Query All Google App Engine - java

Im trying to build a query that get all rows in datastore,but my problem is that i have hundreds of rows and when i try to run one time,i almost get limits quotas..
So my question is,what im doing wrong?
Query query = new Query(myObject);
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(query);
QueryResultList<Entity> results = pq.asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
for (Entity entity : results) {

What you have wrong is your algorithm. You cant do that with many rows since your frontend will timeout.
Look at task queues and backends.


Ordering BigQuery Results in Java SDK

I am trying to get ordered results from a BigQuery with help of google cloud SDK.
The query looks like:
SELECT * FROM `table`
|WHERE id = 111
Then I create and run the Job:
Job job = QueryJobConfiguration.newBuilder(query)
The issue, is when I actually fetch results, I receive them unordered:
TableResult results = job.getQueryResults()
If I run the original query inside the BigQuery UI, everything seems to fine.
Any ideas, at which place and why the results being shuffled?
The issue was, that I've added ORDER BY clause later in query.
Still, I was accessing the job with the same jobId.
That made BigQuery to fetch previous results, which where unsorted.
Updating JobId helped!

Duplicate records with hibernate joins and pagination

I'm using hibernate 3.6.3 Final version (I know it's pretty old, but that is like that for now on this project I'm currently working on).
I have a problem with doing joins and pagination in order that I am getting one record duplicated in results which is caused by hibernate.
This is the code I have:
public Page<T> findByCriteriaPaginated(PageParams params, Criteria countCriteria, Criteria listCriteria, String[] joins) {
Page<T> page = new Page<T>(params);
// count criteria
page.setTotalCount(((Long) countCriteria.uniqueResult()).intValue());
// fetch criteria
if (params.getOrdering() != null && params.getOrdering().getSize() > 0) {
for (Iterator<String> it = params.getOrdering().getKeyIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
String key = it.next();
if (params.getOrdering().isAscending(key)) {
} else {
if (joins != null && joins.length > 0) {
for (String s : joins) {
listCriteria.setFetchMode(s, FetchMode.JOIN);
return page;
When I hit the query that is generated and run it on DB server, then I don't have this duplicate record. But debuging my code, listCriteria.list() returns data set with duplicate. Also when I comment out these two lines listCriteria.setFirstResult(params.getFirstResultIdx());
listCriteria.setMaxResults(params.getPageSize());, then listCriteria.list() has no duplicate, it is fine.
So, this indicates to me that there is some problem with pagination and the rest of criteria I'm having (with joins and ordering).
Does anybody have idea how to fix this? Is this hibernate bug? Would increasing hibernate version to the latest (5.2.9.Final) help? Are there any potential problems with such large version upgrade?
Thank you for any kind of help.
Two things:
If you see duplicate rows in the same page, then you have issues with your joins. Try to log the SQL query, then execute it manually. The best way to solve this issue is with criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);
For your pagination, if getOrdering() is empty, you do not add any order by. Although, to paginate correctly, you absolutely need an order by clause. Add listCriteria.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); to your code so the Id is a last resort ordering.

datastore count query fetchOptions

I want to do the following:
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q);
int count = pq.countEntities(FetchOptions.ALL);
But there is no ALL option. So how do I do it?
For context, say I want to count all entry in my table where color is orange.
If I can't do this directly using DatastoreService, can I use Datanucleus's JPA? As in do they support SELECT COUNT(*) ... for the appengine datastore?
You can count total no of record using following code.
com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query qry = new com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query("EntityName");
com.google.appengine.api.datastore.DatastoreService datastoreService = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
int totalCount = datastoreService.prepare(qry).countEntities(FetchOptions.Builder.withDefaults());
i hope it will help you.
The marked answer is not correct, it will max out in 1000
This is how one will get correct count
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Query query = new Query("__Stat_Kind__");
Query.Filter eqf = new Query.FilterPredicate("kind_name",
Entity entityStat = ds.prepare(query).asSingleEntity();
Long totalEntities = (Long) entityStat.getProperty("count");
You can use Google's plugin for DataNucleus, which seems to show support for count()
This Old but should help for new developers seeking for a way out.
The best way to go about this is using Sharding Counter Techniques, as you save on the entity you know would scale with time, use sharding counter to get the total number of record as it is inserted or the entity group is updated by new record, with this you can get the total number of counter and their corresponding counts which will sum up to give the actual count of the total element in the datastore table or kind.
Use this link for help on how to go about it, for better understanding watch the google i/o 2008 on scaling web applications here, after that you move to this documentation on appengine here, so you get the grasp of it quickly, and also there is a github example test too.
For added example use this link Blog Tutorial which explained a simple example.

Update all objects in JPA entity

I'm trying to update all my 4000 Objects in ProfileEntity but I am getting the following exception:
javax.persistence.QueryTimeoutException: The datastore operation timed out, or the data was temporarily unavailable.
this is my code:
public synchronized static void setX4all()
em = EMF.get().createEntityManager();
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM ProfileEntity p");
List<ProfileEntity> usersList = query.getResultList();
int a,b,x;
for (ProfileEntity profileEntity : usersList)
a = profileEntity.getA();
b = profileEntity.getB();
x = func(a,b);
I'm guessing that I take too long to query all of the records from ProfileEntity.
How should I do it?
I'm using Google App Engine so no UPDATE queries are possible.
Edited 18/10
In this 2 days I tried:
using Backends as Thanos Makris suggested but got to a dead end. You can see my question here.
reading DataNucleus suggestion on Map-Reduce but really got lost.
I'm looking for a different direction. Since I only going to do this update once, Maybe I can update manually every 200 objects or so.
Is it possible to to query for the first 200 objects and after it the second 200 objects and so on?
Given your scenario, I would advice to run a native update query:
Query query = em.createNativeQuery("update ProfileEntity pe set pe.X = 'x'");
Please note: Here the query string is SQL i.e. update **table_name** set ....
This will work better.
Change the update process to use something like Map-Reduce. This means all is done in datastore. The only problem is that appengine-mapreduce is not fully released yet (though you can easily build the jar yourself and use it in your GAE app - many others have done so).
If you want to set(x) for all object's, better to user update statement (i.e. native SQL) using JPA entity manager instead of fetching all object's and update it one by one.
Maybe you should consider the use of the Task Queue API that enable you to execute tasks up to 10min. If you want to update such a number of entities that Task Queues do not fit you, you could also consider the user of Backends.
Put the transaction outside of the loop:
for (ProfileEntity profileEntity : usersList) {
Your class behaves not very well - JPA is not suitable for bulk updates this way - you just starting a lot of transaction in rapid sequence and produce a lot of load on the database. Better solution for your use case would be scalar query setting all the objects without loading them into JVM first ( depending on your objects structure and laziness you would load much more data as you think )
See hibernate reference:

Hibernate ScrollableResults Do Not Return The Whole Set of Results

Some of the queries we run have 100'000+ results and it takes forever to load them and then send them to the client. So I'm using ScrollableResults to have a paged results feature. But we're topping at roughly 50k results (never exactly the same amount of results).
I'm on an Oracle9i database, using the Oracle 10 drivers and Hibernate is configured to use the Oracle9 dialect. I tried with the latest JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar) and the problem was reproduced.
We also followed some advice and added an ordering clause, but the problem was reproduced.
Here is a code snippet that illustrates what we do:
final int pageSize = 50;
Criteria crit = sess.createCriteria(ABC.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("property", value));
ScrollableResults sr = crit.scroll();
ArrayList page = new ArrayList(pageSize);
for (Object entry : page)
sess.evict(entry); //to avoid having our memory just explode out of proportion
for (int i =0 ; i < pageSize && ! metLastRow; i++){
if (sr.next())
metLastRow = true;
metLastRow = metLastRow?metLastRow:sr.isLast();
So, why is it that I get the result set to tell me its at the end when it should be having so much more results?
Your code snippet is missing important pieces, like the definitions of resultSet and page. But I wonder anyway, shouldn't the line
if (resultSet.next())
be rather
if (sr.next())
As a side note, AFAIK cleaning up superfluous objects from the persistence context could be achieved simply by calling
instead of looping through the collection of object to evict each separately. (Of course, this requires that the query is executed in its own independent session.)
Update: OK, next round of guesses :-)
Can you actually check what rows are sent to the client and compare that against the result of the equivalent SQL query directly against the DB? It would be good to know whether this code retrieves (and sends to the client all rows up to a certain limit, or only some rows (like every 2nd) from the whole resultset, or ... that could shed some light on the root cause.
Another thing you could try is
As I had the same issue with a large project code based on List<E> instances,
I wrote a really limited List implementation with only iterator support to browse a ScrollableResults without refactoring all services implementations and method prototypes.
This implementation is available in my IterableListScrollableResults.java Gist
It also regularly flushes Hibernate entities from session. Here is a way to use it, for instance when exporting all non archived entities from DB as a text file with a for loop:
Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(LargeVolumeEntity.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("archived", Boolean.FALSE));
List<E> result = new IterableListScrollableResults<E>(getCurrentSession(),
for(E entity : result) {
dumpEntity(file, entity);
With the hope it may help

