I am trying to pass a string value to a JavaScript function by taking from request parameter in JSP, in my struts based project. here is the code:
String timeVal = "Not found";
timeVal= (String)request.getAttribute("myDate");
and then pass it in function as parameter
<html:submit property = "save" styleClass = "button_c" onclick = "return SubmitPage('update', <%=timeVal %>)">Save</html:submit>
Where the JavaScript function is
function SubmitPage(action, aa)
alert("Date is ...." + aa);
But when i try to run this it gives me an error
HTTP Status 400 - Request[/AMResourceLibraryListAction] does not contain handler parameter named ref
With message on web page.
Request[/AMResourceLibraryListAction] does not contain handler parameter named ref
Thanks in advance.
EDIT Here is stack trace
[ERROR] DispatchAction - -Request[/AMResourceLibraryListAction] does not contain handler parameter named ref
it's work for me :
<html:submit property = "save" styleClass = "button_c" onclick = "return SubmitPage('<%=timeVal %>')">Save</html:submit>
('<%=timeVal %>') // between single Quotation
Rather using that i will advise you to use value like this in your JavaScript function
var tt = <%=(String)request.getAttribute("myDate")%>
alert(tt+ "Done this....");
Hope this will help you.
Use '<%=timeVal %>' instead of <%=timeVal %> in Javascript method:
<html:submit property = "save" styleClass = "button_c" onclick = "return SubmitPage('update', '<%=timeVal %>')">Save</html:submit>
I need to write a html string which redirects onclick but it is not working, I think it might be because of the double and single quotes but I don't know the correct code.
String html = "<input type = 'button' value = 'redirect' onclick = 'response.sendRedirect('redirect.jsp')'>";
Why are you not using standard Javascript for that?
String html = "<input type = 'button' value = 'redirect' onclick = 'document.location.href='redirect.jsp'>";
I tried with my own class MeterLimitVal and with less complex example Pager class. The bind method doesn't work correctly, because it's Map parameter is null. I am able to see that from the debug checks I put to bind method. As a result I get Bad request error message.
public F.Option<Pager> bind(String key, Map<String, String[]> data) {
//if (data.containsKey(key + ".index") && data.containsKey(key + ".size")) {
// try {
System.out.println("Pager: bind()");
System.out.println("Pager: bind() key > " + key);
System.out.println("Pager: bind() data > " + data);
index = Integer.parseInt(data.get(key + ".index")[0]);
size = Integer.parseInt(data.get(key + ".size")[0]);
System.out.println("Pager: bind() > index, size > " + index + ", " + size);
return F.Option.Some(this);
I implemented Pager class exactly in the same way as previous link, then got rid of ..data.containsKey checks in bind method, that's the reason why I get Bad requests, otherwise F.Option.None() is returned.
I create Pager object in my controller's method pipeIndex and then at the end of this method I pass that object to return value:
return ok(views.html.pipeIndex.render(pager1, ...);
Here's the important parts of pipeIndex template(pipeIndex.scala.html):
#(pager1: models.Pager, ...)
<div class="accordion" id="accordion2">
<form class="form-horizontal" action="#routes.Application.indexResults(0, "pipe_consequence_index", "desc", pager1)" method="GET">
<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="#Messages("calculate.index")" class="btn btn-primary">
part of routes file:
GET /indexResults controllers.Application.indexResults(p:Int ?= 0, s ?= "pipe_consequence_index", o ?= "desc", pager1:models.Pager)
When clicking the button the application is supposed to show the indexResults page, but I get Bad request error message.
I tried to search Playframework's integration test pages for an example. From the unit test class I learned using Call class and put it to my Controller's method pipeIndex where I create Pager class:
Pager pager1 = new Pager();
Call call = routes.Application.indexResults(0, "pipe_consequence_index", "desc", pager1);
System.out.println("Call URL > " + call.url());
This shows the call URL in the expected way:
Call URL > /indexResults?pager1.index=45&pager1.size=313
When I try to hack the address line in my browser, I am able to get into indexResults page.
Somehow the parameters going to bind method doesn't go in the correct way (null :( ), when indexResults is called from template. Did you see that kind of problem? Can you help me?
home.jsp code contain a button like
<input name="R" onclick="del(<%=rs.getString("VDB")%>)" type="radio" value="<%=rs.getString("VDB")%>" />
//note: i am passing value of VDB in del()
it is calling javascript as :
<script type="text/javascript">
function del(delno)
var ff = document.vendorform;
var url = "delete.jsp?+vendor="+delno;
//ff.method = "POST";
//ff.action ="delete_vendor.jsp?+vendor="+delno;
}//i have used 3 methods to redirect to delete.jsp
delete.jsp :
on this page i want to retrieve value of vendor i used :
String D1=request.getParameter("vendor");
But getting null value.
Any help
var url = "delete.jsp?+vendor="+delno;
you have inserted wrong string +vendor. it should be only vendor in url.
var url = "delete.jsp?vendor="+delno;
Remove the "+" before the word vendor. Change
var url = "delete.jsp?+vendor="+delno;
var url = "delete.jsp?vendor="+delno;
function printthis()
var content_vlue = document.getElementById('print_content').innerHTML;
var target= 'printValue?value1='+content_vlue;
document.forms[0].action = target;
<div id="print_content">hello i am good</div>
For frontend I am using JSP. While executing this code to get the value in servlet
String msg = request.getParameter("value1");
While executing this code the browser url changes to printValue?
But I am unable to get the value of value1
Please suggest me...
Seems you are missing value1='+content_vlue from the request
try this and see
var target= "'printValue?value1="+content_vlue+"'";
Create a hidden variable inside your form like this
<form ..>
<input type="hidden" id="value1" name="value1"/>
and modify javascript function to this .
function printthis()
var content_vlue = document.getElementById('print_content').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('value1').value = content_value;
var target= 'printValue';
document.forms[0].action = target;
Hope this will work for you.
I am implement displaytag by extend the standard. Please see detail below.
display:table name="testList" id="obj" requestURI="testAction.do?pageAction=init" pagesize="${paging_size}" sort="list" class="table" **sort="external"** excludedParams="*" decorator="dyndecorator" export="false" **keepStatus="true"**
display:setProperty name="pagination.pagenumber.param" value="page"
display:setProperty name="pagination.sort.param" value="sort" /
display:setProperty name="pagination.sortdirection.param" value="dir"
display:column property="testNo" title="Test no." **sortable="true"** **sortName="testNo"**
display:column property="testValue" title="Test value" **sortable="true"** **sortName="testValue"**
public PaginatedListImpl(HttpServletRequest request) {
sortCriterion = request.getParameter("sort");
sortDirection = "desc".equals(request.getParameter("dir"))? SortOrderEnum.DESCENDING : SortOrderEnum.ASCENDING;
String page = request.getParameter("page");
index = page == null? 0 : Integer.parseInt(page) - 1;
public PaginatedListImpl getTest(
Criteria criList = session.createCriteria(TestDto.class);
pageDisplay.setTotal((Integer) criTotal.uniqueResult());
return pageDisplay;
Anyway, I found problem on browser when the browser render the result
when I move the mouse over page_no. It will show "http://localhost:8080/WebProject/testAction.do?page=2&pageAction=init"
when I move the mouse over column name. It will show "http://localhost:8080/WebProject/testAction.do?sort=testValue&*dir=asc*pageAction=init"
but I need the link of both like this
I search on google many time but I still have a problem.
How can I do? Someone Please help me out of problem.
Thank you a lot..
I am giving you my sample code below
String str = "/details.do?method=showQuestions&surveyId="+arrayNew.get(0);
<html:link page='<%=str%>'><%=arrayNew.get(1)%></html:link>
Try to put url in string variable and use the string variable in the html:link tag as shown above. This may solve your problem.