Is there a way to access the Truststore/ The Certificates that my Browsers/ Java / "the System" trust in an App?
In other words, if I host a website under and the user chooses to trust the certificate the Server presents (Own CA / Selfsigned), I want my App, accessing this Server, to recognize that The User choose to trust this certificate in his browser allready and therefore trust it too.
I only seem to find Solutions of the Kind: Load a truststore from ressources / Filesystem or trust all certificates.
What i would most like is something like "Android.System.getTruststore()" (simplified to show the idea) or the path where the System keeps its trusted certificates that i can access in an App.
As I am far from a professional i do not even know if there is a single spot where all these certificates are stored or if this is accessable from a 3rd party app^^.
I hope the question is somehow clear and thank for any hints!
I have a small javafx2 application that is used in the office. Some guys run it from Firefox, some run it as a desktop app. Webstart is great.
The current approach is that I have added this to the jnlp file:
Then created a key in a keystore using the keytool:
keytool -genkey -keystore yourKeystore -alias keyname
And I sign all jar files that are to be on the user's PC using jarsigner:
jarsigner -keystore ./myapp.keystore -storepass xxx -keypass yyy <path to jar file> keyname
So the user either starts the app using the shortcut file (the jnlp file) on their desktop, or they browse to the app in Firefox. This works great, except nowadays we get this dialog that says:
Running applications by UNKNOWN publishers will be blocked in a future
and I am worried about what will happen when that future release is out.
I do not have a deep understanding about all this code signing thing. I know that it works by embedding some binary data into files that is used to prove that the releaser of the app is a company/individual that is recognized by the Certificate Authority (and this is what jarsigner does AFAIK). Certificates are recognized by OSes like Windows and Linux, by webbrowsers like Firefox and Safari and Java also recognizes certificates at 2 levels, user and system. There are widely accepted Certificate Authorities (like Verisign) that are recognized by default in OSes like Windows and Linux. I know that webbrowsers also recognize some Certificate Authorities, but I think the list they recognize can be different from the list the OS recognizes. I guess Java also recognizes some but I do not know what. I also know that I can have system level configured keystores in Java by specifying the keystore in ~/.java/deployment/, If I do not want to pay for a certificate, I can create my own (this is what I was doing) so my certificate is from an UNKNOWN publisher. What I was hoping for that if I specify my keystore via then it will solve this problem for the office but apparently it does not, which I do not understand because in this case the system administrator says that he recognizes this certificate. So now I am thinking about making a certificate using makecert in windows which can then be pushed down to client PCs via GPO. My understanding is that this will create certificates that are recognized by the OS, but I do not know if makecert made certificates would be treated the same way as e.g. verisign certificates in Windows, in Firefox and also in Java. And I do not know if UNKNOWN refers to a list within java or it refers to the fact that the Certificate Authority is not recognized by the OS.
My questions:
If someone could fix the mistakes I made in the above description I would appreciate it. I believe I am misunderstanding something, but I do not know what.
I just cannot believe that Webstart won't work unless we pay for a certificate. I guess what we need is a mechanism that a sysadmin can say that he wants the office PCs to recognize a given certificate. Does anyone have an idea how to do this in the future?
If we have to purchase a certificate, could someone please let me know what to watch out for or how that works in general? Can I use jarsigner the same way?
If we have to purchase a certificate, is there a list of Certificate Authorities out there that we can pick from? Obviously I want to go for the cheapest as I find this an administrative overhead.
Thank you for your help.
My setup that works with JRE7u40 and JRE8 is this:
I have a self-signed cert for my certificate authority (CA). This cert must be trusted by the system (e.g. add it to Java Control Panel / Security / Certificates / Signer CA, but there may be other ways to make your CA trusted).
Then I have a code publisher certificate, signed by my CA. I use this cert to sign all my code (jars).
Furthermore, if you want all permissions for your code, I suggest these MANIFEST.MF attributes as QDH minimum (since JRE7u40, if I remember):
Permissions: all-permissions
Codebase: *
Trusted-Library: true
Trusted-Only: true
First time you run such application, you will still see the security warning because runtime is unable to ensure that code signer certificate was not revoked by its CA.
However, now you have the option to permanently accept this publisher (code signer certificate), and if you do, the code signer certificate will be added to trusted publishers (Java Control Panel / Security / Certificates / Trusted Certificates) and you won't see such warning again.
If you want to avoid this step, I guess you have to setup your CA infrastructure properly to support certificate revocation verification. I assume that includes some extra attributes in your CA certificate and availability of special certificate revocation service. For intranet deployment, you may skip that.
I signed my applet using .pfx file. But when I run my web page it shows "UNKNOWN publisher warning".
I also have another certificate .cer (How to check that its a code signing certificate)[I got it from another person and he is also not sure].
So to sign applet, do I need special certificate say "Code Signing" certificate? Or I'm missing something?
A digital certificate that is generated by me or you will read UNKNOWN in that dialog. The reason is that if you can make a certificate claiming that you are you, I can just as easily make a certificate claiming that I am you.
In order to avoid lying to the end-user, Oracle just reports 'unknown' for those 'self signed' applications.
Get a code-signing certificate with a key-chain pointing back to a Certification Authority (who take steps to verify the identity claimed by the applicant - and overcharge to do it), and the dialog will show the author.
See also this answer to Signing a jar file with trusted certificate for JWS deployment for the intricacies of showing the author.
I created a self signed certificate but the browser tells me "This CA Root Certificate is not trusted. To enable trust, install this certificate in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store".
I did by going into IE --> Internet Options --> Content --> Certificates --> ect... I actually had to export the self signed certificate and then import it into the Trusted Root Certification. Only after the certificate was located under the ROOT store in the users machine that IE did not display any WARNINGS.
This will be deployed in a production environment, so having the users manually do the above steps is unacceptable.
How can I automatically do this? I just want them to accept and not have that "Certificate Error" and have the URL bar turned "RED" in IE.
I'm using Tomcat 5.5. I also followed the same steps as in the Tomcat SSL How To Tutorial
Thanks in advance.
Java 6 provides a cryptographic provider named SunMSCAPI to access the windows cryptography libraries API. This provider implements a keystore "Windows-Root" containing all Trust Anchors certificates.
It is possible to insert a certificate in this keystore.
KeyStore root = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-ROOT");
/* certificate must be DER-encoded */
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:/path/to/root/cert/root.der");
X509Certificate cacert = (X509Certificate)CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificate(in);
root.setCertificateEntry("CACert Root CA", cacert);
The user will be prompted if for confirmation. If the operation is canceled by the user then a KeyStoreException is thrown.
Some technotes about the provider can be found here:
Think about it. If this were possible, what would stop any fraudulent site from doing the same thing and making it look like their site was trusted? The whole point is that the user HAS to OK the certificate installation.
First of all, possibility to do this would compromise user's security, so it would be a security hole, so no, there's no easy way to do this.
Next, different software has different certificate stores. Microsoft and Chrome browser use CryptoAPI stores, Firefox has it's own store (Chrome can also use firefox's one AFAIK). Adobe's software has it's own store (in addition to CryptoAPI one).
I am implementing a VB.NET desktop application which consumes a web service.
The web service implemented in Java and I currently using Tomcat on my localhost to host the web service.
The web service requires secure communication with the client and so I have followed instructions that outlined how to use Java's keytool.exe to create two .jks keystores (one for the client and one for the server) and then create two .cer certificates (one for the client and one for the server)
I have placed the keystores and certificates generate into the directory where the web service is expecting them (according to the instructions)
I have installed the certificates into TrustedPeople and have attempted to use the certificate by setting the ClientCredentials.ClientCertificates property like this:
myServiceProxy.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.SetCertificate(storeLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.TrustedPeople, X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, "name")
I keep getting the following error message when I try to call any method:
An error was discovered processing the <wsse:Security> header
My problem is that I don't know how to use this in the VB.NET client application that is consuming the web service. I could be doing this completely wrong. Any guidance on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
While I haven't coded VB for 10 years, this should get you started:
especially this looks like it is loading the file containing the certificate:
and this extracts the certificate and uses it for the connection:
Dim cert As Chilkat.Cert
cert = certStore.FindCertBySubjectCN("Chilkat Software, Inc.")
If (cert Is Nothing ) Then
Exit Sub
End If
When I had to work with certificates and WS, I had lots of issues with the them too. Use the certificates MMC and verify:
That you placed the certificate in the correct place. Note that there is a CurrentUser store, Machine Store etc. Make sure you put the certificate in the correct one according to your code.
Which user is running your application? Is the certificate located in it's store? The certificate must be visible to the user.
Open the certificate and make sure it is trusted (you will see a warning if not). You may need to put your CA's certificate in Trusted Certification Authorities store.
Make sure that the algorithms you use on each side are supported by the other side.
Note that you are looking for the certificate by issuer name X509FindType.FindByIssuerName, "name" open the certificate, make sure the issuer name matches (I guess not since it seems like copy&paste from example).
If all of this fails, try to experiment with the certificate location (I vaguely remember some issue with being able to use certificates from one location and not the other), and with the property you use to search for the certificates.
Plus, since you asked about certificates I answered about certificates. It's a good idea to check if there's an inner exception and see - it may be another problem.
I use SSL to communicate between two components written in Java. I can't use a CA, so I have to self-sign everything. Unfortunately, this means that when I try to handshake, I get a SunCertPathBuilderException. I can create my own X509TrustManager that just trusts everything, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having a signed cert.
I would like, when first making the connection, to prompt the user with "SSL handshake with invalid cert. Add cert to store?" or something so they could have it added for them to their certificate store, like web browsers do at sites with invalid certs. I can find plenty of examples online of adding a cert to the store through the commandline, but I can't figure out how to do it programmatically. Is there a way to do this?
Yes it is possible.
There is some code here that I've used before. I had to modify it to do what I wanted and I suspect that you will too but this should get you close - you aren't trying to import a key so theoretically you should be able to simplify things. In any case you can get an idea of what you'll need.
The JDK JavaDoc for is pretty useful too.
Why don't you create your own CA and sign your certificates with that? Then all you would need to do is install the CA own certificate on the machines and every certificate signed by that CA would validate.
Why would you need to do this, you are not validating that the client is who they say they are you are only using the certs to encrypt the comms, so a custom trust manager that allows all certs is all you need.
What you are asking is possible and from memory also involves a custom trust manager to validate the certificates and store them in the keystore. I can't remember the details, but at least you know it is possible to do it.