Choose DNS server for resolving hostnames in Java - java

resolving a hostname to an IP address is rather easy in Java by using the InetAddress class like this:
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("");
But this method uses the DNS server which is used by the running system.
Is there any way to specify the DNS server that should be used for resolving?

If you use Sun Java, you can use this code:
//Override system DNS setting with Google free DNS server
System.setProperty("", "");
System.setProperty("", "dns,sun");
See this blog post: How to set a custom DNS server with Java System properties for more details.


how to add 'host_name' extension for SNI in java (using jetty)

i am trying in every way to add the SNI to my client (jetty 11.0.9). The server requires me to send host_name, but there is no way with jetty. can anyone do it?
Jetty's HttpClient uses the Java SSLEngine to initiate TLS connections and will use SNI by default.
Just use one of the HttpClient.newRequest() methods to create a Request with either an absolute URI (that includes the authority, hostname, port) or the newRequest() methods that take a hostname / port pair.
Note that the Java SSLEngine will follow the TLS/SNI spec and will not send SNI if the destination host is localhost or an IP Address (you must use a hostname, always, with SNI)

Specify https host as arangodb host in properties

I'm building CRUD interface for ArangoDB as Java service.
My ArangoDB service has dynamic IP, but static URL. Thus I want to specify URL instead of IP and port.
But when I set it in file I get the following exception:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate []: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is com.arangodb.ArangoDBException: Could not load property-value arangodb.hosts=,, Expected format ip:port,ip:port,...
How can I do it?
I have figured out that I have to connect to https server. How can I specify it in my file?
I have tried to connect to the servers endpoint using unix wget command. It doesn't connect if I dont specify https protocol. And so my ArangoDB client doesn't, if there is plain ip:port. I just get Connection refused exception.
I don't believe you can do that since the service needs to bind to an IP address. Usually, when dealing with dynamic IP addresses your ISP is changing the IP but internally you can configure your IP address statically. Bind to your internal static IP and configure your router to port forward to that internal IP address. Many routers support dynamic DNS through various providers that will map the domain to your changing IP address. I hope that helps.
Update: Setting up HTTPS should be pretty easily done, just follow the docs here:

Set host in Tomcat that is returned by getBaseUri();

I have set up a Tomcat 6 server on Linux that is accessible from the internet and locally by different host names. The hostnames are set in /etc/hosts like this
# IP Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname my-server
From the web the server is accessible by the full qualified hostname and from the intranet by both names.
In one of my services I refer to getBaseUri() for getting the URI of a service. Unfortunately it always returns the URI using the Short-Hostname. What I want is that it uses the Full-Qualified-Hostname. How can I tell Tomcat to use it?

Clean DNS server in JVM

After my first post dealing with DNS,which is still not resolved: JVM and OS DNS Caching
,i am facing a new problem.
First here is my use case: i want to check if my private DNS is alive. If not i want to use a general DNS (e.g
My private DNS (a bind9 on ubuntu with as a specific record: ->
So i thought i could do this:
System.setProperty("", "dns,sun");
System.setProperty("", "dns,sun");
System.setProperty("", "");
InetAddress.getHostByAddress( -> unknow host exception
But if i only Do:
System.setProperty("", "dns,sun");
InetAddress.getHostByAddress( ->
So as soon as i called an InetAddress method before setting, it seems that the has no effect. Maybe because the JVM load the system DNS values when a InetAddress method is called even if it dont use DNS resolution.
Is that a standard behavior in the JVM or am i loosing something?
Any help is welcome,
The problem is that the nameservice providers are loaded only once in InetAddress and cached for further use. The loading happens in the static initializer of the class InetAddress. So once InetAddress is initialized, setting or changing the properties will have no more effect.
The JVM only uses the DNS provider you set on lookups that fail using the system's default. You can see this in the documentation (, relevant excerpts:
By default, Java will use the system configured name lookup
You can specify a comma separated list of IP addresses that point to the DNS servers you want to use
In JDK 7, providers are chained, which means that if a
lookup on a provider fails, the next provider in the list is consulted
to resolve the name.

Cannot connect to Tomcat's MBeanServer via jconsole in Java6

I'm on a vista machine. I've started tomcat 5.5.27 with these options:
When I connect via jconsole and added the following service url
it would not connect. Any ideas ?
Ok, I orignally supposed the URL given by op was wrong but it turns out no. So I can't answer.
Still, here are the basics:
For a simple connection through jconsole.
If you know that the JMX Server you want to connect to has the RMI registry port at 9003 for example, connect using
Otherwise, here's what I found out from the ground up:
Suppose you have the JMX Server (alias 'JMX Agent' alias 'the JVM you want to connect to') running on 'TARGET MACHINE' with the RMI registry port at 'RMI REGISTRY PORT' and the JMX RMI server port at 'JMX RMI SERVER PORT'.
The RMI registry tells JMX clients where to find the JMX RMI server port; information can be obtained under key jmxrmi.
The RMI registry port is generally known as it is set through system properties at JVM startup.
The JMX RMI server port is generally not known as the JVM chooses it at random (if no other precautions are taken).
The following URI will lead to success (tested)
This looks nasty. Let's cut it apart.
This URI is an RFC2609 "Service Location Protocol URL" (well, it's really an URI, right?)
It is composed of:
service - a constant
jmx:rmi - the service type composed of: abstract type jmx and URL scheme rmi
the rest - the sap (service access protocol specification)
sap is decomposed into:
/jndi/rmi://<TARGET_MACHINE>:<RMI_REGISTRY_PORT>/jmxrmi - URL part
A well-informed JMX client connects to the "ipsite" to do JMX-over-RMI exchanges; but what of the JMX client that doesn't KNOW that port? Patience...
URL part is decomposed into:
/jndi/ - This seems to tell the JMX client that it can get lookup information at the location that follows
rmi://<TARGET_MACHINE>:<RMI_REGISTRY_PORT>/jmxrmi - Yep, we get information about the JMX RMI Server at the RMI registry, under the lookup key jmxrmi
This is somewhat cart-before-horse, as one has to contact the RMI registry given by the latter part of the SLP URL first.
After scratching head, intuitively, let's try:
Yes, that works! The JMX RMI server port is nicely obtained from the registry. On second thoughts, the target machine should also be obtained from the registry, thus:
Even better, that works, too!
On Ubuntu 10.04, using OpenJDK 6 and Tomcat 6.0.29, I was unable to activate JMX for a local jconsole session, no matter how many* options I passed to java with CATALINA_OPTS. The problem was the setting, which defaults to $CATALINA_BASE/temp. I simply had to set:
at the beginning of bin/ and I was able to connect locally with jconsole, jmap, jps etc. There was no need for any* settings at all.
Are the processes run under the same user?
You can also check by running jps and jconsole (both in the JDK_HOME/bin directory)
This is also needed for OS X 10.7 aka Lion.
I answered a similar question here:java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:;
I found many of the Q&A on this topic, not nothing was helping me - that's because my issue was more basic ( what can I say I am not a networking guru :) ). My ip address in /etc/hosts was incorrect. What I had tried included the following for CATALINA_OPTS:
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128M -server
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=A.B.C.D" #howeverI put the wrong ip here!
My problem was that I had changed my ip address many months ago, but never updated my /etc/hosts file. it seems that by default the jconsole uses the hostname -i ip address in some fashion even though I was viewing local processes. The best solution was to simply change the /etc/hosts file.
The other solution which can work is to get your correct ip address from /sbin/ifconfig and use that ip address when specifying the ip address in, for example, a script:

