I want to parse this JSON file in JAVA using GSON :
"descriptor" : {
"app1" : {
"name" : "mehdi",
"age" : 21,
"messages": ["msg 1","msg 2","msg 3"]
"app2" : {
"name" : "mkyong",
"age" : 29,
"messages": ["msg 11","msg 22","msg 33"]
"app3" : {
"name" : "amine",
"age" : 23,
"messages": ["msg 111","msg 222","msg 333"]
but I don't know how to acceed to the root element which is : descriptor, after that the app3 element and finally the name element.
I followed this tutorial http://www.mkyong.com/java/gson-streaming-to-read-and-write-json/, but it doesn't show the case of having a root and childs elements.
Imo, the best way to parse your JSON response with GSON would be creating classes that "match" your response and then use Gson.fromJson() method.
For example:
class Response {
Map<String, App> descriptor;
// standard getters & setters...
class App {
String name;
int age;
String[] messages;
// standard getters & setters...
Then just use:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Response response = gson.fromJson(yourJson, Response.class);
Where yourJson can be a String, any Reader, a JsonReader or a JsonElement.
Finally, if you want to access any particular field, you just have to do:
String name = response.getDescriptor().get("app3").getName();
You can always parse the JSON manually as suggested in other answers, but personally I think this approach is clearer, more maintainable in long term and it fits better with the whole idea of JSON.
I'm using gson 2.2.3
public class Main {
* #param args
* #throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("jsonFile.json"));
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String name = jsonReader.nextName();
if (name.equals("descriptor")) {
public static void readApp(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException{
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String name = jsonReader.nextName();
if (name.contains("app")){
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String n = jsonReader.nextName();
if (n.equals("name")){
if (n.equals("age")){
if (n.equals("messages")){
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
One thing that to be remembered while solving such problems is that in JSON file, a { indicates a JSONObject and a [ indicates JSONArray. If one could manage them properly, it would be very easy to accomplish the task of parsing the JSON file. The above code was really very helpful for me and I hope this content adds some meaning to the above code.
The Gson JsonReader documentation explains how to handle parsing of JsonObjects and JsonArrays:
Within array handling methods, first call beginArray() to consume the array's opening bracket. Then create a while loop that accumulates values, terminating when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the array's closing bracket by calling endArray().
Within object handling methods, first call beginObject() to consume the object's opening brace. Then create a while loop that assigns values to local variables based on their name. This loop should terminate when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the object's closing brace by calling endObject().
I have a for loop which iterates and generates key value pairs for different employees.
I need to create a JSON array like below and write it to a JSON file at the end.
I am having trouble figuring out the ideal way to code it (JSON Objects -> JSON Array -> JSON file?).
I am open to use json-simple/GSON.
Desired JSON file format:
"employeeFirstName": "Mark",
"employeeLastName": "Williams",
"employeeDepartment": "Sales",
"employeeFirstName": "John",
"employeeLastName": "Carpenter",
"employeeDepartment": "Accounts",
"employeeFirstName": "David",
"employeeLastName": "Hunter",
"employeeDepartment": "Marketing",
I tried using a JSONObject and add it to a JSONArray. But, couldn't figure how to code it for iterations.
My current Java class:
public class Test {
public void createEmployeesJSONArrayFile(ITestContext iTestContext) {
for (ITestResult testResult : iTestContext.getFailedTests().getAllResults()) {
System.out.println("employeeFirstName: " + testResult.getEmployeeFirstName()));
System.out.println("employeeLastName: " + testResult.getEmployeeLastName());
System.out.println("employeeDepartment: " + testResult.getEmployeeDepartment());
What is the simplest or ideal way to achieve this?
A simple way to achieve this would be to use Gson, an API provided by Google. You could write the Collection of ITestResult objects to a file. The toJson function will take the Collection of ITestResult objects and write them to the the given Appenable object, which in this case is a BufferedWriter which points to a file.
(untested, one sec, not at workstation)
Collection<ITestResult> results = iTestContext.getFailedTests().getAllResults();
new GsonBuilder()
.toJson(results, Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get("path", "to", "file")));
If your goal is to write to file eventually, you can also use jackson apis.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
//To add indentation to output json
Collection<ITestResult> results = iTestContext.getFailedTests().getAllResults();
mapper.writeValue(new File("/somepath/output.json"), results);
catch (IOException){
Note: Recommended to use single instance of object mapper
For following snippet:
public static final class Node {
class Employee {
private final String employeeFirstName;
private final String employeeLastName;
private final String employeeDepartment;
public Employee(String employeeFirstName, String employeeLastName, String employeeDepartment) {
this.employeeFirstName = employeeFirstName;
this.employeeLastName = employeeLastName;
this.employeeDepartment = employeeDepartment;
List<Employee> employees = Arrays.asList(
new Employee("Mark", "Williams", "Sales"),
new Employee("John", "Carpenter", "Accounts"),
new Employee("David", "Hunter", "Marketing"));
// String json = ...
Using gson-utils
String json = GsonUtils.writeValue(data);
Using jackson-utils
String json = JacksonUtils.writeValue(data);
I want to convert each integer/double value to String present in json request before storing in MongoDB database.
There can be multiple fields like amountValue in the json. I am looking for a generic way which can parse json with any number of such attributes value to string. My request will have around 200 fields.
ex: "amountValue": 200.00, to "amountValue": "200.00",
"templateName": "My DC Template 14",
"templateDetails": {
"beneficiaryName": "Snow2",
"dcOpenAmount": {
"amountValue": 200.00,
My mongoDB Document is of the form
public class TemplateDetails {
private long templateId;
private String templateName;
private Object templateDetail;
Because we are storing document in mongodb as an object(Which can accept any type of json request) we dont have field level control on it.
In my controller, converting the request object to json.
This is how I tried. But its not meeting my expectation. It is still keeping the amount value to its original double form.:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(templateRequestVO);
System.out.println("ResultingJSONstring = " + json);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
Output :
ResultingJSONstring = {"id":null,"userId":"FU.ZONKO","txnType":"LCI","accessIndicator":"Public","templateId":null,"templateName":"My DC Template 14","tags":null,"templateDetails":{"applicantDetail":{"applicantName":"Tom","applicantAddress":{"addressLine1":"Infosys, Phase 2","city":"PUNE","state":"MAHARASHTRA","country":"INDIA","zip":"40039"},"accountId":"Account1234","customerId":"JPMORGAN"},"beneficiaryName":"Snow2","dcOpenAmount":{"amountValue":200.0,"currency":"USD"}}}
Is there any way to accomplish the result ? Or anything which can help to store documents in mongodb with attribute type as String ?
You can use Json manipulation avaliable in "org.json.JSONObject" to convert Double value to Stirng .
If your Json structure won't change and will remain as said above , you can do the following.
import org.json.JSONObject;
public static void main(String args[]) {
String j = "{ \"templateName\": \"My DC Template 14\", \"templateDetails\": { \"beneficiaryName\": \"Snow2\", \"dcOpenAmount\": { \"amountValue\": 200.00 } } }";
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(j);
.put("amountValue", String.valueOf(jo.getJSONObject("templateDetails").getJSONObject("dcOpenAmount").getDouble("amountValue")));
Following will be the output
{"templateDetails":{"dcOpenAmount":{"amountValue":"200.0"},"beneficiaryName":"Snow2"},"templateName":"My DC Template 14"}
I don't know for mongodb but for a json string you can replace them with a regex and the function replace like this :
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String json = "{\"id\":null,\"userId\":\"FU.ZONKO\",\"txnType\":\"LCI\",\"accessIndicator\":\"Public\",\"templateId\":null,\"templateName\":\"My DC Template 14\",\"tags\":null,\"templateDetails\":{\"applicantDetail\":{\"applicantName\":\"Tom\",\"applicantAddress\":{\"addressLine1\":\"Infosys, Phase 2\",\"city\":\"PUNE\",\"state\":\"MAHARASHTRA\",\"country\":\"INDIA\",\"zip\":\"40039\"},\"accountId\":\"Account1234\",\"customerId\":\"JPMORGAN\"},\"beneficiaryName\":\"Snow2\",\"dcOpenAmount\":{\"amountValue\":200.0,\"currency\":\"USD\"}}}";
public static String replaceNumberByStrings(String str){
return str.replaceAll("(?<=:)\\d+(\\.\\d+)?(?=(,|}))","\"$0\"");
It will look for all fields with a numeric value in the json string and add quotes to the value. This way they will be interpreted as strings when the json willl be parsed.
It will not work if the value is in an array though, but in this case it should not be a problem.
I want to parse this JSON file in JAVA using GSON :
"descriptor" : {
"app1" : {
"name" : "mehdi",
"age" : 21,
"messages": ["msg 1","msg 2","msg 3"]
"app2" : {
"name" : "mkyong",
"age" : 29,
"messages": ["msg 11","msg 22","msg 33"]
"app3" : {
"name" : "amine",
"age" : 23,
"messages": ["msg 111","msg 222","msg 333"]
but I don't know how to acceed to the root element which is : descriptor, after that the app3 element and finally the name element.
I followed this tutorial http://www.mkyong.com/java/gson-streaming-to-read-and-write-json/, but it doesn't show the case of having a root and childs elements.
Imo, the best way to parse your JSON response with GSON would be creating classes that "match" your response and then use Gson.fromJson() method.
For example:
class Response {
Map<String, App> descriptor;
// standard getters & setters...
class App {
String name;
int age;
String[] messages;
// standard getters & setters...
Then just use:
Gson gson = new Gson();
Response response = gson.fromJson(yourJson, Response.class);
Where yourJson can be a String, any Reader, a JsonReader or a JsonElement.
Finally, if you want to access any particular field, you just have to do:
String name = response.getDescriptor().get("app3").getName();
You can always parse the JSON manually as suggested in other answers, but personally I think this approach is clearer, more maintainable in long term and it fits better with the whole idea of JSON.
I'm using gson 2.2.3
public class Main {
* #param args
* #throws IOException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new FileReader("jsonFile.json"));
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String name = jsonReader.nextName();
if (name.equals("descriptor")) {
public static void readApp(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException{
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String name = jsonReader.nextName();
if (name.contains("app")){
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
String n = jsonReader.nextName();
if (n.equals("name")){
if (n.equals("age")){
if (n.equals("messages")){
while (jsonReader.hasNext()) {
One thing that to be remembered while solving such problems is that in JSON file, a { indicates a JSONObject and a [ indicates JSONArray. If one could manage them properly, it would be very easy to accomplish the task of parsing the JSON file. The above code was really very helpful for me and I hope this content adds some meaning to the above code.
The Gson JsonReader documentation explains how to handle parsing of JsonObjects and JsonArrays:
Within array handling methods, first call beginArray() to consume the array's opening bracket. Then create a while loop that accumulates values, terminating when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the array's closing bracket by calling endArray().
Within object handling methods, first call beginObject() to consume the object's opening brace. Then create a while loop that assigns values to local variables based on their name. This loop should terminate when hasNext() is false. Finally, read the object's closing brace by calling endObject().
My JSON object looks something like this:
id: 1
key_for_1: "value for object type 1"
type: "object_type_1"
id: 2
key_for_23: "value for object type 23"
type: "object_type_23"
So, basically i need "type" before i can parse object. Is there a way to ensure that I can grab the value for "type" before i grab "object"?
JsonReader is has pretty much the same methods as GSON. Here is how I am parsing it:
public CustomObject(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
while (reader.hasNext()) {
String name = reader.nextName();
if (name.equals("id")) {
clId = reader.nextDouble();
else if (name.equals("object")) {
innerObject = new InnerObject(reader);
else if (name.equals("type")) {
type = reader.nextString();
I don't want to just use a string builder because the actual JSON object I get back is HUGE (the one above is just a sample). I tried StringBuilder first and I am seeing quite a few out of memory problems which is why I wanted to move to JsonReader.
Any help would be awesome. Thanks
First of all to simplify parsing JSON object, you can use org.json library. Secondly, I think this is an invalid JSON object structure.
Do you intend to have an array of JSON objects with each item (Data in this case) having following name:value pairs?
id: 1
key_for_23: "value for object type 23"
type: "object_type_23"
},{ }]
I need to create a JSON response with some dynamic fields in java. Here is an example of the JSON response I want to return :
"success": true,
"completed_at": 1400515821,
"<uuid>": {
type: "my_type",
"<uuid>": {
type: "my_type",
The "success" and the "completed_at" fields are easy to format. How can I format the fields? What would be the corresponding java object?
Basically I want to work with 2 java objects :
public class ApiResponseDTO {
private boolean success;
private DateTime completedAt;
public class AuthenticateResponseDTO extends ApiResponseDTO {
public List<ApplianceResponseDTO> uuids = new ArrayList<ApplianceResponseDTO>();
These java objects don't correspond to the expected JSON format. It would work if I could change the JSON format to have a list, but I can't change it.
Thanks a lot!
You can massage your data into JSON form using the javax.json library, specifically the JsonObjectBuilder and the JsonArrayBuilder. You'll probably want to nest a few levels of a toJson() method which will either give you the string representation you're looking for, or the JsonObject/JsonArray you desire. Something like this:
JsonArray value = null;
JsonArrayBuilder builder = Json.createArrayBuilder();
for (ApplianceResponseDTO apr : uuids) {
value = builder.build();
return value;