Jersey with Jetty hard time - java

I can't run up my RESTful service with embedded Jetty 7 and Jersey. When I call my simple hello test I get: com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException: A message
body writer for Java class java.lang.String, and Java type class java.lang.String,
and MIME media type text/plain was not found
I saw errors similar posted here on SO, but it was for custom classes, and mine is for just String. Any hints? My init server code:
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler(ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS);
ServletContainer container = new ServletContainer();
ServletHolder h = new ServletHolder(container);
h.setInitParameter("", "api");
context.addServlet(h, "/res/*");
And dependances:
Do you have any hints?

Exchange jersey-server to :


What is the difference between UndertowJaxrsServer.deploy and UndertowJaxrsServer.deployOldStyle?

I'm trying to produce a bootable jar with Undertow + Resteasy + Jackson2 with those dependencies in my pom.xml:
when I use 3.* versions of resteasy, I can start the WebServer this way:
public static UndertowJaxrsServer startServer() {
server = new UndertowJaxrsServer()
.deploy(MyOwnApplication.class) // replace this with .deployOldStyle(MyOwnApplication.class) for versions grater than 4.0 of resteasy
.addHttpListener(Integer.parseInt(SERVER_PORT), SERVER_HOST)
return server;
but, after upgrading resteasy from v3.0.9.Final to v4.6.0.Final, this service does not work (always produces errors 405 - method not allowed, on every POST request).
The solution I found was to replace the deploy method with deployOldStyle (present only in versions grater than 4 of reasteasy), but it seems to be undocumented.
Can anybody explain me how the deploy method has changed and why?
Should I adapt some other part of my code and continue using the deploy method?

Helidon MP OpenAPI aren't generating a updated openapi endpoint response

I'm currently building a microservice-based on Helidon Microprofile following guides and tutorials from Oracle themselves, but I've run into a problem related to the 'Automatic OpenAPI specification generator' when using Annotations.
My POM consists of an MP bundle and integrations to make it work with Hibernate-provided JPA.
Even after setting up all the annotations on my Resource, it doesn't generate an updated specification.
I'm only using Annotations specified in the guides and #OpenAPIDefinition for defining things like Title and Licence.
info = #Info(
title = "Newsletter Microservice",
version = "1.0", description = "Microservice in charge of handling newsletter",
license = #License(name = "Apache 2.0", url = ""),
contact = #Contact(name = "Email", url = "mailto:email")
tags = {
#Tag(name = "public"), #Tag(name = "private")
public class NewsletterClientResource {
Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Sharing is only supported for boot loader classes because bootstrap classpath has been appended
2019.12.02 20:01:19 INFO org.jboss.weld.Version Thread[main,5,main]: WELD-000900: 3.1.1 (Final)
2019.12.02 20:01:20 INFO org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap Thread[main,5,main]: WELD-ENV-000020: Using jandex for bean discovery
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jboss.weld.util.bytecode.ClassFileUtils$1 (file:/C:/Users/Brenno%20Fagundes/.m2/repository/org/jboss/weld/weld-core-impl/3.1.1.Final/weld-core-impl-3.1.1.Final.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.jboss.weld.util.bytecode.ClassFileUtils$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
2019.12.02 20:01:21 INFO org.jboss.weld.Event Thread[main,5,main]: WELD-000411: Observer method [BackedAnnotatedMethod] public org.glassfish.jersey.ext.cdi1x.internal.ProcessAllAnnotatedTypes.processAnnotatedType(#Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<?>, BeanManager) receives events for all annotated types. Consider restricting events using #WithAnnotations or a generic type with bounds.
2019.12.02 20:01:21 INFO org.jboss.weld.Event Thread[main,5,main]: WELD-000411: Observer method [BackedAnnotatedMethod] private io.helidon.microprofile.openapi.IndexBuilder.processAnnotatedType(#Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<X>) receives events for all annotated types. Consider restricting events using #WithAnnotations or a generic type with bounds.
2019.12.02 20:01:22 INFO org.jboss.weld.Bootstrap Thread[main,5,main]: WELD-ENV-002003: Weld SE container 404f642b-892f-4676-960e-8df848aee3a3 initialized
2019.12.02 20:01:22 INFO Thread[main,5,main]: Security extension for microprofile is enabled, yet security configuration is missing from config (requires providers configuration at key security.providers). Security will not have any valid provider.
2019.12.02 20:01:22 INFO io.smallrye.openapi.api.OpenApiDocument Thread[main,5,main]: OpenAPI document initialized: io.smallrye.openapi.api.models.OpenAPIImpl#7793ad58
2019.12.02 20:01:23 INFO io.helidon.webserver.NettyWebServer Thread[main,5,main]: Version: 1.4.0
2019.12.02 20:01:24 INFO io.helidon.webserver.NettyWebServer Thread[nioEventLoopGroup-2-1,10,main]: Channel '#default' started: [id: 0x4e1f119b, L:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:7200]
2019.12.02 20:01:24 INFO io.helidon.microprofile.server.ServerImpl Thread[nioEventLoopGroup-2-1,10,main]: Server initialized on http://localhost:7200 (and all other host addresses) in 5254 milliseconds.
BUMP, also, the generation works using custom filters and models, a static definition in META-INF also works. Currently using JDK 13.
EDIT: this is my Application class after Tim Quinn's suggested modifications.
info = #Info(
title = "Newsletter Microservice",
version = "1.0", description = "Microservice in charge of handling newsletter",
license = #License(name = "Apache 2.0", url = ""),
contact = #Contact(name = "Email", url = "")
tags = {
#Tag(name = "public"), #Tag(name = "private")
public class NewsletterApplication extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses(){
HashSet<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return classes;
openapi: 3.0.1
title: Generated API
version: "1.0"
paths: {}
You didn't show your updated source code, but I'm assuming you added the #OpenAPIDefinition annotation to the quickstart GreetResource class, is that right?
That annotation's attributes describe the whole application, not a subset of its resources, so try moving the annotation to the GreetApplication class instead:
#OpenAPIDefinition(info = #Info(title = "QuickStart API", version = "1.1"))
public class GreetApplication extends Application {...}
That should work. I just tried this on the generated Helidon MP quickstart example source, rebuilt, and the server returned the expected results.
Here is the diff for the change I made:
diff --git a/examples/quickstarts/helidon-quickstart-mp/src/main/java/io/helidon/examples/quickstart/mp/ b/examples/quickstarts/helidon-quickstart-mp/src/main/java/io/helidon/examples/quickstart/mp/
index fd140738..cca60da2 100644
--- a/examples/quickstarts/helidon-quickstart-mp/src/main/java/io/helidon/examples/quickstart/mp/
+++ b/examples/quickstarts/helidon-quickstart-mp/src/main/java/io/helidon/examples/quickstart/mp/
## -23,12 +23,15 ## import;
import io.helidon.common.CollectionsHelper;
+import org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.OpenAPIDefinition;
* Simple Application that produces a greeting message.
+#OpenAPIDefinition(info = #Info(title = "QuickStart API", version = "1.1"))
public class GreetApplication extends Application {
And here is the beginning of the updated OpenAPI document returned from the server:
openapi: 3.0.1
title: QuickStart API
version: "1.1"
The title and version have changed, as expected.
Case 1 : You are using jandex and your /openapi is not getting updated.
If you are using jandex, there is a high chance that your jandex.idx is not getting updated. You can do this by running mvn process-classes
Case 2 : You are not using jandex and when you hit /openapi you get somewhat blank response.
This seems to be an issue with Helidon. The dependencies helidon-integrations-cdi-jpa, helidon-integrations-cdi-jta, helidon-integrations-cdi-eclipselink etc... contains jandex.idx and Helidon now thinks that jandex is enabled and it
will read only from those jandex files, skipping your resources. So for the time-being, you can include jandex plugin to solve the issue.

SOAP over Websocket with Appache CXF and Embedded Jetty

I have been trying to set a a SOAP endpoint with Websocket as transport protocol via CXF and implement invoke it via CXF. With Embeded jetty. I have tried a couple of approaches non of the aproaches worked unfortunatly. Here is what I did:
Aproach 1. According to CXF documentation websocket is supported as transport protocol and its support is given via
I have setup the following dependencies:
The code I executo is the following:
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(new MyHelloWorldServicePortType() {
public String sayHello(HelloMessage message) throws FaultMessage {
return message.sayHello();
endpoint.publish("ws://localhost:8088/MyHelloWorldService" );
URL wsdlDocumentLocation = new URL("file:/path to wsdl file");
String servicePart = "MyHelloWorldService";
String namespaceURI = "mynamespaceuri";
QName serviceQN = new QName(namespaceURI, servicePart);
Service service = Service.create(wsdlDocumentLocation, serviceQN);
MyHelloWorldServicePortType port = service.getPort( MyHelloWorldServicePortType.class);
portType.sayHello(new HelloMessage("Say Hello"));
The result of this code is:
SEVERE: [ws] onError java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request
timeout to not-connected after 60000 ms at
at java.base/
jun. 12, 2019 1:13:33 P.M.
connect SEVERE: unable to connect
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request timeout to
not-connected after 60000 ms at
I have absolutly no idea why. When I try to connect via websocket chrome client on the URL. It says success. At the same time when connecting via the client it says Timeout.
Aproach 2.
I decided to cheat CXF and provide a handmade Websocket endpoint that will be used as a front to the CXF webservice. The idea is that the Client will send a message via websocket the message will be unwrapped and then sent over CXF. This aproach is very similar to the aproach here but here it uses JMS as transport
In oprder to do this I created the following Websocket enpoint:
public class JaxWSFrontEnd {
public void onOpen(final Session session) {
public void onMessage(String mySoapMessage,final Session session) throws Exception{
// The goal here is to get the soap message and redirect it via SOAP web //service. The JaxWSFacade acts as a point that understands websocket and then //gets the soap content and sends it to enpoint that understands SOAP.
session.getBasicRemote().sendText("Helllo . Now you see me.");
System.out.println("Hellooo again");
public void onClose(Session session, CloseReason closeReason) {
public void onError(Throwable t, Session session) {
Now I pointed my Client proxy to the jaxWsFrontEnd instead of the webservice endpoint. My expectation is that I will recieve the SOAP message in the onMessage method and then I will be able to forwards to SOAP to the CXF web service.
Now my code looks like this:
server = new Server(8088);
ServletContextHandler context = new ServletContextHandler();
context.setContextPath( "/" );
ServerContainer container = WebSocketServerContainerInitializer.configureContext(context);
server.setHandler( context );
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(new MyHelloWorldServicePortType() {
public String sayHello(HelloMessage message) throws FaultMessage {
return message.sayHello();
URL wsdlDocumentLocation = new URL("file:/path to wsdl file");
String servicePart = "MyHelloWorldService";
String namespaceURI = "mynamespaceuri";
QName serviceQN = new QName(namespaceURI, servicePart);
Service service = Service.create(wsdlDocumentLocation, serviceQN);
MyHelloWorldServicePortType port = service.getPort( MyHelloWorldServicePortType.class);
portType.sayHello(new HelloMessage("Say Hello"));
For the second aproach I had in addition to the aproach 1 the following dependencies:
Result from aproach 2 is absolutly the same as Aproach 1 the exceptions I recieve are the same, with one minor difference. When I use the the Chrome websocket client and point it directly the the jaxWsFrontend I am able to successfuly send a message. Why I am not able to connect to websocket wia the CXF websocket transport mechanisms ???? What am I doing wrong ?
UPDATE: enabling the loging from NETTY. It apears that netty has thrown java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;
Maybe I have a version compatability issue with netty. The version I can see is imported in the project is 4.1.33. It is a transitive dependency I don|t have it declared.
Ok I actualy managed to crack it alone. I will post the answer for completion. Apparantly CXF guys should update their documentation IMO. On their website it is stated that in order to enable Websocket as transport protocol we need
cxf-rt-transports-websocket dependency.
What they do not say is that you in addition need async-http-client not any version but 2.0.39 a prettey old one. The problem is that it automaticaly includes transitive dependencies to netty 4.1 and the error specified above begins to manifest. What you actualy need is nett 4.0.56
Here is the fragment that made the things work for me:
Aproach 1 is working
Aproach 2 I managed to trigger the onConnect event, the onMessage timedout, but in my opinion it should work I am missing something small. Anyway I don|t have more time to spent and I am happy with Aproach 1.

RestEasy Client Exception - Cannot serialize object to JSON

Edit: I saw the "duplicate" question but I do not have a dependency problem. I think it has something to do with not running in a container or using the MVN shade plugin to generate a "fat" jar.
I have this code calling a service - I know the service works b/c I can call via CURL. The issue is that the ResteasyClient is not recognizing the jackson-mapper serializer (I think):
ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build();
String endpoint = ClientUtil.getEndpoint();
ResteasyWebTarget target =;
IService simple = target.proxy(IService.class);
IAlertFact alertFact = ClientUtil.propertiesToAlertFact(alertProperties);
Response response = simple.processAlert(alertFact);
Here are the maven deps:
I thought having the resteasy-jackson-provider on the classpath would do the trick, but I keep getting this exception:
Caused by: could not find writer for content-type application/json type: com.myproject.AlertFact
at org.jboss.resteasy.core.interception.ClientWriterInterceptorContext.throwWriterNotFoundException(
Is there something I have to do to the ResteasyClientBuilder to make it use Jackson, or what?

Error casting context.lookup(...) returned object to ejb3 remote object interface

I have an EJB stateless running under a JBoss server and a client under another JBoss server.
In the client side, I am using the following code:
final Properties initialContextProperties = new Properties();
initialContextProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory");
initialContextProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "remote://");
initialContextProperties.setProperty(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
initialContextProperties.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", true);
final InitialContext contexte = new InitialContext(initialContextProperties);
Object remoteObj = contexte.lookup("ejb:my-web-app/MyEjbRemoteImpl!my.ejb.remote.MyEjbRemoteInterface");
MyEjbRemoteInterface myEjb = (my.ejb.remote.MyEjbRemoteInterface) remoteObj;
While running this code, I have this exception:
org.jboss.ejb.client.naming.ejb.EjbNamingContext cannot be cast to my.ejb.remote.MyEjbRemoteInterface
These dependencies are in the classpath of the client side:
Have you any idea?
Thanks for your help
The problem was in the lookup method string parameter. It must be like: ejb:/my-web-app//MyEjbRemoteImpl!my.ejb.remote.MyEjbRemoteInterface. Generally like ejb:AppName/EjbModuleName/DistinctName/EjbRemoteBeanImpName!ejb.remote.interface.Name
And all required dependencies:

