Hello i am facing a problem with the eclipse run configurations. I searched to find a simple example of how to solve my problem but i havent found any.
Well, my program has a file that it calls smth.model and if i want to run this model file to create an HTML file containing all the information of the model i needed to create a specific configuration that i am pointing to the specific model file and to specific HTML template (egl). Everything is working fine.
What i want now is lets say a user has never use the eclipse environment i want him to right click to his model file and there to have an option to run a specific configuration which i will call it for example "HTML run". When i right click to the model file i have the option Run as which directs me to the run configuration wizard. I dont want that i want the user when he choose the run as to show him my configuration rather the wizard.
Is it possible?Is there an example that will help me?
Thanks in advance!
Find any plug-ins for your specific need on Eclipse marketplace ( Help>>Eclipse Marketplace)
Your menu command can run EGL programatically, that is execute the EGL template that generates the HTML from Java. This example can guide you:
Epsilon Standalone.
I started to work on a JavaFX project in which I want to add a copied text without to change the format and images from my driver (it should work like open office). The images should be able to be placed within the text on different positions.
Therefore, I need a controlfield which can handle a rtf format.
For this purpose I found RichTextFX. In the documentation is explained how to run RichTextFX with Maven or Grandle. I dont use Maven or Grandle, therefore I would like to know if there is a possibility to run RichTextFX without using neither of them. I added the jar file to my project and copied the source code of RichtextFX Demo. Afer that i got many errors and it is not able to run.
Can someone maybe guide me trough this problem?
I already figured out how to use RichtextFX.
For everyone who wants to use RichtextFX but doesn't use Gradle or Maven here is an explanation how to run RichtextFX-Demo:
get the fat JAR file (including dependencies)
integrate the JAR in your project
copy all classes in your project from the following link :enter link description here
add the pngs and the rich-text.css to your project from the following link : enter link description here
I can't answer other questions. I hope this helps to run the Demo.
first time posting here, java beginner.
I made a basic calculator that receives user input. Is there a way to export my program to make a runnable desktop file?
My IDE is IntelliJ.
Thanks in advance!!
Assuming you are building a JavaFX app:
The easiest way to deploy your app is to go to File>Project Structure>Artifacts.
Add your available elements (if you have any extra images etc) into your output root, and click on your jar file. At the bottom of the window you'll see options to either create a manifest file or modify an existing one.
The manifest file describes the first class to load in your program (the starting point) as well as the locations of any third party libraries you may have included in your program.
You will also have a JavaFX tab that you can use to set some initial parameters for your app, such as the title, version, and whether you want to deploy any native bundles (eg: .exe for Windows, .deb for Ubuntu etc)
Once you have configured the important parameters you want, save your settings (or just select any field and click enter) and go to Build>Build Artifacts>Action: Build
IntelliJ should generate an executable .jar file and any native bundles you selected. The native bundles can just be double clicked, and the jar file can be run using a JRE.
On blog.jetbrains.com they show the steps with some screenshots.
Note that this entire process is called deploying your app and there are a variety of tools and methods to do it. I just described what I believe is the simplest way.
I created a simple 2D game in java and would like my friends to be able to play it - what is the easiest way to deploy this game or perhaps embed it in an html page?
I looked into Java Web Start but many of the steps are confusing me: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/webstart/deploying.html
Any help would be appreciated! Is there a way I could just convert my application into a jar file and share it with my friends? If so, how would I go about doing this?
Go to the left in eclipse
right click the project you are working on
click export
open the java folder
select runnable jar file and click next
have the launch configuration be whatever class has the main method
if you are using external libraries select package required libraries, otherwise choose extract required libraries
change export location to where you want it to be
click finish
I've created a very simple RCP application (essentially just a default view).
I then created a product file and Exported the product (as many online guides have demonstrated). However when I run the .exe file a java console is shown alongside my application splash screen. Is this normal behaviour? (I wasn't expecting a console to show as it's been exported/deployed).
Current research suggests I should:
run with javaw.exe
use another installer
Any further insight or advice would be appreciated.
Look in the .product file at the 'Program Arguments' (on the 'Launching' tab in the editor). Remove the '-consoleLog' argument.
I have an application that currently a user downloads and runs an install script. I want to be able to take the JAR file and such that is generated by NetBeans and make it into a package that a user can download through a package manager. It needs to have menus implemented as well (the entries in the Debian menu that the user can click on).
Currently I am following through this tutorial: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html
However, I am worried that I am going down some kind of rabbit hole in the wrong direction. Surely this must be something that is common?
What is the standard procedure for getting your JAR file to other people through packages?
I needed to:
Install dpkg.
Create a directory structure similar to how I would like it unpacked.
Create a shell script that would copy it there.
Run dpkg.