How to import MenuDrawer from SimonVT in Android Studio - java

I have been searching a lot for like 4 hours how do use this, and had to reset my project as i messed up with the dependencies. Could anyone please explain how do i simply import and solve all the dependencies as i had it once set up but there were errors, i needed to change some lines in gradle file, i also tried to import pom from gradle and resolve all dependencies but it failed in the end.
i would be very thankful to anyone who would post a noob friendly [how-to] use simonvt library in android studio, i bet it would be helpful to others too.
There may be a problem with my java or android studio, thats why i would like to check a way that works for sure, so that if it fails, i have some software problems.
So i set up Android studio and updated all android packages, and checked everything. I found this tutorial on how to use another menu drawer library in android studio:
but i couldn't get it done as i always get dependency errors.
I am sure it would help me and a lot of other people if someone would post a step by step tutorial on how to import any of these 2 libraries.

It's as simple as adding a single line to your build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'net.simonvt.menudrawer:menudrawer:3.0.+#aar'
// all the other dependencies
You might want to copy some styles and drawables from the sample app. Or create your own drawer style.

If all you need is a menu drawer that opens and closes, you dont need all the configurations, and other stuff that come with the library, I would go with Android's DrawerLayout. Its easy to use and you don't have all the headaches and resource overhead that comes with setting up a library project to use in your project.

I have done the following in my code
added following line to build.gradle file
dependencies {
compile 'net.simonvt.menudrawer:menudrawer:3.0.+#aar'
public MenuDrawer menuDrawer;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
menuDrawer = MenuDrawer.attach(this, MenuDrawer.Type.OVERLAY, Position.LEFT, MenuDrawer.MENU_DRAG_CONTENT);
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
View convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_menu_drawer, null);


How do I begin to use this Java library?

Teaching myself Java, still very new. Last night I learned how to import this library into my project in Android Studio. But now I'm confused as to how to actually start using it.
I know that Java works with classes and that supposedly a library is just a collection of classes (and probably others things too...) that you can begin using once you import it. But the author of this library told me to just use this:
BackgroundMail bm = new BackgroundMail(context);
But when I try to put that into another one of my classes, I get red errors all over the place. So then I tried to create a Java class within my app's files and I still got red errors. Could someone kindly help me, a total beginner, get started here? I'd like to use this library to send an email in the background of my app.
To import the library:
I followed this answer: and used Approach 2.
MainActivity.Java: this is where I put the import code.
package moviehelper.moviesfree;
import android.os.Bundle;
import com.creativityapps.gmailbackgroundlibrary.BackgroundMail;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
For now, I have not added the block of code that the author told me to use (see above).
The Gradle Console error:
I get the following error when doing Build -> Make Project:
error: package com.creativityapps.gmailbackgroundlibrary does not exist
import com.creativityapps.gmailbackgroundlibrary.BackgroundMail;
My project tree: I think there might be some problem with this structure. It looks like the library was added as its own project? Although I'm not sure.
If you don't want to use the JitPack approach as documented in the instructions, then look at the settings.gradle file in the Github example.
It includes both modules (app and the library).
Then, once that is setup, you can compile project(:libraryName) in the app/build.gradle file's dependencies section. Again, see the Github sample for the syntax.
With those two steps (plus one to download the library), it should be importable within the app code.
Assuming you followed along with the other steps on the readme, at the top of your code you need to tell the source file to import the classes:
import com.creativityapps.gmailbackgroundlibrary.BackgroundMail;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
[your code]
I would also recommend looking through the sample code included in the github project
You are doing some wrong steps friend. You can follow this
Find your gradle file with name buid.gradle (Project: [ YOUR_PROJECT_NAME ] )
Then find and add this line
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
You are done 50% now. Now press SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+S and wait for a window.
On the Window, select DEPENDENCY TAB on top.
Click on + BUTTON at top right. Click on Library Dependency.
Now paste com.github.yesidlazaro:GmailBackground:1.2.0 there.
Click on OK and exit the window. Gradle recompiles.
Now simply put your code, If RED syntax error showing, Click at the code where error is showing and when a BLUE pop comes, Press ALT+ENTER.
Everything done..!

Android Studio 2.1 Cannot resolve symbol 'R'

Android Studio 2.1,
Java V8 Update 91, Gradle 2.1.0 .
I know that this questions has been asked many times here, but none of the recommendation solutions works out.
In a sudden after compiling ready to run on Emulator, my IDE give an error at the attribute. Every Java files suddenly give the same error even I don't make any changes to the file.
I tried to make a new project, see if things different but the error keep coming. In my mind it could be internal error, again. Even I just update my IDE just now.
The Java file;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
list_View = (ListView) findViewById(;
String[] Days = new String[] { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, dayList);
NfcAdapter nfc = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
if (nfc.isEnabled()) {
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, dayList);
Toast.makeText(this, "NFC turned ON", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
else {
Toast.makeText(this, "Please turn On NFC", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
The R is the error.
XML file that associate to the Java;
Is this, again, an internal error?
Try syncing the project, go to Tools > Android > Sync Project with Gradle Files
If you're using Android Studio 3.3, use the Sync Project with Gradle Files icon
I have just gone through this nightmare. Ended up removing all xml code to notepad until it was fixed. Then reintroduced sections of code until problem appeared.
Thinking back, it all started when I pasted some code using WordPad. Apparently WordPad contains a different coding or something so bet to avoid.
Anyway just check your white space in xml by deleting it all to rid yourself of any hidden characters.
Try performing a clean and rebuild by going to Build > Clean Project and Build > Make Project
Sometimes the class is not created when there is some error into an xml file (like activity_main.xml). For example, if you change some attribute name that has a reserved word that cannot be changed.
Like this: if you changed the attribute called: id to another name like
id_A_Word_With_Error_Here in this code that can be part of the activity_main.xml, your error (R class not created) can occur.
and there is an error like:
If clean, rebuild did not work and there is no error with import like import com.something... , my suggestion is to search an error into xml files.
I've seen this problem many times. The right solution is:
When you type R, the Android Studio will give you many different namespaces for R to choose from, that look like R(***.***.***), but what you really need is the namespace that ends with ***.myProject. (Note: myProject is your project name), e.g: R(com.example.milka.demoProject).
If you choose any other namespace, you will get the error message, so you have to delete the unneeded import, and re-choose your R
I try to change the Gradle version from 2.1.0 to 2.0.0, even in AS ver 2.1, ignoring the Instant Run performance and its work out. The little R error is now gone. Now, I tried to change back to 2.1.0, the R error also gone..!!
Sometime this little thing drive me crazy, a bit.
Shame on me.
Maybe the error may cause for the tools, trying install Android SDK Build Tools from Tools > Android > SDK Manager.
or maybe this error can be caused by adding an activity to a namespace that is different to the root, you can trying >>Import com.example.MyApplication.R;
or your also can clean o rebuild your project in Build > Clean Project or Build > Rebuild Project
If you are using google play services and your compilesdk version is lower than 23 then download the new sdk and update your compile version. After that try cleaning and rebuilding. It will be fixed
Have you tried Rebuild Project go to
Build> Rebuild Project
and perform it without doing the Clean project
I had the same problem & it worked for me

Android: Implementing SlidingMenu and ABS

I am trying to implement the SlidingMenu from together with and I came across a problem that I could not fix myself that's why I turned to the issues page on SlidingMenu's GitHub. But 2 days and I got no reply so I am gonna ask it here.
Basically on the example project provided by jfeinstein10, I copied the file and I've named it on my project. I've made a couple of changes but those should not be an issue.
I also copied the menu.xml from the layout directory but changed its name attribute to the previous file including the package.
Project builds properly and no errors are encountered. Time to run the project.
Now on my project's main activity, when I call the setMenu(; statement during runtime, it gives me an error which tells me something about ClassCastException (cannot cast com.dokgu.dota2stats.MenuListFragment to
I've tried a couple of things like change the to extend the instead of ListFragment but it didn't solve the problem and more issues came up because of that.
So please, can anyone help me with this please? I really want to make this work.
You can find the issue here as well:
Actionbarsherlork supports the lower lever version since android 2.x while the slidingmenu needs android 3.0+.Maybe you can add the android-support-v4.jar ,with some fragment and activity in slidingmenu project extending to.

NoClassDefFoundError Android with ActionBarActivity

I currently have an ActionBarActivity which always returns a NoClassDefFoundError. I've read that it might be a problem with the ADT but I cannot be sure, hence my question. I've imported the ActionBar sample from the Android samples under
I've labelled the ActionBarCompat project as a library under Project -> Properties but I'm still getting the error.
To reiterator:
public class SearchActivity extends ActionBarActivity { // Doesn't work, yields exception
public class SearchActivity extends Activity { // Works perfectly
Has anyone else experienced a similar error and perhaps found a solution?
Thanks in advance.
The "Adding libraries with resources" section may help
since this is not in the most common v4 support library
include only android-support-v4.jar is not enough
Ended up using ActionBarSherlock instead and added a project reference under Project Properties as well as in the Build Path. Seems to have fixed all errors relating to my question.
Just this morning, Google released Android 4.3. They also updated its support library that allows ActionBar to be implemented on lower versions. Just have to extend ActionBarActivity. See guidelines here and tutorial here.
I've got the same problem. I solved it getting the android-support-v7-appcompat.jar library.
See here how to install it.
I recommend focus on "Adding libraries without resources" instead "Adding libraries with resources" for the sake of simplicity.
When you do it, don't forget to import the this library into your Activity Java source. You can do it declaring import;
I solved this problem like so, when you add the library make sure it does not have the android-support-v4 along with it (in libs folder of the library un-check android dependencies and android-support-v4), that's in the case where your project already have the android-support-v4, that's why you can't find class ActionBarActivity
This Link
may help you.
This library is located in the /extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/ directory.
Include in eclipse and add as library. This will solve your problem.

android.os.Bundle cannot be resolved in libgdx Android project

I've just started using Libgdx to practice making games and I used the project creation .jar provided on the site to create the initial projects. However an error shows up in the Android project which says:
android.os.Bundle cannot be resolved.
I am using Eclipse for Java IDE. If I put the cursor over AndroidApplication which is underlined in red, it suggests that I configure the build path. I believe I have the Android SDK installed, because it worked a while back on a different workspace on a simple example project. Does anyone know what I might have done wrong in this new workspace? How can I configure the build path for the AndroidApplication class?
BTW, I believe I'm using Java 1.6 as that's what JAVA_HOME points to, although I've also got Java 1.7 installed. That might not be relevant though...
package com.example.drop;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class MainActivity extends AndroidApplication {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AndroidApplicationConfiguration cfg = new AndroidApplicationConfiguration();
cfg.useGL20 = false;
cfg.useAccelerometer = false;
cfg.useCompass = false;
initialize(new Drop(), cfg);
The error you are seeing is related to the Android SDK configuration, and is not specific to libGDX. The compiler does not know which Android libraries to compile against.
Use the LibGDX tutorials to setup your projects correctly. (See
The first step in there does the Android-specific setup.)
If you do not want to create a new project but fix an existing project, the following steps should configure a project to build against Android:
right-click on the project in the Eclipse Package Explorer
select Properties and pick the Android section
Make sure exactly one of the "Project Build Targets" is selected.
That should add the required Android libraries to the build path as a side-effect.
Please, also check to have ADT installed on Eclipse.

