I need to know how my game can handle all these screen sizes i have seen a few options including:
Re sizing the elements to fit the screen
Making assets in lots of different sizes
I'd like to know which is more efficient ?
What are my other options ?
How would i go about making it work ?
So far i am just making my screen fit to the android device i'm testing on and this could lead to failure in the future if i do not set this handler up
well if you are using libgdx then you dont have to worry about screen sizes. just use its camera class and set its viewports accordingly . refer this link for camera
Also you dont need to make android handlers for it.
This website talks about how to handle this problem http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html.
It claims the best practices are:
Use wrap_content, fill_parent, or dp units when specifying dimensions in an XML layout file
Do not use hard coded pixel values in your application code
Do not use AbsoluteLayout (it's deprecated)
Supply alternative bitmap drawables for different screen densities
The problem is not with the dimensions of the screen, rather the density of the screens. Using dp to set the size for elements is the most common way.
I am relatively new to android programming and was wondering if would it be better to add an image that uses a custom font, or just add the custom font and set it as the typeface of a textview? In terms of memory footprint and performance. Thanks
Using a .ttf file for Font is always better than to have images for texts because:
Less intensive on memory
Easy to scale text across various screen sizes, using desity independent text size units : sp
It's always better to use TextView. You can be certain that no matter what's yout device is if you use a TextView your app will never have all kinds of blur, visible pixels or all other stuff that you can't avoid with small images. Also you have to take care of memory. I know that it's probably small image, but when you've got a lot of them there has to be some kind of memory protection - and that is another work to do.
It's hard to find correct font size - sometimes it's all depend on your device. But that's why you have all this possibilities with different values folders. You can read more about it here: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html
Another thing is, you don't always have to put your custom font manually in every TextView.
Just extend TextView class and use like normal Android component. You can see how to do it here:
In LibGDX, I am currently trying to achieve the effect of a pixellated GUI, meaning the buttons are pixellated, like an 8-bit theme.
When I make my GUI elements, such as a TextButton, I am using images that are small, say 34x16 pixels, but I am rendering them on a large resolution like 1920x1080. What is the best way to render such a small image at a high resolution?
My thoughts were to use stage.setViewport(WIDTH,HEIGHT), and set the width and height to a scaled down resolution, so the gui elements wouldn't be so big. This works, however when adding elements things go wrong.
This my stage/table currently, using a scaled down resolution. I am adding widgets using to the table like this:
but as you can see, the table.row() makes a row that is much too large, perhaps a row fit for a larger resolution. Is there any way to change the gap that is made by the row? I would have thought that the gap would be zero, and by using table.add().pad() you could change the gap, but I am not doing any of that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a common issue in all apps. To overcome this, images which can be safely resized in parts are used. they are called ninepatches.
Here is a nice Tutorial about using them in libgdx.
Distance Field Fonts
Although you haven't mentioned it here, you'd also find font sizing (pixellated fonts) as an issue. For that Distance Field Fonts are used.
Hope this helps.
I would say don't worry about scaling them up and making the virtual resolution bigger. If you want to see picture still pixelated when you scale it use Texture filter. For your case you want to use Nearest filter. use it like this:
yourTexture.setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
where yourTexture is the texture that you have all your bitmaps and skin elements on. If you are using texturePacker than you can specify the filter before packing too. Or just open the .pack file and on the top you will see filtering options, and edit those to Nearest.
I want to have a splash screen, something like a full picture, which doesn't crop in heigth or width on different smartphone screens.
Now I achieved a splash screen with android:scaleType="fitXY", but now the image is cropped on top or bottom or if the devices screen size changes to another aspect ratio it is cropped on the left and right.
What do I have to do? I've already read the android developer article Supporting Multiple Screens, but I don't get it how to achieve this.
A simple picture in the middle of the screen is just simple to get, but a picture which fills the screen is hard to get. Can you help me pls?
you should use center_crop per this purpose. From the doc
Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that
both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or
larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
There is no way to create one single asset and expect it to do not be cropper and to do not create black areas when the application is deployed in different screen sizes.
The android platform is designed to work dynamically with multiple screen sizes that any manufacture can change at any time, including new resolutions that you haven't thought about it yet.
Android can specify minimums for screen hight/width categories in which your resources will fall, but those are generics.
In order to use them, you will have to specify qualifiers in your drawables and create a different splash screen for every qualifier, as for example if you use drawable-w420dp, all the resources there will be used when the screen has a minimum width of 420dp (notice that are not pixels)
So you have two options:
You can use one single splash image and design margins of that image flexible enough in order to cope with the image being cropped in certain cases. You can play with different scaleTypes in your ImageView and take as a reference this website http://etcodehome.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/android-imageview-scaletype-samples.html even though as commented before, "center-crop" will be your best shot.
You can programatically use a specific image for a specific resolution.
2.1 Put in the assets directory, all the splash images that you want for all the specific resolutions or aspect ratios that you want to use
2.1 Get the screen size of the device with Get screen dimensions in pixels
2.2 Now you can load from the assets the image that you want dynamically
Use the below code
which will fill the entire screen.
Try Using Width and Height of image to "match_parent"
Ok, so I have this map and I have various sliders on the right. After changing slider values and pressing 'Execute' button, some provinces in the map below should change colour.
However, I don't know how to implement the map below. I have used 33 png drawable for each province. I have set them all to have a same big rectangle dimension so that they'd align themselves.
I am getting an 'Out of memory on byte allocation' error.
I assume this is because of all the large drawables I have.
I'm new to android and I want to ask, is there a way to implement this without the error?
Also the map should always be displayed on the left side of the screen so the images always have to be visible.
I would recommend making a SVG and changing the colors programmatically.
Graphics are hard to scale and are heavy space users, scalable graphics are slim, look great everywhere (device size and dpi) and easy to manage (single file instead of 33).
I am discovering android programming, I created a simple layer and I'm drawing some sprites like that:
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setTranslate(xPos, yPos);
canvas.drawBitmap(mysprite, matrix, null);
But depending on the screen size, everything is not scaled like it would.
Must I scale myself using the screen demensions or is there a parameter for doing that automaticaly.
As far as I know there is no way of automatically scaling your sprites, the closest you can get is dp, which firstly I don't know if it is possible to size things using dp in a game engine, and secondly it is not the best way (because I have found that it simply doesnt change enough) to support multiple screen sizes.
This would be a good place to start however, as it covers different easy(ish) methods to support multiple screen sizes - http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html