"request" in " request.getRequestURI();" - java

I am trying to print the browser URL using Java. I have come across codes where they have used "request.getRequestURI();" to retrieve the URL. What is this "request" in "request.getRequestURI();" ? How do we define it? Can i get an example of a code with "request" defined?

It is an HttpServletRequest object.
See: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html.
Normally it is passed in to a method on your controller.

The request object retrieves the values that the client browser passed to the server during an HTTP request such as headers, cookies or parameters associated with the request. Among the most common use of the request object is to obtain parameter or query string values. The following demo illustrates how to use the request object for parsing form data. - See more at: http://www.gulland.com/courses/jsp/objects#sthash.zigrGeiE.dpuf
The request object is an instance of HttpServletRequest. The request object is implicitly defined in jsp pages. It is also a parameter in the doGet and doPost method of an HttpServlet
So in a servlet, you'll have something like:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
and in a jsp page, you can access an object, lets say the firstName string, attached to the request with expression language:


HttpServletRequest stored in model gets replaced

I'm working on a legacy code (Spring 2.5.x, Java 1.5), where controller passes Http Servlet Request to view like this:
public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
Map attributes = new HashMap();
attributes.put("httpRequest", request);
return new ModelAndView("/path/to/page.jsp", attributes);
However what happens is that httpRequest attribute does indeed exist in the JSP Page context, but it contains current request (JSP page) and not the original (controller). The passed request is being used to extract some information from the URL. It appears that I can get around that problem by using a bunch of "javax.servlet.forward.*" attributes. This however puzzles me as it is pretty simple thing and I'd be happy to get it to work anyways or at least know exactly why it doesn't work now. Anybody has any ideas?
To begin with, it is a bad idea to store the request as attribute of request. If you need specific data for the current request, you can retrieve it directly using ${requestContext}, if you need to access to the URL, use ${requestContext.requestURL}. If you need to access to parts of this URL to display it in client side, it would be better to parse the url in server side (controller) by first obtaining it using StringBuffer url = request.getRequestURL(); and then setting the required data as attributes.

Java HttpServletRequest getquerystring

In my servlet, req.getQueryString() returns null when an ajax request is sent to it.
Is this because req.getQueryString() only works for GET and not POST?
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
The easiest way to get hold of request parameters is to use request.getParameter(). This works for both GET and POST requests.
POST requests typically carry their parameters within the request body, which is why the request.getQueryString() method returns null.
From docs:
This method returns null if the URL does not have a query string.
Since you are in a doPost() handler, we can assume that indeed the request has no query string since it is a POST.
POST request may have a query string, but this is uncommon. POST data is included directly after the HTTP headers that browser sends to the server.

Setting parameters in jsp and in servlets

In my web application , I get a request from the client. I process the request in my jsp page or the servlet(which ever is called) and want to forward to other jsp's or servlets accordingly. But before forwarding I want to set a few parameters and then forward it with these new parameters. The old parameters should not be present when forwarding. Only the new parameters should be present. How can this be done?
Can I forward from a servlet to jsp and vice-versa?
Please tell how the above can be accomplished?
If you have no use for the request parameters and your jsp/servlet has not written anything to the response, then I suppose it would be fine to use redirect instead of forward, since redirecting will discard the request along with the parameters.
When you do redirect, you can create dynamically and set the querystring like so:
response.sendRedirect("url?a=" + var1 +"&b=" + var2);
Take note that this will be a GET method to the url. If url will be resolved to a servlet, you can implement the doGet method to just call the doPost.
Please note that a redirect will be ignored if the jsp/servlet has written something already on the response...
You can use request dispatcher and redirect as per your need and requirement.
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
RequestDispatcher rd = sc.getRequestDispatcher("url");
sendRedirect() sends the header back to the browser , which contains the name of the resource to be redirected to. So this will be a new request to the resource from the browser .
forward() action takes place within the server without the knowledge of the browser .
yes you can forward the parameter servlet to jsp and jsp to servlet.
when you can set the attribute in request then it will lost on destination.means you can not access that on third resource.
request.setAttribute(attribute name,attribute value)
you can do same thing in session also.
You have to forward to JSP/Servlet using RequestDisptcher. Set the request attribute on the request to set parameters using
request.setAttribute(name, value)
The Forwarded JSP can read the parameter using
But, You cannot hide the attribute existing before forward by default. You can achieve this using Request Wrapper. Wrap the request before forwarding override the set and get attribute methods.
Below code explains
RequestDisptcher dispatcher = req.getRequestDispatcher("url");
HideExistingRequestWrapper requestWrapper =
new HideExistingRequestWrapper(request);
requestWrapper.setAtribute("forwarded", "forwarded value");
dispatcher.forward(requestWrapper, response);
Here is the code of wrapper implementation:
class HideExistingRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
private Map localattributes = new HashMap();
public HideExistingRequestWrapper (HttpServletRequest orignialRequest) {
public Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name) {
return localattributes.get(name);
public Object setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value) {
return localattributes.put(name, value);
ServletRequest.removeAttribute(name of your old attribute)
ServletRequest.setAttribute(name , value)
After setting the attributes, get the RequestDispatcher using
and then use forward() method

Accessing a HashMap of custom objects in request scope after a redirect

I have a HashMap of custom objects being passed to a JSP using RequestDispatcher and I am able to access the object and its properties using JSTL.
However the code fails in case the parameter is sent using response.sendRedirect() .
I am not sure what the reason is and how to make it work?
The response.sendRedirect() basically instructs the client (the webbrowser) to send a new request on the given URL. You'll also see this being reflected by a change in the browser address bar.
A new request does of course not contain the attribtues of the previous (or any other) request. That would otherwise have broken the whole concept of "request scope".
To preprocess a GET request, you need to do the job in doGet() method of a servlet and then redirect to the URL of that servlet instead.
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/foo");
public class FooServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
Map<String, Foo> foos = fooService.map();
request.setAttribute("foos", foos);
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/foo.jsp").forward(request, response);
Note that this problem is in no way related to having a hashmap of custom objects in the request scope.
See also:
Our servlets wiki page
You can not share a request attribute in response.sendRedirect as it creates a new request.
But, if you want that HashMap, in response.sendRedirect, you can put that in session like
request.getSession().setAttribute("myMap", [HashMap object]);
and can share between the servlet and JSP. This works in both RequestDispatcher and sendRedirect.

how to pass a request of a servlet as a parameter to another helper

I wonder how cn i pass a request parameter of a servlet as a parameter to another java file of my web app that doesm't have POST and GET methods?
Thanks in advance
Simply by getting the request parameter from the HttpServletRequest object, and using it as a parameter.
void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException,
java.io.IOException {
String param = req.getParameter("name_of_your_param");
new YourOtherClass().yourOtherMethod(param);
//implement the rest to return a response
I'm excluding obvious things like input validation on the parameter (e.g. if the http client didn't send the parameter in the request, the result of getParameter is null) and sending the response.
Please takes some time to become familiar with the Servlet API and refer to it whenever you are curious how to do something with your Servlets and Request/Response objects: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17802_01/products/products/servlet/2.5/docs/servlet-2_5-mr2/index.html
What's the problem with someObject.someMethod(request, response) ?
Your request always passes through a Servlet, so:
extract the needed parameters there
pass them as arguments to the helper
There is another option - to store what you need in a ThreadLocal variable, because each request is handled in a separate thread, but that's to be avoided.

