The mongo java driver takes var args for aggregate method, I have an API in which $unwind objects get's created dynamically and its number is not fixed. how can I pass it through Mongo Java driver aggregate method, as it needs each object to be passed separately. I tried passing putting all the $unwind object in a BasicDBList and pass, but it fails. Can someone help me with some work around?
, but these unwind may vary as it is getting created at runtime.
you don't need to create a BasicDBList. This is how it works:
List<DBObject> unwindItems = new ArrayList<>();
if(<item2 is not null>){ //pseudo code
DBObject unwindItem1 = new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$item1");
if(<item2 is not null>){ //pseudo code
DBObject unwindItem2 = new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$item2");
//add any other dbObject in the list, it need not be an unwind operation, it could be match, project, group etc.
DBObject command = new BasicDBObject("aggregate", "foo");
command.put("pipeline", dbObjects);
The official Spring documentation provides the following example (slightly simplified here) for grouping results from a Solr query:
Field field = new SimpleField("popularity");
Query query = new SimpleQuery("inStock:true");
SimpleQuery groupQuery = new SimpleQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("*:*"));
GroupOptions groupOptions = new GroupOptions()
GroupPage<Product> page = solrTemplate.queryForGroupPage("collection-1", query, Product.class);
However, when I try this, it ignores the search conditions (inStock:true) and just performs the grouping on all results ("*:*")
There are several things about this example I had to modify to get it working. First of all, as you may have noticed, the argument query should actually be groupQuery in the queryForGroupPage call. I also removed the Query and put the actual search conditions in groupQuery. The working version is as follows, where groupByField is a SimpleField:
SimpleQuery groupQuery = new SimpleQuery(conditions);
GroupOptions groupOptions = new GroupOptions()
return solrTemplate.queryForGroupPage(groupQuery, YourObjectHere.class);
Im trying to retrieve a document with a specific '_id' and a single embedded document with another specific '_id'.
my document is represent a catalog and it contains an array of courses.
example data:
'_id': ObjectId('1111'),
'name': 'example catalog',
'courses': [
'_id': ObjectId('2222'),
'name': 'my course',
In mongod I run this aggregation query, and get back what I wish for:
{ $match: { '_id': ObjectId('58e8da206ca4f710bab6ef74') } },
{ $unwind: '$courses' },
{ $match: { 'courses._id': ObjectId('58d65541495c851c1703c57f') } })
As I mentioned earlier, I've get back I single catalog instance with a single course instance within.
In my java repo, I was trying to do the same:
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.unwind(Catalog.COURSES_FIELD, true),
Aggregation.match(Criteria.where(Catalog.COURSES_FIELD + '.' + Course.ID_FIELD).is(embeddedCourseId))
AggregationResults<Catalog> results = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation,
Catalog.class, Catalog.class);
List<Catalog> catalog = results.getMappedResults();
But unfortunately, I've got an instance of my 'example catalog' with empty array of courses.
While debugging, I've found that inside results, there are two props that returns back.
first one is what I've used, called mappedResults (represents the converted object returning from mongoDB) - contains an empty array of courses.
the other one is the rawResults, (represents the data as DBObject) - contains the specific course I query for
my Catalog class contains an ArrayList (if that make any difference).
Please help and let me know what should I do to convert the results properly, or if I did something wrong in my code.
You can try below options. The key is to preserve the structure when mapping the response.
Regular Queries:
Using $positional projection
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("id").is(new ObjectId("58e8da206ca4f710bab6ef74")).and("").is(new ObjectId("58d65541495c851c1703c57f")));
query.fields().include("name").position("courses", 1);
List<Course> courses = mongoTemplate.find(query, Course.class);
Using $elemMatch projection
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria(Criteria.where("id").is(new ObjectId("58e8da206ca4f710bab6ef74")));
query.fields().include("name").elemMatch("courses", Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId("58d65541495c851c1703c57f") ) );
List<Course> Course = mongoTemplate.find(query, Course.class);
Mongo Version >= 3.4 & Spring 1.5.2 Boot / Spring 1.10.1 Mongo.
You can use $addFields stage which will overwrite the courses field with the $filter value while keeping all the existing properties. I couldn't find any addFields builder in current spring version. So I have to use AggregationOperation to create a new one.
AggregationOperation addFields = new AggregationOperation() {
public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext aggregationOperationContext) {
DBObject dbObject =
new BasicDBObject("courses",
new BasicDBObject("$filter",
new BasicDBObject("input", "$$courses").
append("as", "course").
new BasicDBObject("$eq", Arrays.<Object>asList("$$course._id", new ObjectId("58d65541495c851c1703c57f"))))));
return new BasicDBObject("$addFields", dbObject);
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("_id").is(new ObjectId("58e8da206ca4f710bab6ef74"))),
Mongo Version = 3.2 & Spring 1.5.2 Boot / Spring 1.10.1 Mongo..
The idea is still same as above but this pipeline uses $project so you'll have to add all the fields that you want to keep in final response. Also used spring helper methods to create the $filter pipeline.
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("id").is(new ObjectId("58e8da206ca4f710bab6ef74"))),
.by(ComparisonOperators.Eq.valueOf("course._id").equalToValue(new ObjectId("58d65541495c851c1703c57f")))
Mongo Version <= 2.6
You'll have to use $unwind and add a course field to have spring map it correctly.
The problem that you have here is that your Catalog class has a courses field which maps to a List/ArrayList. But when your aggregation query unwinds the courses array, it is going to output the courses field as a sub-document. The Spring mapper doesn't know how to deal with that because it doesn't match your Catalog object structure.
You haven't fully defined your problem here, but what would probably make more sense is if you had the aggregation return a Course object rather than a Catalog object. In order to do that you're going to need to add a projection stage to your aggregation pipeline so that the result looks exactly like a single Course object. The key is that the data coming back from MongoDB needs to match your object structure.
I want to get only the single value from Mongodb Collection.
Currently i am getting the Document which is FindIterable.
CustomObject obj = db
.find(and(eq("field1", new BigDecimal(10409)),eq("field2", new BigDecimal(1))));
But , i dont want any result in to the Object or in Oracle we use Query to get single Object :
This query gives us the Single name of the employee on the basis of filter conditions, and we get the output in String type Object.
Same i want to get from the mongodb , i don't want to use any bean to populate the data. i want only single String object as result.
You may use the find method on Collection, passing a query and fields to retrieve:
BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject();
fields.put("name", true);
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put("id", 13);
query.put("dept_id", 23);
DBCursor find = mongoTemplate.getCollection("example").find(query, select);
List<DBObject> list = find.toArray();
List<String> names = -> String.valueOf(o.get("name"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
If you are seeking for a function that returns just one document, then you can use findOne.
I want to execute a query in java where path and _id are two fields of the mongo document.
I want to get results list where these two fields are equal in the document.
I have tried using the following query.But could not retrieve the results properly.Received empty list which is not the case.
List<Metadata> MetadataList= ops.find(new Query(Criteria.where("path").is("_id")), Metadata.class);
How to get results where two field values are equal in mongo.
What you are looking for is the $where operator in MongoDB. Standard query operations do not compare the values of one field against another. In order to do this, you need to employ the JavaScript evaluation server side which can actually compare the two field values:
BasicQuery query = new BasicQuery(
new BasicDBObject("$where", "return this._id == this.path")
<Metadata> MetadataList = ops.find(query, Metadata.class);
Or you can do the same thing with native operators through the $redact pipeline stage available to the aggregation framework.
Pretty sure there is no $redact support in spring mongo as yet, but you can wrap the aggregation operation with a class to do so:
public class CustomAggregationOperation implements AggregationOperation {
private DBObject operation;
public CustomAggregattionOperation (DBObject operation) {
this.operation = operation;
public DBObject toDBObject(AggregationOperationContext context) {
return context.getMappedObject(operation);
And use it like this:
Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
new CustomAggregationOperation(
new BasicDBObject(
new BasicDBObject("$cond",
new BasicDBObject()
.append("if", new BasicDBObject(
"$eq", Arrays.asList("$_id", "$path")
.append("then", "$$KEEP")
.append("else", "$$PRUNE")
AggregationResults<Metadata> results = ops.aggregate(
(TypedAggregation<Metadata>) aggregation, Metadata.class);
So basic MongoDB query operations do not compare field values against each other. To do this you need to follow one of the methods here.
You can use BasicDBObject to add condition.
Try something
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("path", new BasicDBObject("$eq", "_id");
Please refer the below link for more information
I am running map reduce in mongoDB with morphia, this is my java code
String map = "function() { emit(,}";
String reduce = "function(k, v) {var i, sum = 0;for (i in v) {sum += v[i];}return sum;}";
MapreduceResults<Results> mrRes = ds.mapReduce(MapreduceType.MERGE,ds.createQuery(MyTable.class).field("id").equal(5),map,reduce,null,null,Re.class);
This work fine and put results to 'Re' collection, but how can i get result as objects or list without inserting to a new Collection ?
I couldn't commented this because it violates the length limit.
If it is not going to be too much of a fuss, you can do it by using java driver directly without using the morphia interface. just get the mongo object from morphia datastore and use java driver's map reduce command; it is something like this:
DBObject queryObject = new BasicDBObject("id", 5);
DBCollection collection = ds.getCollection(MyTable.class);
MapReduceCommand mrc = new MapReduceCommand(collection, // collection to do map-reduce on
map, // map function
reduce, // reduce function
null, // output collection for the result
MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE, // output result type
queryObject); // query to use in map reduce function
btw morphia has a newer version in github maybe you wanna check that out too. I saw that the newer version also don't support inline operation on map-reduce.