Java - Create domain in Amazon SimpleDB - java

I'm working with Amazon SimpleDB and attempting the creation of a DB using the following tutorial . Basically it throws an error i.e. Error occured: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.http.HttpHost. The full stacktrace is as below:
Error occured: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.http.HttpHost
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.http.HttpHost
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at com.amazonsimpledb.SDBexample1.main(
My code is as below (note i have substituted the AWS access id and secret key with the actual values):
public static void main(String[] args) {
String awsAccessId = "My aws access id";
String awsSecretKey = "my aws secret key";
SimpleDB sdb = new SimpleDB(awsAccessId, awsSecretKey, true);
try {
Domain domain = sdb.createDomain("cars");
} catch ( e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Any ideas as to why the above mentioned error is occurs.
I appreciate any assistance.

It seems you are using the Typica client library, which is pretty much unmaintained since mid 2011, see e.g. the rare commmits and the steady growing unresolved issues, where the latest one appears to be exactly yours in fact, see ClassCastException using Apache HttpClient 4.2:
According to the reporter, things appear to be functional once we downgrade back to Apache HttpClient 4.1, so that might be a temporary workaround eventually.
Either way I highly recommend to switch to the official AWS SDK for Java (or one of the other language SDKs), which isn't only supported and maintained on a regular fashion, but also closely tracks all AWS API changes (admittedly this isn't that critical for Amazon SimpleDB, which is basically frozen technology wise, but you'll have a much easier time using the plethora of AWS Products & Services later on).
In addition you could benefit from the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse in case you are using that IDE.
The SDK includes a couple of samples (also available via the Eclipse Toolkit wizard), amongst those one for SimpleDB - here's a condensed code excerpt regarding your example:
BasicAWSCredentials basicAWSCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(
awsAccessId, awsSecretKey);
AmazonSimpleDB sdb = new AmazonSimpleDBClient(basicAWSCredentials);
Region usWest2 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2);
try {
// Create a domain
String myDomain = "MyStore";
System.out.println("Creating domain called " + myDomain + ".\n");
sdb.createDomain(new CreateDomainRequest(myDomain));
// ...
// Delete a domain
System.out.println("Deleting " + myDomain + " domain.\n");
sdb.deleteDomain(new DeleteDomainRequest(myDomain));
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
// ...
} catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
// ...

Please try to create instance of SimpleDB with server and port and let me know if it works.
public SimpleDB objSimpleDB = null;
private String awsAccessKeyId = "access key";
private String awsSecretAccessKey = "secret key";
private boolean isSecure= true;
private String server = "";
private int port=443;
SimpleDB objSimpleDB = new SimpleDB(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey, isSecure, server, port);
Domain domain = objSimpleDB .createDomain("cars");
} catch ( e) {
//handle error


How to use Google Translate API v2 with Android

I'm trying to make an Android translator application using Google Translation Api ("google-api-services-translate-v2-rev48.1.22.0.jar).
I managed to get a valid key and I've tested it from a simple Java Project and everything works perfect.
But, when I try to use the same code in an Android Application, nothing works.
This is the code from android:
Translate translator = new Translate.Builder (new NetHttpTransport(), GsonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), null)
try {
TranslationsListResponse response = getListOfParameters(fromLanguage, toLanguage, textToTranslate).execute();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (TranslationsResource tr : response.getTranslations()) {
sb.append (tr.getTranslatedText() + " ");
return sb.toString();
catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("ERROR", "Got error while trying to translate");
private Translate.Translations.List getListOfParameters (String fromLanguage, String toLanguage, String textToTranslate) throws IOException {
Translate.Translations.List list = Translations().list (Arrays.asList(textToTranslate), toLanguage.toUpperCase());
list.setKey (TranslatorManager.TRANSLATION_GOOGLE_API_KEY);
list.setSource (fromLanguage.toUpperCase());
return list;
I don't know for sure where the problem is. The only thing I get when trying to translate is:
I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false
In android, I've tried and AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport().
In my initial java project, I've used GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), but when using it in Android, got me some exceptions: KeyStore JKS implementation not found
The solution requires changing the HTTP Transport used, as Nick writes. The two solutions proposed in the linked thread “[ – Rafael Steil][1]” are to some extent equivalent and would work similarly under certain conditions.
The first reply recommends the usage of HTTP_TRANSPORT = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
whereas the second one: HTTP_TRANSPORT = new;
The [documentation][2] for Class AndroidHttp, in the last paragraph “Method Detail” states that from Android version Gingerbread on, calling “new;” is recommended.
Method newCompatibleTransport() of the AndroidHttp class returns a new thread-safe HTTP transport instance that is compatible with Android SDKs prior to Gingerbread.

Azure SDK for Java - sample program throwing InvalidKeyException

Using Azure Storage SDK for Java, I am trying to perform basic create, read, update, delete operations on Azure Table Storage as given in the link below:
Sample program for creating a table:
public class App
public static void main( String[] args ) throws StorageException, UnsupportedEncodingException
String storageConnectionString =
"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;" +
"AccountName=accountname;" +
// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount =
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.createCloudTableClient();
//Create the table if it doesn't exist.
String tableName = "MyTable";
CloudTable cloudTable = tableClient.getTableReference(tableName);
catch (Exception e)
// Output the stack trace.
The code seems to be fairly simple to understand. It would connect to the Azure table storage and if a table with a given name does not exist it will create it. But I am getting a InvalidKeyException(full exception pasted below). Storage Key is not a valid base64 encoded string.
I am surprised that not many people using Azure Storage are facing this issue. I tried to encode the storage key using and used the encoded key in the connection string but still no use.
String encodedKey=Base64.encode(storageKey.getBytes())
String storageConnectionString =
"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;" +
"AccountName=accountname" +
Can anyone please help me with this? I searched in google a lot and I am able to find one user raised a similar issue on discus but there is no answer provided for that or rather that answer was not helpful.
Update:/Resolution of the issue
First of all I ensured that all the properties in connection string are separated by ';' as suggested by Gaurav(below)
It turns out that I have to manually set the proxy settings in my program since my company work machine is using a proxy to connect to the internet.
System.getProperties().put("http.proxyHost", "myproxyHost");
System.getProperties().put("http.proxyPort", "myProxyPort");
System.getProperties().put("http.proxyUser", "myProxyUser");
Updating the proxy settings solved the issue for me.
Please change the following line of code:
String storageConnectionString =
"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;" +
"AccountName=accountname" +
String storageConnectionString =
"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;" +
"AccountName=accountname" +
Essentially in your code, there was no separator (;) between AccountName, AccountKey and EndpointSuffix. Also, if you're connecting to standard endpoint (, you don't need to specify EndpointSuffix in your connection string.
Lastly, please ensure that the account key is correct.

AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials

I have been trying to create Security Group using AWS SDK, but somehow it fails to authenticate it. For the specific Access Key and Secret Key, i have provided the Administrative rights, then also it fails to validate. On the other side, I tried the same credentials on AWS S3 Example, it successfully executes.
Getting following error while creating security group:
com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 401; Error Code: AuthFailure; Request ID: 1584a035-9a88-4dc7-b5e2-a8b7bde6f43c)
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.handleErrorResponse(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeOneRequest(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.executeHelper(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(
at com.sunil.demo.ec2.SetupEC2.createSecurityGroup(
at com.sunil.demo.ec2.SetupEC2.main(
Here is the Java Code:
public class SetupEC2 {
AWSCredentials credentials = null;
AmazonEC2Client amazonEC2Client ;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SetupEC2 setupEC2Instance = new SetupEC2();
public void init(){
// Intialize AWS Credentials
try {
credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials("XXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXX");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AmazonClientException(
"Cannot load the credentials from the credential profiles file. " +
"Please make sure that your credentials file is at the correct " +
"location (/home/sunil/.aws/credentials), and is in valid format.",
// Initialize EC2 instance
try {
amazonEC2Client = new AmazonEC2Client(credentials);
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean createSecurityGroup(){
boolean securityGroupCreated = false;
String groupName = "sgec2securitygroup";
String sshIpRange = "";
String sshprotocol = "tcp";
int sshFromPort = 22;
int sshToPort =22;
String httpIpRange = "";
String httpProtocol = "tcp";
int httpFromPort = 80;
int httpToPort = 80;
String httpsIpRange = "";
String httpsProtocol = "tcp";
int httpsFromPort = 443;
int httpsToProtocol = 443;
try {
CreateSecurityGroupRequest createSecurityGroupRequest = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest();
createSecurityGroupRequest.withGroupName(groupName).withDescription("Created from AWS SDK Security Group");
CreateSecurityGroupResult csgr = amazonEC2Client.createSecurityGroup(createSecurityGroupRequest);
String groupid = csgr.getGroupId();
System.out.println("Security Group Id : " + groupid);
System.out.println("Create Security Group Permission");
Collection<IpPermission> ips = new ArrayList<IpPermission>();
// Permission for SSH only to your ip
IpPermission ipssh = new IpPermission();
// Permission for HTTP, any one can access
IpPermission iphttp = new IpPermission();
//Permission for HTTPS, any one can accesss
IpPermission iphttps = new IpPermission();
System.out.println("Attach Owner to security group");
// Register this security group with owner
AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest authorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest = new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest();
securityGroupCreated = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
securityGroupCreated = false;
System.out.println("securityGroupCreated: " + securityGroupCreated);
return securityGroupCreated;
Try to update your Systemtime.
When the diffrence between AWS-datetime and your datetime are too big, the credentials will not accepted.
For Debian/Ubuntu Users:
when you never set your time-zone you can do this with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Stop the ntp-Service, because too large time diffrences, cannot be changed by running service.
sudo /etc/init.d/ntp stop
Syncronize your time and date (-q Set the time and quit / Run only once) (-g Allow the first adjustment to be Big) (-x Slew up to 600 seconds / Adjuste also time witch large diffrences) (-n Do not fork / process will not going to background)
sudo ntpd -q -g -x -n
Restart service
sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start
check actual system-datetime
sudo date
set system-datetime to your hardware-datetime
sudo hwclock --systohc
show your hardware-datetime
sudo hwclock
you must specify the profile and the region
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile nameofyourprofile --region eu-west-1
"A client error (AuthFailure) occurred when calling the [Fill-in the blanks] operation: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials"
If you are confident of the validity of AWS credentials i.e. access key and secret key and corresponding profile name, your date and time being off-track is a very good culprit.
In my case, I was confident but I was wrong - I had used the wrong keys. Doesn't hurt to double check.
Let's say that you created an IAM user called "guignol". Configure "guignol" in ~/.aws/config as follows:
[profile guignol]
region = us-east-1
aws-access-key_id = AKXXXYYY...
aws-secret-key-access = ...
Install the aws cli (command level interface) if you haven't already done so. As a test, run aws ec2 describe-instances --profile guignol If you gat an error message that aws was not able to validate the credentials, run aws configure --profile guignol , enter your credentials and run the test command again.
If you put your credentials in ~/.aws/credentials then you don't need to provide a parameter to your AmazonEC2Client call. If you do this then on an EC2 instance the same code will work with Assumed STS roles.
For more info see:
In my case, killing the terminal and running the command again helped
In my case I copied CDK env variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN for programmatic access, but it appeared that I already had an old session token in my ~/aws/.credentials which I forgot about. Needed to remove the old tokens from the file.

Connecting to PC to view shared folders from Android device

I am working on a samba client for Android. Given an IP address it should connect to it and browse the shared folders.
For this I use JCIFS. I dropped the jar in my Android project and added following code to connect to PC and get the list of files:
private void connectToPC() throws IOException {
String ip = "x.x.x.x";
String user = Constants.username + ":" + Constants.password;
String url = "smb://" + ip;
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(user);
SmbFile root= new SmbFile(url, auth);
String[] files = root.list();
for (String fileName : files) {
Log.d("GREC", "File: " + fileName);
And I get in return: jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
But the credentials are correct. I also tried with another samba client from the android market that uses JCIFS and it successfully connected to that ip, so obviously I am doing something wrong here but don't know what especially.
Any help is highly appreciated.
In the end I managed successfully to connect to PC. The issue turned out to be in the NtlmPasswordAuthentication(); constructor.
So, instead of this:
String user = Constants.username + ":" + Constants.password;
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(user);
I changed to this:
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("",
Constants.username, Constants.password);
I don't know why, perhaps it's because of ":" special character, perhaps because of Android, but passing an empty domain name, the user name, and password separately to the constructor, solved the issue.
Since some people will get to this topic if they got a similar problem with android and JCIFS,
these are other common problems when trying to make it work:
*Put the .jar specifically in /libs folder of your android project (not just via "build path")
*Be sure that your project has internet permission What permission do I need to access Internet from an android application?
*Also be sure that your JCIFS code is running in a separate thread from the UI (in other words, use AsyncTask class) how to use method in AsyncTask in android?
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
SmbFile[] domains;
String username = USERNAME;
String password = PASSWORD;
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("",
username, password);
try {
SmbFile sm = new SmbFile(SMB_URL, auth);
domains = sm.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) {
SmbFile[] servers = domains[i].listFiles();
for (int j = 0; j < servers.length; j++) {
Log.w(" Files ", "\t"+servers[j]);
} catch (SmbException e) {
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return "";
these were the problems i encounter while trying to make work JCIFS on android, hope to help anyone, regards.
maybe i can help other people too.
I had the problem that i used instead of thread.start() to execute the Smb-Code in a Runnable. I searched a lot of time for an answer but nothing fixed my problem.
But then a friend explained me the different between and thread.start():
run(): Execute the Methode (for example the run() Methode of a Runnable) like a normal Method (synchronous)
start(): Start the Thread with the Runnable in an own task (asynchronous)
And for Smb you need a asynchronous Thread. Because of this you need to call thread.start()!
Maybe someone make the same mistake as i did.

WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR Error after login to sugarCRM from java Axis 1.4

I want to import data from java web application to sugarCRM. I created client stub using AXIS and then I am trying to connect, it seems it is getting connected, since I can get server information. But after login, it gives me error while getting sessionID:
Error is: "faultString: org.w3c.dom.DOMException: WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: A node is used in a different document than the one that created it."
Here is my code:
private static final String ENDPOINT_URL = " http://localhost/sugarcrm/service/v3/soap.php"; url = null;
try {
url = new URL(ENDPOINT_URL);
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
System.out.println("URL endpoing creation failed. Message: "+e1.getMessage());
> System.out.println("URL endpoint created successfully!");
Sugarsoap service = new SugarsoapLocator();
SugarsoapPortType port = service.getsugarsoapPort(url);
Get_server_info_result result = port.get_server_info();
//I am getting right answers
User_auth userAuth=new User_auth();
MessageDigest md =MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
String password=convertToHex(md.digest(USER_PASSWORD.getBytes()));
Name_value nameValueListLogin[] = null;
Entry_value loginResponse = null;
loginResponse=port.login (userAuth, "sugarcrm",nameValueListLogin);
String sessionID = loginResponse.getId(); // <--- Get error on this one
The nameValueListLogin could be be from a different document context (coming from a different source). See if this link helps.
You may need to get more debugging/logging information so we can see what nameValueListLogin consists of and where it is coming from.

