doGet()
How to achieve this?
Based on answers below, I've edited my code as follows
int length = 0; (length = != -1; )
// ostrm_.write(buffer, 0, length);
String str = IOUtils.toString(istrm_, "UTF-8");
//((PrintStream) ostrm_).println();
Now, How do I get the str in runnable class into my doGet()?
You can use Apache Commons IO.
Here is the documentation of IOUtils.toString() from their javadocs
Gets the contents of an InputStream as a String using the specified character encoding. This
method buffers the input internally, so there is no need to use a
Parameters: input - the InputStream to read from encoding - the
encoding to use, null means platform default Returns: the requested
String Throws: NullPointerException - if the input is null IOException
- if an I/O error occurs
Example Usage:
String str = IOUtils.toString(yourInputStream, "UTF-8");
You can call something like the following:
(EDIT: added also the client calls)
public void run() {
String out = getAsString(istrm_);
((PrintStream) ostrm_).println(out);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String getAsString(InputStream is) throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int cur = -1;
while((cur = != -1 ){
return getAsString(baos.toByteArray());
public static String getAsString(byte[] arr) throws Exception {
String res = "";
for(byte b : arr){
return res;
I'm trying to send and object over udp by first serializing it and then deserializing it on the other end. I thought this would be trivial since I have sent other data over udp before and serialized stuff to the files etc.
I have debugged thing some time now and I keep getting EOFException on the receiving end. Packets arrive properly but somehow deserialization fails. I'm not sure if the mistake is in sender or receiver. I suppose the problem might be about the receiver not knowing the size of the packet.
Here is my sender class:
package com.machinedata.sensordata;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
* This class sends udp-packets. It is used to send driver's information to the manager tablet.
* #author tuomas
public class UdpSender
private final int MANAGER_PORT = 1234;
private String ip = ""; //tablet's IP
private DatagramSocket sock = null;
private InetAddress host;
private String mType;
private DataSerializer dataser;
public UdpSender(Context context)
sock = new DatagramSocket();
host = InetAddress.getByName(ip); //tabletin ip
catch(Exception e)
System.err.println("Exception alustettaessa senderia" + e);
dataser = new DataSerializer(context);
* With this function we can send packets about our machine to the manager to
* see in the fleet-view.
public void sendToManager(ManagerUdpPacket managerUdp)
Log.v("sendudp", "Send a packet: " + managerUdp.getDriver());
byte[] data = dataser.serializeManagerPacket(managerUdp);
DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(data , data.length , host , MANAGER_PORT);
catch(IOException e)
System.err.println("IOException senderissa " + e);
public void close()
Here is the serialization function:
* Serializes packet to be sent over udp to the manager tablet.
public byte[] serializeManagerPacket(ManagerUdpPacket mp)
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2048);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
// get the byte array of the object
byte[] obj= baos.toByteArray();
return obj;
catch(Exception e) {
return null;
Packet receiver class
public class UdpReceiver {
private DatagramSocket clientSocket;
private byte[] receiveData;
private final int timeout = 1;
* Create a receiver.
* #param port Port to receive from.
* #param signCount Number of signals in a packet
public UdpReceiver(int port)
//receiveData = serializeManagerPacket(new ManagerUdpPacket("asd", new MachineData(1, 2, "asd", "modelName"), 1,2,3,4,5.0,null));
clientSocket=new DatagramSocket(port);
}catch(SocketException e){
Log.e("ERR", "SocketException in UdpReceiver()");
public void close()
* Receive a data packet and split it into array.
* #param data Array to put data in, must be correct size
* #return True on successful read, false otherwise
public ManagerUdpPacket receive()
//receive a packet
DatagramPacket recvPacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
}catch(IOException e){
Log.e("ERR", "IOException in UdpReceiver.receive");
return null;
ManagerUdpPacket obj = deserializeManagerPacket(receiveData);
if (obj != null)
Log.v("udpPacket", "UDP saatu: " + obj.getDriver());
return obj;
* Deserialize the udp-packet back to readable data.
* #param data
* #return
public ManagerUdpPacket deserializeManagerPacket(byte[] data)
ObjectInputStream iStream = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
ManagerUdpPacket obj = (ManagerUdpPacket) iStream.readObject();
return obj;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
Thread which listens packets in receiving end:
dataStreamTask = new TimerTask()
public void run()
if (currentlyStreaming)
ManagerUdpPacket mp = udpReceiver.receive();
if(mp != null)
Log.v("log", "Paketti saatu! " + mp.getDriver());
//stop thread until next query
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("ERR", "InterruptedException in");
And finally the class I'm sending over the UDP:
public class ManagerUdpPacket implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9169314425496496555L;
private Location gpsLocation;
private double totalFuelConsumption;
private long operationTime;
//workload distribution
private long idleTime = 0;
private long normalTime = 0;
private long fullTime = 0;
private int currentTaskId;
private String driverName;
String machineModelName = "";
String machineName = "";
int machineIconId = -1;
int machinePort = -1;
public ManagerUdpPacket(String driver, MachineData machine, int currentTaskId, long idleTime, long fullTime, long operationTime, double fuelConsumption, Location location)
driverName = driver;
this.currentTaskId = currentTaskId;
this.idleTime = idleTime;
this.fullTime = fullTime;
this.operationTime = operationTime;
this.totalFuelConsumption = fuelConsumption;
this.gpsLocation = location;
machineModelName = machine.getModelName();
machineName = machine.getName();
machineIconId = machine.getIconId();
machinePort = machine.getPort();
public String getDriver()
return driverName;
public int getCurrentTaskId()
return currentTaskId;
public long getIdleTime()
return idleTime;
public long getFullTime()
return fullTime;
public long getOperationTime()
return operationTime;
public double getTotalFuelConsumption()
return totalFuelConsumption;
public double getLocation()
return gpsLocation.getLatitude();
public String getMachineModelName()
return machineModelName;
public String getMachineName()
return machineName;
public int getMachineIconId()
return machineIconId;
public int getMachinePort()
return machinePort;
I tried to get the packet size from the size of the serialized packet or inserting arbitrary 2048 based on some examples on internet. Couldn't get it work though.
As far as i know the receive function returns the length of the bytes it received. But your buffer will be full:
int buffersize = 1024;
You send 8bytes over udp.
So your byte[] will be full with your 8 bytes but the rest of the 1024 will be 0.
save the size you get by the .receive() call and just save all values of your buffer to another byte[] and you should get your object.
For your example:
public ManagerUdpPacket receive()
int receivedBytes = 0;
//receive a packet
DatagramPacket recvPacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
receivedBytes = clientSocket.receive(recvPacket);
}catch(IOException e){
Log.e("ERR", "IOException in UdpReceiver.receive");
return null;
byte[] myObject = new byte[receivedBytes];
for(int i = 0; i < receivedBytes; i++)
myObject[i] = receiveData[i];
ManagerUdpPacket obj = deserializeManagerPacket(myObject);
if (obj != null)
Log.v("udpPacket", "UDP saatu: " + obj.getDriver());
return obj;
When receiving data on UDP, always use;. This is the actual size of the platform or SP_RCVBUF for the socket. Since UDP is a datagram based protocol unlike TCP, which is streaming protocol, receiving buffers become critical for data sanity. Usually, receiving and sending buffers are equal in size, but you are not bothered while sending when using DatagramSocket.send(DatagramPacket), alternately, you can also use DatagramSocket.setSendBufferSize(DatagramSocket.getSendBufferSize()) for using the SO_SNDBUF option for this socket. Keep in mind, in UDP, if you use a SO_SNDBUF size greater than platform's, the packet can be discarded.