Eclipse: Green rectangle label on Class - java

What does the green thing seen on the upper-right side of class icon indicate?
I couldn't find anything on it after searching for label inside Eclipse preferences.

Thanks to #T.Des answer, I was able to find the answer:
It comes from a plugin that I've recently installed, that greatly support unit-testing - MoreUnit

Never seen it, but a very (very) dirty and time loosing way to know would be to go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Label Decorations and to select only one label decorations at a time to see which pluggin is making this green box appears and then check on this pluggin documentation.


Intellij: What does the green box around my source mean? How can I disable it?

I enabled a setting by mistake in IntelliJ giving me a green outline around parts of my source:
What does this outline mean and how can I disable it again?
Go to your code's tab in Editor -> Colors & Fonts, and look for a setting with the following enabled:
Unchecking that box will disable the effect
I'm seeing this happen when it is highlighting the current scope of an item. It seems to happen when you hold down control and right click on a bit of code, but it probably depends on your keymappings. (I'm using default GNOME keymappings)
Escape seems to clear it.

NetBeans moving tabs navigation to the right

I've seen few people use it like that and Im struggling with figuring: how can i move the navigation of my open files inside NetBeans IDE to be navigating through a tool bar on the side.
In other words, instead of navigating between files horizontally (just like in the browser), i want the tabs to be displayed on my right on NetBeans.
Any chance someone could explain?
Thanks in advance.
You want to put the window tabs to the right side?
At Tools|Options|Misc|Windows set "Tab placement" to "right"
See also
In Netbeans 8 the tab placement options are in Tools -> Options -> Appearance -> Document Tabs -> Tab placement.
Hey am not pretty sure about the Netbeans. If you see in the eclipse there is an short cut ctrl+f6 in order to change the you can directly go to editor settings and then you can change it to what ever you want.
If you come to net beans i saw in one of the post they mentioned ctrl+tab try to look this link it might help you.

IntelliJ show JavaDocs tooltip on mouse over

In Eclipse, when hovering over a method, variable, etc. a tooltip is displayed with the corresponding JavaDocs. Is there such a feature in IntelliJ?
For IntelliJ 13, there is a checkbox in Editor's page in IDE Settings
EDIT: For IntelliJ 14, the option has been moved to Editor > General page. It's the last option in the "Other" group. (For Mac the option is under the menu "IntelliJ Idea" > "Preferences").
EDIT: For IntelliJ 16, it's the second-to-last option in Editor > General > Other.
EDIT: For IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.1, it's been moved to Editor > General > Code Completion.
EDIT: For IntelliJ Ultimate 2017.2, aka IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.3, there are actually two options:
In Editor > General > Other (section) > Show quick documentation on mouse move - delay 500 ms
Select this check box to show quick documentation for the symbol at caret. The quick documentation pop-up window appears after the specified delay.
In Editor > General > Code Completion (sub-item) > Autopopup documention in 1000 ms, for explicitly invoked completion
Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA automatically show a pop-up window with the documentation for the class, method, or field currently highlighted in the lookup list. If this check box is not selected, use Ctrl+Q to show quick documentation for the element at caret.
Quick documentation window will automatically pop up with the specified delay in those cases only, when code completion has been invoked explicitly. For the automatic code completion list, documentation window will only show up on pressing Ctrl+Q.
EDIT: For IntelliJ Ultimate 2020.3, the first option is now located under Editor > Code Editing > Quick Documentation > Show quick documentation on mouse move
Up until IntelliJ version 11, no, not just by hovering over it. If the cursor is inside the method- or attribute name, then CTRL+Q will show the JavaDoc on *nix and Windows. On MacOSX, this is CTRL+J.
Quote: "No, the only way to see the full javadoc is to use Quick Doc (Ctrl-Q)." --
Since IntelliJ 12.1, this is possible. See #ADNow's answer.
It is possible in 12.1.
Find in the BIN folder inside of wherever your IDE is installed, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ\bin
Add a new line to the end of that file:
Start IDEA and just hover your mouse over something:
After doing CTRL+Q, you can
Pin the tooltip (top right corner)
Check Docked Mode (under gear in top right after pinning)
Size as desired
Click icon for Auto show documentation for selected item
Then when you move your cursor, the documentation will appear in this box. It costs you a little screen real estate, but I find it's worth it.
I'd post a screenshot but SO won't let me post images.
For Intellij 15, use the checkbox in File > Settings > Editor > General option Show quick documentation on mouse move.
You can also get there by typing "quick" or something similar in the search box:
In Intellij13, you can use Editor configuration like below:
IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.3 Ultimate: Press Ctrl+Alt+S, then choose Editor\General choose Show quick domentation on mouse move
Tips: Look at the top right conner (gear icon) at JavaDoc pop-up window, You can choose:
- Show Toolbar
- Pinded Mode
- Docked Mode
- Floatting Mode
- Split Mode
Adding on to what ADNow said. On the Macintosh:
Right click on IntelliJ IDEA 12
Click on the Show Package Contents menu option
Open the bin folder
Add the line:
The easiest way, at least for me, was:
Type: show document
Show quick documentation on mouse move (set it to ON)
From IntelliJ Ultimate 2018.1.5, aka IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.5, till 2019.3 , there are actually two options under File -> Preferences:
In Editor > General > Other (section) > Show quick documentation on mouse move - delay 500 ms
Select this check box to show quick documentation for the symbol at caret. The quick documentation pop-up window appears after the specified delay.
In Editor > General > Code Completion (sub-item) > Auto-display documentation in 1000 ms
Select this check box to have IntelliJ IDEA automatically show a pop-up window with the documentation for the class, method, or field currently highlighted in the lookup list. If this check box is not selected, use Ctrl+Q to show quick documentation for the element at caret.
Quick documentation window will automatically pop up with the specified delay in those cases only, when code completion has been invoked explicitly. For the automatic code completion list, documentation window will only show up on pressing Ctrl+Q.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14, it has moved to: File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> "Show quick doc on mouse move"
In Intellij 2019, I did: File > Settings > Editor > General option Show quick documentation on mouse move.
Check "Show quick doc on mouse"
Now when you put the mouse over a method a tooltip with the documentation will appear. Sometimes the tooltip size is too small and you will have to resize it moving the mouse down to the bottom of the tooltip.
IDEA has "find action":
Open "Help" menu, type "doc", move cursor to "Quick Documentation" it will be highlighted.
Also "find action" can be called from hot key (you can find it in settings->hotkeys)
On mac in IntelliJ Ultimate (trial) 14 I have mine under Settings > Editor > General > Code completion. The tooltip short is F1 on my laptop.
It's called "Autopopup documentation in (ms):"
A note for Android Studio (2.3.3 at least) users, because this page came up for my google search "android studio hover javadoc", and android studio is based on Intellij:
See File->Settings->Editor->General: "show quick documentation on mouse moves",
rather than File->Settings->Editor->General->Code Completion
"Autopopup documentation in (ms) for explicitly invoked completion"
and "Autopopup in (ms)", which has been previously talked about.
I tried many ways mentioned here, especially the preference - editor - general - code completion - show documentation popup in.. isn't working in version 2019.2.2
Finally, i am just using F1 while caret is on the type/method and it displays the documentation nicely. This is not ideal but helpful.
In 2020.1 there is in editor javadocs rendering has been added. Screen shots borrowed from intellij documentation.
On my IntelliJ U on Mac I need to point with cursor on some method, variable etc. and press [cntrl] or [cmd] key. Then click on the link inside popup window which appeared to see JavaDocs
All of the above methods are useful but one basic thing missing you need to have in your JDK (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171). I assumed it comes preinstalled but for some reason, it was not present in my installation. Another thing to check is if your project is using the specified (1.8.0_171 in this case) JDK.
The answer is CTRL + P (NOT CTRL + Q)
Someone else posted this answer on JetBrains forum:
The idea is a different IDE. Try to discover its features and try to make the best of it, rather than trying to emulate whatever you used before.
For the most part, Idea has very high usability (much better than Eclipse IMHO) and is streamlined for supporting code editing as best as possible (rather than relying on wizards too much for example).
Javadoc: Ctrl-Q
A quick view of the implementation: Ctrl-Shift-I
Show context: Alt-Q
Show parameters (in a method call): Ctrl-P
Show error description. Ctrl-F1
... plus many more shortcuts to navigate in code and different idea views.
I think it rather nice that you can see just the specific bit of information you are interested in with a simple keystroke.
Have a look at the menus which will also show the possibly modified shortcuts for your keymap.
Jens Voß
Created June 12, 2008, 09:26
And, elsandros, in addition to what Stephen writes: Since you seem to be interested in IDEA's keyboard shortcuts, I highly recommend the "Key Promoter" plugin which helps you memorize the relevant shortcuts quickly.
Also very useful is the "Goto Action" feature, invoked by Ctrl-Shift-A. In the popup, you can enter a keyword (e.g. "Javadoc"), and the IDE tells you the available actions matching your search, along with keyboard shortcuts and the containing action groups (which often also give you a clue about how to navigate to the action using the menu).

Eclipse with Java wont display matching variables

Hey guy,
I haven't let this get to me till now. My Eclipse used to show me where I used other global and local variables when I clicked on one of them. It doesn't anymore. I looked at General>Appearance>Colors and Fonts. In the Java folder I find something that looks like what I want. It's the Colored Labels - match highlight. The description says: The background color used to highlight matches when colored labels in Java views are enabled. I looked for that in the Java> How that's so weird I can't find it again as I'm writing this message. Anyway I guess that's what I'm looking for. Enabling the colored labels in Java. Where is that?
To access to your variable location: you have to click on your variable and maintain the "ctrl" hitted.
for color: right click in your java class, go to "open with" then select java editor, if the color's problem persist go to Windows>preferences>Java>Editor ther click "restore default" or specify your editor, then click ok.
Hope that my intervention helps you.
I tried window -> preferences -> java -> editor -> mark occurrences -> and selected all options.
Now it works.

Changing the background color of an intellij pane

I've changed the color scheme in intellij so that the background of the Java editor pane is dark and the text is light. I'm not sure if this is directly related, however, in other windows such as the 'run' window, the background stays white but any system messages are displayed as white text. This is obviously a problem as I can't read white text on a white background unless I manually highlight the text to have the background a different color.
Is there a way to change the background color of other panes other than the editor pane in IntelliJ?
I believe if you restart IntelliJ, it will update the background of all panes (tool windows).
If you are having trouble to revert back to light frames, there is a way to do that.
Locate the your IntelliJ settings folder (on Windows, it is typically C:\Users\{username}\.IdeaIC12\, on Mac, it is something like ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea13/options. Of course you have to select the appropriate IntelliJ folder)).
Go to the folder config\options\.
Edit the file options.xml.
Delete these lines:
<component name="LafManager">
<laf class-name="idea.dark.laf.classname" />
** Edit ** As of Intelli-J Idea 12, Dark is the default! See my points below for versions 10/11
There is a way now - install the 'patch-ide' plugin in combination with the 'color-ide' plugin, and you will get your background colors across all the other panes and throughout the preferences of the application. If you just want to style your project tree also, use 'color-tree'
As a side note, here is an excellent dark color scheme, BlueForest
How about this way.
File->Settings->Editor->Color & Fonts->General->Default text
Choose other color
Click the "Apply" button.
On Mac Ox and Idea 14 after changing back to Default theme you should also modify
and change
<laf class-name="com.intellij.ide.ui.laf.darcula.DarculaLaf" />
<laf class-name="" />
I found a solution:
Go to view -> Quick switch Scheme.... and change option 5. Look and feel to Dracula
Here's the latest 2016 that worked for me. I had changed the white background for editors but all the panes were still black. Selecting Quick Switch Scheme -> Look and feel -> default option - solved it for me, i.e. white panes.
For all using intellij IDEA 15
if the problem is inconsistent colors in different panes try this :
View -> Quick Switch Schemes - Look and Feel -> Intellij (Note : not same as default)
Problem might be that you said yes to 'set Dracula theme to be the default' earlier when changing to dracula from white theme.
I've managed to get everything with a black background + a nice skull wallpaper.
I usually disable Tool Buttons, Tool Bar and Status Bar on the View Menu and also run the project on Full Screen mode. Looks sensational!
You can change the wallpaper to a different one by pressing shift twice and looking for Set Background Image.
There does not seem to be a way. I'll either have to revert my color scheme back to the default, keep the white on white text in the 'run' pane or convince my work to get me a mac so i can use the magic key combination to invert all colors on the screen!
I like to play around with different themes and installed a bunch of them. After a while when I switched back to IntelliJ Light, this happened -
The opened files bar in editor couldn't retrieve its default colors. I tried -
Switching between themes (View -> Quick switch scheme -> Theme -> Selecting another one
Restart the IDE
Finally I did this - Files -> Settings -> Plugins -> And disabled all installed themes and restart
And voila!
Hope this helps someone in a similar situation :)
Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts
Set "Scheme" to "Default".
Helps instantly, without restart

