Arranging text inside saved txt file - java

I have made an app that takes some values and adds them to a txt file.
It does something like this,they are strings[] :
product[1] quantity[1] price[1]
product[2] quantity[2] price[2]
product[n] quantity[n] price[n]
The problem is,most of the time product[1] won't have the same lenght as product[2] or the other products and the same goes for quantities and prices.This results in a messy text layout,something like this.
ww 2 4
wwww 1 2.5
w 1.2 1.1
Is there any way i can make it tidier ? Something like creating a table or columns?
Thanks !
EDIT : To make it a bit clearer,i want to find a way for the stuff in the txt file to be arranged like this,instead of how it is in the above example
ww 2 4
wwww 1 2.5
w 1.2 1.1
At the moment i'm using this
pw.println(prod[n]+" "+cant[n]+" "+pret[n]);}
But this is making the text in the txt file be unaligned(example 1)

Use the format Method of the String class like this:
Declare a String with the format
String yourFormat = "%-10s %-10s %-10s%n"; //choose optimal ranges.
//if you exceed them, it will always automatically make one space
//between the next column
write the output with that format:
output.write(String.format(yourFormat, firstString, secondString, thirdString));
first string are your w's, second and third are the columns with numbers.
for your example:
String myFormat = "%-10s %-10s %-10s%n";
for(int i=0;i<prod.length();i++){
pw.println(String.format(myFormat, prod[n], cant[n], pret[n]));
more info here and here


Java string indexing make me confused

So i need to gather data from my db, it's holiday date in my country, the data comes like this
Example 1 : THU 21 May Ascension Day of Jesus Christ *ICDX GOLD open for
Example 2 : MON-THU 28-31 Dec Substitute for Commemoration of Idul Fitri Festival
So i need to get data from days, dates, and the holiday name, for get data from example 1 i'm using code like this
public static void main(String[] args) {
String ex1 = "THU 21 May Ascension Day of Jesus Christ *ICDX GOLD open for";
String ex2 = "MON-THU 28-31 Dec Substitute for Commemoration of Idul Fitri Festival ";
String[] trim1 = ex1.trim().split("\\s+"); //to split by space
String[] trim2 = ex1.trim().split(" "); //to split by 3 space so i got the data from multiple space as delimiter
System.out.println("DAY " +trim1[0]);//display day
System.out.println("DATE " +trim1[1] +trim1[2]+"2020");//display date
System.out.println("HOLIDAY NAME " +trim2[3]);//dispay holiday name
The Output come like this
DATE 21May2020
HOLIDAY NAME Ascension Day of Jesus Christ
and just like what i need, but when come to example 2, i can't use same code because the space is different, how to get the data i need with example 1 and 2 with same code.
i am new in java so i'm sorry if my question looking dumb, i hope you can help me.Thanks
.split("\\s+") will split at any space, including multiple spaces. Eg. it will split at 1 space or more.
This means that you are able to split at any amount of spaces (what you want). However, this will also split your text comments. You are able to limit the length of the array produced (the amount of times it is split) using .split(regex, n), which will result in an array of n-1 size at most. See this for more details
As for splitting out your two textual comments, I cannot see a way to do this.
Substitute for Commemoration of Idul Fitri Festival "; contains no way of telling what is the first text comment and the second.
It seems quite strange to me that you receive information from your database like this, I would recommend seeing if there are other options for doing this. There is almost certainly a way to get seperate fields.
If have the ability to change all the information in the database, you could put single quotes (') or some other seperator, which you would then be able to split out the two pieces of text.
This is basically what #DanielBarbarian suggested: Since the information seems to always start at the same indexes, you can just use those to get what you need.
String ex1 = "THU 21 May Ascension Day of Jesus Christ *ICDX GOLD open for";
String ex2 = "MON-THU 28-31 Dec Substitute for Commemoration of Idul Fitri Festival ";
String day = ex2.substring(0, 8).trim();
String date = ex2.substring(8, 14).trim() + ex2.substring(14, 22).trim() + "2020";
String name = ex2.substring(22);
System.out.println("DAY " + day);// display day
System.out.println("DATE " + date);// display date
System.out.println("HOLIDAY NAME " + name);// dispay holiday name

Parsing a complicated CSV file

I am in the difficult situation now where i need to make a parser to parse a formatted document from tekla to be processed in the database.
so on the .CSV i have this
That is the document generated from the tekla software. What i expect from the output is something like this
SMS-PW-BM31 1 287.9
SMS-PW-BM31 SMS-PW-BM31 1 H350*175*7*11 SS400 5805 287.9
SMS-PW-BM32 1 405.8
SMS-PW-BM32 SMSPW-H707 1 H350*175*7*11 SS400 6697 332.2
SMS-PW-BM32 SMSPW-EN12 1 PLT12X175 SS400 500 8.2
SMS-PW-BM32 SMSPW-EN14 1 PLT16X175 SS400 500 11
How do i start from in Java ? the most complicated thing is distributing the head mark that separated by the '-'
CSV format is quite simple, there is a column delimiter that is a comma(,) and a row delimiter that is a new line(\n). Some columns will be surrounded by quotes(") to contain column data but it looks like you wont have to worry about that given your current file.
Look at String.split and you will find your answer after a bit of pondering it.

How to read a CSV file column wise using hadoop?

i am trying to read a csv file which does not contains coma separated values , these are columns for NASDAQ Stocks, i want to read a particular column, assume (3rd), do not know , how to get the column items. IS there any method to read Column wise data in hadoop? pls help here.
My CSV File Format is:
exchange stock_symbol date stock_price_open stock_price_high stock_price_low stock_price_close stock_volume stock_price_adj_close
NASDAQ ABXA 12/9/2009 2.55 2.77 2.5 2.67 158500 2.67
NASDAQ ABXA 12/8/2009 2.71 2.74 2.52 2.55 131700 2.55
Edited Here:
Column A : exchange
Column B : stock_symbol
Column C : date
Column D : stock_price_open
Column E : stock_price_high
and similarly.
These are Columns and not a comma separated values. i need to read this file as column wise.
In Pig it will look like this:
Q1 = LOAD 'file.csv' USING PigStorage('\t') AS (exchange, stock_symbol, stock_date:double, stock_price_open, stock_price_high, stock_price_low, stock_price_close, stock_volume, stock_price_adj_close);
Q2 = FOREACH Q1 GENERATE stock_date;
You can try to format excel sheet like, adding columns to a single text by using formula like:
and concatenate these columns by your required separator, i have used ;, here. use what you want there to be.

Create Excel files in java(invalid number)

I have a string like "2,345".I want to put it into a excel cell.I successfully did but in my excel file i got "2,345" as a string.So please suggest me how can i get "2,345" as a number value but with the same format as i used above(comma seperated).
Thanks in advance.
Remove the comma before inserting it into Excel, cast it to a number before inserting, then format the column to show the comma.
String replace
In Excel the code to format a Range with commas is:
SomeRange.Style = "Comma" 'or, recorded version
SomeRange.NumberFormat = "_-* #,##0_-;-* #,##0_-;_-* ""-""??_-;_-#_-"
'a simpler version..
SomeRange.NumberFormat = "#,##0"

Fill an XML file with test data

I have an XML file looks like the attached image:
The attributes (commitId, author, date, and time) in I got it from Git open source repository using "blame" command.
However, for my evaluation, I need to fill these attributes randomly with data I have. For example, I have Junio, Peter, Jiang, Jens, Jeff, Ramkumar, and Linus as authors, and date is ranged between 2010 and 2012.
what is the best way to fill this data using Java?
You can start by placing the values you need into arrays like this:
String names[] = {Junio, Peter, Jiang, Jens, Jeff, Ramkumar, Linus};
String dates[] = {2010, 2011, 2012};
Then using the Random class you can do this:
Random ran = new Random();
String name = names[ran.nextInt(7)];
String date = dates[ran.nextInt(3)];
That will give you a random name and date. Rinse. Repeat.
Note that to get a random number between 0 and n inclusive you need nextInt(n + 1).

