Getting App To Wait A Few Seconds Java [duplicate] - java

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I get exception when using Thread.sleep(x) or wait()
(13 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am currently writing a game and would like the app to wait a certain amount of time before proceeding. I have tried the sleep function and it does not do what I would like it to. I have a loop for ten and in that I would like one of the text boxes to have its value changed ten times with a couple of seconds gap between each one. So far I have this
for(int coolRan = 0; coolRan < 11; coolRan = coolRan + 1) {
Random generator = new Random();
int RanNumGen = generator.nextInt(50) + 1;
String RanNum = Integer.toString(RanNumGen);
What I would like it to do after this is pause for a few seconds before performing the operation in the loop again so in Pseudocode this is what it looks like:
Loop For Ten
Generate Random Number With Maximum Value Of 50
Set A String To Equal The Random Number
Set A TextView To Equal The Random Number
Wait A Few Seconds
Perform Operation Again

The sleep method should work correctly if used in the following way.
The parameter is the time in milliseconds.
For example:
//This pauses or "sleeps" for 5 seconds

Thread.sleep(long millis) makes the currently executing Thread sleep for long milliseconds (1/1000 seconds).
In Android, sleeping in the UI-thread is very, very bad practice and can for instance lead to a "Application Not Responsive" (ANR) error. To bypass this, you should run it off another thread. There are several ways to do this:
Calling View.postDelayed(Runnable action, long delayMillis) - this will delay it for you so you do not need to call sleep().
Making the task implement AsyncTask
Creating a new Thread (or Runnable) Java-style and then publishing it to the UI-thread with another Runnable (yeah.. not recommended) with Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable)
Also note that your for-loop will run 11 times, from 0 up to 10 (both inclusive) - not 10 times.


Threads run in serial not parallel

I am trying to learn concurrency in Java, but whatever I do, 2 threads run in serial, not parallel, so I am not able to replicate common concurrency issues explained in tutorials (like thread interference and memory consistency errors). Sample code:
public class Synchronization {
static int v;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable r0 = () -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Runnable r1 = () -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Thread t0 = new Thread(r0);
Thread t1 = new Thread(r1);
This always give me a result starting from 1 and ending with 0 (whatever the loop length is). For example, the code above gives me every time:
Sometimes, the second thread starts first and the results are the same but negative, so it is still running in serial.
Tried in both Intellij and Eclipse with identical results. CPU has 2 cores if it matters.
UPDATE: it finally became reproducible with huge loops (starting from 1_000_000), though still not every time and just with small amount of final discrepancy. Also seems like making operations in loops "heavier", like printing thread name makes it more reproducible as well. Manually adding sleep to thread also works, but it makes experiment less cleaner, so to say. The reason doesn't seems to be that first loop finishes before the second starts, because I see both loops printing to console while continuing operating and still giving me 0 at the end. The reasons seems more like a thread race for same variable. I will dig deeper into that, thanks.
Seems like first started thread just never give a chance to second in Thread Race to take a variable/second one just never have a time to even start (couldn't say for sure), so the second almost* always will be waiting until first loop will be finished.
Some heavy operation will mix the result:
*it is not always true, but you are was lucky in your tests
Starting a thread is heavyweight operation, meaning that it will take some time to perform. Due that fact, by the time you start second thread, first is finished.
The reasoning why sometimes it is in "revert order" is due how thread scheduler works. By the specs there are not guarantees about thread execution order - having that in mind, we know that it is possible for second thread to run first (and finish)
Increase iteration count to something meaningful like 10000 and see what will happen then.
This is called lucky timing as per Brian Goetz (Author of Java Concurrency In Practice). Since there is no synchronization to the static variable v it is clear that this class is not thread-safe.

Java "scheduleAtFixedRate" alternative solution?

I have a Java application that is used to communicate with an embedded device over a UART connection (RS422). The host queries the microcontroller for data in 5 millisecond intervals. Up until recently I've been using ScheduledExecutorService scheduleAtFixedRate to call my communication protocol method, but it turns out scheduleAtFixedRate is very unreliable for this desired level of precision (as many other posts reveal). Among the data returned from the microcontroller is a timestamp (in microseconds), allowing me to verify the interval between received data packets independently of the JVM. Needless to say, the interval when using scheduleAtFixedRate varied wildly - up to 30 milliseconds between packets. Additionally, the scheduler will then try to overcompensate for the missed cycles by calling the Runnable several times within one millisecond (again, no surprise to anyone here).
After some searching, there seemed to be a consensus that the JVM simply could not be trusted to ensure any kind of precise scheduling. However, I decided to do some experimenting on my own and came up with this:
Runnable commTask = () -> {
// volatile boolean controlled from the GUI
while(deviceConnection) {
// retrieve start time
startTime = System.nanoTime();
// time since commProtocol was last called
timeDiff = startTime - previousTime;
// if at least 5 milliseconds has passed
if(timeDiff >= 5000000) {
// handle communication
// store the start time for comparison
previousTime = startTime;
// commTask is started as follows
service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
service.schedule(commTask, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
The result of this was fantastic. Adjacent timestamps never varied by more than 0.1 milliseconds from the expected 5 millisecond interval. Despite this, something about this technique doesn't seem right, but I haven't been able to come up with anything else that works. My question is basically whether or not this approach is OK, and if not, what should I do instead?
(I am running Windows 10 with JDK 8_74)
Based on the information I've received in the comments, I've decided to use leave my code essentially intact (with the exception of Thread.yield() which I've added to the while loop). I have used this for a few months now and am very satisfied with the performance from this approach. See the final code below.
Runnable commTask = () -> {
// volatile boolean controlled from the GUI
while(deviceConnection) {
// retrieve start time
startTime = System.nanoTime();
// time since commProtocol was last called
timeDiff = startTime - previousTime;
// if at least 5 milliseconds has passed
if(timeDiff >= 5000000) {
// handle communication
// store the start time for comparison
previousTime = startTime;
// commTask is started as follows
service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

Java real fixed time interval

I'm doing some tasks using Java. I have some problems with timing: I need to set up a timer with a fixed period of repetition. I tried both, the standard Timer, and TimerTask and the ScheduledExecutor, but both work in an approximate manner, i.e. if I set an interval of 40 milliseconds, using the following code (for Executors)
m_executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5);
Runnable thread = new TheThread();
m_executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(thread, 0, 40000000, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
And then I try to print "time" of each execution
private static final class TheThread implements Runnable {
public void run() {
The result is something like this:
As you can see, if I correctly understand nanoTime() the function is called at a random intervals, close to that I specified (40 milliseconds), but not exactly what I specified!
When I worked with C and Win32s, for example, I was able to use the CreateTimerQueueTimer() function that is highly accurate, and the callback function was called every 40 milliseconds:
I tried to move time measurement to avoid the printing time. I also tried to use scheduleAtFixedRate(), but unfortunately the period varies between 35 and 47 ms (set to 40 in the method).
I'm wondering how people can make software such emulators or similar things, that requires a precise period observance...:-)
I thought of a possible solution that I would like to show you and ask to you, experts:) how this idea could be applicable (and safe)
The problem here is to run some methods every X milliseconds, say 40 ms. The question here is about Java timer/timing, but what about this simple solution?
public class MyEmulator extends Thread {
private long start = 0;
private long end = 0;
public void run() {
long exec_time;
start = System.nanoTime();
* Do the emulator-loop
end = System.nanoTime();
exe_time = (end - start)/1000000;
// wait with a whil() (40 - exec_time)
With this solution, when I print the elapsed time after the waiting whilt() is ended the result is exactly 40 ms (without decimal, that is not quit important).
Do you think it would be safe, i.e. are really 40 ms?
I don't think you're going to be able to manage this in Java with this level of precision. Unlike your C/Win32 solutions, your Java solution is running in a JVM with multiple threads (of varying priority) and with garbage collection running and taking resources.
Having said that, I would experiment with the scheduleAtFixedRate() method, which executes at a regular period. scheduleWithFixedDelay() will execute and upon completion delay for a fixed amount of time. Hence not accounting for the time taken for your method to actually run.

Why is my threaded sort algorithm slow compared to the non-threaded version?

I just have implemented a threaded version of the merge sort.
Since merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm I create a thread for every half of the array. But the number of avialable threads in Java-VM is limited so I check that before creating threads:
if(num <= nrOfProcessors){
num += 2;
//create more threads
//continue without threading
However the threaded sorting takes about ~ 6000 ms while the non-threaded version is much faster with just ~ 2500 ms.
Why is the threaded version slower and how do I solve that problem?
Update: I use atomic integer now for thread counting and declared a static field for Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(). The sorting takes about ~ 1400 ms now.
However creating just one thread in the mergeSort method and let the current thread do the rest has no sigificant performance increase. Why?
Besides when after I call join on a thread and after that decrement the number of used threads with
num.set(num.intValue() - 1);
the sorting takes about ~ 200 ms longer. Here is the update of my algorithm Why does this line of code make it even worse?
first off your accesses to num is not threadsafe (check )
you create an equal amount of processes to cores but you block half of them with the join call
num += 1;
ThreadedMerge tm1 = new ThreadedMerge(array, startIndex, startIndex + halfLength);
sortedRightPart = mergeSort(array, startIndex + halfLength, endIndex);
sortedLeftPart = tm1.list;
}catch(InterruptedException e){
this doesn't block the calling thread but uses it to sort the right part and let the created thread do the other part when that one returns the space it takes up can be used by another thread
Hhm, you should not create a thread for every single step (they are expensive and there are lightweight alternatives.)
Ideally, you should only create 4 threads if there are 4 CPU´s.
So let´s say you have 4 CPU´s, then you create one thread at the first level (now you have 2) and at the second level you also create a new thread. This gives you 4.
The reason why you only create one and not two is that you can use the thread you are currently running like:
Thread t = new Thread(...);
// Do half of the job here
t.join(); // Wait for the other half to complete.
If you have, let´s say, 5 CPU´s (not in the power of two) then just create 8 threads.
One simple way to do this in practice, is to create the un-threaded version you already made when you reach the appropriate level. In this way you avoid to clutter the merge method when if-sentences etc.
The call to Runtime.availableProcessors() appears to be taking up a fair amount of extra time. You only need to call it once, so just move it outside of the method and define it as a static, e.g.:
static int nrOfProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

Swing Worker Threads Not Concurrent

It seems that when I instantiate 12 Swing Worker threads, the first six starts to complete its task, it finishes AND then the last six starts and finishes. The behavior I'm looking for is all 12 threads start working at the same time & finish at the same time.
I have the following:
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
myTask m = new Mytask(i, START);
The myTask m will increment a progress bar from 0 - 100 in increments of 25. I'm getting outlandish behavior that the first six threads start incrementing, they finish at 100, then the last six threads start from 0 and increment, and finish.
Is there a limiting factor on the amount of Swing Worker threads one may have?
The behavior I'm looking for is all 12 threads start working at the same time & finish at the same time.
A CountDownLatch is designed for this very purpose. Here's a good example using a single SwingWorker and a number of subsidiary threads controlled by the latch.
SwingWorker class has a static ExecutorService field with MAX_WORKER_THREADS = 10. I'm not certain why you see 6 and not 10. But you cannot go over 10.
* number of worker threads.
private static final int MAX_WORKER_THREADS = 10;
executorService =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, MAX_WORKER_THREADS,
10L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
Your question says:
The behavior I'm looking for is all 12
threads start working at the same time
& finish at the same time.
But you can't guarantee for all Swing workers threads starting concurrently and ending at same time.

