By using instance of PrintStream and println function, I can send raw string to the client(s). But, I want to send whole .html file to the client in order to see the web page. For this reason, What should be my approach ? I have tried to read a file and give the whatever is read on the println function. But, attempts is failed.
Maby something like this will help:
// sendfile
File myFile = new File ("source.html");
byte [] mybytearray = new byte [(int)myFile.length()];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(myFile);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);,0,mybytearray.length);
OutputStream os = sock.getOutputStream();
I'm having this problem when trying to write into a txt file on my server from a Java program. Even though it writes the text, it writes some strange chars in front of it. My code looks like this:
URL urlOutput = new URL("");
URLConnection urlc = urlOutput.openConnection();
OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream();
OutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
ObjectOutput output = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer);
output.writeObject("Hello world!");
And this is what appears in the txt file:
¨ŪtKVHello world!
Thanks for help!
ObjectOutputStream is used for object serialization. The part preceding "Hello world!" is the "bookkeeping" information saved by the object output stream for the object input stream to figure out what kind of object is being restored.
Use PrintStream for outputting textual information:
URL urlOutput = new URL("");
URLConnection urlc = urlOutput.openConnection();
OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream();
OutputStream buffer = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(buffer);
output.writeLine("Hello world!");
I have a simple program which gets BufferedInputStream from URL and I have seen that while reading from the underlying stream, read(bytes) calls goes to FileInputStream from BufferedInputStream (so for this I convinced my self saying as at the other end of socket , it is actually a file may be that's why it goes to FileInputStreams (Please let me know if my assumptions are correct about this )).
When read happens in FileInputStreams read() method the "path" variable is set to the location of my class file from where the read call is being invoked , well this is very confusing to me as I was expecting the file's actual URL location here which I am downloading ..
Please help me understand these things and how actually read() happens from a remote file ??
URL url = new URL("some url for downloading a file");
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream(file);
int size = 65536;
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
int count;
while ((count =, 0, size)) != -1) {
fis.write(buffer, 0, count);
I'm trying to decrypt a large file using
the following is part of decrypt method that i modified
//the following does not work
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
is = encryptor.wrapInputStream(fis);
os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
//the copy method is a default method from
copy(is, os);
the following works fine.(i have to decrypt entire file and then read/save part of file to another file then delete the old one and rename the new one to the old file name.
is = encryptor.wrapInputStream(new FileInputStream(src));
os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
copy(is, os);
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(dest);
FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(dest+".2");
new File(dest).delete();
new File(dest+".2").renameTo(new File(dest));
my question is, why the code on top does not work?
I followed on how to skip some bytes.
Because the encrypted stream has state. The encryption of the 84th byte depends on the prior encryption history. Try this:
FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(src);
is = encryptor.wrapInputStream(fis);
os = new FileOutputStream(dest);
// ...
I have a client server program where I need to serialize the file object and send it to the client.
At server side:
FileInputStream input_file = new FileInputStream(file);
At client side:
FileOutputStream ouput_file = new FileOutputStream(new File(filename));
output_file = object_input_stream.readObject();
I need to serialize the input_file object and send it to the client. The ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream are Non-Serializable. What would be the best way for this?
You cannot serialize files - that would imply that the client could read from a file at the server, which would require a complicated protocol that is simply not present in the Java serialization mechanism.
Your best best is to read the data from the file into a byte array, and to then either send the byte array plainly to the client, or to serialize the byte array in the ObjectOutputStream (you would do that if you want to send other objects as well)
You can use apache-commons IOUtils.toByteArray(InputStream input) to read a file into a byte[] easily.
On the server side:
FileInputStream input_file = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] input_data = IOUtils.toByteArray(input_file);
On the client side:
FileOutputStream output_file = new FileOutputStream(new File(filename));
byte[] input_data = (byte[]) object_input_stream.readObject();
I have a simple question. I'm trying to upload a file to my ftp server in Java.
I have a file on my computer, and I want to make a copy of that file and upload it. I tried manually writing each byte of the file to the output stream, but that doesn't work for complicated files, like zip files or pdf files.
File file = some file on my computer;
String name = file.getName();
URL url = new URL("" + name +";type=i");
URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection();
OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream();
//then what do I do?
Just for kicks, here is what I tried to do:
OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
String line = br.readLine();
while(line != null && (!line.equals(""))) {
line = br.readLine();
For example, when I do this with a pdf and then try and open the pdf that I run with this program, it says an error occurred when trying to open the pdf. I'm guessing because I am writing a "\n" to the file? How do I copy the file without doing this?
Do not use any of the Reader or Writer classes when you're trying to copy the byte-for-byte exact contents of a binary file. Use these only for plain text! Instead, use the InputStream and OutputStream classes; they do not interpret the data at all, while the Reader and Writer classes interpret the data as characters. For example
OutputStream os = urlc.getOutputStream();
FileInputStreamReader fis = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
int count = 0;
while((count = > 0) {
os.write(buffer, 0, count);
Whether your URLConnection usage is correct here, I don't know; using Apache Commons FTP (as suggested elsewhere) would be an excellent idea. Regardless, this would be the way to read the file.
Use a BufferedInputStream to read and BufferedOutputStream to write. Take a look at this post:
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(localfilename);
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
OutputStream os =m_client.getOutputStream();
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int readCount;
while( (readCount = > 0) {
bos.write(buffer, 0, readCount);
FTP usually opens another connection for data transfer.
So I am not convinced that this approach with URLConnection is going
to work.
I highly recommend that you use specialized ftp client. Apache commons
may have one.
Check this out