Replacing Seam with jee6 in conversation - java

A project I'm working on is going to upgrade from jee5/seam to jee6, where "those who descide" think it is a good idea to drop seam since most of its features have been incorporated into jee6. But I have a case that I doesn't seem to be able to solve in jee6.
We have several wizards using ConversationScope. We use Seams FlushModeType.Manual in order to avoid getting "dirty" data commited until we want we actually wants to commit it (each page-load basically gets it own transaction but since nothing is written to the database until we flush, most commits doesn't change the state of the database).
I have made a few attempts using PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED in jee6 but it seems like I can't find a way to defer the flush to the database like seam does and the only workarounds seems to be to use detached objects or a separate view-model.
We really like how working with attached objects make (for our cases) things really simple to understand and fast to develop.
Is there a solution where we can keep working with attached objects in conversations?

As a big fan of Seam2 I wrote great apps using conversations, conversation scoped entity manager with flush mode set to manual and detached objects.
However, we must now admit that this pattern, despite being strongly pushed in the Seam manual and working great as far as Hibernate is the JPA implementation, is fundamentally broken. The reason is explained in this post from Mark Struberg: Is There A Way To Fix the JPA EntityManager?
So, the answer is no, there is no practical solution to keep working with attached objects in conversations. You should work with detached objects.
There is another another great CDI blogger who experimented with conversation scoped entity manager: Conversational CRUD. It might be worth reading if you keep on trying to work with attached objects.


Journalize operations done on objects in database

I wonder if there is a java framework to journalize operations done on objects and then save them in database.
In fact, I'm working on an application where a particular object undergo many operations, each one is changing its logic (many conrols may be applicated on the object depending on user).
Now, I would like to trace controls or operations done on this object and store them in new tables serving just for statistics. I think that this could be implemented without modifying the whole exiting code of the application. I mean it could be seen as a vertical layer...
I have already seen the description of hibernate interceptors but I'm not sure that it could meet my needs
I would like also to precize that I'm working with spring core and hibernate..
Anyone has an idea about a java framework or an API meeting my need
thanks in advance..
I'm sure Hibernate Interceptors can be helpful for you. But, there is a little change that your entities might have to go through, because interceptors work when saving all the entities, you have to let the interceptor know that you are not interested in saving a few of them by adding custom annotations to them.
Other ways of doing is by using Spring AOP, you can log work without touching any of your code, but for this to happen, you need to be using spring in your environment already.
Other ways could be using traditional Servlet filters to do this.
There is a concept of Hibernate Event handlers, you may also look it up.

Hibernate multiple users, dynamically changing

There are technically two questions here, but are tightly coupled :)
I'm using Hibernate in a new project. It's a POS project.
It uses Oracle database.
We have decided to use Hibernate because the project is large, and because it provides (the most popular) ORM capabilities.
Spring is, for now, out of the question - the reason being: the project is a Swing client-server application, and it adds needless complexity. And, also, Spring is supposed to be very hungry on the hardware resources.
There is a possibility to throw away Hibernate, and to use JDBC. Why? The project requirement is precise database interaction. Meaning, we should have complete control over the connections, sessions and transactions(and, yes, going as low as unoptimized queries).
The first question is - what are your opinions on using the mentioned requrement?
The second question revolves around Hibernate.
We developed a simple Hibernate pilot project.
Another project requirement is - one database user / one connection per user / one session per user / transactions are flexibile(we can end them when we want, as sessions).
Multiple user can log in the application at the same time.
We achived something like that. To be precise, we achived the full described functionality without the multiple users requirement.
Now, looking at the available resources, I came to a conclusion that if we are to have multiple users on the database(on the same schema), we will end up using multiple SessionFactory, implementing a dynamic ConnectionProvider for new user connections. Why?
The users hashed passwords are in the database, so we need to dynamically add a user to the list of current users.
The second question is - can this be done a little easier, it seems weird that Hibernate doesn't support such configurations.
Thank you.
If you're pondering about weather to use Hibernate or JDBC, honestlly go for JDBC. If your domain model is not too complex, you don't really get a lot of advantages from using hibernate. On the other hand using JDBC will greatly improve performance, as you have better control on your queries, and you get A LOT less memory usage from not habing all the Hibernate overhead. Balance this my making an as detailed as possible first scetch of your model. If you're able to schetch it all from the start (no parts that are possible to change wildly in throughout the project), and if said model doesn't look to involved, JDBC will be your friend.
About your users and sessions there, I think you might be mistaking (tho it could just be me), but I don't think you need multiple SessionFactories to have multiple sessions. SessionFactory is a heavy object to initialize, but once you have one you can get multiple hibernate session objects from it which are lightweight.
As a final remark, if you truly stick with an ORM solution (for whatever reason), if possible chose EclipseLink JPA2 implementation. JPA2 has more features over hibernate and the Eclipselink implementation is less buggy then hibernate.
So, as far as Hibernate goes, I still dont know if the only way to dynamicaly change database users(change database connections) was to create multiple session factories, but I presume it is.
We have lowered our requriements, and decided to use Hibernate, use only one user on the database(one connection), one session per user(multiple sessions/multiple "logical" users). We created a couple of Java classes to wrap that functionality. The resources how this can be done can be found here.
Why did we use Hibernate eventually? Using JDBC is more precise, and more flexibile, but the effort to once again map the ResultSet values into objects is, again, the same manual ORM approach.
For example, if I have a GUI that needs to save a Page, first I have to fetch all the Page Articles and then, after I save the Page, update all the Articles FK to that Page. Notice that Im speaking in nouns(objects), and I dont see any other way to wrap the Page/Articles, except using global state. This is the one thing I wouldnt like to see in my application, and we are, after all, using Java, a OO language.
When we already have an ORM mapper that can be configured(forced would be the more precise word to use in this particular example) to process these thing itself, why to go programming it?
Also, we decided to user google Guice - its much faster, typesafe, and could significantly simplify our development/maintence/testing.

Hibernate or JDBC

I have a thick client, java swing application with a schema of 25 tables and ~15 JInternalFrames (data entry forms for the tables). I need to make a design choice of straight JDBC or ORM (hibernate with spring framework in this case) for DBMS interaction. Build out of the application will occur in the future.
Would hibernate be overkill for a project of this size? An explanation of either yes or no answer would be much appreciated (or even a different approach if warranted).
Good question with no single simple answer.
I used to be a big fan of Hibernate after using it in multiple projects over multiple years.
I used to believe that any project should default to hibernate.
Today I am not so sure.
Hibernate (and JPA) is great for some things, especially early in the development cycle.
It is much faster to get to something working with Hibernate than it is with JDBC.
You get a lot of features for free - caching, optimistic locking and so on.
On the other hand it has some hidden costs. Hibernate is deceivingly simple when you start. Follow some tutorial, put some annotations on your class - and you've got yourself persistence. But it's not simple and to be able to write good code in it requires good understanding of both it's internal workings and database design. If you are just starting you may not be aware of some issues that may bite you later on, so here is an incomplete list.
The runtime performance is good enough, I have yet to see a situation where hibernate was the reason for poor performance in production. The problem is the startup performance and how it affects your unit tests time and development performance. When hibernate loads it analyzes all entities and does a lot of pre-caching - it can take about 5-10-15 seconds for a not very big application. So your 1 second unit test is going to take 11 secods now. Not fun.
Database Independency
It is very cool as long as you don't need to do some fine tuning on the database.
In-memory Session
For every transaction Hibernate will store an object in memory for every database row it "touches". It's a nice optimization when you are doing some simple data entry. If you need to process lots of objects for some reason though, it can seriously affect performance, unless you explicitly and carefully clean up the in-memory session on your own.
Cascades allow you to simplify working with object graphs. For example if you have a root object and some children and you save root object, you can configure hibernate to save children as well. The problem starts when your object graph grow complex. Unless you are extremely careful and have a good understanding of what goes on internally, it's easy to mess this up. And when you do it is very hard to debug those problems.
Lazy Loading
Lazy Loading means that every time you load an object, hibernate will not load all it's related objects but instead will provide place holders which will be resolved as soon as you try to access them. Great optimization right? It is, except you need to be aware of this behaviour otherwise you will get cryptic errors. Google "LazyInitializationException" for an example. And be careful with performance. Depending on the order of how you load your objects and your object graph you may hit "n+1 selects problem". Google it for more information.
Schema Upgrades
Hibernate allows easy schema changes by just refactoring java code and restarting. It's great when you start. But then you release version one. And unless you want to lose your customers you need to provide them schema upgrade scripts. Which means no more simple refactoring as all schema changes must be done in SQL.
Views and Stored Procedures
Hibernate requires exclusive write access to the data it works with. Which means you can't really use views, stored procedures and triggers as those can cause changes to data with hibernate not aware of them. You can have some external processes writing data to the database in a separate transactions. But if you do, your cache will have invalid data. Which is one more thing to care about.
Single Threaded Sessions
Hibernate sessions are single threaded. Any object loaded through a session can only be accessed (including reading) from the same thread. This is acceptable for server side applications but might complicate things unnecessary if you are doing GUI based application.
I guess my point is that there are no free meals.
Hibernate is a good tool, but it's a complex tool, and it requires time to understand it properly. If you or your team members don't have such knowledge it might be simpler and faster to go with pure JDBC (or Spring JDBC) for a single application. On the other hand if you are willing to invest time into learning it (including learning by doing and debugging) than in the future you will be able to understand the tradeoffs better.
Hibernate can be good but it and other JPA ORMs tend to dictate your database structure to a degree. For example, composite primary keys can be done in Hibernate/JPA but they're a little awkward. There are other examples.
If you're comfortable with SQL I would strongly suggest you take a look at Ibatis. It can do 90%+ of what Hibernate can but is far simpler in implementation.
I can't think of a single reason why I'd ever choose straight JDBC (or even Spring JDBC) over Ibatis. Hibernate is a more complex choice.
Take a look at the Spring and Ibatis Tutorial.
No doubt Hibernate has its complexity.
But what I really like about the Hibernate approach (some others too) is the conceptual model you can get in Java is better. Although I don't think of OO as a panacea, and I don't look for theoritical purity of the design, I found so many times that OO does in fact simplify my code. As you asked specifically for details, here are some examples :
the added complexity is not in the model and entities, but in your framework for manipulating all entities for example. For maintainers, the hard part is not a few framework classes but your model, so Hibernate allows you to keep the hard part (the model) at its cleanest.
if a field (like an id, or audit fields, etc) is used in all your entities, then you can create a superclass with it. Therefore :
you write less code, but more importantly ...
there are less concepts in your model (the unique concept is unique in the code)
for free, you can write code more generic, that provided with an entity (unknown, no type-switching or cast), allows you to access the id.
Hibernate has also many features to deal with other model caracteristics you might need (now or later, add them only as needed). Take it as an extensibility quality for your design.
You might replace inheritance (subclassing) by composition (several entities having a same member, that contains a few related fields that happen to be needed in several entities).
There can be inheritance between a few of your entities. It often happens that you have two tables that have pretty much the same structure (but you don't want to store all data in one table, because you would loose referential integrity to a different parent table).
With reuse between your entities (but only appropriate inheritance, and composition), there is usually some additional advantages to come. Examples :
there is often some way to read the data of the entities that is similar but different. Suppose I read the "title" field for three entities, but for some I replace the result with a differing default value if it is null. It is easy to have a signature "getActualTitle" (in a superclass or an interface), and implement the default value handling in the three implementations. That means the code out of my entities just deals with the concept of an "actual title" (I made this functional concept explicit), and the method inheritance takes care of executing the correct code (no more switch or if, no code duplication).
Over time, the requirements evolve. There will be a point where your database structure has problems. With JDBC alone, any change to the database must impact the code (ie. double cost). With Hibernate, many changes can be absorbed by changing only the mapping, not the code. The same happens the other way around : Hibernate lets you change your code (between versions for example) without altering your database (changing the mapping, although it is not always sufficient). To summarize, Hibernate lets your evolve your database and your code independtly.
For all these reasons, I would choose Hibernate :-)
I think either is a fine choice, but personally I would use hibernate. I don't think hibernate is overkill for a project of that size.
Where Hibernate really shines for me is dealing with relationships between entities/tables. Doing JDBC by hand can take a lot of code if you deal with modifying parent and children (grandchildren, siblings, etc) at the same time. Hibernate can make this a breeze (often a single save of the parent entity is enough).
There are certainly complexities when dealing with Hibernate though, such as understanding how the Session flushing works, and dealing with lazy loading.
Straight JDBC would fit the simplest cases at best.
If you want to stay within Java and OOD then going Hibernate or Hibernate/JPA or any-other-JPA-provider/JPA should be your choice.
If you are more comfortable with SQL then having Spring for JDBC templates and other SQL-oriented frameworks won't hurt.
In contrast, besides transactional control, there is not much help from having Spring when working with JPA.
Hibernate best suits for the middleware applications. Assume that we build a middle ware on top of the data base, The middelware is accessed by around 20 applications in that case we can have a hibernate which satisfies the requirement of all 20 applications.
In JDBC, if we open a database connection we need to write in try, and if any exceptions occurred catch block will takers about it, and finally used to close the connections.
In jdbc all exceptions are checked exceptions, so we must write code in try, catch and throws, but in hibernate we only have Un-checked exceptions
Here as a programmer we must close the connection, or we may get a chance to get our of connections message…!
Actually if we didn’t close the connection in the finally block, then jdbc doesn’t responsible to close that connection.
In JDBC we need to write Sql commands in various places, after the program has created if the table structure is modified then the JDBC program doesn’t work, again we need to modify and compile and re-deploy required, which is tedious.
JDBC used to generate database related error codes if an exception will occurs, but java programmers are unknown about this error codes right.
While we are inserting any record, if we don’t have any particular table in the database, JDBC will rises an error like “View not exist”, and throws exception, but in case of hibernate, if it not found any table in the database this will create the table for us
JDBC support LAZY loading and Hibernate supports Eager loading
Hibernate supports Inheritance, Associations, Collections
In hibernate if we save the derived class object, then its base class object will also be stored into the database, it means hibernate supporting inheritance
Hibernate supports relationships like One-To-Many,One-To-One, Many-To- Many-to-Many, Many-To-One
Hibernate supports caching mechanism by this, the number of round trips between an application and the database will be reduced, by using this caching technique an application performance will be increased automatically
Getting pagination in hibernate is quite simple.
Hibernate has capability to generate primary keys automatically while we are storing the records into database
... In-memory Session ... LazyInitializationException ...
You could look at Ebean ORM which doesn't use session objects ... and where lazy loading just works. Certainly an option, not overkill, and will be simpler to understand.
if billions of user using out app or web then in jdbc query will get executed billions of time but in hibernate query will get executed only once for any number of user most important and easy advantage of hibernate over jdbc.

Spring and Hibernate, Lazy initiation problem

Hey I am developing an desktop application using Spring and Hibernate, and I have a problem with lazy initiation. I looked in the web and every solution is related to the open session in view pattern, but I can't use this pattern. I've also tried to get the sessionfactory from the HibernateTemplate, but it returns to me a disconnected session.
Does anyone know other solution?
I would suggest that you basically have two solutions:
Make arrangements to keep a Hibernate session open when you access a lazy-initialized object or collection. That means you're going to have to carefully mark your transaction boundaries in your code, a la the "open session in view" pattern. Spring makes this possible, but in a desktop application it won't be as straightforward as a web application where the transaction boundaries are a little more obvious.
Turn off all the lazy-initialization for your persisted objects in Hibernate.
Option 2 could lead to a lot of unnecessary database access, and option 1 means you have to seriously study your workflow and use cases.
Hope that helps!
One option is to call Hibernate.initialize() on the entities or collections to force initialize them. You'd want to do this before you return the data back to your view. I would consider this carefully, since it's going to generate a lot of SQL statements back to the database.
You may want to look into using "fetch" in your HQL queries or configuration the fetch mode to "eager" in your mappings (I believe it's FetchMode.EAGER in JPA or lazy="false" in hbm.xml).
#Jose: Don't manage the Session in your own ThreadLocal. Use SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() and configure Hibernate to use the "thread" SessionContext.
I had a very similar problem, and as I was not able to find any really appropriate solution to it. I came up with my own one combining a lot of different approaches found on the web and posted them to my blog.
Sorry, that I don't put it in all here, but it is to much work to do it over and over again in all the forums I found people having this or a similar problem
Remote Lazy Loading with Hibernate and Spring

An alternative to Hibernate or TopLink? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a viable alternative to Hibernate? Preferably something that doesn't base itself on JPA.
Our problem is that we are building a complex (as in, many objects refer to each other) stateful RIA system. It seems as Hibernate is designed to be used mainly on one-off applications - JSF and the like.
The problem is mainly that of lazy loading. Since there can be several HTTP requests between the initialization and actually loading lazy collections, a session per transaction is out of the question. A long-lived session (one per application) doesn't work well either, because once a transaction hits a snag and throws an exception, the whole session is invalidated, thus the lazy loaded objects break. Then there's all kinds of stuff that just don't work for us (like implicit data persisting of data from outside an initialized transaction).
My poor explanations aside, the bottom line is that Hibernate does magic we don't like. It seems like TopLink isn't any better, it also being written on top of EJB.
So, a stateless persistence layer (or even bright-enough object-oriented database abstraction layer) is what we would need the most.
Any thoughts, or am I asking for something that doesn't exist?
Edit: I'm sorry for my ambiguous terminology, and thank you all for your corrections and insightful answers. Those who corrected me, you are all correct, I meant JPA, not EJB.
If you're after another JPA provider (Hibernate is one of these) then take a look at EclipseLink. It's far more fully-featured than the JPA 1.0 reference implementation of TopLink Essentials. In fact, EclipseLink will be the JPA 2.0 reference implementation shipped with Glassfish V3 Final.
JPA is good because you can use it both inside and outside a container. I've written Swing clients that use JPA to good effect. It doesn't have the same stigma and XML baggage that EJB 2.0/2.1 came with.
If you're after an even lighter weight solution then look no further than ibatis, which I consider to be my persistence technology of choice for the Java platform. It's lightweight, relies on SQL (it's amazing how much time ORM users spend trying to make their ORM produce good SQL) and does 90-95% of what JPA does (including lazy loading of related entities if you want).
Just to correct a couple of points:
JPA is the peristence layer of EJB, not built on EJB;
Any decent JPA provider has a whole lot of caching going on and it can be hard to figure it all out (this would be a good example of "Why is Simplicity So Complex?"). Unless you're doing something you haven't indicatd, exceptions shouldn't be an issue for your managed objects. Runtime exceptions typically rollback transactions (if you use Spring's transaction management and who doesn't do that?). The provider will maintain cached copies of loaded or persisted objects. This can be problematic if you want to update outside of the entity manager (requiring an explicit cache flush or use of EntityManager.refresh()).
As mentioned, JPA <> EJB, they're not even related. EJB 3 happens to leverage JPA, but that's about it. We have a bunch of stuff using JPA that doesn't even come close to running EJB.
Your problem is not the technology, it's your design.
Or, I should say, your design is not an easy fit on pretty much ANY modern framework.
Specifically, you're trying to keep transactions alive over several HTTP requests.
Naturally, most every common idiom is that each request is in itself one or more transactions, rather than each request being a portion of a larger transaction.
There is also obvious confusion when you used the term "stateless" and "transaction" in the same discussion, as transactions are inherently stateful.
Your big issue is simply managing your transactions manually.
If you transaction is occurring over several HTTP requests, AND those HTTP requests happen to be running "very quicky", right after one another, then you shouldn't really be having any real problem, save that you WILL have to ensure that your HTTP requests are using the same DB connection in order to leverage the Databases transaction facility.
That is, in simple terms, you get a connection to the DB, stuff it in the session, and make sure that for the duration of the transaction, all of your HTTP requests go through not only that same session, but in such a way that the actual Connection is still valid. Specifically, I don't believe there is an off the shelf JDBC connection that will actually survive failover or load balancing from one machine to another.
So, simply, if you want to use DB transactions, you need to ensure that your using the same DB Connection.
Now, if your long running transaction has "user interactions" within it, i.e. you start the DB transaction and wait for the user to "do something", then, quite simply, that design is all wrong. You DO NOT want to do that, as long lived transactions, especially in interactive environments, are just simply Bad. Like "Crossing The Streams" Bad. Don't do it. Batch transactions are different, but interactive long lived transactions are Bad.
You want to keep your interactive transactions as short lived as practical.
Now, if you can NOT ensure you will be able to use the same DB connection for your transaction, then, congratulations, you get to implement your own transactions. That means you get to design your system and data flows as if you have no transactional capability on the back end.
That essentially means that you will need to come up with your own mechanism to "commit" your data.
A good way to do this would be where you build up your data incrementally into a single "transaction" document, then feed that document to a "save" routine that does much of the real work. Like, you could store a row in the database, and flag it as "unsaved". You do that with all of your rows, and finally call a routine that runs through all of the data you just stored, and marks it all as "saved" in a single transaction mini-batch process.
Meanwhile, all of your other SQL "ignores" data that is not "saved". Throw in some time stamps and have a reaper process scavenging (if you really want to bother -- it may well be actually cheaper to just leave dead rows in the DB, depends on volume), these dead "unsaved" rows, as these are "uncomitted" transactions.
It's not as bad as it sounds. If you truly want a stateless environment, which is what it sounds like to me, then you'll need to do something like this.
Mind, in all of this the persistence tech really has nothing to do with it. The problem is how you use your transactions, rather than the tech so much.
I think you should have a look at apache cayenne which is a very good alternative to "big" frameworks. With its decent modeler, the learning curve is shorten by a good documentation.
I've looked at SimpleORM last year, and was very impressed by its lightweight no-magic design. Now there seems to be a version 3, but I don't have any experience with that one.
Ebean ORM (
It is a simpler more intuitive ORM to use.
Uses JPA Annotations for Mapping (#Entity, #OneToMany etc)
Sessionless API - No Hibernate Session or JPA Entity Manager
Lazy loading just works
Partial Object support for greater performance
Automatic Query tuning via "Autofetch"
Spring Integration
Large Query Support
Great support for Batch processing
Background fetching
DDL Generation
You can use raw SQL if you like (as good as Ibatis)
LGPL licence
BEA Kodo (formerlly Solarmetric Kodo) is another alternative. It supports JPA, JDO, and EJ3. It is highly configurable and can support agressive pre-fetching, detaching/attaching of objects, etc.
Though, from what you've described, Toplink should be able to handle your problems. Mostly, it sounds like you need to be able to attach/detach objects from the persistence layer as requests start and end.
Just for reference, why the OP's design is his biggest problem: spanning transactions across multiple user requests means you can have as many open transactions at a given time as there are users connected to your app - a transaction keeps the connection busy until it is committed/rolled back. With thousand of simultaneously connected users, this can potentially mean thousands of connections. Most databases don't support this.
Neither Hibernate nor Toplink (EclipseLink) is based on EJB, they are both POJO persistancy frameworks (ORM).
I agree with the previous answer: iBatis is a good alternative to ORM frameworks: full control over sql, with a good caching mechanism.
One other option is Torque, I am not saying it is better than any of the options mentioned above but just that it is another option to look at.
It is getting quite old now but may fit some of your requirements.
When I was myself looking for a replacement to Hibernate I stumbled upon DataNucleus Access Platform, which is an Apache2-licensed ORM. It isn't just ORM as it provides persistence and retrieval of data also in other datasources than RDBMS, like LDAP, DB4O and XML. I don't have any usage experience, but it looks interesting.
Consider breaking your paradigm completely with something like tox. If you need Java classes you could load the XML result into JDOM.

