Random number problems - java

I have a bit of a complicated question. I'm currently trying to write a REALLY simple version of path finding, and to do that I need a way to generate number within a range, and each number must be different from all the others, and bigger than the last number. How would I go about doing this? So output would look like:

Create a random generator function:
public static int randInt(int min, int max) {
// Usually this can be a field rather than a method variable
Random rand = new Random();
// nextInt is normally exclusive of the top value,
// so add 1 to make it inclusive
int randomNum = rand.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min;
return randomNum;
(code courtesy from an answer by Greg Case).
Call this wherever you want and check as like:
int a;
and for the next time parse the previously generated value, like:
randInt(a, max);

Use reservoir sampling to pick n numbers from your range. Since you're going through the range in order the resulting list is sorted.


Random Class with seed

long seed = 0;
Random rand = new Random(seed);
int rand100 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
rand100 = rand.nextInt();
I wrote this code to get 100th random integer value of given seed. I want to know if there is a way to get 100th random integer value of given seed without calling nextInt() 100 times.
I want to know if there is a way to get 100-th random integer value of given seed without calling nextInt() 100 times.
No, there is no way to directly get the 100-th random number of the sequence without first generating the other 99 values. That's simply because of how the generation works in Java, the values depend on their previous values.
If you want to go into details, take a look at the source code. The internal seed changes with every call of the next method, using the previous seed:
nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
So in order to get the seed for the 100-th value, you need to know the seed for the 99-th value, which needs the seed for the 98-th value and so on.
However, you can easily get the 100-th value with a more compact statement like
long seed = ...
int amount = 100;
Random rnd = new Random(seed);
// Generate sequence of 100 random values, discard 99 and get the last
int val = rnd.ints(100).skip(amount - 1).findFirst().orElse(-1);
Keep in mind that this still computes all previous values, as explained. It just discards them.
After you have computed that value for the first time, you could just hardcode it into your program. Let's suppose you have tested it and it yields 123. Then, if the seed does not change, the value will always be 123. So you could just do
int val = 123;
The sequences remain the same through multiple instance of the JVM, so the value will always be valid for this seed. Don't know about release cycles though, I think it's allowed for Random to change its behavior through different versions of Java.
Yes. As long as the seed is constant, then the result of executing this 100 times will yield the same result every time. As such, you can just do
int rand100 = -1331702554;
If I got you correct, you search for some seeded method like
int[] giveMeInts(int amount, long seed);
There exists something very similar, the Stream methods of Random (documentation):
long seed = ...
int amount = 100;
Random rnd = new Random(seed);
IntStream values = rnd.ints(amount);
You could collect the stream values in collections like List<Integer> or an int[] array:
List<Integer> values = rnd.ints(amount).collect(Collectors.toList());
int[] values = rnd.ints(amount).toArray();
The methods will use the seed of the Random object, so if fed with the same seed they will always produce the same sequence of values.

Can't create a method to make visible a words letters randomly

I am trying to create a method to make some of the word's letters visible and other ones *. This is actually a simple word guessing game. I ask the user to choose whether they want to give an answer or request a letter. For example if the answer is "ball" and user decides to request a word, ball should turn into "*a**".
That is the method I have came up with:
public static void showALetter(String correctAnswer) {
int randomLetterIndex = (int) Math.random() % (correctAnswer.length());
for (int i = 0; i < correctAnswer.length(); i++) {
if (i == randomLetterIndex) {
} else {
It only shows the first letter of the correct answer at every single request. What should I do ?
Math.random() returns a double with a value between zero and one (technically [0.0, 1.0) written as a mathematical interval). This is not what you want, so you instead need to use the newer java.util.Random class:
Random random = new Random();
int randomLetterIndex = random.nextInt(correctAnswer.length());
The random.nextInt(int limit) method will return a value from zero (inclusive) to limit (exclusive) which is what you need here for your puproses.
If you're going to use random numbers over and over again, then create your Random instance as a static class member and have your methods refer to that, so that you only create the object once.
Math.random() returns a number from zero to one. So, your randomLetterIndex will always be zero. Use this instead.
(int) (Math.random() * correctAnswer.length())
This will give a random number between 0 and correctAnswer.length() - 1.
Math.random() returns a double higher or equal than 0 and less then 1, (int) Math.random() will always return 0.
(int)(Math.random() * correctAnswer.length())
The modulo is useless here, this way you always hit inside the given string as (int) cast returns the floor value so the result will never be equal or higher than correctAnswer.length().

How can I reduce iterations in for loop that takes to much time for execution?

Here, I am finding number of perfect square numbers in given range.
But I am dealing with 'for' loop execution that takes much time for execution.
The index/key traverses from two numbers, lets say A to B, and does some operation in for loop.
The problem arises when there's large difference between A and B (e.g. A = 2 & B = 100000)
Can u suggest how can I reduce or optimize the execution time?
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int A = in.nextInt();
int B = in.nextInt();
int cnt = 0;
for(int number =A ; number<= B; number++){
int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt(number);
if(sqrt*sqrt == number) {
Or is it because of Math class operations that takes too much time to execute?
Can you suggest any alternate approach to find the square numbers between given range?
Thanks in advance!
I found an alternate way to find the count of perfect square numbers between given range.
This can be simply achieve by using Math.floor and Math.ceil operations.
Math.floor(Math.sqrt(B)) - Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(A)) + 1
Thanks! :)
Instead of going through each number in the range and figuring out if its a perfect square, I would suggest the below
Find a square root of the start number and find the integer part of it.
Lets say start number is 5. So integer part of the square root will be 2.
Now do the same for the range end number
Lets say end range was 1000, so the integer part of its square root would be 31. Now iterate from 2+1 to 31 and keep printing its square. That would give you the perfect squares between the given range.
Instead of the if(sqrt * sqrt == number) you could also check whether the double returned by Math.srt(number) is a integer. The algorithm would than become as follows:
for(int number =A ; number<= B; number++){
if((Math.sqrt(number) % 1) == 0) {
Note: Haven't tried the code myself so might not work as I expect.
Regarding the question on how you can improve the performance. The checking on whether the number is perfect could be done in parallel by executing per number a task. The access to the counter has to be synchronized than, (to be on the safe side).

Guava - how can I generate a random number using Range?

Google's Guava library provides a great class called Range, it has many useful methods like greaterThan(x), open(x,y), etc. I am wondering if there is any way of applying such method to generate a random number within a Range?
I would not suggest using a range for this basic application.
The easiest method to use is the already implemented Random class.
Here is how to use the class:
For getting a random integer of any value:
Random r = new Random();
For getting a random integer in a range of min x, max y:
Random r = new Random();
r.nextInt(y - x) + x;
This is the most basic way of getting a random number in a range.
I bet there is a getMin and getMax method in the range class, so use that for x and y.
Also, if you want a random number greater than a min value of x, just do:
Random r = new Random();
Math.abs(r.nextInt().nextInt()) + x;
^The code above generates any positive integer, and the x ensures the min value.
nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE - (x + 1)) + (x + 1)
-as suggested by ColinD
Hope this helps.
Like Louis says there's no built-in way to do this, but there are a couple of fairly straightforward options. Note that we have to assume all Range instances are bounded on both sides - you cannot select a random value from an unbounded or non-discrete range (e.g. (-∞..0]).
The easiest to implement solution is to simply convert the Range into a ContiguousSet, from which you can select a random value in linear time. This has the advantage of working for any discrete type, not just Range<Integer>.
public static C random(Range<C> range, DiscreteDomain<C> domain) {
Set<C> set = ContiguousSet.create(range, domain);
int index = random.nextInt(set.size());
return Iterables.get(set, index);
Of course constant time would be better, especially for large ranges. Canonicalizing the Range first reduces the number of cases we have to handle, and we can use the f(y-x) + x pattern JClassic suggests.
public static int random(Range<Integer> range) {
checkArgument(range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound(),
"Cannot select a random element from unbounded range %s", range);
Range<Integer> canonical = range.canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers());
return random.nextInt(canonical.upperEndpoint() - canonical.lowerEndpoint())
+ canonical.lowerEndpoint();
You can extend this easily for Long with Random.nextLong() (but note that Random.nextLong() cannot return all long values, so SecureRandom would be preferable).

Stable mapping of an integer to a random number

I need a stable and fast one way mapping function of an integer to a random number.
By "stable" I mean that the same integer should always map to the same random number.
And by "random number" I actually mean "some number which behaves like random".
1 -> 329423
2 -> -12398791234
3 -> -984
4 -> 42342435
If I had enough memory (and time) I would ideally use:
for( int i=Integer.MIN_VALUE; i<Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++ ){
shuffle( map );
I could use some secure hash function like MD5 or SHA but these are to slow for my purposes and I don't need any crypto/security properties.
I only need this in one way. So I will never have to translate the random number back to its integer.
Background: (For those who want to know more)
I'm planing to use this to invalidate a complete cache over a given amount of time. The invalidation is done "randomly" on access of the cache member with an increasing chance while time passes. I need this to be stable so that isValid( entry ) does not "flicker" and for consistent testing.
The input to this function will be the java hash of the key of the entry which typically is in the range of "1000"-"15000" (but can contain some other stuff, too) and comes in bulks.
The invalidation is done on the condition of:
elapsedTime / timeout * Integer.MAX_VALUE > abs( random( key.hashCode() ) )
EDIT: (this is to long for a comment so I put it here)
I tried gexicide's answer and it turns out this isn't random enough. Here is what I tried:
for( int i=0; i<12000; i++ ){
int hash = (""+i).hashCode();
Random rng = new Random( hash );
int random = rng.nextInt();
System.out.printf( "%05d, %08x, %08x\n", i, hash, random );
The output starts with:
00000, 00000030, bac2c591
00001, 00000031, babce6a4
00002, 00000032, bace836b
00003, 00000033, bac8a47e
00004, 00000034, baab49de
00005, 00000035, baa56af1
00006, 00000036, bab707b7
00007, 00000037, bab128ca
00008, 00000038, ba93ce2a
00009, 00000039, ba8def3d
00010, 0000061f, 98048199
and it goes on in this way.
I could use SecureRandom instead:
for( int i=0; i<12000; i++ ){
SecureRandom rng = new SecureRandom( (""+i).getBytes() );
int random = rng.nextInt();
System.out.printf( "%05d, %08x\n", i, random );
which indeed looks pretty random but this is not stable anymore and 10 times slower than the method above.
Although you never specified it as a requirement you'll probably want a full 1:1 mapping. This is because the number of possible input values is small. Any output that can occur for more than one input implies another output which can never happen at all. If you have output values which are impossible then you have a skewed distribution.
Of course, if your input is skewed then your output will be skewed anyway, and there's not much you can do about that.
Anyway; this makes it a unique int to int hash.
Simply apply a couple of trivial, independent 1:1 mapping functions until things are suitably distributed. You've already isolated one transform from the Random class, but I suggest mixing it with some other transforms like shifts and XORs to avoid individual weaknesses of different algorithms.
For example:
public static int mapInteger( int value ){
value *= 1664525;
value += 1013904223;
value ^= value >>> 12;
value ^= value << 25;
value ^= value >>> 27;
value *= 1103515245;
value += 12345;
return value;
If that's good enough then you can make it faster by deleting lines at random (I suggest you keep at least one multiply) until it's not good enough anymore, and then add the last deleted line back in.
Use a Random and seed it with your number:
Random generator = new Random(i);
return generator.nextInt();
As your testing exposes, the problem with this method is that such a seed creates a very poor random number in the first iteration. To increase the quality of the result, we need to run the random generator a few times; this will fill up the state of the random generator with pseudo-random values and will increase the quality of the following values.
To make sure that the random generator spreads the values enough, use it a few times before outputting the number. This should make the resulting number more pseudo-random:
Random generator = new Random(i);
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) generator.nextInt();
return generator.nextInt();
Try different values, maybe 5 is enough.
The answer of gexicide is the correct (and the most simple) one. Just one note:
Running this 1,000,000 times on my system takes about 70ms. (Which is pretty fast.)
But it involves at least two object creations and feeds the GC. It would be better
if this could be done on the stack and not using object creation at all.
Looking at the sources of Random class it shows that there is some code to make
it callable multiple times and to make it threadsafe which can be removed.
So I ended up with a reimplementation in one method:
public static int mapInteger( int value ){
// initial scramble
long seed = (value ^ multiplier) & mask;
// shuffle three times. This is like calling rng.nextInt() 3 times
seed = (seed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
seed = (seed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
seed = (seed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
// fit size
return (int)(seed >>> 16);
(multiplier, addend and mask are some constants used by Random)
Running this 1,000,000 times gives the same result but takes only 5ms and is therefor 10 times faster.
BTW: This happens to be another piece of code from The Old Man - again. See Donald Knuth,
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2, Section 3.2.1

