I want to route certain chars to methods, so that when the char is typed in the command-line the method is then executed.
Based on the answer How to call a method stored in a HashMap, I'm mapping these chars to methods by using the "Command" design-pattern.
However I want to generically implement this, so it seems that I need to implement reflection in order to use the Method class as a parameter. My attempt is getting a NullPointerException on the field private Method method in my anonymous class...
Here is my code:
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public interface InvokesMethod {
public void invokeMethod() throws Exception;
public void setMethod(Method method);
} // end of interface
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class Terminal {
public HashMap<Character, InvokesMethod> commands;
public Terminal() {
this.commands = new HashMap<Character, InvokesMethod>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private void printHelloWorld() {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
private void setCommand(char letter, Method method) {
this.commands.put(letter, new InvokesMethod() {
// NullPointerException starts here in the stack-trace:
private Method method;
public void invokeMethod() throws Exception {
public void setMethod(Method method) {
this.method = method;
public void executeCommand(char letter) throws Exception {
} // end of class
public class Main() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Terminal commandLine = new Terminal();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end of class
Regards to your code you didn't initiate method. Bear in mind that execute with null you must call public static method:
Your other issue , you didn't initiated interface properly. Here is working example:
public interface InvokesMethodItf {
public void invokeMethod() throws Exception;
public void setMethod(Method method);
public class InvokesMethod implements InvokesMethodItf{
private Method method;
public void invokeMethod() throws Exception {
public void setMethod(Method method) {
this.method = method;
public class Terminal {
public HashMap<Character, InvokesMethodItf> commands;
public Terminal() {
this.commands = new HashMap<Character, InvokesMethodItf>();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void printHelloWorld() {// method.invoke(null) looking for "static" method
System.out.println("Hello World!");
private void setCommand(char letter, Method method) {
InvokesMethodItf inv = new InvokesMethod();
this.commands.put(letter, inv);
public void executeCommand(char letter) throws Exception {
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Terminal commandLine = new Terminal();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Hello World!
Thanks to #Maxim's original suggestion here, I have an alternate solution by setting the methods as Strings in the HashMap instead --
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class Terminal {
private HashMap<Character, String> commands;
public Terminal() {
this.commands = new HashMap<Character, String>();
this.commands.put('p', "printHelloWorld");
private void printHelloWorld() {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
public void executeCommand(char letter) throws Exception {
Method method = getClass().getDeclaredMethod(this.commands.get(letter));
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Terminal commandLine = new Terminal();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} // end of class
Hello World!
Now to figure out how to pass parameters to the reflected methods...
I'm sending more than 1 request to a web service, below there is an example of that requests. Its important for my application to get the answer from the web service so if there is an exception application will try couple of times to get the answer.
Because of that getting something simple like
deviceList = serviceAdapter.getDevices(); is turn into below code.
boolean flag = true;
int counter = 1;
List<Device> deviceList = null;
while (flag) {
try {
deviceList = serviceAdapter.getDevices();
flag = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (counter == 5) {
System.out.println("Timeout Occured!");
flag = false;
} else {
Thread.sleep(1000 * counter);
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
And in my application i have lots of requests which means there will be more ugly codes. Is there a way where i will call my request methods as parameter for another method something like this:
deviceList = wrapperMethod(serviceAdapter.getDevices());
Problem is there will be different type of requests, so they will return different type objects (list,array,string,int) and their paramaters will change. Is there a suitable solution in java for this problem?
You can pass a Supplier<T> to the wrapperMethod:
public static <T> T wrapperMethod (Supplier<T> supp) {
boolean flag = true;
int counter = 1;
T value = null;
while (flag) {
try {
value = supp.get();
flag = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (counter == 5) {
System.out.println("Timeout Occured!");
flag = false;
} else {
Thread.sleep(1000 * counter);
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
And call it with:
List<Device> deviceList = wrapperMethod (() -> serviceAdapter.getDevices());
I'm afraid, though, that it will limit the methods you call within the lambda expression to throw only RuntimeExceptions.
You can use some command implementation to execute some specific codes :
Here is a simple example of a command
interface Command{
void run();
And a couple of implementations :
class SayHello implements Command{
public void run() {System.out.println("Hello World");}
class KillMe implements Command{
public void run() { throw new RuntimeException();};
All we have to do to execute those method is to receive an instance of Command and run the method :
public static void execCommand(Command cmd) {
And to use this
public static void main(String[] args) {
execCommand(new SayHello());
execCommand(new KillMe());
Hello World
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException
It also accepts lambda expression :
execCommand(() -> System.out.println("Say goodbye"));
And method reference :
public class Test{
public static void testMe() {
System.out.println("I work");
Note that I didn't specify that this could throw Exception so I am limited to unchecked exception like RuntimeException but of course void run() throws Exception could be a solution. That way you can do what ever you want.
Full example (with exceptions) :
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
execCommand(new SayHello());
execCommand(() -> System.out.println("Say goodbye"));
execCommand(new KillMe());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static void testMe() throws IOException{
System.out.println("I work");
public static void execCommand(Command cmd) throws Exception {
interface Command{
void run() throws Exception;
class SayHello implements Command{
public void run() {System.out.println("Hello World");}
class KillMe implements Command{
public void run() { throw new RuntimeException();};
Hello World
Say goodbye
I work
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException
at main.KillMe.run(Test.java:39)
at main.Test.execCommand(Test.java:25)
at main.Test.main(Test.java:17)
You can use #RetryOnFailure annotation from jcabi-aspects
Create a wrapper method then annotate it to enable auto retry upon Exception
As an example:
#RetryOnFailure(attempts = 5)
List<Device> retryWhenFailed(ServiceAdapter serviceAdapter) throws Exception {
return serviceAdapter.getDevices();
This solution uses Generics to be able to handle different Object with most of the same code and a Runnable to execute the fetching.
With this solution, you would need only to write the different adapters extending from ServiceAdapter<T extends Fetchable> to implement the logic to fetch the data for each different class (which would have to implement Fetchable).
Define an interface that abtracts the objects that can be fetched by the different services.
package so50488682;
public interface Fetchable {
The ojbect that are to be retrieved implement this interface so you can use the same code for different classes.
package so50488682;
public class Device implements Fetchable{
private String id;
public Device(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String toString() {
return "I am device " + id;
Define an abstract ServiceAdapter that the different service adapters will extend to implement the logic for each kind of object to be retrieved. We add throws Exception to the get() method so this method cand just delegate the exception handling to the FetcherService and decide if it should retry or fail.
package so50488682;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class ServiceAdapter<T extends Fetchable> {
public abstract List<T> get() throws Exception;
This is an example of an implementation done to get objects of class Device.
package so50488682;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class DeviceServiceAdapter extends ServiceAdapter<Device>{
public List<Device> get() throws Exception{
List<Device> rtn = new ArrayList<>();
// fetch the data and put it into rtn, this is a mock
Device d = new Device("1");
d = new Device("2");
d = new Device("3");
return rtn;
Finally this is a generic solution to run the different service adapters.
public class FetcherService<T extends Fetchable> implements Runnable{
List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
ServiceAdapter<T> serviceAdapter;
public void run() {
boolean flag = true;
int counter = 1;
while (flag) {
try {
result = serviceAdapter.get();
flag = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (counter == 5) {
System.out.println("Timeout Occured!");
flag = false;
} else {
Thread.sleep(1000 * counter);
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Got Interrupted in sleep", e);
public List<T> getResult() {
return result;
public void setResult(List<T> result) {
this.result = result;
public void setAdapter(ServiceAdapter<T> adapter) {
this.serviceAdapter = adapter;
From the main or calling program it work like this:
package so50488682;
import java.util.List;
public class SO50488682 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
DeviceServiceAdapter deviceServiceAdapter = new DeviceServiceAdapter();
FetcherService<Device> deviceFetcherService = new FetcherService<>();
List<Device> devices = deviceFetcherService.getResult();
for(Device device : devices) {
}catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception after retrying a couple of times");
I am trying to invoke a method using reflection.
The method I am invoking is not static and in the same class I am invoking it from.
A simplified version of my code:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test instance = new Test();
if (args.length > 0) {
private void doWork(String methodName) {
Method method;
try {
method = this.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
private void MethodOne() { ... };
private void MethodTwo() { ... };
private void MethodTwenty() { ... };
What I am getting is a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: correct.package.and.class.MethodTwo() despite the package / class / method existing.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
What I am getting is a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
you are calling the getMethod() which is not giving back the private method
Assuming that arg[0] has the right name of the method (if not you'll get a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException again), 2 thing must be done here:
you need to use getDeclaredMethod (because MethodOne is private declared)
your need to set the flag for access to it .setAccessible(true) (this will allow you to invoke a method that is declared private)
Method method;
try {
method = f.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("doThis");
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
| InvocationTargetException e) {
System.err.println("Opala, somethign went wrong here!");
The way you are accessing method is correct.
The method access specifier is private. Thus it is throwing error.
Please change the access specifier to public, it will work.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test instance = new Test();
if (args.length > 0) {
private void doWork(String methodName) {
Method method;
try {
method = this.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void MethodOne() { System.out.println("Method 1"); };
public void MethodTwo() { System.out.println("Method 2"); };
public void MethodTwenty() { System.out.println("Method 3"); };
If you are trying to access private methods or constructors, you need to change the code.
Thiruppathi S
public class Computer {
private String brandName;
private int yearManufactured;
public String getBrandName() {
return brandName;
public void setBrandName(String brandName) {
this.brandName = brandName;
public int getYearManufactured() {
return yearManufactured;
public void setYearManufactured(int yearManufactured) {
this.yearManufactured = yearManufactured;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException,
InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException{
Class curClass = Computer.class;
Method[] allMethods = curClass.getDeclaredMethods();
Computer myComputer = new Computer();
for(int c = 0; c < allMethods.length; c++){
Class[] parameterTypes = allMethods[c].getParameterTypes();
for(Class parameterType: parameterTypes){
case "java.lang.String":
allMethods[c].invoke(myComputer, "LENOVO");
case "int":
allMethods[c].invoke(myComputer, 2021);
System.out.println("BRAND NAME :"+myComputer.getBrandName());
System.out.println("YEAR MANUFACTURED: "+myComputer.getYearManufactured());
In my project, I have a method which loads a big model from local disk. Loading the model takes about 15 minutes and sometimes more. What i'm thinking to do is to create a runnable method which loads the model for once and then, from different classes i call this method to execute some code.
in fact, i'm not sure how to achieve that, could you please guide me?
Here is simple pseudo code:
// class A has two method , load the model , and does some calculation
Class A: 1.Runnable method: LoadModel();
2.Mehtod2: distance();
// here i would like to run this programe anytime, pass some parameters and call the method "distance" in class A
Class B: 1.import Loadmodel() class and invoke distance ();
in my mind i'd like to create something similar to server but not server:)
Updated:The code below is what I've tried so far.
public class load implements Runnable {
WordVectors wordVectors;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(load.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(load.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void load() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
//Your display method implementation.
wordVectors = WordVectorSerializer.loadTxtVectors(new File("glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt"));
public double Simmiraty(String a, String b){
return wordVectors.similarity(a,b);
public static void main(String[] args) {
load Obj= new load ();
The Second class:
public class B{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
load ob =new load();
System.out.println( ob.Simmiraty("iphone", "battery"));
I have to prolem with the above code:
1. it stops running once it has loaded the model.
2. I can't invoke any method from the frist class.
public class Load implements Runnable{
private InputStream stream;
private static final Load instance;
private WordVectors wordVectors;
static {
instance = new Load();
public static Load GetLoad(){
return instance;
private Load(){
if(instance != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public voir run() {
if(wordVectors != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(load.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
public void load() throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
stream = new InputStream(new File("glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt"));
wordVectors = WordVectorSerializer.loadTxtVectors(stream,false);
public void interrupt(){
if(stream != null)
public double Simmiraty(String a, String b){
return wordVectors.similarity(a,b);
public static void main(){
Load load = GetLoad();
public class B{
public void function(){
Load load = Load.GetLoad();
I have a text file which contains the list of all public method names. I require a Java program which reads each method name from the text file and create a method(template) for each public method name.
My text file contains, 3 methods
public static void A()
public static void B()
public static void C()
I need a output like this.
public class class_name
public void A_test()
System.out.println("Method A");
public void B_test()
System.out.println("Method B");
public void C_test()
System.out.println("Method C");
Kindly give your suggestions.
Following your example above the code below will generate a similar output. Note there is no package. NOTE As your example the generator strips static
public class ClassBuilder
public static String buildClass(String className,ArrayList<String> methods)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append(String.format("public class %s \n{", className)).append("\n");
for (String method: methods)
stringBuilder.append(String.format(" %s \n {", method.trim().replace("static ","").replace("()","_test()"))).append("\n }\n\n");
return stringBuilder.toString();
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scanner = null;
scanner = new Scanner(new File("d:\\testFile.txt"));
ArrayList<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>();
while (scanner.hasNext())
String javaClass = buildClass("className", methods);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
public class className
public void A_test()
public void B_test()
public void C_test()
I've got something along the lines of the following:
public class A {
public void theMethod(Object arg1) {
// do some stuff with a single argument
public class B {
public void reflectingMethod(Object arg) {
Method method = A.class.getMethod("theMethod", Object.class);
method.invoke(new A(), arg);
How do I modify that so that I can do the following instead?
public class A {
public void theMethod(Object... args) {
// do some stuff with a list of arguments
public class B {
public void reflectingMethod(Object... args) {
Method method = A.class.getMethod("theMethod", /* what goes here ? */);
method.invoke(new A(), args);
A.class.getMethod("theMethod", Object[].class);
Darthenius's suggestion in the comments for the original question worked, once I wrapped my head around how to do it.
public class A {
public void theMethod(ArrayList<Object> args) { // do stuff
public class B {
public void reflectingMethod(ArrayList<Object> args) {
Method method;
try {
method = A.class.getMethod("theMethod", args.getClass());
method.invoke(new A(), args);
} catch (Exception e) {}