How to manage required, conflicting Java dependencies - java

Say I need (its required) to use fizz-1.0.jar and buzz-2.3.2.jar in my Java project. Now, fizz-1.0.jar depends on foo-0.1.35.jar, and buzz-2.3.2.jar depends on foo-4.2.17.jar.
foo-0.1.35.jar contains a Widget class like so:
public class Widget {
public int doSomething(int x) {
return x++;
foo-4.2.17.jar contains a heavily modifed version of Widget:
public class Widget {
public Meh makeStuff() {
return new Meh();
Unfortunately, both fizz-1.0.jar and buzz-2.3.2.jar make heavy use of both versions of Widget.
I can't just blindly add both versions of foo-x.y.z.jar to the classpath, because whichever Widget gets loaded first will only work for either fizz-1.0.jar or buzz-2.3.2.jar.
What are my options here? Remember I must have both fizz-1.0.jar and buzz-2.3.2.jar, and must satisfy all of their transitive dependencies.

I would recommend that you use a framework which distinguishes class loads.
E.g. OSGi framework. Then you can create 2 bundles - one with the fizz implementation and one with the buzz implementation. They both can contain their dependent libraries which do not conflict anymore because they are loaded from 2 different classs loaders.
Example osgi containers or "Eclipse Equinox" and "Apache Felix" but there are more.
Hope that helps.


Mockito : How to ignore transitive dependencies

I am using mockito for my unit tests. Consider the following snippet
ThirdPartyClass tpo = mock(ThirdPartyClass.class);
ThirdPartyClass is from a third party jar, lets say tp.jar. Now tp.jar is not an uber jar. Here is what ThirdPartyClass looks like
class ThirdPartyClass
SomeOtherClass memberObject;
public ThirdPartyClass(){}
/*Rest of the code*/
Now, when i try to run my unit tests, i get java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for SomeOtherClass. Remember that tp.jar is not an uber jar so it makes sense that SomeOtherClass is not in my classpath.
But why is mockito not able to handle this transitive dependency? Is there any way to ignore all transitive dependencies?
"Only mock types that you own" is the way to go here.
One reason for that is exactly what you describe: the test set up becomes too complicated, e.g. because of dependencies.
So instead of mocking the ThirdPartyClass, you create some sort of Adapter and then mock that class.
interface ThirdPartyAdapter {
void someMethod(); // only put method here that you really use
And then mock that thing instead:
ThirdPartyAdapter tpo = mock(ThirdPartyAdapter.class);
And in production, delegate to the ThirdPartyClass:
class UsefulThing implements ThirdPartyAdapter {
ThirdPartyClass wrapped;
UsefulThing(ThirdPartyClass wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
void someMethod() {
Tests and production code is more robust to changes of the third party classes
You can use your own domain terms for methods instead of what the third party dictates
The relationship between your code and the third party code becomes clearer (and is only visible at a single place in your code)
I highly recommend Growing Object Oriented Software by Freeman & Pryce - or check the mockito docks for a quick start.
Mockito works by creating a subclass of the class to be mocked. So the class to be mocked has to compile. Could perhaps be solved by adding the jar that contains SomeOtherClass to your dependency management with scope test.
If you are going to mock ThirdPartyClass then SomeOtherClass MUST be on your compile-time and runtime classpath. Without seeing how you are building/running it's difficult to give real help
You need to ensure that all the required classes (jars) are on
The compile classpath
The runtime classpath
If you are using a build tool like Gradle or Maven to build & run then the classpaths, including transitive dependencies, will be managed for you. If you are compiling/running by hand you will need to ensure that the transitive dependencies are on the compile-time & runtime classpaths.

Dynamic ClassLoader

I have a large desktop Java application and I want to allow other developers to develop plugins for. Plugins will be jars placed in a specified dir. They will not be on the classpath at startup. I will load and deploy them at runtime.
The complication is that some plugins will have dependencies on each other, as well as the core application. So I cannot load each plugin/jar in its own URLClassLoader. Therefore I want to load all plugins into 1 URLClassLoader. Furthermore, some plugins may fail to initialise for various reasons. And I only want a ClassLoader at the end of day that knows about the successfully loaded plugins. The reasons are quite bizarre and relate to some legacy stuff that is using reflection to instantiate classes. This needs to fail if the plugin doesn't initialise for classes defined inside the plugin jar that failed.
Without this requirement, the solution would be:
Collect the jar URLs and build a ClassLoader based on them
Try to initialise a plugin class from each jar (defined in config in the manifest)
Now the ClassLoader here would be passed to the legacy system for it to use for its reflection stuff. However, it's my understanding that it will still be able to instantiate classes from plugin jars whose plugin failed to initialise (since the jar will still in the URL[] of the ClassLoader). Hence this breaks my requirement above.
The only solution I have come up with so far is to create a custom URLClassLoader as follows (simply to allow access to findClass()):
public class CustomURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
public CustomURLClassLoader(final URL[] urls, final ClassLoader parent) {
super(urls, parent);
protected Class<?> findClass(final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
return super.findClass(name);
And then I made another custom ClassLoader that essentially knows about multiple child ClassLoaders:
public class MultiURLClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
private Set<CustomURLClassLoader> loaders = new HashSet<CustomURLClassLoader>();
public MultiURLClassLoader(final ClassLoader parent) {
protected Class<?> findClass(final String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Iterator<CustomURLClassLoader> loadersIter = loaders.iterator();
boolean first = true;
while (first || loadersIter.hasNext()) {
try {
if (first) {
return super.findClass(name);
} else {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
first = false;
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
public void addClassLoader(final CustomURLClassLoader classLoader) {
public void removeClassLoader(final CustomURLClassLoader classLoader) {
Then my loading plugin alogorithm will be something like
MultiURLClassLoader multiURLClassLoader = new MultiURLClassLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
for (File pluginJar : new File("plugindir").listFiles()) {
CustomURLClassLoader classLoader = null;
try {
URL pluginURL = pluginJar.toURI().toURL();
final URL[] pluginJarUrl = new URL[] { pluginURL };
classLoader = new CustomURLClassLoader(pluginJarUrl, multiURLClassLoader);
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("some.PluginClass", false, multiURLClassLoader);
Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();
SomePluginInterface plugin = (SomePluginInterface)ctor1.newInstance();
} catch (SomePluginInitialiseException e) {
Then I can pass the multiURLClassLoader instance onto the legacy system and it will only be able to find classes (via reflection) whose plugin successfully loaded.
I've done some basic testing and it seems to work as I'd like so far. But I would very much like someones opinion on whether this seems like a good idea or not? I have never played this much with ClassLoaders before and I am wanting to avoid getting myself in too deep before its too late.
The problem I see is that if you don't know in advance which plugin depends on which, it's very hard to do anything reasonable, to debug problems, to isolate non-functional or bad-behaving plugins, etc.
Therefore I'd suggest another option: Add another field into each plugin's manifest, which will say on what other plugins it depends. Perhaps just a list of other plugin JARs it needs to function. (The core application classes would be always available.) I believe this would make the design much more robust and simplify many things.
Then, you could choose from different designs, for example:
For each plugin you could create a separate ClassLoader that would load just the JARs it needs. Probably the most robust solution. But I see a drawback: plugins that act as dependencies for many other ones will be loaded repeatedly in different class-loaders. It depends on circumstances (plugin count, JARs size, ...) if this could be a problem or not, it could even be an advantage.
You could have one big ClassLoader for all plugins, as you suggest, but you could ask it for plugin classes in the order of their dependencies. The ones that don't depend on anything first, then the ones that depend on those first ones etc. If some plugin class fails to load/initialize, you could immediately discard all plugins that depend on it.
Are you looking for something like the OSGi approach?
You could do something like Petr Pudlák has said, however you should take in account the fact that one of the solutions you have can create cyclic dependencies...

Best practice: Extending or overriding an Android library project class

We're using an Android Library Project to share core classes and resources across different builds (targets) of our Android application. The Android projects for each specific target reference the Core library project (behind the scenes, Eclipse creates and references a jar from the referenced library project).
Overriding resources such as images and XML layouts is easy. Resource files placed in the target project, such as the app icon or an XML layout, automatically override the core library's resources with the same name when the app is built. However, sometimes a class needs to be overridden to enable target-specific behavior. For example, the Amazon target preferences screen cannot contain a link to the Google Play app page, requiring a change in the Amazon project's preferences.xml and preferences Activity class.
The goal is to reduce the amount of duplicate code among target projects while removing as much target-specific code from the Core library as possible. We've come up with a couple of approaches to implement logic specific to different targets:
Write the target-specific functions within Core library classes and use if/switch blocks to select behavior based on product SKU. This approach is not very modular and bloats the Core library codebase.
Extend the particular Core class in a target project and override the base (Core) class functions as needed. Then keep a reference to the base-class object in the Core library and instantiate it with an extended class object (from How to override a class within an Android library project?)
Are there other strategies to override or extend an Android library project class? What are some of the best practices for sharing and extending common classes among Android app targets?
Library project is referenced as a raw project dependency (source-based mechanism), not as a compiled jar dependency (compiled-code based library mechanism).
#yorkw this is not true for the latest versions of ADT Plugin for Eclipse
From version 17 Change log
New build features
Added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies. Any .jar files in the /libs folder are added to the build configuration (similar to how the Ant build system works). Also, .jar files needed by library projects are also automatically added to projects that depend on those library projects. (more info)
More info
Before that, update overwriting of the Activity from Library project was easy, just exclude the class. Now the library is included as jar file, and there is no way to exclude class file from jar dependency.
My solution to overwrete/extend Activity from library jar:
I created a simple util class:
public class ActivityUtil {
private static Class getActivityClass(Class clazz) {
// Check for extended activity
String extClassName = clazz.getName() + "Extended";
try {
Class extClass = Class.forName(extClassName);
return extClass;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Extended class is not found return base
return clazz;
public static Intent createIntent(Context context, Class clazz) {
Class activityClass = getActivityClass(clazz);
return new Intent(context, activityClass);
In order to overwrite a library's "SampleActivity" class it a the project which depends on that library, create a new class with the name SampleActivityExtended in the project in the same package and add the new activity to your AndroidManifest.xml.
IMPORTANT: all intents referencing overwritten activities should be created through the util class in the following manner:
Intent intent = ActivityUtil.createIntent(MainActivity.this, SampleActivity.class);
behind the scenes, Eclipse creates and references a jar from the referenced library project.
This is not quite accurate. Library project is referenced as a raw project dependency (source-based mechanism), not as a compiled jar dependency (compiled-code based library mechanism). Currently Android SDK does not support exporting a library project to a self-contained JAR file. The library project must always be compiled/built indirectly, by referencing the library in the dependent application and building that application. When build dependent project, the compiled source and raw resources that need to be filtered/merged from Library project are copied and properly included in the final apk file. Note that Android team had started revamping the whole Library Project design (move it from ource-based mechanism to compiled-code based library mechanism) since r14, as mentioned in this earlier blog post.
What are some of the best practices for sharing and extending common classes among Android app targets?
The solution given by Android is Library Project.
The solution given by Java is Inheritance and Polymorphism.
Come together, the best practice IMO is the second option you mentioned in the question:
2.Extend the particular Core class in a target project and override the base (Core) class functions as needed. Then keep a reference to the base-class object in the Core library and instantiate it with an extended class object (from Android library project - How to overwrite a class?)
From my personal experience, I always use Android Library Project (Sometimes with Regular Java Project, for implementing/building common-lib.jar that contains only POJO) manage common code, for instance SuperActivity or SuperService, and extends/implements proper classes/interfaces in the dependent project for Polymorphism.
Solution based on PoisoneR's solution and Turbo's solution.
public static Class<?> getExtendedClass(Context context, String clsName) {
// Check for extended activity
String pkgName = context.getPackageName();
Logger.log("pkgName", pkgName);
String extClassName = pkgName + "." + clsName + "Extended";
Logger.log("extClassName", extClassName);
try {
Class<?> extClass = Class.forName(extClassName);
return extClass;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Extended class is not found return base
return null;
The benefits of this is that
The extended class can be in the project's package, not the library's package. Thanks to Turbo for this part.
By taking a String as an argument instead of a Class object, this method is able to be used even with ProGuard. getName() is where the problem is with ProGuard, as that will return something like "a" instead of the name of the original class. So in the original solution instead of looking for ClassExtended it will look for aExtended instead, something which does not exist.
What about using a callback approach here? (Okay, callback is a little bit misleading but I currently have no other word for it:
You could declare an interface in every Activity which should/may be expanded by the user. This interface will have methods like List<Preference> getPreferences(Activity activity) (pass whatever parameters you need here, I would use an Activity or at least a Context to be futureproof).
This approach could give you what you want when I have understood it correctly. While I haven't done this before and don't know how other people handle this I would give it a try and see if it works.
Could you, please, clarify what is different in Kindle and regular Android?
I think - they are the same.
What you need is different resources for Kindle and other devices. Then use appropriate resource.
For example I use 2 links to store:
<string name="appStore"><a href=>Android Market</a> or <a href=>Amazon Appstore</a> <br> <br>href=</string>
<string name="appStore_amazon"><a href=>Amazon Appstore</a> <br>href=</string>
and use appStore for all none Amazone product and appStore_amazon for Kindle.
How to determine where are you on run time - that would be another question which was answered here many times.
I was inspired by PoinsoneR's answer to create a Utility class to do the same thing for Fragments - override a fragment in an android Library. The steps are similar to his answer so I won't go into great detail, but here is the class:
package com.mysweetapp.utilities;
public class FragmentUtilities
private static Class getFragmentClass(Class clazz)
// Check for extended fragment
String extClassName = clazz.getName() + "Extended";
Class extClass = Class.forName(extClassName);
return extClass;
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
// Extended class is not found return base
return clazz;
public static Fragment getFragment(Class clazz)
Class fragmentClass = getFragmentClass(clazz);
Fragment toRet = null;
toRet = (Fragment)fragmentClass.newInstance();
return toRet;
catch (InstantiationException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return toRet;
You can also use an Activity factory if you need to provide extended activitys for differnt build variants and have your library deal with the abstract factory alone. This can be set in your build variants Application file.

Java Plugin Development

I'm developing a java application that has 20 plugins, each plugin's have some similar GUI menu item's and menu event's but they store data in different table's in a database. Currently I'm creating separate GUI, event and model classes for each plugin by copying and pasting in diffrent class files.
Is it wise to develop separate GUI, event and model classes for each plugin's and duplicate similar methods to other plugin's?
I need your advice on how to create a generic GUI, event and model interface for all the plugin's without making my application uneasy to maintain.
Thank you.
We have a plug-in system in our product, and ran into the same issue. Many of the plug-ins share a lot of code. We ultimately decided on the following:
Define clean Interfaces (PluginABC implements MyProductInterface). These interfaces don't require a specific implementation but...
We provided a AbstractPlugin that Plugins can extend. This AbstractPlugin provides a ton of standard functionality that is useful for most plug-ins.
public interface MyProductInterface {
public void doIt();
public class MyPlugin implements MyProductInterface extends AbtractPlugin {
public doIt() {
// ...
/// ...
public abstract class AbstractPlugin {
public usefulMethodForMostPlugins() ...

Java (Eclipse) - Conditional compilation

I have a java project that is referenced in j2me project and in android project.
In this project i would like to use conditional compilation.
Something like...
//#if android
//if j2me
I have been reading about this but i did not find anything useful yet.
You could use Antenna (there is a plugin for Eclipse, and you can use it with the Ant build system).
I'm using it in my projects in a way you've described and it works perfectly :)
EDIT: here is the example related to #WhiteFang34 solution that is a way to go:
In your core project:
//base class
public abstract class Base {
public static Base getInstance()
//#ifdef ANDROID
return new AndroidBaseImpl();
//#elif J2ME
return new J2MEBaseImpl();
public abstract void doSomething();
//Android specific implementation
//#ifdef ANDROID
public class AndroidBaseImpl extends Base {
public void doSomething() {
//Android code
//J2ME specific implementation
//#ifdef J2ME
public class J2MEBaseImpl extends Base {
public void doSomething() {
// J2Me code
In your project that uses the core project:
public class App {
public void something {
// Depends on the preprocessor symbol you used to build a project
Than if you want to build for the Android, you just define ANDROID preprocessor symbol or J2ME if you want to do a build for a J2ME platform...
Anyway, I hope it helps :)
Perhaps you should consider creating interfaces around the logic that's specific to a profile (J2ME, Android or other in the future). Then create concrete implementations of your interface for each profile. Any common parts you could split out into an abstract base class for both implementations to extend. This way your logic for each profile is nicely separated for different concerns. For each profile just build the appropriate set of classes (you could separate them by package for example). It'll be easier to maintain, debug, test and understand in the long run.
Eclipse MTJ project provides preprocessing support as documented . This support was mainly targeted for tackling fragmentation problems on JavaME. I have not tested the preprocessing support together with the Android tooling but it may just work.

