How to edit the Scroll Bar - java

I have a JTable in a JScrollPane but I'd like to change the look of the ScrollBar to something a bit better looking; a 'custom design'. Maybe put an image that a user can drag instead of the default thick blue bar. Is this even possible?
The main thing I'd like to do is change the thickness of the bar. My application uses a small window and the ScrollBar looks too thick.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks for the responses so far. I just found this; answers my answer, in part: java scrollbar thickness

Unfortunately I cannot provide a sample at the current moment, but you should definitely look into this
The BasicScrollBarUI class allows you to modify different features of a typical JScrollBar, such as various different colors, sizes, and shadow effects. This should be what you are looking for. Basically the idea is that you are supposed to override the installDefaults method and just modify the protected fields to your liking.
But, if you want to get fancy, I would highly suggest looking into JavaFX due to the amount of customizability it supports, one being CSS styling (which should be very helpful to you).


Can't change LaF JMenu "buttons"

As I'm modifying an existing Look and Feel, I also want to change how the "buttons" of a PopUpMenu behave. Right now it behaves like this, when I hover my mouse over it. As you can see it behaves very "3D":
And I want to let it behave like the buttons I made below them:
I've looked trough alot of documentation of Java Swing but I can't seem to find it. So if someone knows, please help me out. I have tried to change every property I could find.
The correct answer here is, as I found out, not everything can be managed by the LaF. Therefore, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty.
In this case I created my own CSTMButton, because in Swing one is also able to add buttons to a menubar. Now I can create it's own listener to generate the behaviour I want.

Make a borderless JFrame

Any parameter to set A JFrame's border/frame thickness or existence and still keep the title bar intact? I want an almost borderless frame with a thin blue line like this one and not like the default border.
If JFrame isn't the way to go, what is a good way to achieve that? (preferably that is compatible with WindowBuilder but that's probably asking for too much).
A search barely yields any mention and related questions on SOF don't seem to have answers so I thought I'd try to get a good answer once and for all.
Disables or enables decorations for this frame.
This method can only be called while the frame is not displayable. To make this frame decorated, it must be opaque and have the default shape, otherwise the IllegalComponentStateException will be thrown. Refer to Window.setShape(java.awt.Shape), Window.setOpacity(float) and Window.setBackground(java.awt.Color) for details
Please, consult the available documentation
Please note, you will become responsible for providing the title bar yourself, should you want it
A search barely yields any mention and related questions on SOF don't seem to have answers
Google provides a number of promising hits
I ended up switching to NetBeans and learning some Photoshop basics which you'll need thanks to a comment by #MadProgrammer
writing your own look and feel delegate
and ended up exactly with what you mentioned #theProgrammer101
You can make a JButton, and when it is clicked, call System.exit(0) , which will terminate the program
You can create a similar button for minimize action as well as your own drop down menus that are totally custom made and you won't need to rely on the default JFrmae window in case that bothers you too (I found it horrid).
check out this link for a good NetBeans tutorial with an nice example of writing your own look and feel delegate and this link for a great tutorial on getting started with Photoshop which is critical to GUI creation.
Thought i'd round up some of my research for anyone else who's just getting into GUI's.

Looking for slide bar with two knobs in Java

I am looking for slide bars with two knobs for a user to move them separately or both together, similar to the one in the picture to use in Java. Any sidebar with two knobs (two indicators) would do. Does it exist?
That's called a range slider. Here it is discussed in another thread:
Range Slider in Java
Also, here's an API which provides a JRangeSlider swing object:
I've never used it, but it looks like just what you want.
i would suggest checking out JIDE (open source components), i know for a fact there is a range slider with two knobs
Sorry for late answer:)
I recently implemented JRangeSlider without custom painting code, thus it will always look like normal JSlider, but with two knobs.

Java/Swing Volume Slider

Part of my application has a media component, and I'm looking for a nice volume slider I can use rather than a JSlider which looks a bit ugly for this purpose (or specifically, an extended JSlider with custom visuals would be nice). I could write one, but I don't really want to reinvent the wheel.
In terms of "nice" volume sliders - I'm looking on the lines of something like VLC:
Is there a (free) component like this already out there that I'm missing?
Jasper Potts has a nice blog post about how you can skin the slider using Nimbus Look and Feel: Skinning a slider with Nimbus.
Here is how it looks like:
By following the blog post, it's not very hard to make your own custom look on the slider. You may also be interested in my answer about customizing the JScrollPane using Nimbus Look and Feel with a full code example.
Since you will want a mute operation if clicking on the speaker, I suggest that you implement your own JSlider and plug it in to the look-and-feel; however, I would also highly suggest that you reused the BoundedRangeModel that the JSlider implements.
Or, you could subclass a JPanel and package two widgets in it internally; however, this technique will require a mediator pattern to keep the two widget's displays in sync with the one shared BoundedRangeModel.
Look at the old Sun documentation about making custom widgets, and use the source code for JSlider as a starting point. It's not as hard as it may seem; however, it does take some time to get it "just right".

Overlay multiple JSliders in Swing

Is it possible to overlay multiple JSliders so I can see the "thumbs" on both (I've tried disabling the painting of the track and setting opacity to false but one still hides the other)? Basically I'd like to create a component that allows the user to define a range (and I didn't really want to write a custom one since it has most of the attributes of a slider). If there is another way I could do that with a slider, that would work too.
Ah, I found it (i must not have been seraching on the right terms). Swing labs as a JXMultiThumbSlider that I think will do the trick.
I recently had the same problem, I wanted a slider with two thumbs. I didn't get into it too much, and what I ended up doing to get the range is simply putting two sliders and in the "onSliderChange" event listener prevented one beeing smaller than the other and the other bigger than the one. I don't beleive Swing has a two-thumb-Slider, although it might be a cool new feature to add, so I think this is your best bet.
JIDE has a RangeSlider with 2 thumbs (and a nice extra one on top to move both thumbs at once (e.g. drag the range around) in their open source common layer:

