I have been using Java web start for my application and I know accessing the application using web url will guaranteed the most recent version but I am curious to know if there is any way we can force the java web start application to automatically uninstall the existing version and update the application to the latest version while accessing through the shortcut.
I don't think there is a way to do that. Since you are using the shortcut you are using the local downloaded copy of the JNLP file when starting javaws. You (or your users) will have to click on the 'start with webstart' link on the site to ensure that the newest JNLP is downloaded which can then include the update application jars.
We do not allow shortcuts for our JNLP webstart applications which means the users must always use the link on the webpage to start our application for this exact reason.
You can use javaws -uninstall to remove all applications from the cache.
Or javaws -uninstall <jnlp-file> in order to remove a specific application.
The application should update itself automatically. If you want to be sure only the new stuff is downloaded you can delete the cache (this sometimes help when there are problems). The location of cache under Windows 7 is usually at ..user\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\
I've a problem with Java applets.
I developed two Java applets for my application, the applets are signed with a certificate, include the MANIFEST file with permission and they run correctly.
There is a problem when Oracle releases a new Java update and the applets don't work, it seem that IE look at the latest version of Java and I need to update it every time.
What can cause this problem?
Applets are all but deprecated. Your best bet is to migrate away from them, because more and more browsers are removing support from them.
If you need to enable users to upload files to your server, there are numerous resources and tutorials out there.
I have created a java application.
I also created another java application which install the first application.
The program runs perfectly.
However the program isn't displayed in control panel->programs.
I also want to create an uninstaller (let's say unintaller.bat). But i want to works like any other uninstaller. When someone goes to Control Panel->serach program->uninstall this program it will run the uninstaller.bat
In other words, the concept is how to declare the java application in windows...
Any idea???
Installing an application doesn't necessarily mean registering it with the operating system. For example, for a Mac, I can open an App without having it added to the Applications folder.
Same with Windows. Just because a new file can be added to the Start menu, it doesn't mean it was registered.
Use a Windows installer. There are tons that are open source, and even MS provides a free one: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942288.
This will allow you to install an uninstall an application using standard tools. Yes. It can be called from a bat file.
Java open source installers: http://java-source.net/open-source/installer-generators
Trying to run basic java application (backbone.js and jax-rs) I was pleasantly surprised that modifying js or html file in src/main does not require application rebuild. Just refreshing it in browser is enough to update the application.
However changing java file, I can't find how to make application be updated locally.
Using Eclipse it's automatically compiled into target/classes, however applicaiton is not updated in browser. I can't find any bees command to cause update. I don't see compile command also.
Killing running tomcat and 'bees run' makes the trick, but the question is, if instant update is possible in case of basic java web application?
I'm not sure how to do it with a normal Java app. One option would be to use Playframework has this auto-reloading stuff built in, and is supported well on CloudBees. http://wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/RUN/Playframework
You need to use something like JavaRebel or Javeleon if you wish to reload Java classes in a running application.
I am working on a java application, my requirement is to provide online product update services to application. What should I do?
Take a look at Java Web Start - the software gets updated automatically, and that's handled by the web start client. You just have to provide the update.
With Java Web Start, you launch applications simply by clicking on a Web page link. If the application is not present on your computer, Java Web Start automatically downloads all necessary files. It then caches the files on your computer so the application is always ready to be relaunched anytime you want—either from an icon on your desktop or from the browser link. And no matter which method you use to launch the application, the most current version of the application is always presented to you.
i'm trying to build a Java applet and i'm having a major problem trying to set up my development environment because my applet has bugs in it but I can't fix them easilly because Java won't get the latest version of the applet. I've turned off caching in "Java Preferences.app".
I want to set it so that applet wil not be cached at all, as any bugs can easilly be ironed out.
I'm using the latest (on Leopard) XCode and Safari 4.
Applet Caching
SUMMARY:This new feature is activated
by including the new PARAM
NAME="cache_option" and PARAM
NAME="cache_archive" values in the tag
that specifies the use of Java Plug-in
as below: The cache_option attribute
can take one of three values:
Disable applet installation. Always
download the file from the web server.
Run applets from the browser cache
Run applets from the new Java Plug-in
Caching Option
Steps to Turn off Java Applet Caching