I'm currently trying to run Jacoco using Maven and TestNG.
I haven't downloaded/installed anything.
I've tried adding the following to my parent POM (also tried adding to test package POM, but still no results)
When I do "mvn clean install" or mvn package the output is appearing in root folder as "test-output". I've tried setting "outputDirectory" in Maven but this does nothing.
Another bigger issue I'm having is it's not picking up any testNG tests. The code coverage is 0.
Can someone help please?
Why not add testNG dependency to your pom?
Do you have any classes with names ending <MyClass>Test?
You need to annotate one of the methods of that class with #Test (obvious for you). But make sure you specify public accessor.
This feels like it should be easy, so please help point me in the correct direction.
I am successfully using maven to build my java project using a Azure Pipeline. I am also successfully getting JaCoCo coverage reports.
I have a maven project with multiple modules. Below is a sample project structure. I want to exclude everything in all the sub src/test/java directories/packages.
I would have expected something like setting codeCoverageClassFilter to -:*.src.test.java*.*, but none of my variations have worked. What is the correct statement to exclude all these test directories?
For excluded test add next configuration in pom parent
<!-- prepare agent for measuring integration tests -->
In My project, if I write pom like this:
it will not generate report in my project after i run mvn install.
but i change it to
it worked!!
I want to know what was the different?
I read the offical document here: http://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/prepare-agent-mojo.html
the goal prepare-agent is just for set property for jvm agent, not start jvm agent, why it is necessary?
Well the link shared by you over prepare:agent already reads much of it:
Prepares a property pointing to the JaCoCo runtime agent that can be
passed as a VM argument to the application under test.
So if the goal is not bound to the plugin execution, then the default behavior for the property would be either argLine or tycho.testArgLine for packaging type eclipse-test-plugin.
In your case, if we assume its argLine, and your project defines the VM arguments for test execution, you need to make sure that they include this property.
One of the ways to do this in case of maven-surefire-plugin - is to
use syntax for late property evaluation:
<argLine>#{argLine} -your -extra -arguments</argLine>
The detailed Java Agent doc, can help you understand deeper how Jacoco uses its own agent to provide a mechanism that allows in-memory pre-processing of all class files during class loading independent of the application framework.
I am like really not familiar with maven at all. And the project that I am working on requires it....
I am trying to customize this Jacoco tool in maven. Especially the "include" parameter for prepare-agent goal. I am testing a big project with about 4000 classes in many different packages. But the only coverage information that I need is only from 5-10 classes.
Any idea how I can specify something like this? Basically specify "include" while running test. Or do I have to specify it in the POM file?
"mvn jacoco:prepare-agent -Dinclude = "weka.associations.Apriori" test"
yes you can specify in the pom.xml file
where exclude tag will include your exclusion list , the classes which you want yo exclude to get code coverage, right now , it will not exclude anything
Kindly use the new version of jacoco as it is old one which i have specified
I downloaded recently Netbeans 8.1 here
I chose second option: "Java EE".
But I can't find how to run test coverage for my unit tests. I have this menu:
It's a Maven Web Application.
When I go to Tools -> Plugins and search for "coverage", I have this:
I installed it and restarted the IDE, I saw it was installing the plugin but there's no change in my menu. If I search "coverage" in the Installed plugins, nothing shows up else than the one I just installed... I thought Netbeans had it implemented? I also thought Netbeans has the Maven test coverage as well...
I read that the plugin I installed (TikiOne JaCoCoverage) is just an extension of the already existing Netbeans Test Coverage.. so that would explain why I can't see it.
How can I enable test coverage?
you should add the JaCoCo plugin into <plugins> section of your pom.xml file.
After you build the project, the menu item for Code Coverage menu item appears when you right-click the project.
Finally, you can select Show Report from the menu. Everything is described here.
This is unfortunately little documented, but for me the menu entries appeared when I added the JaCoCo Maven plugin by hand:
<rules><!-- implementation is needed only for Maven 2 -->
<rule implementation="org.jacoco.maven.RuleConfiguration">
<limits><!-- implementation is needed only for Maven 2 -->
<limit implementation="org.jacoco.report.check.Limit">
The maven goal verify runs the coverage report. You'll also have the window for coverage as mentioned in the official docs.
Unfortunately the plugin or the integration seems a little buggy, since you can either run the tests and see its results in the Test Results NB window, OR see the coverage... there seems to be two ways of running tests and I haven't found a way to do both at the same time yet.
Keep in mind that after you install the plugin and add this info in your pom, you might be able to see the option code coverage when you right click in a package.
However, as javaeeeee's answer says, you SHOULD BUILD your project again in order to see the actual coverage.
I am writing a multi-module application. Some of the modules are just basic Java libraries which are then included in the WAR of a webapp.
I would like to run code coverage in the following scenario:
I am running the webapp through an embedded Jetty that is started via Maven.
I have tests which are executing HTTP requests against the webapp.
I would like to get code covered in the webapp and also by the tests.
Is this possible and how can it be achieved with Cobertura, JaCoCo or Emma? From what I understand, the code coverage will only cover the client-side code in this scenario. Am I correct?
I think if you would manage to attach the JaCoCo-agent to the jvm that runs the jetty, it should be able to measure which code has been called over the time you run the integration tests against your webapp. So you should get a statistic that shows you the code coverage.
There is a JaCoCo Maven Plugin - though I'm not sure if this will help with you scenario. Just used it during unit tests.
Edit: found a blog-post that seems to point in the right direction here
Measure Code Coverage by Integration Tests with Sonar
Here's how I achieved it
Assuming you already have a minimal pom.xml config:
Download JaCoCo's agent and copy jacocoagent.jar to a suitable location (e.g. $HOME/tools/jacocoagent0.7.4.jar)
Attach JaCoCo's agent to Maven's JVM via:
Run your application with embedded jetty server e.g. mvn jetty:run
Run your integration tests
In another shell, dump and report via mvn jacoco:dump jacoco:report
Open your report on ./target/site/index.html (by default)
You can use Jacoco plugin to generate code coverage Here is the plugin configuration I used for junit test code coverage.
Note: you may get life cycle not covered error in maven while using eclipse, one way is you explicitly mention the life cycle using plugin management. I installed the jacoco plugin from the market place which resolved my problem
We had a similar scenario where integration test were run on a jetty server. Also we needed a combined report for all the tests unit and integration. The solution we implemented was to run-forked jetty and pass the jvmargs with the jacoco javaagent details. Our code coverage reports covered all the rest api's and the service layer java code.
The pom config for jacoco
With the above config we generated a common exec file for both unit and integration test. Next we configured jetty to run-forked
<!-- passing the jacoco plugin as a jvmarg -->
This would launch jetty in a separate jvm with the jvmargs. Finally we generated the report in the reporting tag of the pom. We noticed that adding the report to the build plugins did not capture the integration tests run by the jetty.
The reports can be accessed at target/site/jacoco/index.html, alternately you can run it from the command line.
mvn jacoco:report
Hope it helps.