Allowing object construction only from some packages - java

I work on a game-like system. Users can submit .class and .java files for customized behaviour. Some objects are delivered to the user via callback, but if the user can construct these object himself (with custom parameters), it would mean an advantage to him. I will disallow reflection for the user and seal my packages. I can get this working if I abandon all package structure (and make the constructors package-private), but I would like not to do so.
Here is an example:
package sscce.mycode.a;
import sscce.mycode.b.RestrictedObject;
import sscce.usercode.SomeUserClass;
public class SomeClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SomeUserClass userClass=new SomeUserClass();
// If I can create it from here, anyone can...
RestrictedObject object=new RestrictedObject();
package sscce.mycode.b;
public interface Interface {
public void someMethod(RestrictedObject restrictedObject);
package sscce.mycode.b;
public class RestrictedObject {
public RestrictedObject() {}
package sscce.usercode;
import sscce.mycode.b.Interface;
import sscce.mycode.b.RestrictedObject;
public class SomeUserClass implements Interface {
public void someMethod(RestrictedObject restrictedObject) {
// It receives an instance, but cannot create it.
System.out.println("Got "+restrictedObject);
Motivation: Having everything in one package sounds messy...
Does anyone have ideas on how to accomplish this without flattening the packages?
Thanks in advance for any solutions, ideas or comments, Till

You could do it the following way, however you should carefully consider if you really want to use this approach as it is very slow and quite frankly, bad practice.
I'll put it up anyway as to how you can do it:
public final class Secured {
private static final Set<Class<?>> allowedCallers = new HashSet<>();
static {
private static final class SecurityManagerExtension extends SecurityManager {
private static final int OFFSET = 4;
protected Class<?>[] getClassContext() {
return super.getClassContext();
private Class<?> getCaller() {
try {
return getClassContext()[OFFSET];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return null;
private Secured() {
// protect against reflection attack
Class<?> caller = new SecurityManagerExtension().getCaller();
if (!this.getClass().equals(caller)) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
System.out.println("Secured instance constructed!");
public static Secured createInstance() {
// this gets the class name of the calling class
Class<?> caller = new SecurityManagerExtension().getCaller();
if (allowedCallers.contains(caller)) {
System.out.println("Created instance by '" + caller + "'!");
return new Secured();
} else {
System.out.println("No instance created because call was made by '" + caller + "'!");
return null;
Note the final keyword on the class to prevent subclassing. If you need to subclass the class yourself, move the final keyword to the factory method.
Also note that this is not protected against serialization attacks.


Handling of multiple delegates

I have a java application for which I want to add an extension to execute groovy scripts. So far, so good the parsing, compiling and execution is not the problem!
For reasons of simplification I want to keep the groovy syntax as simple as possible (e.g. no OO-skills required). Furthermore, the groovy scripts shall be able to access library functions which are initialized by the java classes. This is the part where the #Delegate comes into play!
Currently, I came up with two different solutions which are not completely satisfying for me:
public interface GroovyService { }
public class MyService implements GroovyService {
public static final MyService INSTANCE = new MyService();
private MyService() { /* ... */ }
public void method1() { /* ... */ }
public void method2() { /* ... */ }
Solution #1 - For each delegated method define a method shortcut
public class ServicesFacade {
public static final ServicesFacade INSTANCE = new ServicesFacade();
#Delegate MyService myService;
// Further #Delegate of services ...
private ServicesFacade() {
myService = MyService.INSTANCE;
def method1 = myService.&method1
def method2 = myService.&method2
if (method1()) {
The code part with the method shortcuts could be prepended to the string result read from the groovy file content. Without the shortcuts it would fulfill my expectations, but I'm looking for a solution for which I don't have to keep track about all the shortcuts.
Solution #2 - Use a list of the service type and the method wildcard access
public class ServicesFacade {
public static final ServicesFacade INSTANCE = new ServicesFacade();
#Delegate private final List<GroovyService> services = new ArrayList<>();
private ServicesFacade() {;
public void addService(GroovyService service) {;
if (services*.method1()) {
The advantage of this solution is that I can use a fixed member name for any service (services*), but I'm not so impressed by the syntax.
The groovy scripts are used as follows:
CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration();
GroovyShell groovyShell = new GroovyShell(compilerConfiguration);
DelegatingScript script = (DelegatingScript) groovyShell.parse(fileContent);
if (script != null) {
/* ... */
scripts.forEach(s -> {;
Is there a better way in achieving a direct method call of the delegated methods?
I came up with a good solution in which I wrote an analogous Script class similar to DelegatingScript. It looks as follows:
import groovy.lang.Binding;
import groovy.lang.MetaClass;
import groovy.lang.MissingMethodException;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public abstract class MultiDelegatingScript extends groovy.lang.Script {
private final Map<Object, MetaClass> delegateMap = new HashMap<>();
protected MultiDelegatingScript() {
protected MultiDelegatingScript(Binding binding) {
public void setDelegate(Object delegate) {
this.delegateMap.put(delegate, InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(delegate.getClass()));
public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object args) {
for (Map.Entry<Object, MetaClass> delegate : this.delegateMap.entrySet()) {
try {
// Try to invoke the delegating method
return delegate.getValue().invokeMethod(delegate.getKey(), name, args);
} catch (MissingMethodException mme) {
// Method not found in delegating object -> try the next one
// No delegating method found -> invoke super class method for further handling
return super.invokeMethod(name, args);
Using this class instead of DelegatingScript will completely fulfill my expectations!

Java: Is it possible to always execute a certain function before other functions are called? (Like #Before in JUnit)

Is there a way to always execute a function before any other function of a class is called?
I have a class where I need to refresh some fields always before any function is called:
public class Example {
private int data;
public void function1(){
public void function2(){
private void refresh(){
// refresh data
Because it seems to be bad programming, I don't want to call refresh at the beginning of every other function. Since other persons are going to work on this project as well, there would be the danger, that somebody extends the calls and doesn't call refresh.
JUnit has a solution for this with the #Before-Annotation. Is there a way to do this in other classes as well?
And by the way: If you know a programming pattern wich solves this problem in another way than executing a function everytime any function is called, that would be very helpful, too!
Use a dynamic proxy in which you can filter to those methods before which your specific "before" method should be called. And call it in those cases before dispatching the call. Please see the answer from How do I intercept a method invocation with standard java features (no AspectJ etc)?
An interface is needed to be separated for the proxy. The refresh() method cannot remain private. It must be public and part of the interface (which is not nice here) to be able to be called from the proxy.
package CallBefore;
public interface ExampleInterface {
void function1();
void function2();
void otherFunction();
void refresh();
Your class implements that interface:
package CallBefore;
public class Example implements ExampleInterface {
public void function1() {
System.out.println("function1() has been called");
public void function2() {
System.out.println("function2() has been called");
public void otherFunction() {
System.out.println("otherFunction() has been called");
public void refresh() {
System.out.println("refresh() has been called");
The proxy which does the trick. It filters the needed methods and calls refresh().
package CallBefore;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class ExampleProxy implements InvocationHandler {
private ExampleInterface obj;
public static ExampleInterface newInstance(ExampleInterface obj) {
return (ExampleInterface) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(obj.getClass().getClassLoader(),
obj.getClass().getInterfaces(), new ExampleProxy(obj));
private ExampleProxy(ExampleInterface obj) {
this.obj = obj;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method m, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Object result;
try {
if (m.getName().startsWith("function")) {
result = m.invoke(obj, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected invocation exception: " + e.getMessage());
return result;
The usage:
package CallBefore;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExampleInterface proxy = ExampleProxy.newInstance(new Example());
refresh() has been called
function1() has been called
refresh() has been called
function2() has been called
otherFunction() has been called
refresh() has been called
This may not solve your exact problem but at least could be a starting point if you are allowed considering a re-design. Below is a simple implementation but with some small touches I believe you can achieve a more elegant solution. BTW, this is called Dynamic Proxy Pattern.
First thing you need is an interface for your class.
public interface Interface {
void hello(String name);
void bye(String name);
public class Implementation implements Interface {
public void hello(String name) {
System.out.println("Hello " + name);
public void bye(String name) {
System.out.println("Bye " + name);
Then java.lang.reflect.Proxy class comes to help. This class is able to create an instance for a given interface at runtime. It also accepts an InvocationHandler which helps you to capture method calls and looks like this.
public class InvocationHandlerImpl implements InvocationHandler {
private final Object instance;
public InvocationHandlerImpl(Object instance) {
this.instance = instance;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Object result;
try {
result = method.invoke(instance, args);
} catch (Exception e){
throw e;
} finally {
return result;
After all your client code will look like this.
Interface instance = new Implementation();
Interface proxy = (Interface)Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[] { Interface.class },
new InvocationHandlerImpl(instance));
Output for this code is
Hello Mehmet
Bye Mehmet
I would define getters for every field and do the refreshment inside the getter. If you want to avoid unrefreshed access to your private fields at all, put them in a superclass (together with the getters which call refresh).
Depending on your project structure, it may be also sensible to introduce a separate class for all data that is regularly refreshed. It can offer getters and avoid that anyone accesses the non-refreshed fields.
Not in Java SE, but if you are using Java EE, you could use interceptors.
For standalone applications, you could consider using a bytecode manipulation framework, like javassist.
You can have a protected getter method for data. Access getData method instead of using data field. Child classes will see only getData and will have updated data every time.
public class Example {
private int data;
public void function1(){
public void function2(){
protected int getData(){
return data;
private void refresh(){
// refresh data
It is better to write another method which will be made protected(accessible to the child classes) which will call first the refresh method and then call the function.
This way the data would be refreshed before the function is called everytime(As per your requirement).
protected void callFunction1(){
You should use Decorator in this case. Decorator is a good choice for something like interceptor. Example here:

ProGuard removing method call creating useless code

So I have small interface
public interface IPlayersStorage
// other methods...
public boolean addException(final String nick);
// other methods...
and class "PlayersStorage" that implements it: (only used part)
public class PlayersStorage implements IPlayersStorage
private static final PlayersStorage inst = new PlayersStorage();
private final Set<String> exceptions = new HashSet<>(50);
public boolean addException(final String nick)
return ! this.exceptions.add(nick);
public static PlayersStorage getStorage()
return inst;
And in some place I use that method using that code:
for (final String player : this.cfg.getStringList("Exceptions"))
And ProGuard change it to:
for (Iterator localIterator1 = this.cfg.getStringList("Exceptions").iterator(); localIterator1.hasNext();)
PlayersStorage.getStorage(); // it's get object, but don't do anything with it...
The only possible fix that I found, is add static method to PlayersStorage
public static boolean staticAddException(final String nick)
return inst.addException(nick);
And then use it (instead of old code)
for (final String player : this.cfg.getStringList("Exceptions"))
Then works... (ProGuard keep method call) but adding static methods for every method from interface isn't good idea.
ProGuard only removes method invocations if they don't have any effect (doesn't seem to be the case here), or if you have specified -assumenosideffects for the methods. You should check your configuration and remove any such option.
Alternatively, your decompiler may be having problems decompiling the code. You should then check the actual bytecode with javap -c.

How to implement thread-safe lazy initialization?

What are some recommended approaches to achieving thread-safe lazy initialization? For instance,
// Not thread-safe
public Foo getInstance(){
if(INSTANCE == null){
INSTANCE = new Foo();
return INSTANCE;
For singletons there is an elegant solution by delegating the task to the JVM code for static initialization.
public class Something {
private Something() {
private static class LazyHolder {
public static final Something INSTANCE = new Something();
public static Something getInstance() {
return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
and this blog post of Crazy Bob Lee
If you're using Apache Commons Lang, then you can use one of the variations of ConcurrentInitializer like LazyInitializer.
ConcurrentInitializer<Foo> lazyInitializer = new LazyInitializer<Foo>() {
protected Foo initialize() throws ConcurrentException {
return new Foo();
You can now safely get Foo (gets initialized only once):
Foo instance = lazyInitializer.get();
If you're using Google's Guava:
Supplier<Foo> fooSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<Foo>() {
public Foo get() {
return new Foo();
Then call it by Foo f = fooSupplier.get();
From Suppliers.memoize javadoc:
Returns a supplier which caches the instance retrieved during the first call to get() and returns that value on subsequent calls to get(). The returned supplier is thread-safe. The delegate's get() method will be invoked at most once. If delegate is an instance created by an earlier call to memoize, it is returned directly.
This can be done in lock-free manner by using AtomicReference as instance holder:
// in class declaration
private AtomicReference<Foo> instance = new AtomicReference<>(null);
public Foo getInstance() {
Foo foo = instance.get();
if (foo == null) {
foo = new Foo(); // create and initialize actual instance
if (instance.compareAndSet(null, foo)) // CAS succeeded
return foo;
else // CAS failed: other thread set an object
return instance.get();
} else {
return foo;
Main disadvantage here is that multiple threads can concurrently instantiate two or more Foo objects, and only one will be lucky to be set up, so if instantiation requires I/O or another shared resource, this method may not be suitable.
At the other side, this approach is lock-free and wait-free: if one thread which first entered this method is stuck, it won't affect execution of others.
The easiest way is to use a static inner holder class :
public class Singleton {
private Singleton() {
public static Singleton getInstance() {
return Holder.INSTANCE;
private static class Holder {
private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
class Foo {
private volatile Helper helper = null;
public Helper getHelper() {
if (helper == null) {
synchronized(this) {
if (helper == null) {
helper = new Helper();
return helper;
This is called double checking!
Check this
If you use lombok in your project, you can use a feature described here.
You just create a field, annotate it with #Getter(lazy=true) and add initialization, like this:
private final Foo instance = new Foo();
You'll have to reference field only with getter (see notes in lombok docs), but in most cases that's what we need.
Here is one more approach which is based on one-time-executor semantic.
The full solution with bunch of usage examples can be found on github ( Here is the crux of it:
“One Time Executor” semantic as the name suggests has below properties:
A wrapper object which wraps a function F. In current context F is a function/lambda expression which holds the initialization/de-initialization code.
The wrapper provides an execute method which behaves as:
Calls the function F the first time execute is called and caches the output of F.
If 2 or more threads call execute concurrently, only one “gets in” and the others block till the one which “got in” is done.
For all other/future invocations of execute, it does not call F rather simply returns the previously cached output.
The cached output can be safely accessed from outside of the initialization context.
This can be used for initialization as well as non-idempotent de-initialization too.
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Function;
* When execute is called, it is guaranteed that the input function will be applied exactly once.
* Further it's also guaranteed that execute will return only when the input function was applied
* by the calling thread or some other thread OR if the calling thread is interrupted.
public class OneTimeExecutor<T, R> {
private final Function<T, R> function;
private final AtomicBoolean preGuard;
private final CountDownLatch postGuard;
private final AtomicReference<R> value;
public OneTimeExecutor(Function<T, R> function) {
Objects.requireNonNull(function, "function cannot be null");
this.function = function;
this.preGuard = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.postGuard = new CountDownLatch(1);
this.value = new AtomicReference<R>();
public R execute(T input) throws InterruptedException {
if (preGuard.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
try {
} finally {
} else if (postGuard.getCount() != 0) {
return value();
public boolean executed() {
return (preGuard.get() && postGuard.getCount() == 0);
public R value() {
return value.get();
Here is a sample usage:
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
* For the sake of this example, assume that creating a PrintWriter is a costly operation and we'd want to lazily initialize it.
* Further assume that the cleanup/close implementation is non-idempotent. In other words, just like initialization, the
* de-initialization should also happen once and only once.
public class NonSingletonSampleB {
private final OneTimeExecutor<File, PrintWriter> initializer = new OneTimeExecutor<>(
(File configFile) -> {
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(configFile);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
return pw;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private final OneTimeExecutor<Void, Void> deinitializer = new OneTimeExecutor<>(
(Void v) -> {
if (initializer.executed() && null != initializer.value()) {
return null;
private final File file;
public NonSingletonSampleB(File file) {
this.file = file;
public void doSomething() throws Exception {
// Create one-and-only-one instance of PrintWriter only when someone calls doSomething().
PrintWriter pw = initializer.execute(file);
// Application logic goes here, say write something to the file using the PrintWriter.
public void close() throws Exception {
// non-idempotent close, the de-initialization lambda is invoked only once.
For few more examples (e.g. singleton initialization which requires some data available only at run-time thus unable to instantiate it in a static block) please refer to the github link mentioned above.
Thinking about lazy initialization, I would expect getting a "almost real" object that just decorates the still not initialized object.
When the first method is being invoked, the instance within the decorated interface will be initialized.
* Because of the Proxy usage, the initiated object must implement the passed interface.
* The difference from other solutions is the encapsulation of the initiation from the usage. You start working directly with DataSource as if it was initialized. It will be initialized on the first method's invocation.
DataSource ds = LazyLoadDecorator.create(dsSupplier, DataSource.class)
Behind the scenes:
public class LazyLoadDecorator<T> implements InvocationHandler {
private final Object syncLock = new Object();
protected volatile T inner;
private Supplier<T> supplier;
private LazyLoadDecorator(Supplier<T> supplier) {
this.supplier = supplier;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (inner == null) {
synchronized (syncLock) {
if (inner == null) {
inner = load();
return method.invoke(inner, args);
protected T load() {
return supplier.get();
public static <T> T create(Supplier<T> factory, Class<T> clazz) {
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(LazyLoadDecorator.class.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] {clazz},
new LazyLoadDecorator<>(factory));
Put the code in a synchronized block with some suitable lock. There are some other highly specialist techniques, but I'd suggest avoiding those unless absolutely necessary.
Also you've used SHOUTY case, which tends to indicate a static but an instance method. If it is really static, I suggest you make sure it isn't in any way mutable. If it's just an expensive to create static immutable, then class loading is lazy anyway. You may want to move it to a different (possibly nested) class to delay creation to the absolute last possible moment.
Depending on what you try to achieve:
If you want all Threads to share the same instance, you can make the method synchronized. This will be sufficient
If you want to make a separate INSTANCE for each Thread, you should use java.lang.ThreadLocal
With Java 8 we can achieve lazy initialization with thread safety. If we have Holder class and it needs some heavy resources then we can lazy load the heavy resource like this.
public class Holder {
private Supplier<Heavy> heavy = () -> createAndCacheHeavy();
private synchronized Heavy createAndCacheHeavy() {
class HeavyFactory implements Supplier<Heavy> {
private final Heavy heavyInstance = new Heavy();
public Heavy get() {
return heavyInstance;
if (!HeavyFactory.class.isInstance(heavy)) {
heavy = new HeavyFactory();
return heavy.get();
public Heavy getHeavy() {
return heavy.get();
public class Heavy {
public Heavy() {
System.out.println("creating heavy");
Basing this answer on #Alexsalauyou's one I thought if it could be possible to implement a solution that does not call multiple instances.
In principle my solution may be a little bit slower (very very little), but it is definitely friendlier to the processor, and the garbage collector.
The idea is that you must first use a container which could hold an "int" value PLUS the generic you want to instance.
static class Container<T> {
final int i;
final T val;
//constructor here
Let this container's fields be final for concurrency purposes.
The LazyInit<T> class, must have an AtomicReference of this container.
AtomicReference<Container<T>> ref;
LazyInit must define phase processes as private static int constants:
private static final int NULL_PHASE = -1, CREATING_PHASE = 0, CREATED = 1;
private final Container<T> NULL = new Container<>(NULL_PHASE, null),
CREATING = new Container<>(CREATING_PHASE, null);
NULL and CREATING containers can be made static and upgraded to <?> to make things lighter, then one could grab them with a casting private static method.
The AtomicReference must be initialized as NULL:
private final AtomicReference<Container<T>> ref = new AtomicReference<>(getNull());
Finally the get() method would look like this:
public T get() {
Container<T> prev;
while ((prev = ref.get()).i < CREATED) {
if (ref.compareAndSet(getNull(), getCreating())) {
T res = builder.get();
ref.set(new Container<>(CREATED, res));
return res;
return prev.value;
Try to defined the method which gets an instance as synchronized:
public synchronized Foo getInstance(){
if(INSTANCE == null){
INSTANCE = new Foo();
return INSTANCE;
Or use a variable:
private static final String LOCK = "LOCK";
public synchronized Foo getInstance(){
if(INSTANCE == null){
INSTANCE = new Foo();
return INSTANCE;

Class for Strong References in Java, for anonymous classes

I want a hard reference class in my Java code, but, of course, there isn't one. Is there some other way to do what I want, or should I make my own class?
This comes up with anonymous classes in methods where I want the anonymous class to set the return value for the method.
For example, given
interface Greeting {
void greet();
I want code like the following:
// Does not compile
static void hello(final String who) {
String returnValue;
Greeting hello = new Greeting() {
public void greet() {
returnValue = "hello" + who;
I can fake it using a list:
static void hello(final String who) {
final List<String> returnValue = new ArrayList<String>();
Greeting hello = new Greeting() {
public void greet() {
returnValue.add("hello" + who);
But I want to not use a list. I can write a StrongReference class that solves this:
static class StrongReference<T> {
private T referent;
public void set(T referent) {
this.referent = referent;
public T get() {
return referent;
which makes my method clearer:
static void hello(final String who) {
final StrongReference<String> returnValue = new StrongReference<String>();
Greeting hello = new Greeting() {
public void greet() {
returnValue.set("hello" + who);
For my contrived example, I could have greet() return a String, but I'm working with much more complex classes, where the setting is deep within a database call that the base class manages. The instances have many different types they want to return, so I've just been using the List trick.
My questions are: Is there a better way to do this? What's wrong with my StrongReference class? Has anyone written a StrongReference in a library somewhere?
If you want something from the standard API, perhaps an AtomicReference would do?
It has void set(V value) and a V get() methods. Unless you have multiple threads involved, just see the synchronization mechanism as a bonus ;-)
A common idiom
final String[] result = { null };
result[0] = ...;
Looks good but I think you should make some kind of synchronization since another thread might set the value.

