Does Hibernate's createCriteria() sanitize input? - java

Came across some code today that uses Hibernate to perform a query. The query uses a value submitted from a form. It made me curious as to whether or not this sort of code "sanitizes" its input.
public List<School> search(String query) {
Session session = this.getCurrentSession();
query = "%" + query + "%";
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(getPersistentClass());
criteria.createAlias("country", "a");
Criterion nameCriterion = Restrictions.ilike("name", query);
Criterion cityCriterion = Restrictions.ilike("city", query);
Criterion countryCriterion = Restrictions.ilike("", query);
Criterion criterion = Restrictions.or(Restrictions.or(nameCriterion, cityCriterion), countryCriterion);
return criteria.list();
Is this safe?

Hibernate Criteria Queries are quiet safe in terms of Sql Injection since they pass strings as parameter while performing any fetch. Even, Hql is quiet safe unless you build the query via string literal.
For more details, you should take a look at queries getting fired at the database level by switching on hibernate sql logging.

If you think to SQL injection attacks, then yes, Hibernate Criteria API is safe.
It will generate the underlying query by first compiling it from the specified query fields and only after apply the query parameters (It should use a classical PreparedStatement). This way the JDBC driver will know which part of the query are fields and which part are parameters. Then the driver will take care to sanitize the parameters.
Tough you should take care with the SQL restrictions applied on the Criteria, if you need to place parameters there. For example
String vulnerable = //parameter from user interface
Restrictions.sqlRestriction("some sql like + vulnerable") //vulnerable
Restrictions.sqlRestriction("some sql like ?",
vulnerable, Hibernate.STRING)) //safe
In this case the vulnerable parameter could "leak" in to the query fields part and be bypassed by JDBC driver checking as in a normal vulnerable SQL query.

Hibernate is useful to sanitizing inputs but sanitizing inputs is not considered the best practice for preventing SQL injection attacks. As your code develops over time, you will need to remember to change your Hibernate sanitation as your database and client-side application change; this leaves a lot of room for error and any one mistake can compromise your database.
To prevent SQL injection attacks, it is better to use prepared statements. In a prepared statement, your client-side application will make a non-SQL request and let your server generate your SQL statement.
For example, if a user wants all users in the city "Dallas" then your client-side application should make a request similar to username equals "Dallas" and then your server can generate:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='Dallas'


Building CosmosDB Query strings with escaping

I want to build a cosmosdb sql query, because I'm using a rest interface, which accepts SQL querys (don't ask why, I can't change that :( )...
Now I want to build that query with some parameters, which affects the WHERE clause.
I think it is a good idea to escape these parameters, to prevent sql injection.
But I just found these way to build a query:
var param = new SqlParameter();
param.add("#test", "here some string to inject");
var query = new SqlQuerySpec("SELECT #test FROM table", param);
Now I could do sql calls to the cosmos's without sql injection. But I don't want this. I just want to get the query string.
But I need the full query from "query". But there seems to be just the method query.getQueryText(). But this just returns the string "SELECT #test FROM table".
Do know a workaround for me? Or maybe just a good package I can use to to my own string escapes.
I found the information that this escalation stuff doesn't happen on client site. It happens in the dbms. So I need a rest interface, where I can pass the parameters.
Azure Cosmos DB SQL Like, prepared statements

Avoid SQL Injection in Spring JPA

I am using sql query like
String query = "Select max(case when UPPER(key)='firstname' then value end) as firstNameName, , ... order by "+orderBy;
result = em.createNativeQuery(query).getResultList();
for some reason i would have to use dynamic +orderBy . Where orderBy =firstname ASC , lastname DESC etc. Tried using .setParameter(1, orderedBy) but in this case i am not getting expected ordered results.
For avoiding sql injection threats you firstly need to remove appending parameters to your query. When you're appending parameters in your app, the atacker can hijack your sql code (with apostrophes and other means for example)
For example:
If your query is "select * from table where name="+id
The attacker can pass to the field values such as:
'John' or 1=1; ->sees all your records in this table
Or even
'John' or 1=1;Delete all from users;' -> deleting all entries from users table.
Hijacking queries can be avoided via mechanisms such as input sanitization, input whitelisting/blacklisting(removing unwanted characters from the input/ defining a list of allowed or unnalowed characters). Most modern framerowks such as JDBC/JPA/Hibernate can offer protection from this threat.
With all this stated we should take into consideration the following scenarios:
Considering sql where parameters:
JDBC for example offers prepared statements, where you define a variable in your sql, and the framework replaces it
In your case a JPA implementation(Hibernate) also has mechanisms for avoiding this threat, also via parameterized queries and positional paramaters:
via native query positional parameters:
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable where username = ?1");
q.setParameter(1, "test");
via named parameters(jplq)
Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable where username = :username");
q.setParameter("username", "test");
Considering orderBy parameters:
CriteriaQuery/spring Specifications
CriteriaBuilder cb = this.entityManager
CriteriaQuery<RESULT> criteria = cb.createQuery(RESULT.class);
Root<RESULT> root = criteria.from(RESULT.class);
return this.entityManager.createQuery("ORDER_BY_FIELD"))))
More on criteriaQueries usage and config here
Passing orderBy via spring specific Sort parameter built beforehand(using the spring-data library)
Sort sort =, "criteria");
annotate method with #Query with spring-data library:
You can achieve the same result with less boiler plate code(without injecting an entityManager and creating a nativeQuery) by just annotating a method with a #Query annotation:
#Query("select u from User u where u.lastname like ?1%")
List<User> findByAndSort(String lastname, Sort sort);
Native vs non-native(jpql):
JOQL queries are independent of the database vendor(MySQL,PostGres,Oracle,DB2), nativeQueries usages are more focused when you need to use a database specific functionalities which differes accross vendors.
For a brief example jpql can not support native [With]2 clause PLSQL standard functions
Regarding your edit:
You can try to apply the following sql trick for dynamic ordering:
SELECT param1, param2 ...
FROM ...
ORDER BY case when :sortParam='name asc' then name asc END
case when :sortParam='name desc' then name desc END
else 0

Find Security Bugs - Real SQL injection or false positive?

I am using FindBug along with the plugin Find Security Bugs to help me find security flaws in my code. I am not sure why some code is flagged as vulnerable to SQL injection.
Here are two examples:
final StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT users.login FROM Users users, Table table WHERE users.idUser = table.users.idUser");
Query query = session.createQuery(queryString.toString()); // This line is flagged
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT data FROM Table ");
queryString.append("WHERE table.idEntreprise = :id");
Query query = session.createQuery(queryString.toString()).setInteger("id", id); // This line is flagged
Is it a false positive or I missed something? If I understand the matter correctly, using createQuery() and setX() should be enough?
This is a false positive. Named query parameters are escaped by Hibernate, so no SQL injection can be performed.
Even the first query without named parameters is safe since it does not use external input for the users.idUser parameter.

using java variable in sql statement

I'm trying to build a web page to better learn Java and SQL. My question is, is there a way in Java to make a generic SQL select statement? For example:
SELECT var1 FROM var2 WHERE var3=var4
or something of the sort.
My idea is to fill the vars with user selected items from the web page. I know this can be done in PHP using the Post method, but I'm not using PHP. Also, I've read about the Prepared Statement in Java, but seems only to work when the used after the comparison operator; ex:
SELECT * FROM table Where attr = ? &
Also, I do know i can do the hard coded version of "SELECT " + var1 + "FROM " + var2 + "WHERE attr = " + var3 + " " but that doesn't seem very generic and prone to a lot of errors.
Incase: I'm trying to build this test page using HTML & JSP.
What you are doing with the ? is parameterizing the query. The query can only be parameterized for values not names of tables or columns.
Every time you run a query. The database has to create a query plan. If you are running the same query again and again, you can reduce this overhead by creating a PreparedStatement.
The first execution of PreparedStatement will generate the query plan. The subsequent executions will reuse the same plan.
Same query here means, it is identical in all respects except values used in where clause, expressions etc.
If you change the Column or Table name or modify the structure of the query, then it is a different query and will require a different query plan. A PreparedStement is not useful in this case and you should stick to the hardcoded version you talked about. Because of this reason you will get an error if you try to parameterize Table or Column names in PreparedStement.
Having said that. It is not advisable to take such a generic approach for queries. If your queries are that simple, you can benefit from ORM tools. You would not have to maintain even a line of SQL. For complex queries you have an option of using ORM specific query language or JPQL or Native SQL. Look for JPA + Hibernate
Your specific usage is not permitted by JDBC. You need to hard code the table name when creating the prepared statement. If you really do want to do that I suggest you use String concatenation to create the SQL statements and then create a PreparedStatement with parameters to handle the where part. In case you are wondering why bother with PreparedStatements in the specific solution, it's to avoid SQL injection.
You can use PreparedStatement to achive your objective.
For example -
String query = "SELECT * FROM table Where attr = ?";
PreparedStatement pt = con.prepareStatement(query);
pt.setString(1, attribete);
There is no such direct provision in any of SQL packaged classes or others to replace table, column names along with query parameter values, in a query string, using a single method.
You require to depend on both PreparedStatement and any of String methods replace(...) and replaceFirst(...) to achieve your requirement.
String sql = "Select $1, $2 from $3 where $4=? and $5=?";
sql = sql.replaceFirst( "$1", "col1_name" );
sql = sql.replaceFirst( "$2", "col2_name" );
sql = sql.replaceFirst( "$3", "table_name" );
sql = sql.replaceFirst( "$4", "col4_name" );
sql = sql.replaceFirst( "$5", "col5_name" );
// .. and so on
PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement( sql );
// use relevant set methods to set the query parametrs.
pst.setXXX( 1, value_for_first_query_parameter ); // from a variable or literal
pst.setXXX( 2, value_for_second_query_parameter); // from a variable or literal
// ... and so on
If you are using JDBC, can try this
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ?=? ");
statement.setString(1, "column_name");
statement.setString(2, "table_name");
statement.setString(3, "column_name");
statement.setBigDecimal(4, 123);
If you are using other ORM like Hibernate or JPA, I believe there are also ways to do.

Error with simple Parameterized Query - Java/ SQL

Following on from one of my previous questions to do with method design I was advised to implemented my SQL queries as a parameterized query as opposed to a simple string.
I've never used parameterized queries before so I decided to start with something simple, take the following Select statement:
String select = "SELECT * FROM ? ";
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(select);
ps.setString(1, "person");
This gives me the following error: "[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "?": syntax error)"
I then tried a modified version which has additional criteria;
String select = "SELECT id FROM person WHERE name = ? ";
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(select);
ps.setString(1, "Yui");
This version works fine, in the my first example am I missing the point of parameterized queries or am I constructing them incorrectly?
Simply put, SQL binds can't bind tables, only where clause values. There are some under-the-hood technical reasons for this related to "compiling" prepared SQL statements. In general, parameterized queries was designed to make SQL more secure by preventing SQL injection and it had a side benefit of making queries more "modular" as well but not to the extent of being able to dynamically set a table name (since it's assumed you already know what the table is going to be).
If you want all rows from PERSON table, here is what you should do:
String select = "SELECT * FROM person";
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(select);
Variable binding does not dynamically bind table names as others mentioned above.
If you have the table name coming in to your method as a variable, you may construct the whole query as below:
String select = "SELECT * FROM " + varTableName;
PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(select);
Parameterized queries are for querying field names - not the table name!
Prepared statements are still SQL and need to be constructed with the appropriate where clause; i.e. where x = y. One of their advantages is they are parsed by the RDMS when first seen, rather than every time they are sent, which speeds up subsequent executions of the same query with different bind values.

