Recursively process same files inside many sub directories in Java - java

Hi I would like to process files inside many sub directories using Java. Psuedo code would be
I am currently using the following code
public void list(File file) {
File[] children = file.listFiles();
for (File child : children) {
Above code just lists files. Other thing I can do is I have to store list of files and directories in a list and then process in another loop. But I am not able to come up with what I want as show in pseudo code. I am new to Files Directories please help. Thanks in advance.

If you are using Java 7, you can harness the enhanced functionality of NIO in the form of the Files.walkFileTree method. Traversing the file system has never been easier in Java.
There is a short tutorial on it's usage here.
It implements the visitor pattern so you don't need to worry about the traversal algorithm itself, only specify what you want to do with each entry.

When traveling a directory tree in Java 7 use the Paths and Files functionality. They not only ease reading of directories and files, they're way faster then the "old" File way.
Assume you have two directories: mainDirand otherDirand you want to walk thru all directories of mainDir down to its leaves. With each entry in maiondir (file, sub-directory, symbolic link, ...) you want to compare this entry and its attributes (size, modification time, ...) against the entry at the same position in the otherDir.
Then this would be your code:
public final void test() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final Path mainDir = Paths.get("absolute path to your main directory to read from");
final Path otherDir = Paths.get("absolute path to your other directory to compare");
// Walk thru mainDir directory
Files.walkFileTree(mainDir, new FileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path path,
BasicFileAttributes atts) throws IOException {
return visitFile(path, atts);
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes mainAtts)
throws IOException {
// I've seen two implementations on windows and MacOSX. One has passed the relative path, one the absolute path.
// This works in both cases
Path relativePath = mainDir.relativize(mainDir.resolve(path));
BasicFileAttributes otherAtts = Files.readAttributes(otherDir.resolve(relativePath), BasicFileAttributes.class);
// Do your comparison logic here:
compareEntries(mainDir, otherDir, relativePath, mainAtts, otherAtts);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path path,
IOException exc) throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path path, IOException exc)
throws IOException {
// If the root directory has failed it makes no sense to continue
return (path.equals(mainDir))? FileVisitResult.TERMINATE:FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
What it not does:
Find entries that do exist in otherDirbut not in maindir
Path and BasicFileAttributes are not Serializable, so there's no easy way to do this walk on two different machines.

A method like this would return you a List of all the files recursively within a directory. You can either operate on the returned List or replace the rtn.add calls with your processing.
Beware that this method doesn't have anything to stop it getting stuck in circular symlinks.
public static List<File> getFilesRecursive(File s)
ArrayList<File> rtn = new ArrayList<File>();
File[] contents = s.listFiles();
for(int i = 0; i<contents.length; i++)
return rtn;

Maybe this piece of code helps you:
public void traverse(String path) {
File root = new File(path);
File[] list = root.listFiles();
if (list == null) return;
for (File file : list) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("Directory: " + file.getAbsoluteFile());
} else {
System.out.println("File: " + file.getAbsoluteFile());

Will following do?
public void list(File file) {
File[] children = file.listFiles();
if (children != null) {
for (File child : children) {
if (child.isDirectory()) {
} else {
process(new File[]{file});
private void process(File[] children) {
for (File child : children) {
if (child.isFile()) {
// process normal file

private static List<File> allFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
private static void processFiles(String rootDirectory) {
File rootDir = new File(rootDirectory);
if (rootDir.exists()) {
private static void traverseDirectories(File file) {
// add all files and directories to list.
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] fileList = file.listFiles();
for (File fileHandle : fileList) {
} else {
// call to process file
System.out.println("Call to process file " + file.getAbsolutePath());


Delete Files and Folders inside Folder if is empty (Java)

String dirWay = "C:\\Project";
int daysBack = 7;
File directory = new File(dirWay);
File[] listFiles = directory.listFiles();
long purgeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - (daysBack * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
for(File listFile : listFiles) {
if(listFile.lastModified() < purgeTime) {
if(!listFile.delete()) {
System.err.println("Unable to delete file: " + listFile);
} else {
This is working only for Project folder files. But i have some folders and files in the Project folder, and each folder has some folders and files.
How i can check inside all folder and check files last modified date and delete it if more than 7 days?
For example i have directory: C:/Project/JavaIdea/...
If files in the JavaIdea folder older than 7 days, i need delete all files and JavaIdea folder too.
The easiest way is probably to use Files.walkFileTree. Files.walk gives you a Stream<Path>, but folders come first, not after. The FileVisitor on the other hand uses two events for folders - before visiting, and after.
Something that could work (untested):
Deque<LongAdder> counts = new ArrayDeque<>(); // counting # of remaining files per level
Files.walkFileTree(start, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(T dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
counts.push(new LongAdder());
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(T dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
long remaining = counts.pop().sum();
if (remaining == 0) {
// the directory is empty now, delete it
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(T file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
if (is old enough to delete) {
// delete
} else {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(T file, IOException exc) {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

Not able to replace existing directory

I am trying to move folder 114229494 from one path to another and I want to replace the existing folder at the destination path (D:\SampleP2) but I am getting DirectoryNotEmptyException with the code mentioned below.
Since I don't want to change the name of the folder I mentioned D:\SampleP2\114229494 this as destination path
There are some images inside the folder.
Please help me to figure out what is wrong with this code.
public class MoveFiles {
private String source_path= "D:\\sampleP1\\114229494";
private String destination_path= "D:\\SampleP2\\114229494";
public void movefolder() {
File source = new File(source_path);
File destination = new File(destination_path);
Path path1 = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(source_path);
Path path2 = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(destination_path);
try {
Files.move(path1, path2, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("there is file in uploads");
If path1 is a directory and path2 exists already you cannot use Files.move(path1, path2) nor Files.move(path1, path2, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) as these give rise to either FileAlreadyExistsException or DirectoryNotEmptyException.
A reliable move operation for occasions where the destination directory exists already needs to traverse the source directory tree and move each file to the same location under the destination, cleaning up folders as they are emptied.
The Files.walkFileTree method handles traversals, add a suitable FileVisitor action to move / merge the path1=>path2 files:
public static void move(final Path source, final Path dest) throws IOException {
FileVisitor<Path> visitor = new FileVisitor<>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
final Path target = dest.resolve(source.relativize(dir));
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path p, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
final Path targ = dest.resolve(source.relativize(p));
System.out.println("Files.move("+p+", "+targ+", StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)");
Files.move(p, targ, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException {
// Dir should be empty by now or there is coding error:
if (!Files.deleteIfExists(dir))
throw new IOException("Failed to delete src dir: "+dir);
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException {
throw exc;
Files.walkFileTree(source, visitor);
Note that the above works for files or folders - Files.walkFileTree handles calling the appropriate callbacks.
The logic of the above move could be made significantly quicker if you use File.move(subdir,targsubdir) if detecting that a subdir is not found in the target - replacing createDirectories / deleteIfExists. That would avoid need to move every file underneath that tree. However I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.

How to open and display content of multiple files in folder with multiple folder?

I have folders with multiple files. This is how the organization is.
- Folder_1_File_1
- Folder_1_File_2
- Folder_1_File_3
- Folder_1_File_4
- Folder_2_File_1
- Folder_2_File_2
- Folder_2_File_3
- Folder_2_File_4
- Folder_3_File_1
- Folder_3_File_2
- Folder_3_File_3
- Folder_3_File_4
I have to open each folder, read each file and then perform some computations on all files of each folder and display result, then move to next folder and perform same computations on files of those folders. Below is my code. Is there any other easier method to do it? My code is really slow and sometimes it doesn't even work.
public void listFilesForFolder_Test(final File folder) {
for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) {
if (fileEntry.isDirectory()) {
} else {
// String content = FileUtils.readFileToString(file);
// read file and perform computations on it.
Java 8 has introduced the Visitor-based Files.walkFileTree() api which is a lot easier to master:
File file = new File("/base/folder");
Files.walkFileTree(file.toPath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
// do your thing here
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
This code will provide you regular files (not folders) at first the walk the rest of the given path tree.
public class ReadRecurssivelyFromFolder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Files.walk(Paths.get("/home/rafik/test" ))
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ReadRecurssivelyFromFolder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
Then you can perform your calculation based on the given paths.

Recursively copy one directory to another, if files don't match

I have a service that will be populating a directory that I need to copy to another directory periodically. The source will be populated periodically.
When I copy the directory, it will be quite large, so I only want to add files in the destination, or overwrite files that aren't the same file (e.g. file size mismatch or modification date).
Is there a simple way to do this? I'm aware of FileUtils, but it's unclear to me if it will always ovewrite all the files, and what "merge" means here, specifically if it will not copy files that already match.
Files.walkFileTree and the other methods of Files can do it:
public void copyTree(Path source,
Path destination)
throws IOException {
new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir,
BasicFileAttributes attr)
throws IOException {
Path destPath = destination.resolve(source.relativize(dir));
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file,
BasicFileAttributes attr)
throws IOException {
Path destPath = destination.resolve(source.relativize(file));
FileTime sourceTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(file);
FileTime destinationTime = Files.getLastModifiedTime(destPath);
if (!Files.exists(destPath) ||
sourceTime.compareTo(destinationTime) > 0) {
Files.copy(file, destPath,
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

Watching a Directory and sub directory for create, modify and Changes in java

I have make some code for detect changed in directory C:/java/newfolder it working good. i have given below.
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.List;
public class DirectoryWatchExample {
public static void testForDirectoryChange(Path myDir){
try {
WatchService watcher = myDir.getFileSystem().newWatchService();
myDir.register(watcher, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE,
StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY);
WatchKey watckKey = watcher.take();
List<WatchEvent<?>> events = watckKey.pollEvents();
for (WatchEvent event : events) {
if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE) {
System.out.println("Created: " + event.context().toString());
if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) {
System.out.println("Delete: " + event.context().toString());
if (event.kind() == StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY) {
System.out.println("Modify: " + event.context().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error: " + e.toString());
public static void main (String[] args) {
Path myDir = Paths.get("c:/java/newfolder/");
//define a folder root
now i watching only the directory. But i need to watch only the all sub directory.
for ex : c:/java/newfolder/folder1, c:/java/newfolder/folder2, c:/java/newfolder/folder3......etc
i given examples above sub directory
i need to watch the all sub directory give me some solutions ?
What you want to do is register the WatchService recursively and continue to register it upon subsequent ENTRY_CREATE events. A complete example is provided by Oracle here:
Normally I wouldn't place a post with a single link, however I doubt Oracle will be taking down a fairly basic tutorial and the answer is far too verbose. Just in case though, examples are easily found by searching for "java watchservice recursive".
Here is what I came with..
final WatchService watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
final SimpleFileVisitor<Path> fileVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>(){
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
Files.walkFileTree(Paths.get("/directory/to/monitor"), fileVisitor);
I'm not familiar with the Path API, so take the following with a grain of salt.
You're registering one directory for monitoring, and will receive notifications whenever one of its direct descendants is modified / created / deleted.
The first thing you need to do is register all of its subdirectories for watching:
// Used to filter out non-directory files.
// This might need to filter '.' and '..' out, not sure whether they're returned.
public class DirectoryFilter implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File file) {
return file.isDirectory();
// Add this at the end of your testForDirectoryChange method
for(File dir: myDir.toFile().listFiles(new DirectoryFilter())) {
This will recursively explore your file structure and register every directory for watching.
Note that if your directory tree is too deep, recursion might not be an acceptable solution and you might need to 'iterify' it.
The second thing you need to do is, whenever you receive a directory creation event, not forget to register the new directory for monitoring.
That's how I'd do it anyway, but not having a valid Java 1.7 installation at hand, I can't test it. Do let me know if it works!
So what you want is listing the files/subdirectories within a directory?
You can use:
File dir = new File("c:/java/newfolder/");
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
listFiles() gives you the Files in a directory or null it it's not a directory.
Then you can do:
for (File file: files){
if (file.listFiles != null){
//It's a subdirectory
File [] subdirFiles = file.listfiles;

