The question is mostly a design question (somewhat related to ddd). Sorry about the contrived example:
Assume, you have (domain) classes representing different types of fruits: apple, cherry and so on. Now suppose you have to implement some behavior of pressing out the juice. A caller should be able to invoke squeezing without knowing which specific fruit he's got.
Where should I put this behavior?
Surely, one could define a fruit interface / base class function
and let all subclasses implement their own behavior.
Now a caller could simply do something like this:
Fruit f = new Cherry();
But what should be done if squeezing isn't as simple and involves more complex behavior like calling different external services, for each a fruit a different one like
AppleJuicerService#squeeze(Apple a)
CherryJuicerService#squeeze(Cherry c)
? It feels wrong to call services from a domain class.
I've read about the double dispatch pattern which seems not to fit here, as every subclass needs a different service.
My question would be: What can be done here to get a "clean" design?
Thanks for all your answers so far. I'll try to clarify the problem a bit. I'll try to give another, hopefully less contrived example for the problem I'm trying to state here:
Consider a Message base class which allows to show its content as a String.
interface Message {
String showContent();
Now suppose we have different types of messages like an EMailMessage:
class EMailMessage implements Message {
//some specific parameters for email
private EmailAddress recipientEmail;
public String showContent() {
//here the content would be converted to string
return "the content of an EMail"
Another type would be an SMSMessage:
class SMSMessage implement SMSMessage {
//some specific parameters for SMS
private TelNumber recepientTelephoneNumber;
public String showContent() {
//here the content would be converted to string
return "the content of a SMS"
Furthermore suppose, Messages are modeled as Entities and therefore can be persisted in a database. Though quite technically, assume that some Dependency Injection Framework like Spring is used to inject dependencies.
In analogy to the fruit example, consider we have to implement a send() behaviour which sends the Message to the recipient. Furthermore, assume that sending an EMail involves different logic than an SMS. Now, the question: Where should one put the logic of sending a Message?
Usually I'd opt to create a service for sending an SMS for example which would encapsulate e.g. the API of an SMS service provider. Furthermore, I'd create another service to encapsulate sending an EMail.
interface SendMessageService<T extends Message> {
void send(T message);
class SendEmailService extends SendMessageService<EMailMessage> {
public void send(EMailMessage message) {
//send the EMail
class SendSMSService extends SendMessageService<SMSMessage> {
public void send(SMSMessage message) {
//send the SMS
The drawback of this approach is that you cannot send a Message without determining its concrete subclass, i.e. something like the following is not directly possible
List<Message> messages = //Messages of different types
SendMessageService service = //???
for (Message m : messages) {
Surely one could create a factory for creating Services according to the specific type of message. But that somewhat means cloning the inheritance hierarchy of Message. Is there some better way to achieve the desired result? Or am I missing something? Or would it be better to somehow inject the service into the entity?
You can delegate the work to a SqueezeBehavior interface and let each implementation define how to squeeze a Fruit or specific Fruit. This is a raw idea (it means it can be improved but is good as a first step):
interface SqueezeBehavior<T> {
void squeeze(T squeezeMe);
interface FruitSqueezeBehavior<T extends Fruit> extends SqueezeBehavior<T> {
class FruitSqueezer implements FruitSqueezeBehavior<Fruit> {
public void squeeze(Fruit fruit) {
System.out.println("squizing any fruit");
class AppleSqueezer implements FruitSqueezeBehavior<Apple> {
public void squeeze(Apple apple) {
System.out.println("squizing apple");
class CherrySqueezer implements FruitSqueezeBehavior<Cherry> {
public void squeeze(Cherry cherry) {
System.out.println("squizing cherry");
class FruitService {
public void foo(Fruit fruit) {
FruitSqueezeBehavior fruitSqueezer = ...
Have a baseclass Fruit which defines the standard behaviour. When you have to use a more complex implementation you can override the appropriate method.
class Fruit {
public void Squeeze(){
// Standard squeeze behaviour
class Apple extends Fruit {
public void Squeeze(){
// Complex squeeze behaviour
class Cherry extends Fruit {
// Nothing special, cherries are easy to squeeze
If you have to define specific implementations for specific types, you will always have to define the behaviour somewhere. If this is too much for one method then you can call a more detailed class to do it for you.
You could work with a factory and do something like this
class FruitManipulator {
void Squeeze(Fruit f){
// Switch over fruit, create new service depending on the type
interface JuiceService<T extends Fruit> {
void Squeeze(T f);
class AppleJuiceService implements JuiceService<Apple> {
void Squeeze(Apple apple){
// Do your thing
And use it like this:
FruitManipulator service = new FruitManipulator();
service.Squeeze(new Apple());
You might want to find a better example though: the Squeeze() analogy isn't easy to work with. Perhaps expand on what a squeeze actually means?
You may consider DomainEvents. This helps you decouple Domain models from external service(usually stateless bean need injected)
interface Fruit {
void squeeze();
class Apple implements Fruit {
public void squeeze(){
// domain rules validations
DomainEvents.raise(new AppleSequeezedEvent(this));
class Cherry extends Fruit {
public void squeeze(){
// domain rules validations
DomainEvents.raise(new CherrySequeezedEvent(this));
class Banana extends Fruit {
public void squeeze(){
// domain rules validations
// hmm...No one cares banana...
class DomainEvents {
private static List<DomainEventHandler> handlers = new ArrayList<DomainEventHandler>();
public static void register(DomainEventHandler handler) {
public static void raise(DomainEvent event) {
for (DomainEventHander handler: handlers) {
if (handler.subscribe(event.getClass()) {
Now when you test apple, you could register some handler mock/stub:
public void tellsAppleIsSqueezed() throws Throwable {
DomainEventHandler stub = new FruitSqueezedEventHandlerStub(Apple.class);
DomainEvents.register(stub );
Apple apple = new Apple();
//assert state change of apple if any before you publishing the event
assertThat(stub.getSqueezed(), sameInstance(apple));
You can test the real handler in their own unit test cases.
But I think this solution add extra complexity.
As SOLID principles say, it's better to remove switch conditions by converting them to classes and interfaces.
I want to do it with this code:
Note: This code is not real code and I just put my idea into it.
MessageModel message = getMessageFromAnAPI();
void manageMessage(MessageModel message){
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: justSave(message); break;
case 2: notifyAll(message); break;
case 3: notify(message); break;
Now I want to remove switch statement. So I create some classes for it and I try to implement a polymorphism here:
interface Message{
void manageMessage(MessageModel message);
class StorableMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
class PublicMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
class PrivateMessage implements Message{
public void manageMessage(MessageModel message) {
and then I call my API to get my MessageModel:
MessageModel message = getMessageFromAnAPI();
Now my problem is here. I have my model and I want manage it using my classes. As SOLID examples, I should do something like this:
PublicMessage message = new Message();
But how can I know which type is related to this message to make an instance from it(PublicMessage or StorableMessage or PrivateMessage)?! Should I put switch block here again to do it or what?
You can do this:
static final Map<Integer,Consumer<MessageModel>> handlers = new HashMap<>();
static {
handlers.put(1, m -> justSave(m));
handlers.put(2, m -> notifyAll(m));
handlers.put(3, m -> notify(m));
This will remove your switch to
Consumer<Message> consumer = handlers.get(message.typeId);
if (consumer != null) { consumer.accept(message); }
Integration Operation Segregation Principle
You should of course encapsulate this:
class MessageHandlingService implements Consumer<MessageModel> {
static final Map<Integer,Consumer<MessageModel>> handlers = new HashMap<>();
static {
handlers.put(1, m -> justSave(m));
handlers.put(2, m -> notifyAll(m));
handlers.put(3, m -> notify(m));
public void accept(MessageModel message) {
Consumer<Message> consumer = handlers.getOrDefault(message.typeId,
m -> throw new MessageNotSupportedException());
with your client code
message = getMessageFromApi();
This service is the "integration" part (as opposed to the "implementation": cfg Integration Operation Segregation Principle).
With a CDI framework
For a production environment with a CDI framework, this would look something like this:
interface MessageHandler extends Consumer<MessageModel> {}
class MessageHandlingService implements MessageHandler {
Map<Integer,MessageHandler> handlers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private SavingService saveService;
private NotificationService notificationService;
public void init() {
handlers.put(1, saveService::save);
handlers.put(2, notificationService::notifyAll);
handlers.put(3, notificationService::notify);
public void accept(MessageModel m) { // as above }
Behavior can be changed at Runtime
One of the advantages of this vs the switch in #user7's answer is that the behavior can be adjusted at runtime. You can imagine methods like
public MessageHandler setMessageHandler(Integer id, MessageHandler newHandler);
which would install the given MessageHandler and return the old one; this would allow you to add Decorators, for example.
An example for this being useful is if you have an unreliable web service supplying the handling; if it is accessible, it can be installed as a handlelr; otherwise, a default handler is used.
You can use a factory in this case to get the instance of Message. The factory would have all instances of Message and returns the appropriate one based on the MessageModel's typeId.
class MessageFactory {
private StorableMessage storableMessage;
private PrivateMessage privateMessage;
private PublicMessage publicMessage;
//You can either create the above using new operator or inject it using some Dependency injection framework.
public getMessage(MessageModel message) {
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: return storableMessage;
case 2: return publicMessage;
case 3: return privateMessage
default: //Handle appropriately
The calling code would look like
MessageFactory messageFactory; //Injected
MessageModel messageModel = getMessageFromAnAPI();
Message message = messageFactory.getMessage(messageModel);
As you can see, this did not get rid of the switch entirely (and you need not as using switch is not bad in itself). What SOLID tries to say is to keep your code clean by following SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) and OCP (Open-Closed Principle) here. What it means here is that you code shouldn't have the actual processing logic to handle for each typeId in one place.
With the factory, you have moved the creation logic to a separate place and you have already moved the actual processing logic to respective classes.
Just to reiterate - My answer focuses on the SOLID aspect of the OP. By having separate handler classes (an instance of Message from the OP) you achieve the SRP. If one of the handler classes changes, or when you add a new message typeId (message.typeId) (i.e, add a new Message implementation) you need not modify the original and hence you achieve OCP. (On assumption that each of these does not contain trivial code). These are already done in the OP.
The real point of my answer here is to use a Factory to get a Message. The idea is to keep the main application code clean and limit the usages of switches, if/else and new operators to instantiation code. (Similar to #Configuration classes/ the classes that instantiate Beans when using Spring or Abstract modules in Guice). The OO principles do not say using switches are bad. It depends on where you use it. Using it in the application code does violate the SOLID principles and that is what I wanted to bring out.
I also like the idea from daniu# to use a functional way and the same can even be used in the above factory code (or can even use a simple Map to get rid of the switch).
The main point here is that you separate instantiation and configuration from execution.
Even with OOP we cannot avoid to distinguish between different cases using if/else cascades or switch statements. After all we have to create instances of specialized concrete classes.
But this should be in initialization code or some kind of factory.
Within the business logic we want to avoid if/else cascades or switch statements by calling generic methods on interfaces where the implementer know better themselves how to behave.
The usual clean code approach is for the MessageModel to contain its behavior.
interface Message {
void manage();
abstract class MessageModel implements Message {
public class StoringMessage extends MessageModel {
public void manage() {
public class NotifyingMessage extends MessageModel {
public void manage() {
Your getMessageFromApi then returns the proper type, and your switch is
MessageModel model = getMessageFromApi();
This way, you essentially have the switch in the getMessageFromApi() method because it has to decide which message to generate.
However, that is fine because it does fill the message type id anyway; and the client code (where your switch currently resides) is resistent to changes to the messages; ie adding another message type will be be handled correctly.
The real problem you have is that MessageModel isn't polymorphic. You need to convert the MessageModels to a polymorphic Message class, but you shouldn't put any of the logic of what to do with the messages in this class. Instead, it should contain the actual contents of the message, and use the visitor pattern, as shown in Eric's Answer, so that other classes can operate on a Message. You don't need to use an anonymous Visitor; you can create implementing classes like a MessageActionVisitor.
To convert MessageModels to various Messages, you can use a factory, as shown in user7's answer. In addition to selecting which type of Message to return, the factory should fill in the fields of each type of Message using the MessageModel.
You can use the Factory Pattern. I would add an enum which has the values:
public enum MessageFacotry{
STORING(StoringMessage.TYPE, StoringMessage.class),
PUBLIC_MESSAGE(PublicMessage.TYPE, PublicMessage.class),
PRIVATE_MESSAGE(PrivateMessage.TYPE, PrivateMessage.class);
Class<? extends Message> clazz;
int type;
private MessageFactory(int type, Class<? extends Message> clazz){
this.clazz = clazz;
this.type = type;
public static Message getMessageByType(int type){
for(MessageFactory mf : values()){
if(mf.type == type){
return mf.clazz.newInstance();
throw new ..
Then you can call the static method of that enum and create an instance of the Message you want to manage.
You can use the Factory pattern and Visitor pattern together.
you can create a factory like this:
class MessageFactory {
public Message getMessage(MessageModel message) {
switch(message.typeId) {
case 1: return new StorableMessage((MessageModelType1) message);
case 2: return new PrivateMessage((MessageModelType2) message);
case 3: return new PublicMessage((MessageModelType3) message);
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unhandled message type");
and declare your messages like this:
interface Message {
void accept(Visitor visitor);
class StorableMessage implements Message {
private final MessageType1 message;
public StorableMessage(MessageModelType1 message) {
this.message = message;
public <Result> Result accept(Visitor<Result> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public MessageModelType1 getMessage() {
return message;
class PublicMessage implements Message {
class PrivateMessage implements Message {
and declare a Visitor like this:
interface Visitor {
void visit(StorableMessage message);
void visit(PublicMessage message);
void visit(PrivateMessage message);
and replace your switch statements with this:
Message message = ....;
message.accept(new Visitor() {
public void visit(StorableMessage message) {
public void visit(PublicMessage message) {
public void visit(PrivateMessage message) {
If you want, instead of writing an anonymous class, you can create a class MessageModelFactory that has a private Visitor, and use that instead. in that case, it might be better to make the Visitor interface like this:
interface Visitor<Result> {
Result visit(StorableMessage message);
Result visit(PublicMessage message);
Result visit(PrivateMessage message);
For example I have a app that can download videos. Since the tasks for downloading are similar I create a base class for downloading.
public abstract class Download {
public abstract void run();
For each concrete website, where videos can be downloaded I create a child class from the base class:
public class DownloadYouTube extends Download {
public void run() {
public class DownloadVimeo() extends Download {
public void run() {
To see from which site the user wants to download I create a enum and switch through it to create the right object, then I call the common method run().
public enum WEBSITE {
public void startDownload(WEBSITE website) {
Download download;
switch (website) {
download = new DownloadYoutube();
case VIMEO:
download = new DownloadVimeo();
Later other people may want to add new websites. With that design it is not to easy. People have to edit on three places: They have to alter the enum, they have to add a new case and they have to write the class itself.
It would be way better if the had just to write the class.
Is there any common code design or other advise to handle such a situation better than this?
As a possible solution you can add an abstract factory method to your enum which would create a necessary Download object.
So WEBSITE becomes not just a list of websites you support, but also encapsulates behaviour for each of them:
public enum WEBSITE {
public Download createDownload() {
return new DownloadYouTube();
public Download createDownload() {
return new DownloadVimeo();
public abstract Download createDownload();
public void startDownload(WEBSITE website) {
With such an approach it will be impossible to add a new WEBSITE without defining how it should be handled.
Create a map! A map is a data structure that lets you look up any sort of value with a key, so an instance of each of your download classes can be accessed by providing a string. (your variable 'website' can turn into this)
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
Map<String, Download> downloaders = new HashMap<String, Download>();
downloaders.put("Youtube", new DownloadYoutube());
downloaders.put("Vimeo", new DownloadVimeo());
// Iterate over all downloaders, using the keySet method.
for(String key: downloaders.keySet())
Download d = downloaders.get(key)
NOTE: If you intend to use multiple instances of the same Download class, this solution will not work as posted here.
What you are trying to decide upon has been done before. There is a design pattern called a Template Method
The key idea behind a template method is that the skeleton of an algorithm is enforce, but the details fall upon subclasses. You have a
public interface DownloadTask {
public List<Parameter> getParameters();
public setParameters(Map<Parameter, Object> values);
public Future<File> performDownload();
with two concrete implementations
public class VimeoDownload implements DownloadTask {
public class YoutubeDownload implements DownloadTask {
or if you really want an enum, then
public enum DefaultDownload implements DownloadTask {
but I don't think an enum will buy you as much as you might think. By attempting to update an enum, you must either share the methods like so
public enum DefaultDownload implements DownloadTask {
public void someMethod(...) {
or declare them individually
public enum DefaultDownload implements DownloadTask {
public void someMethod(...) {
public void someMethod(...) {
And both scenarios put you at risk of breaking all downloads to add one new download.
Then you have the actual template method that ties it all together
public class Downloader {
/* asynchronous API */
public File doDownload(DownloadTask task) {
Map<Parameter, Object> paramValues = new Hashmap<>();
List<Parameter> params = task.getParameters();
for (Parameter param : task.getParameters()) {
Object value = getValue(param);
paramValues.put(param, value);
return task.performDownload();
/* synchronous API */
public File doDownloadAndWait(DownloadTask task) {
Future<File> future = doDownload(task);
return future.get();
The actual steps I provided in DownloadTask are not the ones you will likely need. Change them to suit your needs.
Some people don't use an interface for the DownloadTask, that's fine. You can use an abstract class, like so
public abstract class DownloadTask {
public final Future<File> doDownload() {
return this.performDownload();
public final File doDownloadAndWait() {
Future<File> future = this.performDownload();
return future.get();
protected abstract List<Parameter> getParameters();
protected abstract void setParameters(Map<Parameter, Object> values);
protected abstract Future<File> performDownload();
This is actually a better Object Oriented design, but one must take care. Keep the inheritance tree shallow (one or two parents before hitting a standard Java library class) for future code maintenance. And don't be tempted to make the template methods (doDownload and doDownloadAndWait) non-final. After all, that's the key to this pattern, the template of operations is fixed. Without that there's hardly a pattern to follow and stuff can become a jumbled mess.
You are headed in the right direction...
Implementing an interface instead of extending a class will make your life easier. Also it's kind of annoying that you have to update a enum AND modify a case statement AND write a class to add a new handler.
editing 3 places is annoying, 2 is good, 1 is awesome.
We could get yours down to 2 pretty easily:
public enum WEBSITE {
YOUTUBE(new DownloadYouTube()),
VIMEO(new DownloadVimeo())
public final Download download;
public WEBSITE(Download dl)
download = dl;
public void startDownload(WEBSITE website) {
There now you only edit two places, the ENUM definition and the new class. The big problem with enums is that you almost always have to edit 2 places (You have to update the enum to redirect to whatever you want to edit). In this case, the enum isn't helping you at all.
My first rule of enums is that if you don't individually address each value of the enum in a different location of your code, you shouldn't be using an enum.
You can get it down to 1 edit location, but with a new class it's pretty hard--the difficulty is that Java doesn't have "Discovery", so you can't just ask it for all the classes that implement "Download".
One way might be to use Spring and annotations. Spring can scan classes. Another is runtime annotation. The worst is probably looking at the directory containing your "Download" classes and try to instantiate each one.
As is, your solution isn't bad. 2 locations is often a pretty good balance.
It would be way better if the had just to write the class.
You can use class literals as opposed to enums:
Simply have startDownload accept a Class<T extends Download> and instantiate it:
public void startDownload(Class<T extends Download> type) {
try {
Download download = type.newInstance();;
} catch(Exception e) {
Now all you have to do is create a new class that extends/implements Download
class DownloadYouTube extends/implements Download {
Download should be an interface if it only consists of public abstract methods:
interface Download {
void run();
class DownloadYouTube implements Download {
The startDownload method above would stay the same regardless.
WEBSITE should actually be Website. Type identifiers should start with an uppercase and use camel casing standards:
enum Website { }
Although an enum is not needed for my solution above.
You should check to see if you really need a new instance every call. It seems you could just pass a URL to the Download#run if you adjusted it.
If a new instance isn't needed every call:
Website exists for simple access to the different downloaders.
That means YOUTUBE should give access to DownloadYoutube.
You could turn Download into an interface:
interface Download {
void run();
DownloadYoutube and DownloadVimeo could all implement this:
class DownloadYoutube implements Download {
public void run() {
class DownloadVimeo implements Download {
public void run() {
Website can also implement this:
enum Website implements Download {
public final void run() {
Now make it a requirement for each Website value to specify the Download to use:
enum Website implements Download {
YOUTUBE(new DownloadYoutube()),
VIMEO(new DownloadVimeo());
private final Download download;
Website(Download download) { = download;
public final void run() {;
I'm running into real trouble trying to complete a practical that requires using strategy and composite pattern. I am trying to create a collection of vehicles which can have different behavior depending on the surface they are on. However, these vehicles can have more than one behaviour on a surface - for example, they could have snow drive and rain drive at the same time, if the weather conditions are set to snow and rain.
I have a class called AbstractVehicle, which has two concrete subclasses, Car and Boat.
I then have an interface called IBehaviour. Implementing this interface is two abstract classes called LandBehaviour and WaterBehaviour (which are the top tier of the composite pattern). Each of these have a collection of subclasses. Focussing solely on LandBehaviour, its subclasses are SnowBehaviour, StandardBehaviour and a few others including LandAssembly.
The idea was that I would put the code for the upper-tier of composite in LandBehaviour. Then, each of the concrete subclasses would have empty implementations of the add, remove and list parts of composite, with the LandAssembly class containing the code needed to actually combine various behaviours together.
This is intended to produce the result that, for example, a car could have both StandardBehaviour and SnowBehaviour at the same time.
Rather than posting large amounts of code (and there is a lot of it), I was hoping for some feedback on the basic structure I am trying to implement. I am getting a few errors right now such as null pointer exceptions and rather than spent a long time trying to fix them, I wanted to get an idea on whether the layout of the project was right to begin with.
Edit: Adding code - which generates a null pointer exception
This is my AbstractVehicle class:
public AbstractVehicle (IBehaviour behaviourIn) {
behaviour = behaviourIn;
public void setBehaviour(IBehaviour ib) {
behaviour = ib;
public IBehaviour getBehaviour() {
return behaviour;
public void move() {
The car subclass:
public Car () {
super(new StandardBehaviour());
The IBehaviour interface:
public interface IBehaviour {
public void ensureCorrectBehaviour();
The LandBehaviour abstract class:
public void ensureCorrectBehaviour() {
public ILandBehaviour () {
private ILandBehaviour landBehaviour;
public ILandBehaviour (ILandBehaviour landBehaviour) {
this.landBehaviour = landBehaviour;
public ILandBehaviour getBehaviour() {
return landBehaviour;
public abstract void addBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour);
public abstract void removeBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour);
public abstract ILandBehaviour[] getBehaviours();
An example of a concrete behaviour subclass (RacingBehaviour):
public RacingBehaviour(ILandBehaviour landBehaviour) {
public RacingBehaviour() {}
public void ensureCorrectBehaviour() {
System.out.println("Vehicle is racing.");
public void addBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour) {}
public void removeBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour) {}
public ILandBehaviour[] getBehaviours() {
return null;
And finally the LandAssembly class:
public class LandAssembly extends ILandBehaviour {
private List<ILandBehaviour> behaviours;
public LandAssembly(ILandBehaviour landBehaviour) {
behaviours = new ArrayList<ILandBehaviour>();
public LandAssembly() {}
public void addBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour) {
public void removeBehaviour(ILandBehaviour behaviour) {
public ILandBehaviour[] getBehaviours() {
return behaviours.toArray(new ILandBehaviour[behaviours.size()]);
I am using this runner:
AbstractVehicle aCar = new Car(120);
ILandBehaviour snow = new SnowBehaviour();
ILandBehaviour racing = new RacingBehaviour();
ILandBehaviour as = new LandAssembly();
Before I implemented the composite, everything was fine. I was able to use the client to create a new car, call its move() method, then change its behaviour, call move() again and see the difference. I'm aware however that I'm now kinda leaving the ensureCorrectBehaviour() method in my implementation of the composite pattern, which is obviously wrong. I'm also aware that after doing this, the "new" part of the Car constructor didn't work - I had to add an empty constructor each behaviour.
I can see glaring problems in the code I've created, I just don't quite see how to fix them.
If you are concerned about the design patterns, a class diagram would be extremely useful. You have many features, and you group those features into higher levels of abstractions (such as snow/land/water/etc.) But your vehicle only takes in one behavior. Does a vehicle need to be able to have multiple features? (Surely it does as you mention).
You might consider having concretely-defined strategies in your class, where each implementation of the strategy can vary.
public abstract class Bird
protected BirdCallStrategy callStrat;
protected FlyStrategy flyStrat;
public class Duck
public Duck()
callStrat = new QuackStrategy();
flyStrategy = new FlySouthForWinterStrategy(TimeOfYear);
public class Chicken
public Chicken()
callStrat = new CluckStrategy();
flyStrat = new NoFlyStrategy();
This works well if you have distinct abstractions for your strategies. In this case Flying and BirdCalling have nothing to do with each other, but they are allowed to vary by implementation at runtime (Quacking, chirping or flying, not flying, etc.)
If however, you want to create varying instances on the fly without subtyping, you might want to look into the Decorator pattern. The decorator pattern allows you to apply any combination of "features" to an instance at run-time.
So you might end up with an object that is instantiated such as:
Window decoratedWindow = new HorizontalScrollBarDecorator (
new VerticalScrollBarDecorator(new SimpleWindow()));
What is the path of least evil when dealing with polymorphism and inheritance of entity types in a service-oriented architecture?
A principle of SOA (as I understand it) is to have entity classes as mere data constructs, lacking in any business logic. All business logic is contained in narrow-scoped, loosely-coupled services. This means service implementations are as small as possible furthering the loose coupling, and means the entities avoid having to know about every behaviour the system may perform on them.
Due to Java's quite baffling decision to use the declared type when deciding which overloaded method to use, any polymorphic behaviour in the service implementations is instead replaced with a series of conditionals checking object.getClass() or using instanceof. This seems rather backward in an OOPL.
Is the use of conditionals the accepted norm in SOA? Should inheritance in entities be abandoned?
I definitely mean overloading and not overriding.
I define SOA to mean that behaviour of the system is grouped by use case into interfaces, and then the logic for these is implemented in one class per interface, generally. As such an entity class (say Product) becomes nothing more than a POJO with getters and setters. It absolutely should not contain any business logic related to a service, because then you introduce one focal point of coupling whereby the entity class needs to know about all business processes that may ever operate on it, completely negating the purpose of a loosely-coupled SOA.
So, being that one should not embed business process-specific behaviour in an entity class, one cannot use polymorphism with these entity classes - there is no behaviour to override.
The above behaviour is more simply explained as an overloaded path is chosen at compile-time, and an overridden path at run-time.
It'd be bad practice to have a subclass of your service implementation for each subtype of the domain model class it's acting on, so how do people get around the overloading-at-compile-time issue?
You can avoid this problem by designing the business logic in different classes based on the entity type, based on single responsibility principle it would be the best way to go when you place business logic in a service layer and use a factory to create logic implementation, for example
enum ProductType
interface IProduct
double getRate();
ProductType getProductType();
class PhysicalProduct implements IProduct
private double rate;
public double getRate()
return rate;
public double getProductType()
return ProductType.Physical;
class ServiceProduct implements IProduct
private double rate;
private double overTimeRate;
private double maxHoursPerDayInNormalRate;
public double getRate()
return rate;
public double getOverTimeRate()
return overTimeRate;
public double getMaxHoursPerDayInNormalRate;()
return maxHoursPerDayInNormalRate;
public double getProductType()
return ProductType.Service;
interface IProductCalculator
double calculate(double units);
class PhysicalProductCalculator implements IProductCalculator
private PhysicalProduct product;
public PhysicalProductCalculator(IProduct product)
this.product = (PhysicalProduct) product;
double calculate(double units)
//calculation logic goes here
class ServiceProductCalculator implements IProductCalculator
private ServiceProduct product;
public ServiceProductCalculator(IProduct product)
this.product = (ServiceProduct) product;
double calculate(double units)
//calculation logic goes here
class ProductCalculatorFactory
public static IProductCalculator createCalculator(IProduct product)
switch (product.getProductType)
case Physical:
return new PhysicalProductCalculator ();
case Service:
return new ServiceProductCalculator ();
//this can be used to execute the business logic
It took me a while from reading this to work out what you were really asking for.
My interpretation is that you have a set of POJO classes where when passed to a service you want the service to be able to perform different operations depending on the the particular POJO class passed to it.
Usually I'd try and avoid a wide or deep type hierarchy and deal with instanceof etc. where the one or two cases are needed.
When for whatever reason there has to be a wide type hierarchy I'd probably use a handler pattern kind of like below.
class Animal {
class Cat extends Animal {
interface AnimalHandler {
void handleAnimal(Animal animal);
class CatHandler implements AnimalHandler {
public void handleAnimal(Animal animal) {
Cat cat = (Cat)animal;
// do something with a cat
class AnimalServiceImpl implements AnimalHandler {
Map<Class,AnimalHandler> animalHandlers = new HashMap<Class, AnimalHandler>();
AnimalServiceImpl() {
animalHandlers.put(Cat.class, new CatHandler());
public void handleAnimal(Animal animal) {
Due to Java's quite baffling decision to use the declared type when
deciding which overloaded method to use
Whoever gave you that idea? Java would be a worthless language if it were like that!
Read this: Java Tutorial > Inheritance
Here's a simple test program:
public class Tester{
static class Foo {
void foo() {
static class Bar extends Foo {
void foo() {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final Foo foo = new Bar();;
The Output is of course "bar", not "foo"!!
I think there is a confusion of concerns here. SOA is an architectural way to solve interaction between components. Each component within a SOA solution will handle a context within a larger domain. Each context is a domain of it self. In other words, SOA is something that allows for lose coupling in between domain contexts, or applications.
Object Orientation in Java, when working in this kind of an environment, will apply to each domain. So hierarchies and rich domain objects modelled using something like domain driven design will live on a level below the services in a SOA solution. There is a tier between the service exposed to other contexts and the detailed domain model which will create rich objects for the domain to work with.
To solve each context/applications architecture with SOA will not provide a very good application. Just as solving the interaction between them using OO.
So to try to answer the bounty question more specifically:
It's not a matter of engineering around the issue. It's a matter of applying the correct pattern to each level of design.
For a large enterprise ecosystem SOA is the way I would solve interaction in between systems, for example HR system and payroll. But when working with HR (or probably each context within HR) and payroll I would use the patterns from DDD.
I hope that clears the waters a bit.
Having thought about this a bit more I've thought on an alternative approach that makes for a simpler design.
abstract class Animal {
class Cat extends Animal {
public String meow() {
return "Meow";
class Dog extends Animal {
public String bark() {
return "Bark";
class AnimalService {
public String getSound(Animal animal) {
try {
Method method = this.getClass().getMethod("getSound", animal.getClass());
return (String) method.invoke(this, animal);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String getSound(Cat cat) {
return cat.meow();
public String getSound(Dog dog) {
return dog.bark();
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnimalService animalService = new AnimalService();
List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();
animals.add(new Cat());
animals.add(new Dog());
for (Animal animal : animals) {
String sound = animalService.getSound(animal);
Alrite, I am gonna jump straight to the code:
public interface Visitor {
public void visitInventory();
public void visitMaxCount();
public void visitCountry();
public void visitSomethingElse();
public void complete();
//the idea of this visitor is that when a validator would visit it, it would validate data
//when a persister visits it, it would persist data, etc, etc.
// not sure if I making sense here...
public interface Visitable {
public void accept(Visitor visitor);
here is a base implementation:
public class StoreValidator implements Visitor {
private List <ValidationError> storeValidationErrors = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();
public void addError(ValidationError error) {
public List<ValidationError> getErrors() {
return storeValidationErrors;
public void visitInventory() {
// do nothing
public void visitMaxCount() {
//do nothing
//... etc.. all empty implementations
You will see why I did an empty implementation here... I would write a validator now.. which extends StoreValidator
public XYZValidator extends StoreValidator {
public void visitInventory(Visitable visitable) {
// do something with visitable .. cast it to expected type
// invoke a DAO, obtain results from DB
// if errors found, do addError(new ValidationError()); with msg.
public void visitMaxCount(Visitable visitable) {
//do something with visitable..
// I wouldn't implement the rest coz they wouldn't make sense
// in XYZValidator.. so they are defined as empty in StoreValidator.
Now here is what a visitable would look like:
public Store implements Visitable {
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
I could have code that does something like this on a list of Store objects:
List<Store> stores; //assume this has a list of stores.
StoreValidator validator = new XYZValidator(); //or I would get it from a validatorfactory
for(Store store: stores) {
store.accept(validator); // so even if you send a wrong validator, you are good.
Similarly you would have ABCValidator which would provide implementation for other methods (visitCountry / visitSomethinElse) and it would extend from StoreValidator. I would have another type of Object (not Store) defining accept method.
I do see a problem here...
Say, I need a FileValidator which is different from StoreValidator, I would expect it to have none of these business related validations such as visitInventory(), etc. But, by having a single interface Visitor, I would endup declaring all kinds of methods in Visitor interface. Is that correct? Is this how you do it?
I don't know if I got the pattern wrong, or if I am making any sense.
Please share your thoughts.
Some time ago I wrote something similar for my master thesis. This code is slightly
type safe than yours:
interface Visitable<T extends Visitor> {
void acceptVisitor(T visitor);
interface Visitor {
* Called before any other visiting method.
void startVisit();
* Called at the end of the visit.
void endVisit();
interface ConstantPoolVisitor extends Visitor {
void visitUTF8(int index, String utf8);
void visitClass(int index, int utf8Index);
// ==cut==
class ConstantPool implements Visitable<ConstantPoolVisitor> {
public void acceptVisitor(ConstantPoolVisitor visitor) {
for (ConstanPoolEntry entry : entries) {
so yes, I think that this definitely a good and flexible design if, and only if, your data changes slower than your behaviour. In my example the data is Java bytecode, that is fixed (defined by the JVM specification). When "behaviour dominates" (I want to dump, compile, transform, refactor, etc my bytecode) the Visitor pattern let you to change/add/remove behaviour without touching your data classes. Just add another implementation of Visitor.
For the sake of simplicity assume that I must add another visit method to my Visitor interface: I would end in breaking all my code.
As alternative I would consider the strategy pattern for this scenario. Strategy + decorator is a good design for validation.
There is a problem with your code as given. The interface you give has methods such as
public void visitInventory();
but you then implement it in XYZValidator as
public void visitInventory(Visitable visitable)
The visitor pattern is a way to implement multiple dispatch in languages that do not do that automatically (such as Java). One of the requirements is that you have a group of related classes (i.e. a set of subclasses with a single super class). You don't have that here, so the visitor pattern is not appropriate. The task you are trying to do, however, is fine, it is just not the Visitor pattern.
In Java, you should think of the Visitor pattern if you have code like
public void count(Item item) {
if (item instanceof SimpleItem) {
// do something
} else if (item instanceof ComplexItem {
// do something else
} else ...
particulary if the subclasses of Item are relatively fixed.
I'm using a visitor pattern in a different way.. I have a specific Visitor interface for a type of object and this interface declares only one method - for visiting that object.. like this:
public interface TreeNodeVisitor {
void visit(TreeNode node);
the object TreeNode can accept TreeNodeVisitors which means he just calls it's visit method for the node and/or it's children..
The concrete implementation of the visitor implements the visit method and says what the visitor will do.. for example ContryVisitor, InventoryVisitor, etc
This approach should avoid your probleam..
You probably don't want to map a pattern directly to a single interface that everything following that pattern implements. Patterns are NOT Interfaces, they are general plans for implementing a solution.
In your example you would create a StoreVisitor interface and a FileVisitor interface for the different business objects that wish to use the Visitor pattern in the appropriate circumstances.
It might be that different Visitor implementations share common activities - so you could have a superinterface that defines those common functions. You could then code Visitable interfaces to use either the specific Visitable interface or it's superclass as appropriate.
For example, the FileVisitor and SQLTableVisitor interfaces might be a subclass of a DataStoreVisitor interface. Then:
VisitableStore accepts a StoreVisitor,
VisitableFile accepts a Filevisitor, or
VisitableDataStore accepts a DataStoreVistor (which might be an implementation of either FileVisitor or SQLTableVisitor).
forgive the random examples, I hope this makes sense.