I'm facing with a problem about sending and receiving serialized object via TCP sockets. Actually, i can receive/send an object properly between a server thread and client thread.However, the issue is if a changed a property's value of a received/send object ,this change couldn't be realized by the waiting thread. Consider this code sample;
public class ClientThread extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Runnable {
ClientObject mainClient; // Initiliazed after sockets connect to server successfully
String addNewBuddy = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Enter the Username of the person who you want to add...");
send.writeObject(mainClient); // write into an ObjectOutputStream
send.flush(); // flush it
System.out.println("mainClient.setBuddyRequest : " + mainClient.isBuddyRequest() + " setBuddyRequestAccount : " + mainClient.getBuddyRequestAccount()); // Check if values changed properly
ClientObject tempClientObject; // temporary an instance of ClientObject
while(( tempClientObject = (ClientObject) receive.readObject()) != null){
if( !tempClientObject.isBuddyRequest() ){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Buddy Request Information", "Requested buddy doesnt exist!!!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Buddy Request Information", "Requested buddy added into your buddy list succesfully", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
labelSetText = tempClientObject.getNickName();
onlineStatus = tempClientObject.isIsOnline();
So after i changed some properties of mainClient i send it to server. Here is the part which server thread waits an object to give some reaction. Moreover, when client sends second object (which makes counter bigger than 0) server thread can read it without errors but i recognize that even client send a modified object as a second message to server there are no differences between properties of first and second object!.
while( ( clientO = (ClientObject) receive.readObject()) != null ){
if( counterMessage==1) { //
checkAccountIfExist(toWrite,file.exists(),toModify,clientO); // Check is connected account exist in database of server
} // end of if (counter==1)
else{ // Second time when server waits
// prints counter=2 but clientO.isBuddyRequest printed as 'false'
//instead of 'true' so this makes if statement unreachable!
System.out.println("Counter = " + counterMessage + " BUDDYREQUEST : " + clientO.isBuddyRequest() + " USERNAME : " + clientO.getUserName());
and finally my serializlible ClientObject's code
public class ClientObject implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8662836292460365873L;
private String userName;
private String password;
private String nickName;
private String message;
private boolean checkAcc;
private LinkedList<ClientObject> buddyList;
private boolean isOnline;
private boolean buddyRequest;
private String buddyRequestAccount;
public ClientObject(String userName, String password){
this.userName = userName;
this.password = password;
this.checkAcc = false;
this.buddyList = new LinkedList<ClientObject>();
this.isOnline = false;
this.buddyRequest = false;
this.buddyRequestAccount = null;
...methods of getters and setters
I hope i had been clear about the issue and i will appreciated for every answer, well thanks anyway.
All you need to do is call ObjectOutputStream.reset(), or use writeUnshared().
I guess that you are writing the sending code :
mainClient = new ClientObject(userName, password);
String clientNickName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, "Enter your NickName");
In a loop. If it is so , You should read this fact about java serialization:
While performing serialization of objects, Java forms a data structure
similar to an Object Graph to determine which objects need to be
serialized. It starts from the main object to serialize, and
recursively traverses all the objects reachable from the main object.
For each object that it encounters, which needs serialization, it
associates an identifier that marks the object as already been
serialized to the given ObjectOutputStream instance. So when Java
encounters the same object that has already been marked as serialized
to the ObjectOutputStream, it does not serialize the object again,
rather a handle to the same object is serialized. This is how Java
avoids having to re-serialize an already serialized object.
EDIT On the basis of EJP's comment I have updated the post to give correct message to the OPs.
After first time you send an object of ClientObject to the OutputStream via ObjectOutputStream, next time when you send the changed object of ClientObject java checks if the object of this type is already being serialized . Since it has already been serialized so , java does'nt serialize the new object created again. And that's why you are getting same object at other side.
The rememdy to this problem is that each time you want to send the changed object of ClientObject reset the ObjectOutputStream like:
And then send the changed object to other end.
I'm trying to realize a chat client-server (in local) that permits to exchange text and files. I utilize java.security and java.crypto to implement hybrid cryptography (and the tool Swing).
I exchange text in a serialized way (using ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream), inserting it (after I crypted it with an apposite function) in byte[] format in Message (that is an object that i created and that is effectively exchanged between sockets):
import java.io.Serializable;
public class Message implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
byte[] data;
Message(byte[] data){
this.data = data;
byte[] getData(){
return data;
Chat works fine until I exchange only Message. Now I'm trying to implement file transfer (first I tried to implement file transfer from server to client, without cryptography), therefor I took a file "selectedFile" with FileChoser and I sent it to the client thanks ObjectOutputStream's method writeObject(selectedFile). On the client side I recognized if the object that is arrived is File or Message with:
class ListenFromServer extends Thread{
public void run(){
if((Message.class.isInstance(sInput.readObject()))==true){ //I verify if the recived object belongs to Message class
m=(Message) sInput.readObject();//sInput is an instance of ObjectInputStream class, connected to client socket's InputeStream
decryptMessage(m.getData()); //function that decrypts the content of m and inserts the result in a String that after I append in a text area
File recivedFile= (File) sInput.readObject();
File saveFile=new File(path+"/"+ recivedFile.getName());
save(recivedFile,saveFile);//function that insert the recived file in a specific folder
System.out.println("file ricevuto");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("INFO: Classe non trovata durante la lettura dell'oggetto Messaggio: " + ex.getMessage() + "\n");
} catch(IOException e){
System.out.println("Connection closed");
catch(NullPointerException ne){
System.out.println("Errore"+ ne.getMessage());
The problem is that file is recived by the client only clicking twice server's "sendFile" button , moreover now this problem regards also the action of sending text to client, because client receives Message object only when I send it twice (I use two different methods to send a Message object and a File object).
This problem doesn't occur when I eliminate instruction:
I ask you how to overcome this problem, or if there is a better way to distinguish File and Message objects in reception.
You're actually reading two objects in sequence, not one.
This is an order to read an object. You give this twice in sequence, so that's two requests to reads different objects.
To fix this, just read the object once, test the type of the object, and cast it when appropriate:
Object inputObject = sInput.readObject(); // Read the object once
if (inputObject instanceof Message) { // If the object is a message
Message m = (Message) inputObject; // cast as a Message
... // use the Message m
} else if (inputObject instanceof File) { // else if it's a file
File f = (File) inputObject; // cast as a File
... // use the File f
I'm creating a program in Java to alert a user if they get an email about a password reset. I have sent an email to myself with the text "Your password has been reset" and created a method that analyzes the email:
private static boolean passwordResetFinder(String email) {
boolean passReset = false;
if (email.matches(".*password.*") && (email.matches(".*changed.*") || email.matches(".*reset.*"))) {
passReset = true;
and I call the method like this:
String email = new String();
open connection to inbox using JavaMail
Object content = emailReader.getContent();
email = content.toString();
if(passwordResetFinder(email)) {
System.out.println("Password Alert");
And this doesn't work. However if I put the following:
if (passwordResetFinder("Your password has been reset")
email = content.toString();
email = "Your password has been reset";
it works. Why is this?
Maybe the toString() of the Object returned by emailReader.getContent() does not give you a String-representation of the text the mail contains. This might be the case if it is a subclass of Multipart when reading
multipart mails or a Stream if the type of the message is unkown.
Return the content as a Java object. The type of the returned object is of course dependent on the content itself. For example, the object returned for "text/plain" content is usually a String object. The object returned for a "multipart" content is always a Multipart subclass. For content-types that are unknown to the DataHandler system, an input stream is returned as the content
I've written Socket Communication server with Java and a AIR programm with AS3, using Socket connection.
The communication through socket connection is done with JSON serialization.
Sometimes with really long JSON strungs over socket, AS3 code says that there is a JSON parse error.
Each JSON string I end with end string to let programm know, that it is not the end of the message, so this is not the problem with AIR programm reading the message in parts.
The error occurs only with realy long json string, for example, string with 78031 length. Is there any limits for JSON serialization?
I had the same problem. The problem is in Flash app reading data from socket.
The point is that Flash ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA event fires even when server didn't send all the data, and something is left (especially when the data is big and the connection is slow).
So something like {"key":"value"} comes in two (or more) parts, like: {"key":"val and ue"}. Also sometimes you might receive several joined JSONs in one message like {"json1key":"value"}{"json2key":"value"} - built-in Flash JSON parser cannot handle these too.
To fight this I recommend you to modify your SocketData handler in the Flash app to add a cache for received strings. Like this:
// declaring vars
private var _socket:Socket;
private var _cache: String = "";
// adding EventListener
_socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onSocketData);
private function onSocketData(e: Event):void
// take the incoming data from socket
var fromServer: ByteArray = new ByteArray;
while (_socket.bytesAvailable)
var receivedToString: String = fromServer.toString();
_cache += receivedToString;
if (receivedToString.length == 0) return; // nothing to parse
// convert that long string to the Vector of JSONs
// here is very small and not fail-safe alghoritm of detecting separate JSONs in one long String
var jsonPart: String = "";
var jsonVector: Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
var bracketsCount: int = 0;
var endOfLastJson: int = 0;
for (var i: int = 0; i < _cache.length; i++)
if (_cache.charAt(i) == "{") bracketsCount += 1;
if (bracketsCount > 0) jsonPart = jsonPart.concat(_cache.charAt(i));
if (_cache.charAt(i) == "}")
bracketsCount -= 1;
if (bracketsCount == 0)
jsonPart = "";
endOfLastJson = i;
// removing part that isn't needed anymore
if (jsonVector.length > 0)
_cache = _cache.substr(endOfLastJson + 1);
for each (var part: String in jsonVector)
trace("RECEIVED: " + part); // voila! here is the full received JSON
According to Adobe, it appears that you are not facing a JSON problem but instead a Socket limitation.
A String you may send over a Socket via writeUTF and readUTF is limited by 65,535 bytes. This is due to the string being prepended with a 16 bit unsigned integer rather than a null terminated string.
For now using a Map. Class that wants to send something to other instance sends the object, the routing string.
Use an object stream, use Java serializable to write the object to servlet.
Write String first and then the object.
Receiving servlet wraps input stream around a ObjectInputStream. Reads string first and then the Object. Routing string decides were it goes.
A more generic way might have been to send a class name and its declared method or a Spring bean name, but this was enough for us.
Original question
Know the basic way but want details of steps. Also know I can use Jaxb or RMI or EJB ... but would like to do this using pure serialization to a bytearray and then encode that send it from servlet 1 in jvm 1 to servlet 2 in jvm 2 (two app server instances in same LAN, same java versions and jars set up in both J2EE apps)
Basic steps are (Approcah 1) :-
serialize any Serializable object to a byte array and make a string. Exact code see below
Base64 output of 1. Is it required to base 64 or can skip step 2?
use java.util.URLEncode.encode to encode the string
use apache http components or URL class to send from servlet 1 to 2 after naming params
on Servlet 2 J2EE framework would have already URLDecoced it, now just do reverse steps and cast to object according to param name.
Since both are our apps we would know the param name to type / class mapping. Basically looking for the fastest & most convenient way of sending objects between JVMs.
Example :
POJO class to send
package tst.ser;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class Bean1 implements Serializable {
* make it 2 if add something without default handling
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String s;
public String getS() {
return s;
public void setS(String s) {
this.s = s;
* Utility *
package tst.ser;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
public class SerUtl {
public static String serialize(Object o) {
String s = null;
ObjectOutputStream os = null;
try {
os = new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
s = BAse64.encode(os.toByeArray());
//s = URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");//keep this for sending part
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: logger
return null;
} finally {
// close OS but is in RAM
try {
os.close();// not required in RAM
} catch (Exception e2) {// TODO: handle exception logger
os = null;
return s;
public static Object deserialize(String s) {
Object o = null;
ObjectInputStream is = null;
try {
// do base 64 decode if done in serialize
is = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(
o = is.readObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: logger
return null;
} finally {
// close OS but is in RAM
try {
is.close();// not required in RAM
} catch (Exception e2) {// TODO: handle exception logger
is = null;
return o;
**** sample sending servlet ***
Bean1 b = new Bean1(); b.setS("asdd");
String s = SerUtl.serialize(b);
//do UrlEncode.encode here if sending lib does not.
HttpParam p = new HttpParam ("bean1", s);
//http components send obj
**** sample receiving servlet ***
String s = request.getParameter("bean1");
Bean1 b1 = (Beean1)SerUtl.deserialize(s);
Serialize any Serializable object with to a byte array
and make a string.
Exact statements see below
os = new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
s = os.toString();
// s = Base64.encode(s);//Need this some base 64 impl like Apache ?
s = URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");
These statements don't even do what you have described, which is in any case incorrect. OutputStream.toString() doesn't turn any bytes into Strings, it just returns a unique object identifier.
Base64 output of 1.
The base64 output should use the byte array as the input, not a String. String is not a container for binary data. See below for corrected code.
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
os = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
s = Base64.encode(baos.toByeArray()); // adjust to suit your API
s = URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8");
This at least accomplishes your objective.
Is it required to base 64 or can skip step 2?
If you want a String you must encode it somehow.
Use java.util.URLEncode.encode to encode the string
This is only necessary if you're sending it as a GET or POST parameter.
Use apache http components or URL class to send from servlet 1 to 2 after naming params
On Servlet 2 J2EE framework would have already URLDecoded it, now just do reverse steps and cast to object according to param name.
Yes, but remember to go directly from the base64-encoded string to the byte array, no intermediate String.
Basically looking for the fastest & most convenient way of sending objects between JVMs.
These objectives aren't necessarily reconcilable. The most convenient these days is probably XML or JSON but I doubt that these are faster than Serialization.
os = null;
Setting references that are about to fall out of scope to null is pointless.
HttpParam p = new HttpParam ("bean1", s);
It's possible that HttpParam does the URLEncoding for you. Check this.
You need not convert to string. You can post the binary data straight to the servlet, for example by creating an ObjectOutputStream on top of a HttpUrlConnection's outputstream. Set the request method to POST.
The servlet handling the post can deserialize from an ObjectStream created from the HttpServletRequest's ServletInputStream.
I'd recommend JAXB any time over binary serialization, though. The frameworks are not only great for interoperability, they also speed up development and create more robust solutions.
The advantages I see are way better tooling, type safety, and code generation, keeping your options open so you can call your code from another version or another language, and easier debugging. Don't underestimate the cost of hard to solve bugs caused by accidentally sending the wrong type or doubly escaped data to the servlet. I'd expect the performance benefits to be too small to compensate for this.
Found this Base64 impl that does a lot of the heavy lifting for me : http://iharder.net/base64
Has utility methods :
String encodeObject(java.io.Serializable serializableObject, int options )
Object decodeToObject(String encodedObject, int options, final ClassLoader loader )
Using :
try {
String dat = Base64.encodeObject(srlzblObj, options);
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder().append("type=");
data.append(appObjTyp).append("&obj=").append(java.net.URLEncoder.encode(dat, "UTF-8"));
Use the type param to tell the receiving JVM what type of object I'm sending. Each servlet/ jsps at most receives 4 types, usually 1. Again since its our own app and classes that we are sending this is quick (as in time to send over the network) and simple.
On the other end unpack it by :
String objData = request.getParameter("obj");
Object obj = Base64.decodeToObject(objData, options, null);
Process it, encode the result, send result back:
reply = Base64.encodeObject(result, options);
out.print("rsp=" + reply);
Calling servlet / jsp gets the result:
if (reply != null && reply.length() > 4) {
String objDataFromServletParam = reply.substring(4);
Object obj = Base64.decodeToObject(objDataFromServletParam, options, null);
options can be 0 or Base64.GZIP
You can use JMS as well.
Apache Active-MQ is one good solution. You will not have to bother with all this conversion.
* #param objectToQueue
* #throws JMSException
public void sendMessage(Serializable objectToQueue) throws JMSException
ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage();
* #param objectToQueue
* #throws JMSException
public Serializable receiveMessage() throws JMSException
Message message = consumerForQueue.receive(timeout);
if (message instanceof ObjectMessage)
ObjectMessage objMsg = (ObjectMessage) message;
Serializable sobject = objMsg.getObject();
return sobject;
return null;
My point is do not write custom code for Serialization, iff it can be avoided.
When you use AMQ, all you need to do is make your POJO serializable.
Active-MQ functions take care of serialization.
If you want fast response from AMQ, use vm-transport. It will minimize n/w overhead.
You will automatically get benefits of AMQ features.
I am suggesting this because
You have your own Applications running on network.
You need a mechanism to transfer objects.
You will need a way to monitor it as well.
If you go for custom solution, you might have to solve above things yourselves.
I am trying to pass values to variables that probably are not declared yet.
From my main source class I am giving another's class some values, but later on it seems like the values are gone.
Source code:
server.java (main):
public class server {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Print a simple message to the user to notify there is something going on...
System.out.println("Starting server, please wait...");
//Connecting all class files to the server.
filehandler filehandlerclass = new filehandler();
networking networkingclass = new networking();
//End of class files connecting.
//Preparing the filehandler's file information to open a new filestream.
filehandlerclass.filetohandlename = "server";
filehandlerclass.filetohandleextention = "ini";
filehandlerclass.filetohandlepath = "configs\\";
//Request a new filestream using the filehandler's file variables.
filehandlerclass.openfilestream(filehandlerclass.filestream, filehandlerclass.filetohandle);
//Checks if the filehandler has tried to open a filestream.
if(filehandlerclass.filestreamopen == true) {
//Request a check if the filestream was opened sucessfully.
//If the filehandler has not tried to open a filestream...
else {
System.out.println("Error: The filehandler does not seem to have tried to open a filoestream yet.");
System.out.println("A possibility is that the server could not call the method from the filehandler properly.");
//Checks if the boolean "filestreamexists" from the filehandlerclass is true.
if(filehandlerclass.filestreamexists(filehandlerclass.filestream) == true) {
//The filestream seems to exist, let's read the file and extract it's information.
else {
filehandlerclass.openfilestream(filehandlerclass.filestream, filehandlerclass.filetohandle);
//Imports the java.io library so the filehandler can read and write to text files.
import java.io.*;
public class filehandler {
//Variables for the filehandler class.
public String filetohandlename;
public String filetohandleextention;
public String filetohandlefullname = filetohandlename + "." + filetohandleextention;
public String filetohandlepath;
public String filetohandle = filetohandlepath + filetohandlefullname;
//Boolean that is true if the filehandler's "openfilestream"-method has tried to open a filestream.
//Is false as long as none filestreams have been touched.
public boolean filestreamopen = false;
//Declares a variable for the filestream to access text files.
public File filestream;
//End of variable list.
//Called to open a filestream so the server can load properties from text files.
public void openfilestream(File filestream, String filetohandle) {
//Tell the user that a filestream is about to be opened.
System.out.println("Opening filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\"...");
//Open a filestream called "filestream" using the variable "filetohandle"'s value
//as information about wich file to open the filestream for.
filestream = new File(filetohandle);
//Turn the boolean "filestreamopen" to true so next time the server checks it's
//value, it knows if the filehandler has tried to open a filestream.
filestreamopen = true;
//Boolean that checks if the filestream exists.
public boolean filestreamexists(File filestream) {
//Tell the user that a check on the filestream is going on.
System.out.println("Checking if filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" exists...");
//If the filestream exists...
if(filestream.exists()) {
//Tell the user that the filestream exists.
System.out.println("Filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" exists!");
//Make the boolean's value positive.
return true;
//If the filestream does not exist...
else {
//Tell the user that the filestream does not exist.
System.out.println("Filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" does not exist!");
//Make the boolean's value negative.
return false;
//Called to read files and collect it's information.
public void readfile(File filestream) {
//Checks if the file that is going to be read is a configuration file.
if(filetohandleextention == "ini") {
//Tell the user that a configuration file is going to be read.
System.out.println("Extracting information from the configuration file \"" + filetohandle + "\".");
public class networking {
server.java is going to serve commands to the source files and tell them what to do.
The source files are not going to act on their own unless server.java has given them a command.
This way I am planning to be able to write simple function calls in server.java to do greater tasks from the different source files.
server.java seems to pass the variables "filetohandlename", "filetohandleextention" and "filetohandlepath" before the variables are declared and when they get declared, they are declared with "null" as value.
I get no errors when I compile it.
All I think is happening is a miss match with giving the variables that specifies the file that is going to be read's proper values.
It also throws an exception which I have not been careing to look into for now, either it's because "null.null" does not exist or that I wrote the code wrong.
Final request:
Does anybody know if I can make a method for recieving the variables values
or if there is another more proper way around?
Could I probably make an array of the variables in server.java and collect the values from that array?
Thank you so much for your time.
public String filetohandlename;
public String filetohandleextention;
public String filetohandlefullname = filetohandlename + "." + filetohandleextention;
initialises the first two variables to null, and the third to "null.null". Note that if you change one of the component variables that have made up filetohandlefullname, it won't then change the value of filetohandlefullname. If you want that to happen, then filetohandlefullname should be replaced by a method performing the appending operation.
public void openfilestream(File filestream, String filetohandle)
passes a different variable filetohandle into the method. That variable is distinct from this.filetohandle.
I think there's a numberof issues with this code (above) and I'd do the following.
replace variables instantiated via other variables with methods that perform this dynamically. That way, when you change var1 that you'd expect to change the value of var2, that will happen automatically via a method return. e.g create a private method getFileToHandleFullName() and bin the corresponding variable
scope class members with this
where possible, make those members final so you don't inadvertently change them
This line
public String filetohandlefullname = filetohandlename + "." + filetohandleextention;
is executed when you instantiate the class (ie filehandler filehandlerclass = new filehandler();). At that point in time both variables are unset, thus filetohandlefullname is initialized to null.null
But there's a number of other problems with your code as well, like
//Request a new filestream using the filehandler's file variables.
filehandlerclass.openfilestream(filehandlerclass. filestream,filehandlerclass.filetohandle);
eg you're passing parameters that are fields from the same instance. That's totally useless as the method already has access to those, and it's very confusing.
And maybe slightly controversial:
//Make the boolean's value positive.
return true;
Comments are only useful if they clarify code that without them would be less obvious, and they have to be 100% true and not, as happens so often, what the program wishes the code would do. In this specific case neither of these conditions is fulfilled as the comment doesn't clarify what's going on, and actually the method's return value is set, not some nondescript "boolean's value"