I have a field that I am trying to set the length of 25 to by using StringBuilder and then populate it with string values in specific positions within that field. However, when I get a print out of the values in that field the value looks like this:
Obviously I am needing to remove the "�" values from that field. Any help/direction would be appreciated.
Here is my code:
String b44 = toRequestIsoMessage.getString(B44_ADD_RESPONSE_DATA.bitId);
if (b44 == null) {
// ***** 20130604 MS - Told Ralph since that position 1 is space filled initially in the request to the CORE so that he can modify for the AVS. *****
String avsValue = " ";
try {
StringBuilder revB44Value = new StringBuilder();
revB44Value.insert(0, avsValue);
if (decision.cidResponse.responseCode != null) {
revB44Value.insert(1, decision.cidResponse.responseCode);
} else {
revB44Value.insert(1, " ");
if (decision.cvvResponse.responseCode != null) {
revB44Value.insert(13, decision.cvvResponse.responseCode);
} else {
revB44Value.insert(13, " ");
String revB44 = revB44Value.toString();
toRequestIsoMessage.setString(B44_ADD_RESPONSE_DATA.bitId, revB44Value.toString());
} catch (InternalISOMsgException e) {
I am having a hard time writing a couple of lines of code. All my current codes are in: https://github.com/anabeen/MeetingJava
The problem that I have is, finding a suitable way to go through the hashmap and get the meetings that have overlapping times and replace them.
Map<LocalDate, Set<Meeting>> meetings = new HashMap<LocalDate, Set<Meeting>>();
Let's say we have a HashMap of
[{2011-03-21=[objectMeeting1, objectMeeting2]}]
and we need to add objectMeeting3 to that hashMap. How do I select the key "2011-03-21" to look at the objects in that hashmap and compare the set of objects in there with a new objectMeeting3's time (part of the data from object) and then replace that object?
In GitHub, I am trying to pass the MeetingSchedulerTest (). This is where I am stuck at:
Meeting meeting = extractMeeting(employeeId, requestLines[i],
officeStartTime, officeFinishTime, meetingSlotRequest1);
// if the order overlaps
for (Map.Entry<LocalDate, Set<Meeting>> meetingEntry : meetings.entrySet()) {
if (meetingDate == meetingEntry.getKey())
Set<Meeting> setOfMeeting = meetingEntry.getValue();
for (Meeting m : setOfMeeting) {
// if the order doesn't
if (meetings.get(meetingDate) != null)
Set<Meeting> meetingsForDay = new HashSet<Meeting>();
meetings.put(meetingDate, meetingsForDay);
} else
}else if (meeting != null){
// if meeting doens't have meetingDate then create a new HashMap with date & Meeting
Set<Meeting> meetingsForDay = new HashSet<Meeting>();
meetings.put(meetingDate, meetingsForDay);
I figured out the answer by using this:
for (Map.Entry<LocalDate, Set<Meeting>> meetingEntry : meetings.entrySet()) {
if (meetingDate.equals(meetingEntry.getKey()))
System.out.println("HERES1? ");
Set<Meeting> setOfMeeting = meetingEntry.getValue();
for (Meeting m : setOfMeeting) {
System.out.println("comparing time? " + m.getStartTime().getHourOfDay() + " TO "
+ meeting.getStartTime().getHourOfDay());
if (m.compareTo(meeting) == 0) {
} else {
I am new to Java and practicing parsing csv file into the object. I've tried but cannot figure it out.
The file looks like this:
[0], [1], [2], [3] , [4] , [5] , [6] , [7] , [8] , [9]
class, gender, age, bodyType, profession, pregnant, isYou ,species, isPet, role
scenario:green, , , , , , , ,
person, female, 24, average , , FALSE , , , , passenger
animal, male , 4, , , FALSE , , dog , TRUE , pedestrian
person, male , 16, athletic, boxer , FALSE , TRUE , , , passenger
person, female, 25, athletic, doctor , TRUE , FALSE , , , pedestrian
I need to parse it by any number of passengers and pedestrians with any scenarios. Finally, add these scenarios into an ArrayList for analyzing.
What I think is to:
loop through each line, stops when reaches to the next scenario:red, adds the passengers and the pedestrians to the Character ArrayList. (I've done adding, but don't how to stop).
Create a scenario using constructor scenario(ArrayList<Character> passenger, ArrayList<Character> pedestrians, boolean redOrGreen);
The ArrayList scenarios add the created scenarios.
What I've done is put everything together instead of separate them. Any help or hint is highly appreciated.
Thanks for this community who helped me, here is what I've got so far.
public void loadCsv() throws IOException {
String csvFile = "config.csv";
String line = "";
String csvSplit = "\\s*,\\s*";
Scenario scenario = new Scenario();
Person person = new Person();
Animal animal = new Animal();
ArrayList<Scenario> scenaios = new ArrayList<Scenario>();
ArrayList<String> csvContents = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Character> passengers = new ArrayList<Character>();
ArrayList<Character> pedestrians = new ArrayList<Character>();
try (BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));) {
String headerLine = csvReader.readLine(); //get rid of the header
//add each line to the arrayList
while ((line = csvReader.readLine()) != null) {
for(String csvLine : csvContents) {
String[] data = csvLine.split(csvSplit); // split by comma and remove redundant spaces
if (data.length == NO_OF_FIELD) { //check and avoid indexOutOfBoundException
String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable
if (clazz.startsWith("scenario") && data.length == 1) {
scenario = new Scenario();
else if ("person".equals(clazz) && data.length ==10) {
person = loadCsvPerson(data);
addCharacter(person, data);
else if ("animal".equals(clazz) && data.length ==10) {
animal = loadCsvAnimal(data);
addCharacter(animal, data);
//passenger and pedestrians are in position
System.out.println("passengers: " + passengers);
System.out.println("pedestrians: " + pedestrians);
if (null != scenario) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
If it is possible to change the csv file format, I would add scenario type column (and scenario id or name if required), so you can work with csv file as a result set from database when you join tables (scenario + passenger + pedestrian) and return plain rows.
With this approach you will be able to delegate parsing to any csv library and do your logic (group by scenario id/name/type) separately. With surrogate rows you have (scenario:green...) you have to write your custom parser.
For example, you can use univocity to simply parse file into your model (even using annotations) and iteratively group it and handle.
Or if you need to work with existing file format do something like that:
if (clazz.startsWith("scenario") && data.length == 1) {
// collect existing scenario before starting processing new one
if (scenario != null) {
passengers = new ArrayList();
pedestrians = new ArrayList();
// now start new group (scenario)
scenario = new Scenario();
Following things need to be addressed in your code:
Strive to avoid using the name of a class which is already used by the standard library (and especially when it is in the default package, java.lang) e.g. there is already a class Character in Java library and therefore you should use a different name for your custom class.
Use continue to skip the line, scenario:red
for(String csvLine : csvContents) {
String[] data = csvLine.split(csvSplit); // split by comma and remove redundant spaces
if (data.length == NO_OF_FIELD) {
If you have already defined final int NO_OF_FIELD = 10, you can use the same instead of using the value 10 directly i.e. you should use NO_OF_FIELD instead of 10 in the following code:
if (data.length == NO_OF_FIELD) { //check and avoid indexOutOfBoundException
String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable
else if ("person".equals(clazz) && data.length ==10) {
However, you also need to understand that && data.length ==10 is unnecessary here as you have already checked data.length == NO_OF_FIELD in the enclosing if condition.
I couldn't understand the rest of your points. If you clarify them, I'll be able to help you further.
I need to add the previous scenario in the second round.
Since the last set of data won't be captured, I need to set another new scenario to add it in. Thanks for the art sir.
Character character = null;
try (BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));) {
String headerLine = csvReader.readLine(); //get rid of the header
//add each line to the arrayList
while ((line = csvReader.readLine()) != null) {
final int NO_OF_FIELDS = 10;
for(String csvLine : csvContents) {
String[] data = csvLine.split(csvSplit); // split by comma and remove redundant spaces
String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable
if (clazz.startsWith("scenario") && data.length == 1) {
// adding scenario after one set of data
// i.e second round adding the first round data
if (passengers.size() != 0 && pedestrians.size() != 0) {
Scenario scenario = new Scenario();
passengers = new ArrayList<Character>();
pedestrians = new ArrayList<Character>();
if (clazz.endsWith("green")) {
System.out.println("green light");
else if (clazz.endsWith("red")){
System.out.println("red light");
Scenario scenario = new Scenario();
Audit audit = new Audit();
I receive a list of models. The number of models could be large. This models has a bunch of properties and any of them could be null potentially.
I need to build a string for every model based of it's properties. If property == null then I add some static part to the result string like "property1 is null".
If else property != null then I add something like this "property1 == 'valueOfThePropertyHere'".
The result string should look something like this:
prop1 == 'value1' and prop2 is null and prop3 == 'value3' and prop4 == 'value4' and prop5 is null and ..... propN == 'valueN'
And I generate such string for every model from the list.
Obviously I do this in for loop and I use StringBuilder for this. The thing is that in append method of StringBuilder I check every field of the model for null using ternary operator and based on this I add the result of this check to the result string. But if a property is not null then I need to add some static part + value of the field itself + some more static stuff. And that means I need to add one more StringBuilder for every property I have. Or I can use '+' which will be transformed into StringBuilder anyway and as far as I know it's a bad practise to use '+' inside StringBuilder (but I have to use it anyway).
List<Model> models = repository.getModels();
for (Model m: models) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
.append(m.getField1() == null ? "field1 is null" : "field1 == '" + new StringBuiler().append(m.getField1()).append("'").append(" and ").toString()))
.append(m.getField2() == null ? "field2 is null" : "field2 == '" + new StringBuiler().append(m.getField2()).append("'").append(" and ").toString()))
.append(m.getFieldN() == null ? "fieldN is null" : "fieldN == '" + new StringBuiler().append(m.getFieldN()).append("'").append(" and ").toString()));
In my opinion from the performance perspective it doesn't look so well because for every model from a list of models I create another bunch of StringBuilder objects in heap just to get the result string.
Am I missing something? Are there better ways to do so from the performance perspective? Or it's okay because I don't see other options for now.
Go for simple.
Instead of
.append(m.getField1() == null ? "field1 is null" : "field1 == '" + new StringBuiler().append(m.getField1()).append("'").append(" and ").toString()))
if (m.getField1() == null) {
stringBuilder.append("field1 is null");
} else {
stringBuilder.append("field1 == '").append(m.getField1()).append("'").append(" and ");
Aside from the distinct oddness of using a StringBuilder inside a StringBuilder.append call (and why not just use + anyway...), it's really hard to parse where the : is in the conditional expression. Breaking it into lines is much easier.
If you find yourself having to repeat this code pattern a lot, define a method:
void append(StringBuilder stringBuilder, String name, Object value) {
if (value == null) {
stringBuilder.append(" is null");
} else {
stringBuilder.append(" == '").append(value).append("'").append(" and ");
and then invoke like:
append(stringBuilder, "field1", m.getField1());
append(stringBuilder, "field2", m.getField2());
append(stringBuilder, "field3", m.getField3());
What a mess! Just because you can chain invocations, doesn't mean you should:
List<Model> models = repository.getModels();
for (Model m: models) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String field = m.getField1();
if(field==null) {
stringBuilder.append("field1 is null");
} else {
stringBuilder.append("field1 == ").append(m.getField1()).append("'");
if(stringBuilder.length()>0) {
stringBuilder.append(" and ");
field = m.getField2();
if(field==null) {
stringBuilder.append("field2 is null");
} else {
stringBuilder.append("field2 == ").append(m.getField1()).append("'");
if(stringBuilder.length()>0) {
stringBuilder.append(" and ");
To avoid all this potential repetition (depending on number of fields):
void appendField(StringBuilder stringBuilder, String fieldName, String value) {
if(stringBuilder.length()>0) {
stringBuilder.append(" and ");
if(value==null) {
stringBuilder.append(" is null");
} else {
stringBuilder.append(" == '").append(value).append("'");
String toString(Model m) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
appendField(stringBuilder, "field1", m.getField1());
appendField(stringBuilder, "field2", m.getField2());
appendField(stringBuilder, "fieldN", m.getFieldN());
return stringBuilder.toString();
List<Model> models = repository.getModels();
for (Model m: models) {
The green is the lore
and the yellow is the displayname
I'm trying to seperate them in there rightful places for some odd reason there both appearing in both of the places.
public ItemStack applyLore(ItemStack stack, String name, String lore1){
ItemMeta meta = stack.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(name.replaceAll("&([0-9a-f])", "\u00A7$1"));
ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
lore.add(lore1.replaceAll("&([0-9a-f])", "\u00A7$1"));
return stack;
// p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s), 1));
public void giveItemfromConfig(Player p)
String name ="name:";
String lore ="lore:";
for ( String s : plugin.file.getFile().getStringList(plugin.file.path) ) {
try {
s.split(" ");
if ( s.contains(name) || s.contains(lore) )
String namelength = s.substring(name.length());
String lorelength = s.substring(lore.length());
p.getInventory().addItem(applyLore(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s.split(" ")[0])),
namelength.replace("_", " ").replace("ame:", "").replace("e:", "").replace("lor", "").replace("ore", ""),
lorelength.replace("_", " ").replace("lor:", "").replace("e:", "").replace("am", "").replace("lor", "").replace("ore", "")));
} else {
p.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Integer.parseInt(s)));
} catch(Exception e)
Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Error in Config, Your id must be a integer ERROR:" + e);
- 276 name:cookie
First thing is the problem is because of "Integer.parseInt(s)".
I dont know why you added this one as we dont have full source code or idea what you are trying to do with String "s" so that you will get result.
If you are doing it to get "276" , I will suggest you to do following :
String s2 = s.replaceAll("[A-Za-z]","").replace(":","").trim();
Integer i = Integer.parseInt(s2);
I have created twitter stream filtered by some keywords as follows.
TwitterStream twitterStream = getTwitterStreamInstance();
FilterQuery filtre = new FilterQuery();
String[] keywordsArray = { "iphone", "samsung" , "apple", "amazon"};
What is the best way to segregate tweets based on keywords matched. e.g. All the tweets that matches "iphone" should be stored into "IPHONE" table and all the tweets that matches "samsung" will be stored into "SAMSUNG" table and so on. NOTE: The no of filter keywords is about 500.
It seems that the only way to find out to which keyword a tweet belongs to is iterating over multiple properties of the Status object. The following code requires a database service with a method insertTweet(String tweetText, Date createdAt, String keyword) and every tweet is stored in the database multiple times, if multiple keywords are found. If at least one keyword is found in the tweet text, the additional properties are not searched for more keywords.
// creates a map of the keywords with a compiled pattern, which matches the keyword
private Map<String, Pattern> keywordsMap = new HashMap<>();
private TwitterStream twitterStream;
private DatabaseService databaseService; // implement and add this service
public void start(List<String> keywords) {
stop(); // stop the streaming first, if it is already running
if(keywords.size() > 0) {
for(String keyword : keywords) {
keywordsMap.put(keyword, Pattern.compile(keyword, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE));
twitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory().getInstance();
StatusListener listener = new StatusListener() {
public void onStatus(Status status) {
/* add the unimplemented methods from the interface */
FilterQuery filterQuery = new FilterQuery();
filterQuery.track(keywordsMap.keySet().toArray(new String[keywordsMap.keySet().size()]));
filterQuery.language(new String[]{"en"});
else {
System.err.println("Could not start querying because there are no keywords.");
public void stop() {
if(twitterStream != null) {
private void insertTweetWithKeywordIntoDatabase(Status status) {
// search for keywords in tweet text
List<String> keywords = getKeywordsFromTweet(status.getText());
if (keywords.isEmpty()) {
StringBuffer additionalDataFromTweets = new StringBuffer();
// get extended urls
if (status.getURLEntities() != null) {
for (URLEntity url : status.getURLEntities()) {
if (url != null && url.getExpandedURL() != null) {
// get retweeted status -> text
if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null && status.getRetweetedStatus().getText() != null) {
// get retweeted status -> quoted status -> text
if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null && status.getRetweetedStatus().getQuotedStatus() != null
&& status.getRetweetedStatus().getQuotedStatus().getText() != null) {
// get retweeted status -> quoted status -> extended urls
if (status.getRetweetedStatus() != null && status.getRetweetedStatus().getQuotedStatus() != null
&& status.getRetweetedStatus().getQuotedStatus().getURLEntities() != null) {
for (URLEntity url : status.getRetweetedStatus().getQuotedStatus().getURLEntities()) {
if (url != null && url.getExpandedURL() != null) {
// get quoted status -> text
if (status.getQuotedStatus() != null && status.getQuotedStatus().getText() != null) {
// get quoted status -> extended urls
if (status.getQuotedStatus() != null && status.getQuotedStatus().getURLEntities() != null) {
for (URLEntity url : status.getQuotedStatus().getURLEntities()) {
if (url != null && url.getExpandedURL() != null) {
String additionalData = additionalDataFromTweets.toString();
keywords = getKeywordsFromTweet(additionalData);
if (keywords.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("ERROR: No Keyword found for: " + status.toString());
} else {
// insert into database
for(String keyword : keywords) {
databaseService.insertTweet(status.getText(), status.getCreatedAt(), keyword);
// returns a list of keywords which are found in a tweet
private List<String> getKeywordsFromTweet(String tweet) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String keyword : keywordsMap.keySet()) {
Pattern p = keywordsMap.get(keyword);
if (p.matcher(tweet).find()) {
return result;
Here's how you'd use a StatusListener to interrogate the received Status objects:
final Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>();
// ...
final StatusListener listener = new StatusAdapter() {
public void onStatus(Status status) {
final String statusText = status.getText();
for (String keyword : keywords) {
if (statusText.contains(keyword)) {
dao.insert(keyword, statusText);
final TwitterStream twitterStream = getTwitterStreamInstance();
final FilterQuery fq = new FilterQuery();
fq.track(keywords.toArray(new String[0]));
I see the DAO being defined along the lines of:
public interface StatusDao {
void insert(String tableSuffix, Status status);
You would then have a DB table corresponding with each keyword. The implementation would use the tableSuffix to store the Status in the correct table, the sql would roughly look like:
INSERT INTO status_$tableSuffix$ VALUES (...)
This implementation would insert a Status into multiple tables if a Tweet contained 'apple' and 'samsung' for instance.
Additionally, this is quite a naive implementation, you might want to consider batching inserts into the tables... but it depends on the volume of Tweets you'll be receiving.
As noted in the comments, the API considers other attributes when matching e.g. URLs and an embedded Tweet (if present) so searching the status text for a keyword match may not be sufficient.
Well, you could create a class similar to an ArrayList but make it so you can create an array of ArrayLists, call it TweetList. This class will need an insert function.
Then use two for loops to search through the tweets and find matching keywords that are contained in a normal array list, and then add them to the TweetList that matches the index of the keyword in the keywords ArrayList
for (int i = 0; i < tweets.length; i++)
String[] split = tweets[i].split(" ");// split the tweet up
for (int j = 0; j < split.length; j++)
if (keywords.contains(split[j]))//check each word against the keyword list
list[keywords.indexOf(j)].insert[tweets[i]];//add the tweet to the tree index that matches index of the keyword