I have a result set like this…
| LocationCode | MaterialCode | ItemCode | Vendor |
| 1 | 11 | 111 | 1111 |
| 1 | 11 | 111 | 1112 |
| 1 | 11 | 112 | 1121 |
| 1 | 12 | 121 | 1211 |
And so on for LocationCode 2,3,4 etc. I need an object (to be converted to json, eventually) as : List<Location>
Where the the hierarchy of nested objects in Location Class are..
This corresponds to the resultset, where 1 location has 2 materials, 1 material(11) has 2 Items, 1 item(111) has 2 vendors. How do i achieve this? I have used AliasToBeanResultTransformer before, but i doubt it will be of help in this case.
I don't think there is a neat way to do that mapping. I'd just do it with nested loops, and custom logic to decide when to when to start building the next Location, Material, Item, whatever.
Something like this pseudo-code:
while (row = resultSet.next()) {
if (row.locationCode != currentLocation.locationCode) {
currentLocation = new Location(row.locationCode)
currentMaterial = null
} else if (currentMaterial == null ||
row.materialCode != currentMaterial.materialCode) {
currentMaterial = new Material(row.materialCode)
} else {
currentMaterial.add(new Item(row.itemCode, row.vendorCode))
I am new to Spark 2.4 with Java 8. I need help. Here is example of instances:
Source DataFrame
| key | Value |
| A | John |
| B | Nick |
| A | Mary |
| B | Kathy |
| C | Sabrina|
| B | George |
Meta DataFrame
| key |
| A |
| B |
| C |
| D |
| E |
| F |
I would like to transform it to the following: Column names from Meta Dataframe and Rows will be transformed based on Source Dataframe
| A | B | C | D | E | F |
| John | Nick | Sabrina | null | null | null |
| Mary | Kathy | null | null | null | null |
| null | George | null | null | null | null |
Need to write a code Spark 2.3 with Java8. Appreciated your help.
To make things clearer (and easily reproducible) let's define dataframes:
val df1 = Seq("A" -> "John", "B" -> "Nick", "A" -> "Mary",
"B" -> "Kathy", "C" -> "Sabrina", "B" -> "George")
.toDF("key", "value")
val df2 = Seq("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F").toDF("key")
From what I see, you are trying to create one column by value in the key column of df2. These columns should contain all the values of the value column that are associated to the key naming the column. If we take an example, column A's first value should be the value of the first occurrence of A (if it exists, null otherwise): "John". Its second value should be the value of the second occurrence of A: "Mary". There is no third value so the third value of the column should be null.
I detailed it to show that we need a notion of rank of the values for each key (windowing function), and group by that notion of rank. It would go as follows:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val df1_win = df1
.withColumn("id", monotonically_increasing_id)
.withColumn("rank", rank() over Window.partitionBy("key").orderBy("id"))
// the id is just here to maintain the original order.
// getting the keys in df2. Add distinct if there are duplicates.
val keys = df2.collect.map(_.getAs[String](0)).sorted
// then it's just about pivoting
.pivot("key", keys)
//.drop("rank") // I keep here it for clarity
|rank| A| B| C| D| E| F|
| 1|John| Nick|Sabrina|null|null|null|
| 2|Mary| Kathy| null|null|null|null|
| 3|null|George| null|null|null|null|
Here is the very same code in Java
Dataset<Row> df1_win = df1
.withColumn("id", functions.monotonically_increasing_id())
.withColumn("rank", functions.rank().over(Window.partitionBy("key").orderBy("id")));
// the id is just here to maintain the original order.
// getting the keys in df2. Add distinct if there are duplicates.
// Note that it is a list of objects, to match the (strange) signature of pivot
List<Object> keys = df2.collectAsList().stream()
.map(x -> x.getString(0))
// then it's just about pivoting
.pivot("key", keys)
// .drop("rank") // I keep here it for clarity
Giving the following input table:
| id | shop | purchases|
| 1 | 01 | 20 |
| 1 | 02 | 31 |
| 2 | 03 | 5 |
| 1 | 03 | 3 |
I would like, grouping by id and based on the purchases, obtain the first 2 top shops as follow:
| id | top_1 | top_2|
| 1 | 02 | 01 |
| 2 | 03 | |
I'm using Apache Spark 2.0.1 and the first table is the result of other queries and joins which are on a Dataset. I could maybe do this with the traditional java iterating over the Dataset, but I hope there is another way using the Dataset functionalities.
My first attempt was the following:
//dataset is already ordered by id, purchases desc
Dataset<Row> ds = dataset.repartition(new Column("id"));
ds.foreachPartition(new ForeachPartitionFunction<Row>() {
public void call(Iterator<Row> itrtr) throws Exception {
int counter = 0;
while (itrtr.hasNext()) {
Row row = itrtr.next();
if(counter < 2)
//save it into another Dataset
counter ++;
But then I were lost in how to save it into another Dataset. My goal is, at the end, save the result into a MySQL table.
Using window functions and pivot you can define a window:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, first, row_number}
val w = Window.partitionBy(col("id")).orderBy(col("purchases").desc)
add row_number and filter top two rows:
val dataset = Seq(
(1, "01", 20), (1, "02", 31), (2, "03", 5), (1, "03", 3)
).toDF("id", "shop", "purchases")
val topTwo = dataset.withColumn("top", row_number.over(w)).where(col("top") <= 2)
and pivot:
topTwo.groupBy(col("id")).pivot("top", Seq(1, 2)).agg(first("shop"))
with result being:
| id| 1| 2|
| 1| 02| 01|
| 2| 03|null|
I'll leave converting syntax to Java as an exercise for the poster (excluding import static for functions the rest should be close to identical).
I have a question:
I have such a BDD table:
And the following set of "Dishes"
| Dish name |calories| quality | cost |
| grilled chicken| 400 | high | 12 |
| lasagna | 800 | low | 7 |
| gnocchi | 700 | high | 12 |
| pizza | 400 | low | 7 |
| snitzel | 400 | high | 12 |
And the following set of "Beverages"
| Beverage name | volume | quality | cost |
| coke | 35 | high | 5 |
| fanta | 35 | low | 2 |
| wine | 50 | high | 5 |
| beer | 50 | low | 2 |
| sprite | 35 | high | 5 |
and this is the implementation method os BDD data table.
public void the_following_set_of(String type, DataTable list) throws Throwable
if (type.equals("Dishes"))
List<List<String>> dishes = list.raw();
String[][] newdishes = new String[6][4];
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
if (newdishes[i][2] == "high")
dishess.add(new Dish(newdishes[i][0], Integer.parseInt(newdishes[i][1]), kalite, Integer.parseInt(newdishes[i][3])));
if (type.equals("Beverages"))
List<List<String>> beverages = list.raw();
String[][] newbeverages = new String[6][4];
newbeverages = beverages.toArray(newbeverages);
for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
if (newbeverages[i][2] == "high")
beveragess.add(new Beverage(newbeverages[i][0], Integer.parseInt(newbeverages[i][1]), kalite, Integer.parseInt(newbeverages[i][3])));
restaurant.createMenu(dishess, beveragess);
I couldn't survive from ArrayStoreException here. Normally i'm trying to do cucumber feature testing, but when i run it, i encounter this problem.
When I run it eclipse says the problem is on this line:
How can i solve it?
| DocType | SFCode | Productname | WarrantyCode | QTY |
| FP | 12 | Item | 1111-01 | 100 | -100
| FP | 12 | Item | 2222-22 | 200 |
| FP | 12 | Item | 3333-33 | 350 | -350
| LP | 12 | Item | 4444-44 | 10 |
| LP | 12 | Item | 5555-55 | 20 |
| LP | 12 | Item | 6666-66 | 35 | -35
| CAS | 12 | Item | 1111-01 | 50 | -(50 Left, show)
| CRS | 12 | Item | 3333-33 | 120 | -(230 Left, show)
| CRS | 12 | Item | 6666-66 | 35 | -(0 Left, no show)
| FPR | 12 | Item | 1111-01 | 10 | -(40 Left, show)
| LPR | 12 | Item | 5555-55 | 20 | -(0 Left, no show)
| CSR | 12 | Item | 1111-01 | 5 | -(50+5 Left, show)
| CRR | 12 | Item | 6666-66 | 5 | -(Got back 5, show)
FP: Foreign Purchase
LP: Local Purchase
CAS: Cash Sale
CRS: Credit Sale
FPR: Foreign Purchase Return
LPR: Local Purchase Return
CSR: Cash Sale Return
CRR: Credit Sale Return
There are many products but for now focussing on a single SFCode "12".
QTY is the Physical Stock PRESENT in the store, and the DocType are the transactions.
There are 2 Things I need to do with this table.
Get Current Stock which is (FP+LP+CSR+CRR) - (FPR+LPR+CAS+CRS) Note: There maybe no transaction of a particular DocType
Get Warranty Code(s) for a Product which has not been Sold Out for a particular Warranty Code. Go from Top to Bottom in Table last Column (not named) and you will get the idea.
Please suggest Java-MySql statement(s) that will help me achieve this result. Any help is appreciated.
Try something like this for #1:
SUM(IF(DocType = "FP", QTY, 0)) AS FP,
>>please fill out all the columns<<
FROM Transactions_Table
WHERE SFCode = "12"
GROUP BY DocType);
This is my shot at #2: (This assumes SFCode isn't an integer)
SELECT a.SFCode, a.WarrantyCode, (a.QTY-b.QTY) AS Stock FROM
(SELECT SFCode, WarrantyCode, QTY
FROM Transactions_Table
WHERE SFCode = "12"
AND DocType IN ('FP','LP','CSR','CRR')
GROUP BY WarrantyCode) AS a
(SELECT SFCode, WarrantyCode, QTY
FROM Transactions_Table
WHERE SFCode = "12"
AND DocType IN ('FPR','LPR','CAS','CRS')
GROUP BY WarrantyCode) AS b
ON a.SFCode = b.SFCode AND a.WarrantyCode = b.WarrantyCode;
Can't really test this myself right now but this should at least give you an idea.
I have a problem in implementing the tree structure of OID. when I click the parent , i need to display only child details, not the sub child of a child.
i.e., i need not display an OID which contains a "." (dot).
For example, if my OID structure is private.MIB.sample.first
private.MIB.sample.second and so on.
when I click on MIB, it should display only "sample" not first and second.
first and second is to be displayed when I click sample.
How can I implement this in java.
My datyabase is MySQL. The code which I tried is given below
FilteredRowSet rs = new FilteredRowSetImpl();
// for Other Types Like OBJECT-TYPE, Object_IDENTIFIER
rs = new FilteredRowSetImpl();
rs.setCommand("Select * from MIBNODEDETAILS where " + "mn_OID like '" + OID
+ ".%' order by mn_NodeType, mn_OID");
rs.setFilter(new MibRowFilter(1, expString));
I guess the change is to be made in the setCommand argument.
How can I do this?
Structure of mobnodedetails table
| mn_OID | mn_name | mn_nodetype |
| 1 | iso | 0 |
| 1.3 | org | 1 |
| 1.3.6 | dod | 1 |
| | internet | 1 |
| | directory | 1 |
| | mgmt | 1 |
| | mib-2 | 0 |
| | system | 1 |
| | transmission | 1 |
You can use something like
FROM mibnodedetails
WHERE mn_oid LIKE "+mn_OID+"%
AND LENGTH ("+mn_OID+") + 2 = LENGTH (mn_oid)
ORDER BY mn_nodetype, mn_oid
So if you pass mm_OID as (| |internet |1 |)
You will get following result:
| | directory | 1 |
| | mgmt | 1 |
Working Demo
PS: This will not work for child more than 9 as we are using length + 2
The function given below dispalys the tree as required.
public void populateMibValues()
final DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) this.m_mibTree.getModel();
final String query_MibNodeDetailsSelect = "Select * from MIBNODEDETAILS where LENGTH(mn_oid)<=9 "
+ " and mn_OID<='' order by mn_OID"; // only
this.innerNodesOid = null;
try {
final ResultSet deviceRS = Application.getDBHandler().executeQuery(query_MibNodeDetailsSelect, null);// inner
// nodes
while (deviceRS.next()) {
final mibNode mb = new mibNode(deviceRS.getString("mn_OID").toString(), deviceRS.getString("mn_name")
mb.m_Type = Integer.parseInt(deviceRS.getString("mn_nodetype").toString());
catch (final Exception e) {
NmsLogger.writeErrorLog("ERROR creating MIB tree failed", e.toString());