droidtext adding image doesn't work - java

I am desperately trying to insert an image into an existing pdf with droidtext.
The original version of this project was made with iText.
So the code already exists and was modified to fit for Android.
What I do is I take an existing PDF as background.
Insert text and crosses at specified positions within this pdf.
Like filling out a form.
This works quite well so far without changing the code drastically.
Now I want to set an image to the bottom of the page to sign the form.
I used my original code and adapted it a little.
Which doesn't work at all.
I tried to set the image at a specific position. Maybe that was the error.
So i tried to do it the "official" way.
The Pengiuns.jpg image is located on the sd-card.
try {
Document document = new Document();
File f=new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "SimpleImages.pdf");
PdfWriter.getInstance(document,new FileOutputStream(f));
document.add(new Paragraph("Simple Image"));
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/Penguins.jpg";
if (new File(path).exists()) {
System.out.println("filesize: " + path + " = " + new File(path).length());
Image image =Image.getInstance(path);
} catch (Exception ex) {
But still no image at all.
What I get is an PDF with the words "Simple Image" on it and nothing else.
I can access the picture. I get the correct filesize by the if().
No exceptions are thrown.
So my questions are, how do I get an Image located on the SD-Card into my pdf?
What is the mistake here?
But most importantly how do I set the image to a specific location with size within the pdf?
In my original code i use setAbsolutePosition( x, y ) for that.
Eclipse is not complaining when I use it in the code but is it really working?

The reason why you are getting the "Simple Image" is because you have it in Paragraph. In order to add an image, use:
Image myImg1 = Image.getInstance(stream1.toByteArray());
If you want to have it as a footer in the last page you can use the following code but it works with text. You can try to manipulate it for image:
HeaderFooter pdfFooter = new HeaderFooter(footerText, false);
Here is sample code. Here I have uploaded an image to Imageview and then added to pdf. Hope this helps.
private String NameOfFolder = "/InspectionReport";
Document doc = new Document();
try { //Path to look for App folder
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + NameOfFolder;
String CurrentDateAndTime= getCurrentDateAndTime();
// If App folder is not there then create one
File dir = new File(path);
//Creating new file and naming it
int i = 1;
File file = new File(dir, "Inspection"+Integer.toString(i)+"-" + CurrentDateAndTime+".pdf");
while(file.exists()) {
file = new File(dir, "Inspection"+Integer.toString(i++)+"-" + CurrentDateAndTime+".pdf");}
String filep= file.toString();
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
Log.d("PDFCreator", "PDF Path: " + path);
PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, fOut);
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),filep , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//open the document
ImageView img1 = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.img1);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Bitmap bitmap1 = ((BitmapDrawable)img1.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
bitmap1.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100 , stream1);
Image myImg1 = Image.getInstance(stream1.toByteArray());

Try following code:
/* Inserting Image in PDF */
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getBaseContext().getResources(), R.drawable.android);
bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100 , stream);
Image myImg = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
//add image to document


itext 7 (java) add image on a new page to the end of an existing pdf document

i'm new to itext 7. I have a list of documents with different content that I want to merge into a single PDF. The content types are PDF, JPG & PNG.
My problem is that as soon as I merge a PDF and an image, the image is written over the already inserted content of the target PDF.
How do I get each image to be added to a new page of the target PDF?
This is my Code:
byte[] mergeInhalt(List<Dokument> dokumentList) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(byteOut);
PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);
Document completeDocument = new Document(pdfDocument);
for (Dokument dokument : dokumentList) {
byte[] inhalt = dokument.getInhalt();
if (Objects.nonNull(inhalt)) {
switch (dokument.getFormat().name()) {
case "PDF":
addPdf(pdfDocument, inhalt);
case "JPG":
case "PNG":
ImageData data = ImageDataFactory.create(inhalt);
Image image = new Image(data);
return byteOut.toByteArray();
private void addPdf(PdfDocument pdfDocument, byte[] inhalt) throws IOException {
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(inhalt));
PdfDocument pdfDocumentToMerge = new PdfDocument(pdfReader);
pdfDocumentToMerge.copyPagesTo(1, pdfDocumentToMerge.getNumberOfPages(), pdfDocument);
Merging PDFs only works well, but everytime i merge a Image i get this:
The image with the pink one was placed over the text of the previous PDF
In your code you add the image via the Document completeDocument but you add the pdf via the underlying PdfDocument pdfDocument. Thus, the completeDocument doesn't know about the added pdf, continues on its current page, and draws over the imported pages.
To make sure each image is added on a new page after the currently last one, you have to tell completeDocument to move its current page:
case "JPG":
case "PNG":
ImageData data = ImageDataFactory.create(inhalt);
Image image = new Image(data);
completeDocument.add(new AreaBreak(AreaBreakType.LAST_PAGE));
completeDocument.add(new AreaBreak(AreaBreakType.NEXT_PAGE));
For an example compare the tests testMergeLikeAndreasHuber and testMergeLikeAndreasHuberImproved in CopyPdfsAndImages and their outputs.

Apache PdfBox Rotate Crop Box Only Not Text

I am trying to go from text to pdf but have only one of the pages rotated 90 degress. Main reason is that some of my text documents are a bit too large and need to be in landscape to look normal. I have tried a few things but it seems like everything rotates the text too. Is there an easy way to rotate the pdf to landscape but keep the text the same rotation?
OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
PDFMergerUtility pdfMergerUtility = new PDFMergerUtility();
Map<String, Documents> documents = getDocuments(user, documentReports);
try (PDDocument documentToPrint = new PDDocument()){
for(Document doc : documentReports){
TextToPDF textToPDF = new TextToPDF();
Document documentReport = documents.get(doc.getId());
try(PDDocument pdDocument = textToPDF.createPDFFromText(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(documentReport.getReportText().getBytes())))) {
pdfMergerUtility.appendDocument(documentToPrint, pdDocument);
LocalDateTime localUtcTime = Java8TimeUtil.getCurrentUtcTime();
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + localUtcTime + ".pdf");
So this might not work for everyone but I figured it out for my specific requirement. TextToPDF has a method called setLandscape before creating the pdf from text. textToPDF.setLandscape(true);

How can i add image at the end of existing pdf file using iText

I have an existing pdf file that i'm reading with pdfreader and using pdfstamper to add some images and text into the temporary pdf file. The problem I'm facing is that Images are getting added to contentbyte but some of them are not visible and some of those are getting overlapped with each other as my scenario is to add screenshot to this pdf file after some point(at every failed step while running my selenium webdriver).I've tried setting different positions but nothing worked perfectly. I need to resolve this issue on priority.Please suggest what should i do to add image at bottom of existing pdf every time it needs to be added.
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(sScreenShotFileName);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader,new
PdfContentByte content = pdfStamper.getUnderContent(i);
Font f = new Font();
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText( content );
ct.setText(new Phrase(new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-YYYY HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()),f));
File src= ((TakesScreenshot)oDriver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(src, new
FileInputStream pic = new
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(pic);
java.awt.Image image = ImageIO.read(is);
Image img = Image.getInstance(image,null);
img.setAbsolutePosition(x, y);
new File(sScreenShotFileName).delete();
new File(tempfile).renameTo(new File(sScreenShotFileName));
y=y*2;//setting y position to upward every time where the new image can be placed.

Vaadin Convert and display image as PDF

Does anyone know how image file can be easily converted into PDF format. What I need is to get the image from database and display it on the screen as PDF. What am I doing wrong? I tried to use iText but with no results.
My code:
StreamResource resource = file.downloadFromDatabase();//get file from db
Document converToPdf=new Document();//Create Document Object
PdfWriter.getInstance(convertToPdf, new FileOutputStream(""));//Create PdfWriter for Document to hold physical file
Image convertJpg=Image.getInstance(resource); //Get the input image to Convert to PDF
convertToPdf.add(convertJpg);//Add image to Document
Embedded pdf = new Embedded("", convertToPdf);//display document
You're not using iText correctly:
You never close your writer, so the addition of the image never gets written to the outputstream.
You pass an empty string to your FileOutputStream. If you want to keep the pdf in memory, use a ByteArrayOutputStream. If not, define a temporary name instead.
You pass your Document object, which is a iText-specific object to your Embedded object and treat it like a file. It is not a pdf-file or byte[]. You'll probably want to pass either your ByteArrayOutputStream or read the temp file as a ByteArrayOutputStream into memory and pass that to Embedded.
Maybe someone will use (Vaadin + iText)
Button but = new Button("FV");
StreamResource myResource = getPDFStream();
FileDownloader fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(myResource);
hboxBottom.addComponent( but );
private StreamResource getPDFStream() {
StreamResource.StreamSource source = new StreamResource.StreamSource() {
public InputStream getStream() {
// step 1
com.itextpdf.text.Document document = new com.itextpdf.text.Document();
// step 2
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);
// step 3
document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); //Something like in HTML :-)
document.add(new Paragraph("TEST" ));
document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); //Something like in HTML :-)
document.newPage(); //Opened new page
//document.add(list); //In the new page we are going to add list
System.out.println("Pdf created successfully..");
} catch (DocumentException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WndOrderZwd.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = baos;
InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(stream.toByteArray());
return input;
StreamResource resource = new StreamResource ( source, "test.pdf" );
return resource;

Convert from Itext PDF byte array to multipage TIFF file

I have a pdf file (obtained from a byte[] generated by iText) I need to send to a signature hardware.
Due some incompatibility with the java printer driver I can't send the PDF directly, so i need to convert it to images before. I've succeed converting each PDF page to a jpg file, but customer does not like solution cause signatures are not in all the document, only in individual pages.
As I've not found any free library, I decided to make it in four steps:
STEP1: generate PDF with itext and persist it.
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("tempFile.pdf");
STEP 2: convert from PDF multipaged to List<java.awt.Image>
List<Image> images = null;
Ghostscript.getInstance(); // create gs instance
PDFDocument lDocument = new PDFDocument();
lDocument.load(new File("tempFile.pdf"));
SimpleRenderer renderer = new SimpleRenderer();
images = renderer.render(lDocument);
catch (RendererException | DocumentException e)
Step 3: Now I iterate over List<java.awt.Image> to convert to an individual TIFF's.
int filename = 1;
TIFFEncodeParam params = new TIFFEncodeParam();
Iterator<Image> imageIterator = images.iterator();
while (imageIterator.hasNext()) {
BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) imageIterator.next();
FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(/*outputDir + */ filename + ".tif");
JAI.create("encode", image , os, "TIFF", params);
filename ++;
STEP 4: create multipaged TIFF from various individual TIFF files
BufferedImage image[] = new BufferedImage[paginas];
for (int i = 0; i < paginas; i++) {
SeekableStream ss = new FileSeekableStream((i + 1) + ".tif");
ImageDecoder decoder = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("tiff", ss, null);
PlanarImage pi = new NullOpImage(decoder.decodeAsRenderedImage(0),null,null,OpImage.OP_IO_BOUND);
image[i] = pi.getAsBufferedImage();
TIFFEncodeParam params = new TIFFEncodeParam();
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(nombre +".tif");
ImageEncoder encoder = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("tiff", out, params);
List <BufferedImage>list = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>(image.length);
for (int i = 1; i < image.length; i++) {
DONE. Hope that helps for someone else with same problem.
I had same issue a while ago. I got lot of help from here:
Multiple page tif
Allso check:
JAI (Java Advance Image)
Here is the conde snippet to convert pdf pages to png images (using org.apache.pdfbox library):
PDDocument document = null;
document = PDDocument.load(pdf1);
int pageNum = document.getNumberOfPages();
PDFImageWriter writer = new PDFImageWriter();
String filename = pdf1.getPath() + "-";
filename = filename.replace(".pdf", "");
writer.writeImage(document, "png", "", 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, filename);
And after that i converted each PNG image to TIFF and then from multiple TIFF images to single multi paged TIFF.

