I am working on a project that involves parsing through a LARGE amount of data rapidly. Currently this data is on disk and broken down into a directory hierarchy:
(Folder: DataSource) -> (Files: Day1, Day2, Day3...Day1000...)
(Folder: DataSource2) -> (Files: Day1, Day2, Day3...Day1000...)
(Folder: DataSource1000) -> ...
Each Day file consists of entries that need to be accessed very quickly.
My initial plans were to use traditional FileIO in java to access these files, but upon further reading, I began to fear that this might be too slow.
In short, what is the fastest way I can selectively load entries from my filesystem from varying DataSources and Days?
The issue could be solved both ways but it depends on few factors
go for FileIO.
if the volume is < millons of rows
if your dont do a complicated query like Jon Skeet said
if your referance for fetching the row is by using hte Folder Name: "DataSource" as the key
go for DB
if you see your program reading through millions of records
you can do complicated selection, even multiple rows using a single select.
if you have knowledge of creating a basic table structure for DB
Depending on architecture you are using you can implement different ways of caching, in the Jboss there is a built-in Jboss Caching, there are also third party opensource software that lets utilizes caching, like Redis, or EhCache depending on your needs. Basically Caching stores objects in their memory, some are passivated/activated upon demand, when memory is exhausted it is stored as a physical IO file, which are also easily activated marshalled by the caching mechanism. It lowers the database connectivity held by your program. There are other caches but here are some of them that I've worked with:
what is the fastest way I can selectively load entries from my filesystem from varying DataSources and Days?
selectively means filtering, so my answer is a localhost database. Generally speaking if you filter, sort, paginate or extract distinct records from a large number of records, it's hard to beat a localhost SQL server. You get a query optimizer (nobody does that Java), a cache (which requires effort in Java, especially the invalidation), database indexes (have not seen that being done in Java either) etc. It's possible to implement these things manually, but then your are writing a database in Java.
On top of this you gain access to higher level SQL functions like window aggegrates etc., so in most cases there is no need to post-process data in Java.
I have a query in regards to what is the best way of handling huge files in Java?
Shall we use the no-sql database like Cassandra or try to use our existing Oracle database (to dump the content of the file).
My file can contain at most 1 or 2 fields. But mostly what I shall be able to do with the file content is just search an Id and return boolean.
File can contain records in tens of millions or as low as thousands.
Also this file can get refreshed on daily basis. Whenever refreshed I need to clear all previous values.
Any suggestions would be helpful!!
As per your requirements,
Is good for indexing and fits your requirements if every day data is in tens of millions.
Index will be stored in memory and searches will be faster for this short data. If table is also short you can also request to keep table in memory and that will be even faster if any other column is also required.
You can drop table every day and import file again as new table. This should work.
Is also good for indexing. All your searches will also be faster (similar to oracle for such small data)
Cassandra is NoSQL database designed to provide scalability, high write throughput, availability for high volume data and queries.
Cassandra generally runs in clustered environments for above properties.
I would suggest to check your requirements, If you just to keep data in DB and wants to query once in a while or maybe 100 requests per sec then using Cassandra is like hitting a nail in wall with sledgehammer where small hammer or mallet is enough.
I am currently using raw JDBC to query records in a MySql database; each record in the subsequent Resultset is ultimately extracted, placed in a domain specific model, and stored to a List Instance.
My query is: in circumstances where there is a requirement to further filter that data (incidentally based on columns that exist in the SAME Table) which of the following approaches would generally be considered best practice:
1.The issuance of further WHERE clause calls into the database. This will effectively offload the filtering process to the database but obviously results in an additional query or queries where multiple filters are applied consecutively.
2.Explicitly filtering the aforementioned preprocessed List at the Application level, thus negating the need to have to make additional calls into the database each time the records are filtered.
3.Some hybrid combination of the above two approaches, perhaps where all filtering operations are initially undertaken by the database server but THEN preprocessed to a application specific model and implicitly cached to a collection for some finite amount of time. Further filter queries, received within this interval, would then be serviced from the data stored in the cache.
It is important to note that the Database Server in this scenario is actually located on
an external machine, therefore the overhead and latency of sending query traffic over the local network also has to be factored into the approach we ultimately elect to take.
I am patently aware of the age-old mantra that stipulates that: "The database server should be used to do what its good at." however in this scenario it just seems like a less than adequate solution to be making numerous calls into the database to filter data that I ALREADY HAVE at the application level.
Your thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.
I have used the hybrid approach on many applications with good results.
Database filtering works good especially for columns that are indexed. This reduces network overhead since fewer rows are sent to application.
Database filtering can be really slow for some columns depending upon the quantity of rows in the results and the lack of indexes. The network overhead can be negligible compared to database query time so application filtering may be faster for this situation.
I also find that application filtering in Java easier to write and understand instead of complex SQL.
I usually experiment manually to get the fewest rows in a reasonable time with plain SQL. Then write Java to refine to the desired rows.
i appreciate this question first...as i too faced similar situation few days back...as you already discussed all available options i prefer to go with the second option....i mean handling at application level rather than filtering at DB level.
I am developing a web application in which I need to store session, user messages etc. I am thinking of using HashMap or H2 database.
Please let me know which is better approach in terms of performance and memory utilization. The web site has to support 10,000 users.
As usual with these questions, I would worry about performance as/when you know it's an issue.
10000 users is not a lot of data to hold in memory. I would likely start off with a standard Java collection, and look at performance when you predict it's going to cause you grief.
Abstract out the access to this Java collection such that when you substitute it, the refactoring required is localised (and perhaps make it configurable, such that you can easily perform before/after performance tests with your different solutions -H2, Derby, Oracle, etc. etc.)
If your session objects aren't too big (which should be the case), there is no need to persist them in a database.
Using a database for this would add a lot of complexity in a case when you can start with a few lines of code. So don't use a database, simply store them in a ligth memory structure (HashMap for example).
You may need to implement a way to clean your HashMap if you don't want to keep sessions in memory when the user left from a long time. Many solutions are available (the easiest is simply to have a background thread removing from time to time the too old sessions). Note that it's usually easier to clean a hashmap than a database.
Both H2 and Hash Map are gonna keep the data in memory (So from space point of view they are almost the same).
If look ups are simple like KEY VALUE then looking up in the Hash Map will be quicker.
If you have to do comparisons like KEY < 100 etc use H2.
In fact 10K user info is not that high a number.
If you don't need to save user messages - use the collections. But if the message is should be saved, be sure to use a database. Because after restart you lost all data.
The problem with using a HashMap for storing objects is that you would run into issues when your site becomes too big for one server and would need to be clustered in order to scale with demand. Then you would face problems with how to synchronise the HashMap instances on different servers.
A possible alternative would be to use a key-value store like Redis as you won't need the structure of a database or even use the distributed cache abilities of something like EHCache
My Java application uses a read-only lookup table, which is stored in an XML file. When the application starts it just reads the file into a HashMap. So far, so good, but since the table is growing I don't like loading the entire table into the memory at once. RDBMS and NoSQL key-value stores seem overkill to me. What would you suggest?
Makes you wish Java would allow to allocate infinite amounts of heap as memory mapped file :-)
If you use Java 5, then use Java DB; it's a database engine written in Java, based on Apache Derby. If you know SQL, then setting up an embedded database takes only a couple of minutes. Since you can create the database again every time your app is started, you don't have to worry about permissions, DB schema migration, stale caches, etc.
Or you could use an OO database like db4o but many people find it hard to make the mental transition to use queries to iterate over internal data structures. To take your example: You have a huge HashMap. Instead of using map.get(), you have to build a query using DB4o and then run that query on your map to locate items; otherwise DB4o would be forced to load the whole map at once.
Another alternative is to create your own minimal system: Read the data from the XML file and save it as a large random access file plus an index + caching so you can quickly look up items. If your objects are all serializable, then you can use ObjectInputStream to read the individual entries after seeking to the right place using the RandomAccessFile.
I need to store about 100 thousands of objects representing users. Those users have a username, age, gender, city and country.
The users should be searchable by a range of age and any of the other attributes, but also a combination of attributes (e.g. women between 30 and 35 from Brussels). The results should be found quickly as it is one of the Server's services for many connected Clients). Users may only be deleted or added, not updated.
I've thought of a fast database with indexed attributes (like h2 db which seems to be pretty fast, and I've seen they have a in-memory mode)
I was wondering if any other option was possible before going for the DB.
Thank you for any ideas !
How much memory does your server have? How much memory would these objects take up? Is it feasible to keep them all in memory, or not? Do you really need the speedup of keeping in memory, vs shoving in a database? It does make it more complex to keep in memory, and it does increase hardware requirements... are you sure you need it?
Because all of what you describe could be ran on a very simple server and put in a very simple database and give you the results you want in the order of 100ms per request. Do you need faster than 100ms response time? Why?
I would use a RDBMS - there are plenty of good ORMs available, such as Hibernate, which allow you to transparently stuff the POJOs into a db. Once you've got the data access abstracted, you then have the freedom to decide how best to persist the data.
For this size of project, I would use the H2 database. It has both embedded and client/server modes, and can operate from disk or entirely in memory.
Most definitely a relational database. With that size you'll want a client-server system, not something embedded like Sqlite. Pick one system depending on further requirements. Indexing is a basic feature, most systems support it. Personally I'd try something that's popular and free such as MySQL or PostgreSQL so you can more easily google your way out of problems. If you make your SQL queries generic enough (no vendor-specific constructs), you can switch systems without much pain. I agree with bwawok, try whether a standard setup is good enough and think of optimizations later.
Did you think to use cache system like EHCache or Memcached?
Also If you have enough memory you can use some sorted collection like TreeMap as index map, or HashMap to search user by name (separate Map per field). It will take more memory but can be effective. Also you can find based on the user query experience the most frequently used query with the best selectivity and create comparator based on this query onli. In this case subset of the element will not be a big and can can be filter fast without any additional optimization.