Usually the Drawer Layout is hidden on the view until the onTouch or onSwipe in is triggered. I'd like to make the drawer layout initially displayed. I also checked out the SlidingLayer Library but
It is more complicated that the new drawer layout that Android has released. In the image below, the blue lines represents the initial drawer that needs interaction which also triggers the opening and closing of the drawer.
My last resort on this it to have a button, on the view that will handle the interaction, but as much as possible I want to have a normal view on drawer layout.
I have seen this on the documentation, not sure what it does:
setDrawerShadow(Drawable shadowDrawable, int gravity)
Set a simple drawable used for the left or right shadow.
I'm new to Android development. I get that a NavigationView is an AppBar (i think). What makes these two different? I want to create a custom "appbar/toolbar" with a centered logo and menu/settings button in the top right corner (instead of the standard left) which reveals a drawer.
I was going to ditch the built in appbar/toolbar all together and just create my own somehow and include button overlay which displays a drawer.
What would you do? Navigation view, app bar, or custom toolbar from scratch? I don't know what the standard is or what is acceptable. What is the difference between a navigationview and appbar. Thank you.
edit: I'm slowing realizing that an appbar is one feature within a navigation view, among others like a drawer layout, menu items etc... i think.
1. NavigationView
By using NavigationView, we can bind the menu directly with NavigationView. This is the benefit of the NavigationView. No need to create ListView and adapter with navigation drawer. By default we can get selector of item click. With menu we can change the color of icon of selected menu.
For more details :
2. AppBar
Appbar is for toolbar with scrolling effect. We can easily give the material design effect.
For more details :
In my Activity I have two RelativeLayouts and two buttons. When you first open the Activity, you have to see a RelativeLayout and the buttons. Then you can slide the RelativeLayout to the right or to the left. The buttons don't move. While sliding, you see the other RelativeLayout below. After a completed slide you see the full RelativeLayout that was below.
How can I implement this in my Android application (min SDK version 14)?
Code examples are a big plus, but not necessary. It is ok to show me the way :)
There's something called a navigation drawer which comes as a template in Android Studio. There are also many sliding menu libraries out there: specifically you might look at
If you want to do it from scratch, it'll go something like: have one layout, say a Frame Layout as your root. Then you add the two Relative Layouts and your buttons. Then you need to implement a OnTouchListener in your activity and set on the relative layout that can slide: when the MotionEvent is ACTION_MOVE, you need to calculate the difference between the last touch event and the current touch event and then you can call translateX(dx) on the sliding relative layout where dx is the calculated difference.
I have a fragment in my app that has a scroll view for the signup and login pages. Right now there isn't enough content in the scroll view to actually make it scroll, however when the keyboard appears, it does cover up most of the content in the view. This causes a lot of issues especially on devices with smaller screens, it blocks a lot, and the view is NOT scrollable, so I have to close the keyboard to get to the rest of the inputs.
I need the bottom of the fragments frame layout to be pushed up to JUST above the top of the keyboard, so the keyboard won't actually hide any content, and still allow the scroll view to actually scroll to the rest of the content.
I have seen the usual fix to an issue similar to this, which would to change the AndroidManifest.xml to the following:
but this will push up the entire page, which includes the footer view I have under and outside of the login and signup fragment layouts. It makes my scrollview smaller and allows for it to scroll, but I need the footer to stay hidden under the keyboard still.
I think a work around to this would be to have override onConfigurationChanged(); in MyActivity that will detect if the keyboard has appeared, and if it has, push the bottom of the framelayout to be JUST above the keyboard, thus making the scroll view smaller, and allowing us to actually scroll. I am not quite sure HOW to do this though.
Here is what it looks like with the keyboard up, blocking the content. This would be okay IF the scroll view was scrollable, allowing me to see the rest of the content, however it will not scroll and the only way to access the content under it is to close the keyboard first.
I was able to use the answer below, editing the Android manifest for
and the first method using the code below
final View activityRootView = findViewById(;
activityRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int heightDiff = activityRootView.getRootView().getHeight() - activityRootView.getHeight();
if (heightDiff > 100) { // if more than 100 pixels, its probably a keyboard...
... do something here
I had it adjust my views so the footer would be pushed way down below, then resize the layout holding the fragment to extend down allowing it to be scrollable still.
Okay, here's how I solved it.
The basic idea is that you have to:
Detect whether or not a soft-keyboard is showing,
React. Based on the detected information (is-soft-keyboard-showing), resize your layout accordingly.
There are two ways of achieving this:
to give your activity's root view a known ID, say '#+id/activityRoot', hook a GlobalLayoutListener into the ViewTreeObserver, and from there calculate the size diff between your activity's view root and the window size:
Customize your top-level layout class into one which overrides onMeasure()
And I would like to credit the above answer to this SO Post: how-to-check-visibility-of-software-keyboard-in-android, which I have found earlier on this particular problem.
I'm implementing NavigationDrawer with ActionBarSherlock and now I'm trying to implement custom icon for opening and closing the drawer. I already set my own icon (white) but I'm not able to get rid of that grey default icon.
in onCreateOptionsMenu I'm doing this:
getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); // does not display activity title
getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.actionbar_background)); // blue background
getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.side_menu_button); // white icon
The picture shows difference when navigation drawer is closed (first) and open (second picture).
Is there any way to do it programmatically? Or is there even some way to do it? I hope it is.
Thank you.
EDIT: This is what I'm trying to achieve:
What you are currently doing is setting the icon on the ActionBar, which is different from setting the icon of the ActionBarDrawerToggle, which is what you want to be dealing with. If you look at the documentation ( and find the constructor, you'll see there's a place to specify a custom Drawable to be used by the toggle.
I want to have a CustomView on my ActionBar that will define buttons, logos, etc. But I also want to make use of the Home Button and the ability to search in the ActionBar via a Search Interface. Is it possible to add, i.e. Home Button with icon on an ActionBar with Custom view layout?
It is certainly possible to use a custom view on the action bar. The Strava android app does just that (or at least gives the appearance of an action bar at the top that has a non-standard layout).
Addressing your requirements one at a time: You can inflate a view of your own and assign it to the action bar:
View customView= getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.customView, null);
What you put in your view is, naturally, entirely up to you but you will have to manage everything yourself, including the home button actions. This includes the icon and text for the home button on the left hand side and search functionality. On a small device (especially in portrait mode) I'd go for a search icon only but on devices with more real estate you could fit a text input field in as well, using the alternative layouts feature to automatically pick up the most appropriate view for the device.