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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is TOAD an open-source tool for developing applications.
I am planning to develop application in JAVA and exploring options on DataBase.
I am building an Enterprise Application.Kindly let me know which will be best Databse for this requirement.
Is TOAD an open-source tool for developing applications
No it's a licenced (non free) tool for connecting and working with databases.
I am planning to develop application in JAVA
I believe Eclipse is the usual free tool used for Java development
Kindly let me know which will be best Databse for this requirement
Based on what requirements? If it needs to be free or open source, follow the MySQL and PostgreSQL suggestions, assuming it is a relational database you are after.
I am guessing that you want an open source DB. If that is the case mySql and PostgreSQL are both well respected Enterprise DBs. However based upon what you have specified it is hard to know what is suitable for your unknown application.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I installed cassandra (on ubuntu) and I think it's convenient and good. But I didn't build a complete app and further on I expect that I must deliver something like full-text searches and even something like search suggests (with AJAX). I know there are API:s that can do functions like "search suggest" (e.g. JQuery plus some http access to your data can make search suggest with AJAX) so now I wonder if we must build ourselves a search API for cassandra or if there already are some available?
Unfortunately, there really isn't a good way to do that with vanilla Cassandra, so you're going to have use an additional search tool like Solr. DataStax has a product (DataStax Enterprise Edition) that tightly integrates Cassandra with Solr (for searching). Here's a link to the DSE download page. You can try it out in your DEV environment for free. They also have a tutorial on how to get a simple column family indexed in Solr.
Otherwise, you can integrate Cassandra with Solr on your own, too. But the nice thing about DSE, is that they take care of the Cassandra/Solr integration. Also, DSE is currently on Cassandra 1.1.x (I forget the exact version) so if you need to use 1.2.x, you'll have to integrate with Solr on your own anyway.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Which ecommerce platform is better in JAVA Broadleaf or apache ofbiz. If there are any better than these two please suggest..
I work for Broadleaf Commerce. One of the key differences is the stack. Broadleaf leverages the Spring framework (e.g. Spring Security, Spring-MVC, and core Spring) along with JPA/Hibernate as the primary underlying architecture.
OfBiz is a popular eCommerce tool designed with all the integrations for Supply Chain Management or ERP based solution. I think broad leaf is a basic eCommerce tool, need to be integrated with all the SCM solutions, ofcouse it is easy to integrate with other tools. DataFile tool of ofBiz is superior for data import and export operations.
There is one company who has completed a benchmark test on some popular Open Source ecommerce platforms, including themselves along with Broadleaf, and Apache OfBiz. I’d say it’s worth checking out. The stats produced are very interesting! Anyways here is the link, and their product is Avetti Commerce:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I find myself working in an environment where all I have access to is Tomcat + MySQL. No Apache, no PHP. I'm looking for a web interface to MySQL that will run under Tomcat (can't be a desktop interface, as the mysql port is not accessible).
I'm tried jMyAdmin and javaMyAdmin. I can't get either to work, and both lack documentation and community support. Can anyone make a recommendation please?
You might want to try JSPMyAdmin.
Why not a normal client, like squirrel? Any of the desktop clients (like squirrel) should really do 99.99% of what you would want to do with phpmyadmin... why do you need something java-ish to run on the server?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Any recommendation on which Java open source helpdesk system i should use ?
i need these criteria
- come with dynamic approval level support for certain request (workflow)
Some of the java basec Open source helpdesk system are
Java based open source help desk application with an emphasis on modularity. It's also provides i18n support.
A Java based open source issue tracking system.
If you want create your own Help desk management system then u can look at Jboss JBPM frame work I have worked on it and done a simple work flow management system using JBPM
Hope this helps !
This is made in ROR but can be deployed in Java with JRuby : It's the best free project management/tracking tool I know in my opinion.
I'm not sure, but this may be helpful:
They have a comnunity open source edition.
You can find additional software here, some of them are in java:
Open source workflow engines in java:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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What's the best open source Java library to add Facebook functionality to a Java web app?
For the simplest and most updated API, I'm liking RestFB so far.
Since facebook stopped supporting a Java API, the mantle of trying to provide one has been taken up by a google coding group:
The API is provided under the MIT License.
This is by far the most advanced option if your technical chops are up to it:
It will automatically batch multiple requests so you don't have to think about it. BatchFB will even execute them in parallel if you overflow the maximum batch size and you're on a platform that supports asynchronous fetching (like App Engine).