Is it possible to parcel a generic class? - java

I'm trying to create public class MyClass<T extends Parcelable> implements Parcelable. I'm having trouble implementing Parcelable. Is it possible to create a generic class that implements Parcelable? (Note that T is bounded so that it also must implement Parcelable).
I am running into trouble with the fact that the Parcelable interface requires a static variable: public static final Parcelable.Creator<MyParcelable> CREATOR. Thus I cannot do public static final Parcelable.Creator<MyClass<T>> CREATOR because MyParcelable<T> is nonstatic.

I had similar issues with implementing Parcelable on a class with a generic, the first issue was the same as what you were experiencing:
Thus I cannot do public static final Parcelable.Creator> CREATOR because MyParcelable is nonstatic.
The second was to read in a Parcelable object you need access to the ClassLoader which cannot be gotten from T due to type erasure.
The class below is an adaption of a class I am using in production which overcomes both issues. Note: I have not tested this class specifically, so let me know if you have any issues.
public class TestModel<T extends Parcelable> implements Parcelable {
private List<T> items;
private String someField;
public List<T> items() {
return items;
public void setItems(List<T> newValue) {
items = newValue;
public String someField() {
return someField;
public void setSomeField(String newValue) {
someField = newValue;
//region: Parcelable implementation
public TestModel(Parcel in) {
someField = in.readString();
int size = in.readInt();
if (size == 0) {
items = null;
else {
Class<?> type = (Class<?>) in.readSerializable();
items = new ArrayList<>(size);
in.readList(items, type.getClassLoader());
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
if (items == null || items.size() == 0)
else {
final Class<?> objectsType = items.get(0).getClass();
public static final Parcelable.Creator<TestModel> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<TestModel>() {
public TestModel createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new TestModel(in);
public TestModel[] newArray(int size) {
return new TestModel[size];

Write the generic data member class name to the parcel and then read it back in order to create its class loader. Example,
public class MyClass<T> implements Parcelable {
T data;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable((Parcelable) data, 0);
private MyClass(Parcel in) {
final String className = in.readString();
try {
data = in.readParcelable(Class.forName(className).getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.e("readParcelable", className, e);

Yes you can. You just need to store the class name or class loader during the construction of your subclass object and then you can pass it during the read/write operation of the parcelable.
Step by step instructions:
Step 1. Store the class name that extends from your Generic class like this:
public abstract class GenericClass<T> implements Parcelable {
private String className;
Step 2. Any classes that extends from your generic class must specify the class name during its construction like this:
public class MyClass extends GenericClass<MyClass> {
public MyClass () {
setClassName(MyClass.class.getName()); // Generic class setter method
Step 3. In your generic class, you can then read/write your class names to getClassLoader() like this:
public abstract class GenericClass<T> implements Parcelable {
private String className;
T myGenericObject;
protected MyClass (Parcel in) {
this.className = in.readString();
ClassLoader classLoader;
try {
classLoader = Class.forName(this.className).getClassLoader();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
myGenericObject = in.readParcelable(classLoader);
//... Other class members can go here
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
super.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
//... Other class members can go here

Based on answers above, have created extension functions for this.
fun <T : Parcelable> Parcel.writeGenericParcelable(data: T, flags: Int) {
writeParcelable(data, flags)
fun <T : Parcelable> Parcel.readGenericParcelable(): T {
val className = readString()!!
val classNameLoader = Class.forName(className).classLoader
return readParcelable(classNameLoader)!!


Java generics - iterating through list of uninstantiated classes extending from same parent and call parent method

I have a list of classes with extend a base class
public class Entity{
abstract String getTitle();
The child classes are
public class ChildEntityOne extends Entity{
public static final String TITLE= "ABCD";
public String getTitle() {
return TITLE;;
public class ChildEntityTwo extends Entity{
public static final String TITLE= "EFGH";
public String getTitle() {
return TITLE;;
public class ChildEntityThree extends Entity{
public static final String TITLE= "WXYZ";
public String getTitle() {
return TITLE;;
now i'm trying to pass a list of valid classes to a function
which creates an instance from one of the classes from list and returns it
List<?ClassesToChooseFrom?> list = new ArrayList()<>;
Entity result = getInstantiatedClass(list,getKey(),getjsonData())
if(result instanceof ChildEntityOne){
//do something
}else if(result instanceof ChildEntityTwo){
//do somwthing
public ?InstantiatedClassObject? getInstantiatedClass(List<?ClassesToChooseFrom?> list,String key,String jsonData){
foreach(?Class? itemclass : list){
return new GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(jsonData, itemClass);}
return null;
Ive tried
List<Class<? extends Entity>> classes = new ArrayList<>();
but unable to go further..
You got the beginning right: a list of subclasses of Entity is:
List<Class<? extends Entity>> list = new ArrayList<>();
Then you just need to make getInstantiatedClass use the same types you pass to it:
public Entity getInstantiatedClass(List<Class<? extends Entity>> list, String key, String jsonData) {
for (Class<? extends Entity> itemclass : list) {
if (getTitle(itemClass).equals(key)) {
You could make that generic, if you don't want to/need to do anything special for the Entity class.
public <T> T getInstantiatedClass(List<Class<? extends T>> list, String key, String jsonData) {
for (Class<? extends T> itemclass : list) {
To extract the value of the static TITLE field from a child entity class you can use:
private String getTitle(Class<?> itemclass) {
try {
return (String) itemclass.getField("TITLE").get(null);
} catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
return "N/A";

Parcelable.CREATOR on abstract class

I'm trying to pass an ArrayList of unknown class type that extend an abstract class, to another activity using Parcelable. Since its not possible to use Parcelable.CREATOR on the abstract class, there is an error when I try to create the ArrayList: in.readTypedList(AbstractChannel.CREATOR), see below:
public class TvNetwork implements Parcelable {
public String name;
public ArrayList<? extends AbstractChannel> mChannels;
public TvNetwork(String name, ArrayList<? extends AbstractChannel> channels) { = name;
this.mChannels = channels;
protected TvNetwork(Parcel in) {
name = in.readString();
mChannels = in.readTypedList(AbstractChannel.CREATOR); // here is the error
public static final Creator<TvNetwork> CREATOR = new Creator<TvNetwork>() {
public TvNetwork createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new TvNetwork(in);
public TvNetwork[] newArray(int size) {
return new TvNetwork[size];
public ArrayList<? extends AbstractChannel> getChannels() {
return mChannels;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
Writing seems to work but not reading. This obviously does not work either, but explains a bit more what I want to do:
in.readTypedList(mChannels, <? extends AbstractChannel>.class.getClassLoader());
Any ideas?

Abstract class constructor param vs. abstract method for final data

What are the pros/cons of using the abstract class constructor vs. an abstract method for passing final data to an abstract class?
Pass via constructor:
public abstract class MyAbstractClass<T> {
private final String type;
private final Function<String, T> factoryFn;
protected MyAbstractClass(String type, Function<String, T> factoryFn) {
this.type = type;
this.factoryFn = factoryFn;
public T doSomething(String value) { ... }
Pass via abstract method:
public abstract class MyAbstractClass<T> {
abstract String getType();
abstract T getFactoryFn(String value);
public T doSomething(String value) { ... }
I'm aware that the abstract methods can potentially be misused, because it doesn't enforce to always return the same value.
But apart from that, is it just a matter of personal preference, or are there any real (dis)advantages for using one over the other?
I hope I am understanding your question correctly..
Usually, when a property of a class is always held in a field, it is more concise to use an abstract constructor. For example, consider the two following scenarios....
// Scenario 1:
abstract class AClass {
final int field;
public AClass(int f) {
field = f;
public int getField() {
return field;
class Class1 extends AClass {
public Class1(int f) {
// Class Unique Code...
class Class2 extends AClass {
public Class2(int f) {
// Class Unique Code...
// Scenario 2:
abstract class AClass {
public abstract int getField();
class Class1 extends AClass {
final int field;
public Class1(int f) {
field = f;
public int getField() {
return field;
// Class Unique Code...
class Class2 extends AClass {
final int field;
public Class2(int f) {
field = f;
public int getField() {
return field;
// Class Unique Code...
Scenario 1 is shorter since the getter logic for field only needs to be specified once. Whereas in scenario 2, the getter logic must be overridden by both subclasses. I find scenario 2 to be redundant... why write the same code twice when you can use java inheritance to your advantage.
As a final note, I usually don't hold functions in fields unless totally necessary. Whenever you have a function in a field, it's usually a sign that an abstract function can be applied.
Here is your original code with my advice applied...
public abstract class MyAbstractClass<T> {
private final String type;
protected MyAbstractClass(String t) {
type = t;
protected abstract T applyFactoryFunction(String value);
public T doSomething(String value) { ... }
Hope this helped!

Java: Working with Generics and Maps without Casting / #SuppressWarnings

I now came several times across this problem and always kinda solved this with some casts and #SuppressWarnings annotations.
The relevant interfaces / abstract classes:
public abstract class Data { }
public interface DataOperations {
boolean isValid();
public interface DataOperationsFactory<T extends Data> {
Class<T> getDataClass();
DataOperations getOperations(T data);
Example Implementations:
public class DataImpl1 extends Data {
public String foo;
public class DataImpl1Operations implements DataOperations {
private DataImpl1 data;
public DataImpl1Operations(DataImpl1 data) { = data;
public boolean isValid() {
return != null;
public class DataImpl1OperationsFactory extends DataOperationsFactory<DataImpl1> {
public Class<DataImpl1> getDataClass() {
return DataImpl1.class;
DataOperations getOperations(DataImpl1 data) {
return new DataImpl1Operations(data);
Using this pattern, I can decide whether I need to create a new DataImpl1Operations everytime. Or maybe use a final static NO_OP implementation or what have you.
The Code:
Now I'd like to put all those factories inside a Map<Class<T>, DataOperationsFactory<T>> (constructor). And afterwards read from it (getOps method).
public class Test {
Map<Class<?>, DataOperationsFactory<?>> map;
public Test(List<DataOperationsFactory<?>> fs) {
for(DataOperationsFactory<?> f : fs) {
map.put(f.getDataClass(), f);
public <T extends Data> DataOperations getOps(T data) {
// --> Here I need to do an unchecked cast <--
DataOperationsFactory<? super T> f =
(DataOperationsFactory<? super T>) map.get(data.getClass());
return f.getOperations(data);
Is there any way doing this without unchecked casting?
You can delegate to a private method that captures the type, so it can be used to reliably cast to the correct Data subclass:
Map<Class<?>, DataOperationsFactory<?>> map;
// Unchanged
public Test(List<DataOperationsFactory<?>> fs) {
for(DataOperationsFactory<?> f : fs) {
map.put(f.getDataClass(), f);
public DataOperations getOps(Data data) {
DataOperationsFactory<?> f = map.get(data.getClass());
return getOperations(f, data);
private static <T extends Data> DataOperations getOperations(DataOperationsFactory<T> f,
Data data) {
return f.getOperations(f.getDataClass().cast(data));

Android AIDL with Java generics

Does Android AIDL support generics?
For example, assume that I have a class Result<T>, where T can be any type including primitives (via autoboxing) or other custom classes such as Car. Any custom classes implement Parcelable as required by Binder.
Then possible AIDL method signatures would be
Result<Car> m1();
Result<Void> m2();
Result<Boolean> m3();
From what I could gather, the AIDL compiler doesn't like things like Result<Animal> getResult();. However, Result getResult(); does work. So this is what I did:
Created a class with the signature public class Result<T extends Parcelable> implements Parcelable.
Created a new class to throw into the first one, which is called Animal. The signature is public class Animal implements Parcelable.
Had to implement methods required by interface Parcelable and a CREATOR in both Result and Animal, and also created one AIDL for each as is required and imported both classes in the main AIDL. This stuff is regular AIDL work and is describe in the AIDL site.
Inside Result, we store not only an object of type T but also a Class object. When writing the parcel we need to write first the class type and only then the generic object. When reading, we do it in the same order. We need to write the class type because when we read we have to do t = (T) in.readValue(classType.getClassLoader()); and without a class type we do not know which class loader to fetch. There are probably other ways to do this but this is how I've done it for this example.
When receiving on the client node, I can successfully do Result<Animal> r = MainActivity.this.service.getResult(); and then call methods on both Result and Animal.
Some code that will hopefully makes things more clearer can be found below.
public class Result<T extends Parcelable> implements Parcelable {
private String msg;
private Class classType;
private T value;
public Result(String msg, T value, Class classType) {
this.msg = msg;
this.value = value;
this.classType = classType;
// to reconstruct object
public Result(Parcel in) {
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public T getValue() {
return value;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
this.msg = in.readString();
this.classType = (Class) in.readValue(Class.class.getClassLoader());
this.value = (T) in.readValue(classType.getClassLoader());
public static final Creator<Result> CREATOR = new Creator<Result>() {
public Result createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
return new Result(source);
public Result[] newArray(int size) {
return new Result[size];
public class Animal implements Parcelable {
private int n;
public Animal(int n) {
this.n = n;
public Animal(Parcel in) {
public int getN() {
return n;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
n = in.readInt();
public static final Creator<Animal> CREATOR = new Creator<Animal>() {
public Animal createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
return new Animal(source);
public Animal[] newArray(int size) {
return new Animal[size];
Excerpt from the Service:
public Result getResult() throws RemoteException {
Result<Animal> r = new Result<Animal>("this is an animal", new Animal(42), Animal.class);
return r;
Excerpt from the Client:
Result<Animal> r = MainActivity.this.service.getResult();
Log.d(TAG, "Received the following (Outer): " + r.getMsg());
Log.d(TAG, "Received the following (Inner): " + r.getValue().getN());
Another way to do it is changing the signature of Result into public class Result<T extends Serializable> implements Parcelable, making Animal implement Serializable, and then use dest.writeSerializable(value); and this.value = (T) in.readSerializable(); inside Result.
With this approach there is no need to send the class type to the other side or even use it at all. You will, nonetheless, pay the price.
Daniels solution almost worked for me except the thing with marshalling and unmarshaling classtype.
Instead of "dest.writeValue(classType);" and "this.classType = (Class) in.readValue(Class.class.getClassLoader());" I had to use "dest.writeSerializable(classType);" and "classType = (Class) in.readSerializable();" and it worked like a charm
Thank you Daniel

