JPA Criteria api with CONTAINS function - java

I'm trying to crete Criteria API query with CONTAINS function(MS SQL):
select * from com.t_person where contains(last_name,'xxx')
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> cq = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> root = cq.from(Person.class);
Expression<Boolean> function = cb.function("CONTAINS", Boolean.class,
root.<String>get("lastName"),cb.parameter(String.class, "containsCondition"));
TypedQuery<Person> query = em.createQuery(cq);
query.setParameter("containsCondition", lastName);
return query.getResultList();
But getting exception:
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node:
Any help?

If you want to stick with using CONTAINS, it should be something like this:
//Get criteria builder
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
//Create the CriteriaQuery for Person object
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
//From clause
Root<Person> personRoot = query.from(Person.class);
//Where clause
"CONTAINS", Boolean.class,
//assuming 'lastName' is the property on the Person Java object that is mapped to the last_name column on the Person table.
//Add a named parameter called containsCondition
cb.parameter(String.class, "containsCondition")));
TypedQuery<Person> tq = em.createQuery(query);
tq.setParameter("containsCondition", "%näh%");
List<Person> people = tq.getResultList();
It seems like some of your code is missing from your question so I'm making a few assumptions in this snippet.

You could try using the CriteriaBuilder like function instead of the CONTAINS function:
//Get criteria builder
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
//Create the CriteriaQuery for Person object
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = cb.createQuery(Person.class);
//From clause
Root<Person> personRoot = query.from(Person.class);
//Where clause
//Like predicate
//assuming 'lastName' is the property on the Person Java object that is mapped to the last_name column on the Person table.
//Add a named parameter called likeCondition
cb.parameter(String.class, "likeCondition")));
TypedQuery<Person> tq = em.createQuery(query);
tq.setParameter("likeCondition", "%Doe%");
List<Person> people = tq.getResultList();
This should result in a query similar to:
select p from PERSON p where p.last_name like '%Doe%';


Using Java Predicates in MYSQL AND condition

I have the following java predicate based code that gets a result list from my MYSQL DB:
Root<Person> from = query.from(Person.class);
CriteriaQuery<Person> selectQuery =;
List<Person> searchResults = new ArrayList<>();
Predicate jobPredicate = createPersonJobPredicate();
Predicate agePredicate = createPersonAgePredicate(); //currently not used
selectQuery = selectQuery.where(jobPredicate);
searchResults =entityManager.createQuery(selectQuery).setFirstResult(searchRequest.getIndex()).setMaxResults(searchRequest.getSize()).getResultList();
What I want to do is change the above code so that the result list has to match both predicates - e.g. must be job - "doctor" AND age - 45
I have tried combining the predicates as such below, but this always only returns the job predicate:
selectQuery = selectQuery.where(jobPredicate).where(agePredicate);
How can I do so?
Try something like:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> personRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Person.class);
Predicate jobPredicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(personRoot.get("job"), "doctor");
Predicate agePredicate = criteriaBuilder.greaterThan(personRoot.get("age"), 45);
Predicate combinedPredicate = criteriaBuilder.and(jobPredicate, agePredicate);
List<Person> searchResults =

Run Query with IN clause using Criteria Builder

I need some help to run the query bellow, using the CriteriaBuilder aproach:
select count(*) from TABLE_VIEW_SEARCH where
person_ID in (select person_ID from TABLE_PERSON
where region_ID = 1001) and postal_cd ='AL';
I try this but it failed:
CriteriaBuilder cb = ..;
CriteriaQuery<Long> criteriaQuery= cb.createQuery(Long.class);
Root<ViewSearchEntity> from= criteriaQuery.from(ViewSearchEntity.class);
Subquery<Long> subQuery = criteriaQuery.subquery(Long.class);
Root<PersonEntity> subFrom = subQuery .from(PersonEntity.class);
subQuery .where(cb.equal(subFrom.get(PersonEntity_.region_ID ), region_ID ));;
criteriaQuery.where( );
TypedQuery<Long> query = getEntityManager().createQuery(criteriaQuery);
Long result = query.getSingleResult();
I reach a solution, basicaly I managed to do the join condition:
CriteriaBuilder cb = ..;
CriteriaQuery<Long> criteriaQuery= cb.createQuery(Long.class);
Root<ViewSearchEntity> from= criteriaQuery.from(ViewSearchEntity.class);
Predicate predicate1 = cb.equal(from.get(ViewSearchEntity.postal_cd),"AL");
Subquery<Long> subQuery = criteriaQuery.subquery(Long.class);
Root<PersonEntity> subRoot = subQuery.from(PersonEntity.class);
Join<PersonEntity, RegionEntity_> region= subRoot.join(RegionEntity_.region);
cb.equal(subRoot.get(PersonEntity_.region), regionId));
Predicate predicateInClause = root.get(ViewSearchEntity_.postal_cd).in(subQuery);
return getEntityManager().createQuery(,predicateInClause)).getEntityManager().createQuery(,predicateInClause))
Something like this. I cannot give you a query, due to missing entity names. However, I recommend to read this Criteria API subselect
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery cq = cb.createQuery(TABLE_VIEW_SEARCH.class);
Root root = cq.from(TABLE_VIEW_SEARCH.class);
Subquery sub = cq.subquery(TABLE_PERSON.class);
Root subRoot = sub.from(TABLE_PERSON.class);
subRoot.join(TABLE_PERSON.tableViewSearch);, 1001));
cq.where(cb.equal(root.get("postal_cd"), "AL"));
TypedQuery query = em.createQuery(cq);
List result = query.getResultList();
You can use this method, once you have metamodel generation dependency declared:
Rebuild your project with maven after you add this dependency, and then you can do this:

CriteriaBuilder with criteria on the child associations . Hibernate

I have orders (id, name) with oneToMany to items (id, name):
How can I fetch only these orders which have items of name 'banana' with a CriteriaBuilder:
public Order orderQuery() {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery = cb.createQuery(Order.class);
Root root = criteriaQuery.from(Order.class);
root.fetch("items", JoinType.INNER);
CriteriaQuery d =;
criteriaQuery.where(cb.equal(root.get(""), "banana"));
return (Order)this.entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery).getSingleResult());
I get the error:
Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name [] on
You need to use a Join. Something around these lines:
Join< Order ,Item> joinItems = root.join("items");
criteriaQuery.where(cb.equal(joinItems.get(""), "banana"));
alternativly you can do something like:
criteriaQuery.where(cb.equal(root.get("items").get("name"), "banana"));

Build criteria query with joins and custom parameters

I need to build following query using JPA and criteria query but I stuck on join conditions. The query is:
FROM output cu
JOIN user ur ON = AND cu.key = ur.key
JOIN product p ON = AND cu.key = p.key
WHERE p.refreshtimestamp IS NOT NULL AND = true
So far I have following, but how to apply join conditions:
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Output> cq = cb.createQuery(Output.class);
Root<Output> output= cq.from(Output.class);
Join<Output, User> user = output.join("user", JoinType.INNER);
Join<User, Product> product = user.join("product", JoinType.INNER);
Any help will be appreciated
Following should help.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Product> criteria = builder.createQuery(Product.class);
Root<Output> outputRoot = criteria.from(Output.class);
Root<User> userRoot = criteria.from(User.class);
Root<Product> productRoot = criteria.from(Product.class);
Predicate[] predictes = {
builder.equal(outputRoot.get("id"), userRoot.get("key")),
builder.equal(productRoot.get("id"), userRoot.get("key")),
builder.notEqual(productRoot.get("refreshtimestamp"), null), // not sure about null
builder.equal(outputRoot.get("active"), true)
Although this would produce cross joins query, it will work because of where clause making it work like inner join as you require.

jpa criteria builder writing simple query

I want to select from database entities with certain price and with certain type but the result list is empty using criteria builder.I came to this code
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Object> criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
Root<Advert> from = criteriaQuery.from(Advert.class);
Predicate predicate1 ="price"), x1);
Predicate predicate2 = criteriaBuilder.le(from.get("price"), x2);
Predicate predicate4 ="type"), type);
criteriaQuery.where(criteriaBuilder.and(predicate1, predicate2, predicate4));
TypedQuery<Object> typedQuery = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
List<Object> resultList = typedQuery.getResultList();
But the it returns empty List.How to rewrite it correctly?

