maven h2 lucene classnotfound - java

I use in my project h2 and I like to enable the lucene search index. I added the following deps. to the pom.xml:
I still get java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: from h2. This problem only occours when I launch the program.

Use lucene < 4.0.0; the abstract class has been deprecated in version 3.6.0, and then included since 4.0.0 as/inside


Maven build failed due to JDT dependencies - No versions available for org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0)

Today when I tried to install my maven project, I get an error due JDT dependencies and here is the report information:
Cannot resolve No versions available for org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0) within specified range.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project redundantcheck:
Could not resolve dependencies for project edu.fudan.selab:redundantcheck:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT:
Failed to collect dependencies at org.eclipse.jdt:org.eclipse.jdt.core:jar:3.20.0 ->
org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.resources:jar:3.12.0 ->
org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.expressions:jar:3.5.100 ->
org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.runtime:jar:3.12.0 ->
org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.equinox.preferences:jar:3.10.0 ->
org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0): No versions available for
org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0) within specified range -> [Help 1]
I tried to add 1.1.0 org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs to the project, but still can't solve this problem. To avoid dependency update, I specied almost every version of the dependencies, but still encounter this error today. Here is my pom.xml:
<!-- -->
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Is there anyway to solve this problem?
EDIT: The issue is known by the project team and tracked as eclipse-equinox/equinox.bundles#54 on GitHub.
The dependency:
Which is one of your transitive dependency, references this dependency in its dependencies list:
Source: org.eclipse.equinox.preferences-3.10.0.pom on maven central.
It is a mistake. As Maven tells you, this does not exist:
Cannot resolve No versions available for org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0) within specified range.
It should have been:
Which exists (note the different groupId).
Because you are not fixing the dependencies you are consuming in your project, and because the dependencies are using version ranges, suddenly you got a new version.
By the way as beingnurd has noted, there is now the newer version 3.10.1 of org.eclipse.equinox.preferences where this wrong dependency is fixed (see org.eclipse.equinox.preferences-3.10.1.pom).
If you continue to use always the newest dependency of the compatible range, the problem will be solved for you.
Now if we take a step back:
You are trying to use following JDT version:
This corresponds to the Eclipse Version 2019-12 (also called 4.14 internally).
Your problem is that the eclipse projects (org.eclipse.jdt.core and all the dependencies) are using version ranges.
If you look at the org.eclipse.jdt.core dependencies declarations:
If you don't do anything, Maven always takes the latest:
Today (June 2022) this would be:
org.eclipse.core.resources: 3.16.100
org.eclipse.core.runtime: 3.24.100
org.eclipse.core.filesystem: 1.9.300
org.eclipse.text: 3.12.0
When the library was published (December 2019) this was:
org.eclipse.core.resources: 3.13.600
org.eclipse.core.runtime: 3.17.0
org.eclipse.core.filesystem: 1.7.600
org.eclipse.text: 3.10.0
And of course this is recursive, you need to do this for all the dependencies.
Letting Maven choose always the latest is problematic:
It prevents you creating reproducible build, because the dependencies picked by maven depends from what is available on maven central on that day.
You need to solve conflicts.
You are potentially the first trying out a combination.
This is why I always use a set of projects that were released together. By the way this is also how the Eclipse project itself is doing it (by using P2 update sites and target platform).
I am publishing Maven BOM files to fix the versions: ECentral project
This is how you can do it:
<!-- no version needed here, because it is defined in the BOM -->
Because I ran into this problem today too, but via plugin sub-dependency, my temporary solution is to download the regular org.osgi:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:1.1.2 and install it in the local repository as org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:1.1.2.
You can exclude the dependency like this :
so the reason for this failure is dependency
<groupId>org.osgi.service</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.prefs</artifactId>
but the group org.osgi.service doesn't exists, instead it is only org.osgi
so dependency should look
I have got the same problem today in our SpringBoot project 1.5.25 with org.hibernate:hibernate-tools:jar:5.0.6.Final
The error message as follow:
# Failed to collect dependencies at org.hibernate:hibernate-tools:jar:5.0.6.Final ->
# org.eclipse.jdt:org.eclipse.jdt.core:jar:3.12.2 ->
# org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.resources:jar:3.11.1 ->
# org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.expressions:jar:3.5.100 ->
# org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.core.runtime:jar:3.12.0 ->
# org.eclipse.platform:org.eclipse.equinox.preferences:jar:3.10.0 ->
# org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0): No versions available for org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs:jar:[1.1.0,1.2.0) within specified range -> [Help 1]
I use the private nexus, to resolve this problem, i added a proxy maven2 (maven-ecentral) repo pointed to , thanks #Jmini
then added the follow lignes in the pom.xml
Reload your project with IDEA, it should work.
Another solution is using exclusions
<!-- exclure the old org.eclipse.platform -->
<!-- the 3.10.1 org.eclipse.platform fixed the pb -->
Even I have been facing this problem since today, it was working fine till yesterday.
Finally what I found was that pom of org.eclipse.equinox.preferences:3.10.0 group id mentioned as org.osgi.service, but the artifact is located in at org/osgi, there is no service folder in it.
I changed dependency group id to org.osgi in the pom of org.eclipse.equinox.preferences and then it worked.
I can see a new version of 3.10.1 added in repo which has the group id corrected to org.osgi instead of org.osgi.service
I ran into this problem with a maven plugin (net.revelc.code.formatter). We use it from another maven plugin that generates code. Since it is just a formatter for generated code, my solution was to drop the usage of the formatter plugin. Obviously I couldn't use the above solutions, because I don't want to fork the formatter code.

Getting :: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions.put(Ljava/lang/Object;)V

I am using the Poi(poi, poi-ooxml-schemas,poi-ooxml-4.4.1 ) api for export-import operation, and now upgraded xmlbeans from 3.0.2 to 5.0.1 version, after upgrading the xmlbeans-5.0.1 getting error while creating new SXSSFWorkbook(100);
.... java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions.put(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.poi.xssf.model.SharedStringsTable
and using jaxb-api-2.4.0-b180830.0359 version.
I found the following dependency in my pom.xml code and once i removed it.It worked fine for me.
So remove it and it will work.
I had updated to XMLBeans 5.0.3 earlier. So to fix this I had to update to latest POI (I had the 4.x.x series of POI earlier):
I solved this problem by simply removing all packages of xmlbeans in my repository and reloading maven projects.
In most cases, if a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error occurs, the cause could be a dependency package conflict.
You can try this also or can move to higher/lower dependency

Issue with ldap tests after upgrading apache mina from 2.0.21 to 2.1.3

I have a project that contains apache mina, and i use apacheds, spring-ldap-test for tests,
i upgraded apache mina from 2.0.21 to 2.1.3
When im running my test class i get the following:
Exception in thread "pool-4-thread-1" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SESSION_SECURED
at org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.DefaultIoFilterChain$TailFilter.messageReceived(
at org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.DefaultIoFilterChain.callNextMessageReceived(
at org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.DefaultIoFilterChain.access$1300(
at org.apache.mina.core.filterchain.DefaultIoFilterChain$EntryImpl$1.messageReceived(
at org.apache.mina.filter.executor.UnorderedThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at org.apache.mina.filter.executor.UnorderedThreadPoolExecutor$
and that's totally normal due to changes in the latest version of apache mina
upgrading apacheds libraries to the latest version didn't solve the problem,
this is my pom.xml:
It seems to me that this is an issue of compatibility of apacheds and apache mina, even when using latest versions of apacheds, i would like to know if there is anything i can do to fix this issue, thanks in advance.

Maven commons-configuration2

I am using Apache commons-configuration2 in one of my projects. Recently, I decided to let Maven manage my projects. Which works fine, except for commons-configuration2; I am not able to find that dependency on the Maven repo. Even when looking just for commons-configuration, not commons-configuration2, none of the results I am getting are org.apache.commons.
What am I doing wrong?
That's because, version 1.x of the artifact commons-configuration was really under the commons-configuration group. You can find the latest release version, 1.10, of that artifact in the repo.
It was only after it became commons-configuration2 (technically an entirely different Maven artifact of the same project), it was grouped under org.apache.commons. You don't see them in the maven repo (the RELEASE repo that is) probably because it's still a SNAPSHOT. You can still find the artifact in the SNAPSHOT repo.
See the project summary and release history for more information.
Current workaround solution:
Download Apache Commons Configuration 2.0 and got the commons-configuration2-2.0-beta2.jar
Add the commons-configuration2-2.0-beta2.jar to external library
Add the needed dependency in maven.
commons-configuration2 now available on Maven Central:
A bug has been filed against the documentation (or against the repo, depending on your view). Apparently, commons-configuration2 will not be pushed to Maven central until final release, but the documentation on their website is automatically generated and points you to a non-existent repository. This will be fixed when a final release is done.
commons-configuration2-2.1 is now available in the Maven repository.

maven android plugin with android support library v7

I use maven-android-plugin to build my android app which depends on android support library v4 and v7.
Since I didn't find how to download the whole sdk from, I cnnot use maven android deployee tool to set local repository of android sdk.Thus I want to use the support library that includes in the adt-bundle, below is how I write the dependencies in my pom.xml:
The first two is what I wrote at beginning, but maven raised an error:
No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.
Then I added third one. I zip the v7 project and rename to .apklib.But it still does not work.
At last I add the last one,but it does not work either.So how to write a correct pom to fix this?
My system infomation:
Apache Maven 3.0.4
Java version: 1.7.0_25, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Android Platform Version:4.3
Android Maven Plugin:3.6.0
When I was playing with this I added a <type>jar</type> and a <type>apklib</type>. I don't remember all the details.
I did this:
My pom file had this:
Try this:
I used this and Theme.Appcompat.Light is visible.

