windows xp 32-bit netbeans issues - java

I currently have a windows xp 32-bit with JDK 7 installed. I previously had installed netbeans IDE 7.1.3 Java SE kit, but deleted it so that I could download the full version. However, every time I have tried to download any version of the netbeans IDE, it says that either all the programs are already installed or that it just simply couldn't download the programs. I have searched around through my programs and found nothing netbeans-related, except in the add or remove programs, where it shows the netbeans IDE 7.3.1. I've tried several times to delete it, but it consistently fails. I'm fairly new to programming, so any help would be much appreciated.

NetBeans also installs to the AppData folder, on Windows XP it's located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\[[UserName]]\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans
And on Vista and later for others with this problem:
Replacing [[UserName]] with your current User profile name. This folder must be removed to completely reinstall NetBeans.


Using the correct JDK or changing default in Netbeans on Linux OS

Disclaimer: I am new to Java, new to Linux, and new to Netbeans - apologies for any over/under explanation - please ask and I will add/remove info.
I have a model written in Java in Netbeans 8.2 that has been successfully running in NetBeans 8.2 on Mac OS. This version of NetBeans was downloaded with JDK8u171 (JDK/Java package).
All components of the model have successfully transferred through FTP (filezilla) to a remote Linux machine.
The Linux machine has a copy of Netbeans 8.2 and has java/1.8.0-oracle (and 1.6.0 and 1.7.0), and has java/1.8.0-openjdk (similarly, 1.6.0 and 1.7.0 also).
I am assuming that 1.8.0-oracle is the equivalent of JDK8u171 but I may well be wrong.
When I load netbeans using
module load java/1.8.0-oracle
module load netbeans
The program opens (via remote desktop - x2goclient), and I can search for the project and open it.
Once open, I see:
'myprojectitle (broken)' in the project window on the left of the NetBeans GUI
right click -> resolve problems
...opens a screen saying
'The JDK is missing and is required to run some NetBeans modules Please use the --jdkhome command line option to specify a JDK installation or see for more information.'
Does this mean I am using the wrong jdk/java package?
Or is the jdk package configured incorrectly in Netbeans, if so how can I reconfigure?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The solution to this was found at
The JDK is missing and is required to run some NetBeans modules
Whereby, java/1.8.0_171 needed to be installed and then netbeans needed to be opened as follows:
netbeans --jdkhome /path/java/1.8.0_171
Apologies for a repeat, but hopefully this answer can either redirect or offer a solution

How do I stop NetBeans from "popping up "invalid jdkhome specified" window

I previously had JDK 9 installed. Because of the issue NetBeans has with JDK 9, I deleted JDK 9 from my computer and installed JDK 8.
Now, Netbeans doesn't have any issue anymore, except that it pops up this window whenever I open NetBeans. If I click yes on window, everything works fine. It just bothers me I have to click it every time I open NetBeans.
As the link in the OP comment points out, the cause of the problem is almost certainly an invalid value for netbeans_jdkhome in file netbeans.conf:
Make sure that the string value references a valid JDK8 installation. (File netbeans.conf resides in the etc directory directory directly under the NetBeans installation directory.)
However, there are also a couple of other configuration settings worth checking:
Select Tools > Java Platforms and verify that the Platform Folder is valid:
Select Tools > NetBeans Platforms and verify that the Platform Folder is valid:
As a related issue, although NetBeans 8.x does not support Java 9, you can download a beta version of Apache's NetBeans 9, which supports both Java 9 and Java 10, from the Apache NetBeans site. Note that:
Installing NetBeans 9 has no impact on your NetBeans 8.x installation.
You can safely run NetBeans 8.x and NetBeans 9 concurrently.
Try the following if you get an "access denied" error when updating netbeans.conf on Windows:
Close NetBeans, then open netbeans.conf in Notepad.
Make your changes and then save the file to any temporary location such as C:\temp.
In Windows File Explorer move that file you just created to the NetBeans 8.x target directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\NetBeans\etc) to overwrite the existing version of netbeans.conf.
Restart NetBeans.

NetBeans 8.2 create not project

I am sure it is simple problem, but I am new to Java and PHP, I want to learn Java, I bought a book, I have also a couple of books as PDF from internet, at the Beginning of the book there is always intructions, how you can install for example NetBeans to start programming. I have installed jdk 8 and NetBeans 8.2.
The problem is, when I start NetBeans, the Buttons for creating new Project not function and is not reacting on my click. I have installed all plugins. I have searched the internet. I have found, that I should click create new Project, I will get a dialogue, then I should choose the desired project. But it shows nothing when I click that button, it simply does not react. Please help me.
It might have been caused by JDK 9. You could have changed the JDK 9 to previous version and it would have worked.
For that you would have to go to:
\NetBeans 8.2\etc
Then you can edit: netbeans.conf . Just change the directory for JDK from 9 to previous version if it is installed. (or install JDK 8 and then do the same process)
I have uninstalled the NetBeans 8.2, which I downloaded it alone from NetBeans website, after that I have downloaded it as a complete package together with Java SDK from Java website, now it functions wonderful
Netbeans 8.2 is bundled with Oracle JDK 8. Just download the installer for your platform and install it. I have tested the installer with Windows 10 and it works like a charm.

Eclipse isn't starting

So I downloaded Eclipse Kepler for a beginner's course in java programming. After completing a few activities, I took a break for about a month. None of these programs are really important, so if I need to delete them, that's fine. When I went to open eclipse for an activity about a week ago, I double clicked it and nothing happened. Occasionally, if I moved Eclipse to another folder or something, it would give me a warning message about how it couldn't locate its partner in a shared library. So then I googled my problem and found a solution about deleting something in the workspace/.metadeta/.plugins but I couldn't find that directory. I'm assuming that "workspace" is supposed to be a folder in the C:\eclipse, which is where I installed eclipse, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I found a folder just called "plugins", but deleting that didn't help at all. Finally, I uninstalled and reinstalled it to no avail, then I installed Eclipse Luna I think it's called (whatever is the most recent eclipse to download on the eclipse website) and it wouldn't open either, but when I double clicked it, it sent me this pop-up.
(I would put the picture here, but apparently I need "10 reputation")
Not sure what that means.
But it did seem to be some sort of log and it said "Java was started but returned exit code 13" and then had a whole lot of text after that.
Can't open Eclipse Kepler or the newer Eclipse. I also can't find the workspace/.metadata/.plugins directory thingy that supposedly solves this problem
Any ideas on how to get Eclipse working again?
Open the eclipse.ini file and add, (make sure it is before -vmargs):
[path to x64 verstion of jdk]
For example:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
Depends on your Java version, make changes to jre7. Also the reason is because you installed x64 version Eclipse, so you need to download x64 version JDK.

Error Could Not Find or Load Main Class

Using NetBeans IDE 7.3.1, I modified a desktop application under Windows 7, using JDK 1.7. Performed clean and build, and tested this application under Windows 7, Windows XP, and on a MAC. All test scenarios run under each operating system performed as expected.
This app is ported to outside vendors, and all vendors, except for one, have loaded and executed the app without any issues.
The one vendor encountering problems, and running under Windows XP, returns an error message - "Could Not find or load main class". After doing a little research, this error usually indicates the JDK is different. They downloaded and installed JDK 1.7, but the same error message appears. I had them go to, making sure that java was working on the workstation and verifying the java version (1.7). They reinstalled JDK 1.7 and still receive the same error.
I have duplicated the error by removing JDK 1.7, loading JDK 1.6 and running the app. Receive error ("Could Not find main class"). A little different than what they receive, but basically the same problem. Removed JDK 1.6, loaded JDK 1.7 and problem disappears.
I'm at my wits end! I am going to make an appt. to access their workstation. But before I do, I would like to put a plan in place to try different scenarios to fix the problem. I don't know how to proceed, since I've run out of options. I'm hoping for any suggestions.
Problem solved. Sent application via outlook, modifying executable file from .jar to .txt b4 sending application. I didn't think about looking in compressed LIB directory. Four files were .jar files.
These files were quarantined. Renaming these files to .txt b4 compressing app would have eliminated the problem. Resent the zip, vendor extracted and renamed all .txt files to .jar. All is well.
Appreciate everyone's input.
I believe they still have a JDK 1.6 on their machine and use this, for some reason, to try to execute the application. I've seen this various times at customer workstations.
Very often, people are not aware of what they have installed. Tell them to remove all JDKs and JREs from their workstation, by way of uninstallers and looking into the program folder and deleting stuff manually. Tell them how to do it. Do this with them during a phone call.
Then have them reinstall JDK 1.7. I'm almost sure it will work afterwards.
Alternatively, you can compile the application for older JDKs. You can also do this using JDK 1.7 by setting the target version for the classfiles.
Make sure that their JAVA_HOME path is pointed towards the JDK 1.7 install. I have had similar issues where I had multiple JDKs installed, needed to use the latest, but the computer was pointing to an older version.
To find what version the java_home is type java -version in the cmd.
How to find java_home: How do I find where JDK is installed on my windows machine?

