I found that declaring a variable as static makes no sense in Multi-Threading. I assume that, this is because of every thread has its own stack. Is this the only reason?
I know that static variables should be used within synchronized block. but why?
static makes no sense in Multi-Threading.
Im afraid you are making the reverse statement. Static variable is a shared resource, which can be used to exchange some information among different threads. And we need to be careful while accessing such a shared resource. Hence, we need to make sure that the access to static variables in multi-threaded environment is synchronized.
every thread has its own stack
This is a correct statement. Each thread has its own stack but they share the process heap. Stack holds only the local variables and not the variables on the heap. Static variables are stored in the PermGen section of the heap and hence the access to them should be well guarded.
Because first part of question is already answered, I will try to answer on second question.
I know that static variables should be used within synchronized block. but why?
Because if you don't use atomic, operations with variables are not atomic. That's why you should block variables while working with them. But in real world, you can use volatile keyword, that will guarantee you, that threads will have actual values of variable.
If you change a variable in a multithreaded environment, the new value may not neccessarily visibile as it might be cached. This is also true for static variables of course. If you don't use a synchronized block you might consider using volatile instead. This will also guaruantee that the various threads get an updated copy, without the need of synchronizing.
Wether volatile is enough four your application depends on your requirements.
Add volatile to your static declaration.
volatile will guarantee any other thread will see the most recent value of the variable. So, with volatile it will make sense.
However, volatile will not guarantee atomicity. If you write to your variable from more than one thread you might want to use atomics or synchronize block.
I think volatile will be fine.
This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between atomic / volatile / synchronized?
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Suppose I have
private volatile AtomicInteger atomInt = new AtomicInteger(3);
and in methods my usage is atomInt.incrementAndGet().
Since I am using AtomicInteger, it will avoid "thread interference". And then I am using volatile, so it will guarantee the consistent view of the variable across all threads. Does it mean that I have got complete thread safety or still there are chances of "memory consistency issues"?
I got confused because of usage of "reduce" in tutorial, so it suggests me that there are still chances but I cannot think of it:
Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency
errors, because any write to a volatile variable establishes a
happens-before relationship with subsequent reads of that same
And then I am using volatile, so it will guarantee the consistent view of the variable across all threads.
Thread-safety is already guaranteed by atomic variables. volatile is redundant if you won't reassign the variable. You can replace volatile with final here:
private final AtomicInteger atomInt = new AtomicInteger(3);
Does it mean that I have got complete thread safety or still there are chances of "memory consistency issues"?
At this moment, it's absolutely thread-safe. No "memory consistency issues" might happen with the variable. But using proper thread-safe components doesn't mean that the whole class/program is thread-safe. Problems might take place if interactions between them are incorrect.
Using volatile variables reduces the risk of memory consistency errors ...
volatile variables can only guarantee visibility. They don't guarantee atomicity.
As Brian Goetz writes (emphasis mine):
volatile variables are convenient, but they have limitations. The most common use for volatile variables is as a completion, interruption, or status flag. Volatile variables can be used for other kinds of state information, but more care is required when attempting this. For example, the semantics of volatile are not strong enough to make the increment operation (count++) atomic, unless you can guarantee that the variable is written only from a single thread.
You can use volatile variables only when all the following criteria are met:
Writes to the variable do not depend on its current value, or you can ensure that only a single thread ever updates the value;
The variable does not participate in invariants with other state variables;
Locking is not required for any other reason while the variable is being accessed.
From the docs of the java.util.concurrent.atomic package:
get has the memory effects of reading a volatile variable.
set has the memory effects of writing (assigning) a volatile variable.
Volatile does mean that changes to the variable will be visible. But in this case you shouldn’t be changing the reference held by the variable.
It seems very odd that you’d want to make a reference to an Atomic object volatile. The whole point of the atomicinteger class is to provide a way to access and change an integer value safely. The only reason to make some variable volatile is because you intend to overwrite its value. Why overwrite the reference to the AtomicInteger when you can use its instance methods to update its value?
That’s why you are getting advice to make this variable final instead of volatile. Making the variable final nails down the reference so it can’t change, while making sure the reference contained by that variable is visible. The atomicInteger manages its own state in a threadsafe way so you shouldn’t have to overwrite the reference to it.
So it’s not exactly correct to say volatile is redundant here. But it is doing something that typically shouldn’t have to be done. Use volatile when you have to change the value contained in the variable. Use final when you shouldn’t be changing the value contained in the variable.
If in a class I have a ConcurrentHashMap instance that will be modified and read by multiple threads I might define like this:
public class My Class {
private volatile ConcurrentHashMap<String,String> myMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,String>();
adding final to the myMap field results in an error saying I can only use final or volatile. Why can it not be both?
volatile only has relevance to modifications of the variable itself, not the object it refers to. It makes no sense to have a final volatile field because final fields cannot be modified. Just declare the field final and it should be fine.
It's because of Java Memory Model (JMM).
Essentially, when you declare object field as final you need to initialize it in object's constructor and then final field won't change it's value. And JMM promises that after ctor is finished any thread will see the same (correct) value of final field. So, you won't need to use explicit synchronization, such as synchronize or Lock to allow all threads to see correct value of final field.
When you declare object's field as volatile, field's value can change, but still every read of value from any thread will see latest value written to it.
So, final and volatile achieve same purpose -- visibility of object's field value, but first is specifically used for a variable may only be assigned to once and second is used for a variable that can be changed many times.
Because volatile and final are two extreme ends in Java
volatile means the variable is bound to changes
final means the value of the variable will never change whatsoever
volatile is used for variables that their value may change, in certain cases, otherwise there is no need for volatile, and final means that the variable may not change, so there's no need for volatile.
Your concurrency concerns are important, but making the HashMap volatile will not solve the problem, for handling the concurrency issues, you already use ConcurrentHashMap.
A volatile field gives you guarantees as what happens when you change it. (No an object which it might be a reference to)
A final field cannot be changed (What the fields reference can be changed)
It makes no sense to have both.
volatile modifier guarantees that all reads and writes go straight to main memory, i.e. like the variable access is almost into synchronized block. This is irrelevant for final variable that cannot be changed.
Because it doesn't make any sense. Volatile affects object reference value, not the object's fields/etc.
In your situation (you have concurrent map) you should do the field final.
In a multithread environment different threads will read a variable from main memory and add it to the CPU cache. It may result in two different threads making changes on the same variable, while ignoring each others results.
enter image description here
We use word volatile to indicate that variable will be saved in main memory and will be read from main memory. Thus whenever a thread want to read/write a variable it will be done from main memory, essentially making a variable safe in multithread environment.
When we use final keyword we indicate that variable will not change. As you can see if a variable is unchangeable, than it doesn't matter if multiple threads will use it. No thread can change the variable, so even if variable is saved to CPU caches at different times, and threads will use this variable at different times than it's still ok, because the variable can only be read.
I was wondering if you have a static method that is not synchronised, but does not modify any static variables is it thread-safe? What about if the method creates local variables inside it? For example, is the following code thread-safe?
public static String[] makeStringArray( String a, String b ){
return new String[]{ a, b };
So if I have two threads calling ths method continously and concurrently, one with dogs (say "great dane" and "bull dog") and the other with cats (say "persian" and "siamese") will I ever get cats and dogs in the same array? Or will the cats and dogs never be inside the same invocation of the method at the same time?
This method is 100% thread safe, it would be even if it wasn't static. The problem with thread-safety arises when you need to share data between threads - you must take care of atomicity, visibility, etc.
This method only operates on parameters, which reside on stack and references to immutable objects on heap. Stack is inherently local to the thread, so no sharing of data occurs, ever.
Immutable objects (String in this case) are also thread-safe because once created they can't be changed and all threads see the same value. On the other hand if the method was accepting (mutable) Date you could have had a problem. Two threads can simultaneously modify that same object instance, causing race conditions and visibility problems.
A method can only be thread-unsafe when it changes some shared state. Whether it's static or not is irrelevant.
The function is perfectly thread safe.
If you think about it... assume what would happen if this were different. Every usual function would have threading problems if not synchronized, so all API functions in the JDK would have to be synchronized, because they could potentially be called by multiple threads. And since most time the app is using some API, multithreaded apps would effectively be impossible.
This is too ridiculous to think about it, so just for you: Methods are not threadsafe if there is a clear reason why there could be problems. Try to always think about what if there were multiple threads in my function, and what if you had a step-debugger and would one step after another advance the first... then the second thread... maybe the second again... would there be problems? If you find one, its not thread safe.
Please be also aware, that most of the Java 1.5 Collection classes are not threadsafe, except those where stated, like ConcurrentHashMap.
And if you really want to dive into this, have a close look at the volatile keyword and ALL its side effects. Have a look at the Semaphore() and Lock() class, and their friends in java.util.Concurrent. Read all the API docs around the classes. It is worth to learn and satisfying, too.
Sorry for this overly elaborate answer.
Use the static keyword with synchronized static methods to modify static data shared among threads. With the static keyword all the threads created will contend for a single version of the method.
Use the volatile keyword along with synchronized instance methods will guarantee that each thread has its own copy of the shared data and no read/ writes will leak out between threads.
String objects being immutable is another reason for thread-safe scenario above. Instead if mutable objects are used (say makeMutableArray..) then surely thread-safety will break.
Since the complete method was pushed onto the stack, any variable creation that takes place lives within the stack (again exceptions being static variables) and only accessible to one thread. So all the methods are thread safe until they change the state of some static variable.
See also:
Is static method is thread safe in Java?
Does a variable that is accessed by multiple threads, but only inside synchronized blocks, need the volatile modifier? If not, why?
You do not need to use volatile inside of synchronized, synchronized already guarantees the correct behavior for local caching of variables when used consistently (on every access).
volatile works on primitive values, and can be a nice shortcut for atomic accesses to a primitive type. Note that the behavior of volatile has changed in JDK 5 from 1.4.
More information can be found here
No. When you work within a synchronized block, all cached variables are synchronized on access, since it creates a memory barrier.
For details, see this comparison (with discussion) of volatile to synchronized.
Blocks that synchronize on the same object (or method) are guaranteed to not be run at the same time. So as long as you synchronize to the same object, your variable will never have concurrent accesses, so it doesn't need special treatment.
If your accesses aren't synchronized, then you have a race condition. Making the variable volatile can be correct for some primitive variables (I defer to other posts for better info on volaitle). If that isn't useful, you almost certainly have a bug.
Say I have two threads and an object. One thread assigns the object:
public void assign(MyObject o) {
myObject = o;
Another thread uses the object:
public void use() {
Does the variable myObject have to be declared as volatile? I am trying to understand when to use volatile and when not, and this is puzzling me. Is it possible that the second thread keeps a reference to an old object in its local memory cache? If not, why not?
Thanks a lot.
I am trying to understand when to use
volatile and when not
You should mostly avoid using it. Use an AtomicReference instead (or another atomic class where appropriate). The memory effects are the same and the intent is much clearer.
I highly suggest reading the excellent Java Concurrency in Practice for a better understanding.
Leaving the complicated technical details behind, you can see volatile less or more as a synchronized modifier for variables. When you'd like to synchronize access to methods or blocks, then you'd usually like to use the synchronized modifier as follows:
public synchronized void doSomething() {}
If you'd like to "synchronize" access to variables, then you'd like to use the volatile modifier:
private volatile SomeObject variable;
Behind the scenes they do different things, but the effect is the same: the changes are immediately visible for the next accessing thread.
In your specific case, I don't think that the volatile modifier has any value. The volatile does not guarantee in any way that the thread assigning the object will run before the thread using the object. It can be as good the other way round. You probably just want to do a nullcheck in use() method first.
Update: also see this article:
Access to the variable acts as though it is enclosed in a synchronized block, synchronized on itself. We say "acts as though" in the second point, because to the programmer at least (and probably in most JVM implementations) there is no actual lock object involved.
Declaring a volatile Java variable means:
The value of this variable will never be cached thread-locally
Access to the variable acts as though it is enclosed in a synchronized block
The typical and most common use of volatile is :
public class StoppableThread extends Thread {
private volatile boolean stop = false;
public void run() {
while (!stop) {
// do work
public void stopWork() {
stop = true;
You can use volatile in this case. You will require volatile, synchronization around the access to the variable or some similar mechanism (like AtomicReference) to guarantee that changes made on the assignment thread are actually visible to the reading thread.
I have spent quite a lot of time trying to understanding the volatile keyword.
I think #aleroot has given the best and simplest example in the world.
This is in turn my explanation for dummies (like me :-)):
Scenario1: Assuming the stop is not declared as volatile then
a given thread does and 'thinks' the following:
stopWork() is called: I have to set the stop to true
Great, I did it in my local stack now I have to update the main heap of JVM.
Oops, JVM tells me to give a way in CPU to another thread, I have to stop for a while...
OK, I am back. Now I can update the main heap with my value. Updating ...
Scenario2: Now let the stop be declared as volatile:
stopWork() is called: I have to set the stop to true
Great, I did it in my local stack now I have to update the main heap of JVM.
Sorry guys, I have to do (2) NOW - I am told it is volatile. I have to occupy CPU a bit longer...
Updating the main heap ...
OK, I am done. Now I can yield.
No synchronization, just a simple idea...
Why not to declare all variables volatile just in case? Because of Scenario2/Step3. It is a bit inefficient but still better than regular synchronization.
There are some confusing comments here: to clarify, your code is incorrect as it stands, assuming two different threads call assign() and use().
In the absence of volatile, or another happens-before relationship (for example, synchronization on a common lock) any write to myObject in assign() is not guaranteed to be seen by the thread calling use() -- not immediately, not in a timely fashion, and indeed not ever.
Yes, volatile is one way of correcting this (assuming this is incorrect behaviour -- there are plausible situations where you don't care about this!).
You are exactly correct that the 'use' thread can see any 'cached' value of myObject, including the one it was assigned at construction time and any intermediate value (again in the absence of other happens-before points).