I have a big war file over-sized due to lots of external dependencies & also I have internet connection speed issues because of which I don't want to keep the dependency jars in my war, so that I could reduce war size & do faster uploads of my updated wars from dev machine to remote server.
I would like the maven project to instead download the dependencies on the remote tomcat server itself when it has been uploaded there & starts running. How do I configure maven to do that ?
There is a pretty simple solution: Build the project on the server.
An easy way to do this is to put all the sources into a version control system like Mercurial or Git.
In addition to giving you a history and an automated backup, DVCS have insanely efficient algorithms to update remote copies (they just transfer the changes, so if you change a single line, only one line is sent over the wire).
Building on your server also means that you get the very fast download of dependencies on the server (which has probably very good download rates). And local deployment will be very, very fast.
Last but not least: When you use version control, you will be able to go back to the last stable version quickly when something goes wrong.
As Aarom says you should build the project on the server directly.
There are two requirements:
You need to have a command line access on the remote server.
Maven must be installed on the remote server.
Then you can upload the sources of your project on the remote server (without dependencies).
Go in the root directory of your project and run your build command (mvn package or whatever custom build command that you use).
So that's it, you have the .war on the remote server loaded with all the dependencies; you can then remove the source files.
Install all desired 3rd-party jars to Tomcat's lib folder.
Set the scope of those dependencies to "provided" in you Maven pom.xml.
Install Maven on your remote server.
Install a CI server such as Jenkins, Continuum, Bamboo, Hudson, CruiseControl, etc. I'd suggest Jenkins.
Hopefully, you are using revision control software such as SVN, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, or CVS. If not, then I'd suggest setting up
Git or SVN for your source code repository.
Configure the scm tag in your pom.xml to point to your project's location within your source code repository.
Configure your CI server to get your pom.xml from your source code repository. Your CI server will read the scm tag, and the
URL's you've configured within the scm tag, and will check your
project out. Your CI server will then build your project.
You can either have Jenkins deploy your built war artifact to Tomcat via the Jenkins Deploy Plugin, or you can use a Maven plugin such as the
tomcat7-maven-plugin or Cargo.
I need to use the oracle database driver (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver) for a project but Oracle does not have a Maven repository for it, so the only way that I have found is to download it onto my machine and then "install" the .jar to Maven as seen in this article.
However, now it is time to add the project to my work's Bamboo build server, but of course the build fails because it can't find the oracle driver.
My question is: how is this sort of thing generally handled? There doesn't seem to be a way to "add" a .jar to a Bamboo build and then point Maven on Bamboo to that .jar. Another alternative that I'm trying is putting the oracle .jar on an internal git repository but I don't know how to point Maven to pull a .jar from a git repository (my current understanding is that maven repos and git repos are different thing entirely).
Any tips or suggestions appreciated, thank you.
The usual way is to set up a Nexus/Artifactory on a server. This server is used for the built artifacts (your Bamboo deploys the EARs/WARs/JARs to it), to proxy external repositories (not necessary, but will speed up things) and to manage third party jars that are not available elsewhere.
In your settings.xml you just point to this Nexus/Artifactory and do the same for the Bamboo.
we recently migrated to Maven Build manager & git hub repository for our Java web-app. Also i switched to eclipse as eclipse has good set of plugins.
As a new bie, i am simply running mvn clean package from terminal at the code root directory. And then moving the compiled code i.e., /target/SNAPSHOT/* to tomcat/webapps/ROOT location.
And then starting Tomcat7 server. The process is time taking especially when i do code changes in Java & configuration .xml files.
I want to do it completely in IDE environment as i did earlier in Netbeans, update code -> build and run in debug mode, -> do code changes and then commit.
Heard of egit & m2e in eclipse for maven & github integration, but not sure how to use it.
Please walk me through the steps required in doing so. I am completely new to eclipse.
You might want to consider using maven-jetty-plugin http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Maven+Jetty+Plugin for running the webapp. You will not need to copy over stuff to tomcat. After configuring this plugin, you can simply run your application by doing mvn jetty:run
I generally do not like running webapps inside Eclipse. It's a personal prefrence, but it is always nice to have an IDE neutral way of building and running your applications. If you have m2e things should work simply fine. I have seen maven-jetty-plugin having hot pluggability where if you changed your web.xml, jetty would reload your application.
We use Git for version control and Maven for dependency management and build automation. Once your project has successfully imported into Eclipse and recognized as a valid java web project, you don't need either Git or Maven in order to build/run it inside IDE. Just creat a server using you existing tomcat installation, add the project to server, then select Run as > Run on Server.
The Complete Guide:
Creating a server
Adding projects to a server
Starting a server
For more details, check out Testing and publishing on your server.
I have a small maven project that build a java jar file. I added a plugin (maven-antrun-plugin) in order to start it during maven's build phase. This also works in the build server (Continuum) which is good.
Now I would also like to copy the artifact jar to another server. What is the best way for doing that? I saw that you can make maven execute bash script, would that be a good way?
It depends on your server and what options you have for uploading jars there. One of the options could be to use Maven Wagon plugin, which supports number of protocols, including ssh, ftp, webdaw.
For a new project which uses Maven I would like to add distributionManagement configuration in the pom.xml which will connect the project with the Sourceforge.net file upload system.
I have found this information (of 2007), is it still valid or do you know updated resources?
Related question: How can I deploy artifacts from a Maven build to the SourceForge File Release System?
This looks correct. However, note that it only describes deploying the site artifacts, not the project artifacts (JAR and POM). And while it's possible that you could use maven to deploy your artifacts, I'm not sure that you'd want to -- the Maven directory structure is different from the SourceForge structure (of one directory per release).
If you're looking to deploy your project releases to Maven Central, read this: http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html
The process has changed in the last year or so. At one time you could request that your project be added to a nightly rsync job, but apparently now you have to deploy directly to a recognized repository. Given the number of times that rsync job would fail, it's no wonder they decided to change the process ...
I'm confused about the use of maven in development and production environments - I'm sure it's something simple that I'm missing. Grateful for any help..
I set up maven inside eclipse on my local machine and wrote some software. I really like how it's made things like including dependent jars very easy.
So that's my development environment. But now I want to release the project to production on a remote server. I've searched the documentation, but I can't figure out how it's supposed to work or what the maven best practice is.. Are you supposed to:
a) Also be running maven on your production environment, and upload all your files to your production environment and rebuild your project there? (Something in me baulks at the idea of rebuilding 'released' code on the production server, so I'm fairly sure this isn't right..)
b) use mvn:package to create your jar file and then copy that up to production? (But then what of all those nice dependencies? Isn't there a danger that your tested code is now going to be running against different versions of the dependent jars in the production environment, possibly breaking your code? Or missing a jar..?)
c) Something else that I'm not figuring out..
Thanks in advance for any help!
You're supposed to have your code under version control (and you never "upload" files to another machine, you "download" them from the Version Control System if required).
You're supposed to package your code in a format (a WAR, an EAR, another kind of bundle) that can be deployed on the production environment for execution. Such bundles typically include the dependencies. To build more complex bundles, the Maven Assembly Plugin can help.
Maven generated artifacts (JARs, WARs, whatever) should be shared via a remote repository (and thus deployed - I mean mvn deploy here - to this remote repository). A remote repository can be a simple file system served via a web server or a more advanced solution like Nexus.
Development is usually done using SNAPSHOT dependencies (e.g. 1.0-SNAPSHOT). At release time, you're supposed to change the version into a "fixed" version (e.g. 1.0) and some other bits from your pom.xml, run the build to check that everything is ok, commit the modified pom.xml, create a tag in the VCS, promote the versions to a new SNAPSHOT (e.g. 1.1-SNAPSHOT) in the pom.xml, commit the new pom.xml in the VCS. The entire process require some work but this can be automated using the Maven Release Plugin.
On the production environment, get the artifacts to be deployed from the remote repository and deploy them (some projects automate the deployment to the production server using Maven but that's another story).
Of course, there are variations around this (deployment to production is most of time company specific) but the general idea is there.
You need to look into the Maven Assembly Plugin and the Maven Release Plugin.
When building artifact you usually state what scope the dependency has. In default scope it should be packaged in your archive. If you do not want it, use scope "provided" - in such case you have to prepare runtime environment providing the dependency. It's generaaly a bad idea to rebuild a package only for deployment.
As for deploying, you can use maven's antrun plugin to copy files locally or via scp .