Efficient way to allot the next available VM - java

The method getNextAvailableVm() allots virtual machines for a particular data center in a round-robin fashion. (The integer returned by this method is the machine allotted)
In a data center there could be virtual machines with different set of configurations. For example :
5 VMs with 1024 memory
4 VMs with 512 memory
Total : 9 VMs
For this data center a machine with 1024 memory will get task 2 times as compared to machine with 512 memory.
So machines for this data center are returned by the getNextAvailableVm() in the following way :
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
This is the current way, the machines are being returned.But there is a problem.
There could be cases, when a particular machine is busy and cannot be allotted the task.Instead the next machine available with the highest memory must be allotted the task.I have not been able to implement this.
For example :
0 (allotted first time)
0 (to be allotted the second time)
but if 0 is busy..
allot 1 if 1 is not busy
next circle check if 0 is busy
if not busy allot 0 (only when machine numbered 0 has not handled the requests it is entitled to handle)
if busy, allot the next
cloudSimEventFired method in the following class is called when ever the machine gets freed or is allotted.
public class TempAlgo extends VmLoadBalancer implements CloudSimEventListener {
* Key : Name of the data center
* Value : List of objects of class 'VmAllocationUIElement'.
private Map<String,LinkedList<DepConfAttr>> confMap = new HashMap<String,LinkedList<DepConfAttr>>();
private Iterator<Integer> availableVms = null;
private DatacenterController dcc;
private boolean sorted = false;
private int currentVM;
private boolean calledOnce = false;
private boolean indexChanged = false;
private LinkedList<Integer> busyList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
private Map<String,LinkedList<AlgoAttr>> algoMap = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<AlgoAttr>>();
private Map<String,AlgoHelper> map = new HashMap<String,AlgoHelper>();
private Map<String,Integer> vmCountMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
public TempAlgo(DatacenterController dcb) {
confMap = DepConfList.dcConfMap;
this.dcc = dcb;
if(!this.calledOnce) {
this.calledOnce = true;
// Make a new map using dcConfMap that lists 'DataCenter' as a 'key' and 'LinkedList<AlgoAttr>' as 'value'.
Set<String> keyst =DepConfList.dcConfMap.keySet();
for(String dataCenter : keyst) {
LinkedList<AlgoAttr> tmpList = new LinkedList<AlgoAttr>();
LinkedList<DepConfAttr> list = dcConfMap.get(dataCenter);
int totalVms = 0;
for(DepConfAttr o : list) {
tmpList.add(new AlgoAttr(o.getVmCount(), o.getMemory()/512, 0));
totalVms = totalVms + o.getVmCount();
Temp_Algo_Static_Var.algoMap.put(dataCenter, tmpList);
Temp_Algo_Static_Var.vmCountMap.put(dataCenter, totalVms);
this.algoMap = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<AlgoAttr>>(Temp_Algo_Static_Var.algoMap);
this.vmCountMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(Temp_Algo_Static_Var.vmCountMap);
this.map = new HashMap<String,AlgoHelper>(Temp_Algo_Static_Var.map);
public int getNextAvailableVm() {
synchronized(this) {
String dataCenter = this.dcc.getDataCenterName();
int totalVMs = this.vmCountMap.get(dataCenter);
AlgoHelper ah = (AlgoHelper)this.map.get(dataCenter);
int lastIndex = ah.getIndex();
int lastCount = ah.getLastCount();
LinkedList<AlgoAttr> list = this.algoMap.get(dataCenter);
AlgoAttr aAtr = (AlgoAttr)list.get(lastIndex);
indexChanged = false;
if(lastCount < totalVMs) {
if(aAtr.getRequestAllocated() % aAtr.getWeightCount() == 0) {
lastCount = lastCount + 1;
this.currentVM = lastCount;
if(aAtr.getRequestAllocated() == aAtr.getVmCount() * aAtr.getWeightCount()) {
if(lastIndex != list.size()) {
AlgoAttr aAtr_N = (AlgoAttr)list.get(lastIndex);
this.indexChanged = true;
if(lastIndex == list.size()) {
lastIndex = 0;
lastCount = 0;
this.currentVM = lastCount;
AlgoAttr aAtr_N = (AlgoAttr)list.get(lastIndex);
this.indexChanged = true;
if(!this.indexChanged) {
aAtr.setRequestAllocated(aAtr.getRequestAllocated() + 1);
this.map.put(dataCenter, new AlgoHelper(lastIndex, lastCount));
//System.out.println("Current VM : " + this.currentVM + " for data center : " + dataCenter);
return this.currentVM;
System.out.println("--------Before final return statement---------");
return 0;
public void cloudSimEventFired(CloudSimEvent e) {
if(e.getId() == CloudSimEvents.EVENT_CLOUDLET_ALLOCATED_TO_VM) {
int vmId = (Integer) e.getParameter(Constants.PARAM_VM_ID);
System.out.println("+++++++++++++++++++Machine with vmID : " + vmId + " attached");
}else if(e.getId() == CloudSimEvents.EVENT_VM_FINISHED_CLOUDLET) {
int vmId = (Integer) e.getParameter(Constants.PARAM_VM_ID);
//System.out.println("+++++++++++++++++++Machine with vmID : " + vmId + " freed");
In the above code, all the lists are already sorted with the highest memory first.The whole idea is to balance the memory by allocating more tasks to a machine with higher memory.
Each time a machine is allotted request allocated is incremented by one.Each set of machines have a weight count attached to it, which is calculated by dividing memory_allotted by 512.
The method getNextAvailableVm() is called by multiple threads at a time. For 3 Data Centers 3 threads will simultaneously call getNextAva...() but on different class objects.The data center returned by the statement this.dcc.getDataCenterName() in the same method is returned according to the data center broker policy selected earlier.
How do I make sure that the machine I am currently returning is free and if the machine is not free I allot the next machine with highest memory available.I also have to make sure that the machine that is entitled to process X tasks, does process X tasks even that machine is currently busy.
This is a general description of the data structure used here :
The code of this class is hosted here on github.
This is the link for the complete project on github.
Most of the data structures/classes used here are inside this package

Perhaps you are over thinking the problem. A simple strategy is to have a broker which is aware of all the pending tasks. Each task worker or thread asks the broker for a new message/task to work on. The broker gives out work in the order it was asked for. This is how JMS queues works. For the JVMs which can handle two tasks you can start two threads.
There is many standard JMS which do this but I suggest looking at ActiveMQ as it is simple to get started with.
note in you case, a simpler solution is to have one machine with 8 GB of memory. You can buy 8 GB for a server for very little ($40 - $150 depending on vendor) and it will be used more efficiently in one instance by sharing resource. I assume you are looking at much larger instances. Instances smaller than 8 GB are better off just upgrading it.
How do I make sure that the machine I am currently returning is free
This is your scenario, if you don't know how to tell if a machine is free, I don't see how anyone would have more knowledge of you application.
and if the machine is not free I allot the next machine with highest memory available.
You need to look at the free machines and pick the one with the most available memory. I don't see what the catch is here other than doing what you have stated.
I also have to make sure that the machine that is entitled to process X tasks, does process X tasks even that machine is currently busy.
You need a data source or store for this information. What is allowed to run where. In JMS you would have multiple queues and only pass certain queues to the machines which can process those queue.


Genetic Algorithm for Process Allocation

I have the following uni assignment that's been puzzling me. I have to implement a genetic algorithm that allocates processes into processors. More specifically the problem is the following:
"You have a program that is computed in parallel processor system. The program is made up of a N number of processes that need to be allocated on a n number of processors (where n is way smaller than N). The communication of processes during this whole process can be quite time consuming, so the best practice would be to assign processes that need intercommunication with one another to same processor.
In order to reduce the communication time between processes you could allocate of these processes to the same processor but this would negate the parallel processing idea that every processor needs to contribute to the whole process.
Consider the following: Let's say that Cij is the total amount of communication between process i and process j. Assume that every process needs the same amount of computing power so that the limitations of the processing process can be handled by assigning the same amount of processes to a processor. Use a genetic algorithm to assign N processes to n processors."
The above is roughly translated the description of the problem. Now I have the following question that puzzle me.
1) What would be the best viable solution in order to for the genetic algorithm to run. I have the theory behind them and I have deduced that you need a best possible solution in order to check each generation of the produced population.
2) How can I properly design the whole problem in order to be handled by a program.
I am planning to implement this in Java but any other recommendations for other programming languages would be welcome.
The Dude abides. Or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
What you're asking is really a two part question, but the Genetic Algorithm part can be easily illustrated in concept. I find that giving a basic start can be helpful, but this problem as a "whole" is too complicated to address here.
Genetic Algorithms (GA) can be used as an optimizer, as you note. In order to apply a GA to a process execution plan, you need to be able to score an execution plan, then clone and mutate the best plans. A GA works by running several plans, cloning the best, and then mutating some of them slightly to see if the offspring (cloned) plans are improved or worsened.
In this example, I created a array of 100 random Integers. Each Integer is a "process" to be run and the value of the Integer is the "cost" of running that individual process.
List<Integer> processes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
The processes are then added to an ExecutionPlan, which is a List<List<Integer>>. This List of List of Integers will be used to represent 4 processors doing 25 rounds of processing:
class ExecutionPlan implements Comparable<ExecutionPlan> {
List<List<Integer>> plan;
int cost;
The total cost of an execution plan will be computed by taking the highest process cost per round (the greatest Integer) and summing the costs of all the rounds. Thus, the goal of the optimizer is to distribute the initial 100 integers (processes) into 25 rounds of "processing" on 4 "processors" such that total cost is as low as possible.
// make 10 execution plans of 25 execution rounds running on 4 processors;
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = createAndIntializePlans(processes);
// Loop on generationCount
for ( int generation = 0; generation < GENERATIONCOUNT; ++generation) {
// sort plans by cost
// print execution plan costs
System.out.println(generation + " = " + executionPlans);
// clone 5 better plans over 5 worse plans
// i.e., kill off the least fit and reproduce the best fit.
// mutate 5 cloned plans
When the program is run, the cost is initially randomly determined, but with each generation it improves. If you run it for 1000 generations and plot the results, a typical run will look like this:
The purpose of the GA is to Optimize or attempt to determine the best possible solution. The reason it can be applied to you problem is that your ExecutionPlan can be scored, cloned and mutated. The path to success, therefore, is to separate the problems in your mind. First, figure out how you can make an execution plan that can be scored as to what the cost will be to actually run it on an assumed set of hardware. Add rountines to clone and mutate an ExecutionPlan. Once you have that plug it into this GA example. Good luck and stay cool dude.
public class Optimize {
private static int GENERATIONCOUNT = 1000;
private static int PROCESSCOUNT = 100;
private static int MUTATIONCOUNT = PROCESSCOUNT/10;
public static void main(String...strings) {
new Optimize().run();
// define an execution plan as 25 runs on 4 processors
class ExecutionPlan implements Comparable<ExecutionPlan> {
List<List<Integer>> plan;
int cost;
public ExecutionPlan(List<List<Integer>> plan) {
this.plan = plan;
public int compareTo(ExecutionPlan o) {
return cost-o.cost;
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(cost);
private void run() {
// make 100 processes to be completed
List<Integer> processes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// assign them a random cost between 1 and 100;
for ( int index = 0; index < PROCESSCOUNT; ++index) {
processes.add( new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 99.0)+1));
// make 10 execution plans of 25 execution rounds running on 4 processors;
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = createAndIntializePlans(processes);
// Loop on generationCount
for ( int generation = 0; generation < GENERATIONCOUNT; ++generation) {
// sort plans by cost
// print execution plan costs
System.out.println(generation + " = " + executionPlans);
// clone 5 better plans over 5 worse plans
// mutate 5 cloned plans
private void mutateClones(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( int index = 0; index < executionPlans.size()/2; ++index) {
ExecutionPlan execution = executionPlans.get(index);
// mutate 10 different location swaps, maybe the plan improves
for ( int mutationCount = 0; mutationCount < MUTATIONCOUNT ; ++mutationCount) {
int location1 = (int)(Math.random() * 100.0);
int location2 = (int)(Math.random() * 100.0);
// swap two locations
Integer processCostTemp = execution.plan.get(location1/4).get(location1%4);
execution.plan.get(location1/4).set(location1%4, execution.plan.get(location2/4).get(location2%4));
execution.plan.get(location2/4).set(location2%4, processCostTemp);
private void cloneBetterPlansOverWorsePlans(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( int index = 0; index < executionPlans.size()/2; ++index) {
ExecutionPlan execution = executionPlans.get(index);
List<List<Integer>> clonePlan = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
clonePlan.add( new ArrayList<Integer>(execution.plan.get(roundNumber)) );
executionPlans.set( index + executionPlans.size()/2, new ExecutionPlan(clonePlan) );
private void computeCostOfPlans(List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans) {
for ( ExecutionPlan execution: executionPlans) {
execution.cost = 0;
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
// cost of a round is greatest "communication time".
List<Integer> round = execution.plan.get(roundNumber);
int roundCost = round.get(0)>round.get(1)?round.get(0):round.get(1);
roundCost = execution.cost>round.get(2)?roundCost:round.get(2);
roundCost = execution.cost>round.get(3)?roundCost:round.get(3);
// add all the round costs' to determine total plan cost
execution.cost += roundCost;
private List<ExecutionPlan> createAndIntializePlans(List<Integer> processes) {
List<ExecutionPlan> executionPlans = new ArrayList<ExecutionPlan>();
for ( int planNumber = 0; planNumber < 10; ++planNumber) {
// randomize the processes for this plan
// and make the plan
List<List<Integer>> currentPlan = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
for ( int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < 25; ++roundNumber) {
List<Integer> round = new ArrayList<Integer>();
executionPlans.add(new ExecutionPlan(currentPlan));
return executionPlans;

native errors on DatagramChannel send

I have an app that is sending packets using DatagramChannel.send in multiple threads each to its own IP address/port and each of them keeping constant bit-rate/bandwidth. Every now and then I get this error:
java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument: no further information
at sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.send0(Native Method)
at sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.sendFromNativeBuffer(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.send(Unknown Source)
at sun.nio.ch.DatagramChannelImpl.send(Unknown Source)
It happens on random - sometimes 5 minutes after start sometimes after a day - so I really have problems reproducing it for testing. And on my home machine I can't reproduce it at all.
Windows 7, 8 and Server 2012 (all 64bit)
64bit Java 7 update 45
More information
The app is sending SI/EIT data to DVB-C network. I'm creating a list of 188-byte arrays for each of 80-120 threads and giving it to use. The thread takes the list and is looping over the list until new list is provided.
The error usually happens on multiple channels at once. But it can happen on just one also.
The error never happened until we had 40+ threads.
The error happens while looping over the list, not when I'm binding new list to thread.
The app it not running out of memory. Its usually running up to 70% of memory given to JVM.
Strange part: If I run multiple instance of app each handling ~10 threads problems are the same.
Simplified code sample
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
final int id = i;
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final Random r = new Random();
final List<byte[]> buffer = Lists.newArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
final byte[] temp = new byte[188];
final SocketAddress target = new InetSocketAddress("", 1000 + id);
try (final DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open(StandardProtocolFamily.INET)) {
channel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_IF, NetworkInterface.getByName("eth0"));
channel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 8);
channel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
channel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF, 1024 * 64);
int counter = 0;
int index = 0;
while(true) {
final byte[] item = buffer.get(index);
channel.send(ByteBuffer.wrap(item), target);
index = (index + 1) % buffer.size();
catch(Exception e) {
LOG.error("Fail at " + id, e);
1) #EJP: I'm setting setting multicast properties as the actual app that I use was doing joins (and reading some data). But the problems persisted even after I removed them.
2) Should I be using some other API if I just need to send UDP packets? All the samples I could find use DatagramChannel (or its older alternative).
3) I'm still stuck with this. If anyone has an idea what can I even try, please let me know.
I had exactly the same problem, and it was caused by a zero port in the target InetSocketAddress, when calling the send method.
In your code, the target port is defined as 1000 + i, so it doesn't seem to be the problem. Anyway, I'd log the target parameters that are used when the exception is thrown, just in case.

How do apps measure CPU usage (as a %)?

So I'm trying to write an app that measures CPU usage (ie, the time CPU is working vs the time it isn't). I've done some research, but unfortunately there are a bunch of different opinions on how it should be done.
These different solutions include, but aren't limited to:
Get Memory Usage in Android
I've tried writing some code myself, that I though might do the trick, because the links above don't take into consideration when the core is off (or do they?)
long[][] cpuUseVal = {{2147483647, 0} , {2147483647, 0} , {2147483647, 0} ,
{2147483647, 0} , {2147483647, 0}};
public float[] readCPUUsage(int coreNum) {
int j=1;
String[] entries; //Array to hold entries in the /proc/stat file
int cpu_work;
float percents[] = new float[5];
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
// Write the dataPackage
long currentTime = c.getTime().getTime();
for (int i = 0; i <= coreNum; i++){
try {
//Point the app to the file where CPU values are located
RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat", "r");
String load = reader.readLine();
while (j <= i){
load = reader.readLine();
//Reset j for use later in the loop
entries = load.split("[ ]+");
//Pull the CPU working time from the file
cpu_work = Integer.parseInt(entries[1]) + Integer.parseInt(entries[2]) + Integer.parseInt(entries[3])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[6]) + Integer.parseInt(entries[6]) + Integer.parseInt(entries[7]);
percents[i] = (float)(cpu_work - cpuUseVal[i][1]) / (currentTime - cpuUseVal[i][0]);
cpuUseVal[i][0] = currentTime;
cpuUseVal[i][1] = cpu_work;
//In case of an error, print a stack trace
} catch (IOException ex) {
//Return the array holding the usage values for the CPU, and all cores
return percents;
So here is the idea of the code I wrote...I have a global array with some dummy values that should return negative percentages the first time the function is run. The values are being stored in a database, so I would know to disregard anything negative. Anyway, the function runs, getting values of time the cpu is doing certain things, and comparing it to the last time the function is run (with the help of the global array). These values are divided by the amount of time that has passed between the function runs (with the help of the calendar)
I've downloaded some of the existing cpu usage monitors and compared them to values I get from my app, and mine are never even close to what they get. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks to some help I have changed my function to look like the following, hope this helps others who have this question
// Function to read values from /proc/stat and do computations to compute CPU %
public float[] readCPUUsage(int coreNum) {
int j = 1;
String[] entries;
int cpu_total;
int cpu_work;
float percents[] = new float[5];
for (int i = 0; i <= coreNum; i++) {
try {
// Point the app to the file where CPU values are located
RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat","r");
String load = reader.readLine();
// Loop to read down to the line that corresponds to the core
// whose values we are trying to read
while (j <= i) {
load = reader.readLine();
// Reset j for use later in the loop
j = 1;
// Break the line into separate array elements. The end of each
// element is determined by any number of spaces
entries = load.split("[ ]+");
// Pull the CPU total time on and "working time" from the file
cpu_total = Integer.parseInt(entries[1])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[2])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[3])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[4])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[5])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[6])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[7]);
cpu_work = Integer.parseInt(entries[1])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[2])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[3])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[6])
+ Integer.parseInt(entries[7]);
//If it was off the whole time, say 0
if ((cpu_total - cpuUseVal[i][0]) == 0)
percents[i] = 0;
//If it was on for any amount of time, compute the %
percents[i] = (float) (cpu_work - cpuUseVal[i][1])
/ (cpu_total - cpuUseVal[i][0]);
//Save the values measured for future comparison
cpuUseVal[i][0] = cpu_total;
cpuUseVal[i][1] = cpu_work;
// In case of an error, print a stack trace
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Return the array holding the usage values for the CPU, and all cores
return percents;
Apps don't measure CPU usage, the kernel does by interrupting the process 100 times per second (or some other frequency depending on how the kernel is tuned) and incrementing a counter which corresponds to what it was doing when interrupted.
If in the process => increment the user counter.
If in the kernel => increment the system counter
If waiting for disk or network or a device => increment the waiting for IO
Otherwise increment the idle counter.
The uptime is determined by the decaying average length of the run queue i.e. how many threads are waiting to run. The first number is the average length over the last minute. You can get the load average via JMX.

Is java 7 automatically use multiple cores in some cases?

I build a simple but CPU intense java application.
I noticed that all 4 cores are at 100%.
Is java doing automatically multi-threading if the compiler sees that it is possible?
In this case I use loops and recursion. So may be the compiler realizes that multi-threading is possible?
The algorithm is part of calculating a Viterbi path
private Node buildTreeStructure(ArrayList<String[]> sentence, int i, Node parentNode, Node bestLeaf) {
if (i == sentence.size()) {
if (bestLeaf == null || bestLeaf.data.percentage < parentNode.data.percentage)
bestLeaf = parentNode;
return bestLeaf;
String[] word = sentence.get(i);
for (String pos: allStates.keySet()) {
double prob = calculateTransitionAndWordProbability(pos, word[WORD], getParent(parentNode.data.pos));
if (prob > 0.000001) {
logger.debug("Probability for " + word[WORD] + "/" + pos);
NodeData nd = new NodeData(pos, word[WORD], prob * parentNode.data.percentage);
Node n = new Node(nd, parentNode, new ArrayList<Node>());
bestLeaf = buildTreeStructure(sentence, i+1, n, bestLeaf);
return bestLeaf;
Maybe its your Operating System which is forced to utilize all the cores at once at that time. You can't specify the processor affinity in Java. So, this is actually left up to the OS, not the JVM. It's all about how your OS handles threads.
You could split your Java threads into separate processes and wrap them up in native code, to put one process per core.

Java general array Questions

I need to put some different size machines in the storage
I am thinking so I have an array of machines with a size of 30 present storge
Machine[] machine = new Machine[30];
Machine has a size in the constructor. eg, Machine m1 = new Machine(10);
Every machine have different size, some machine may need size 5, some may need size 10.
if I insert a size 5 machine into array, it should take the first 5 slots in the array. if I put a machine with size 10 at the third position, it should take slots from 3-13
public class JavaApplication23 {
* #param args the command line arguments
static Machine[] machine= new Machine[30];
public void findSlot(Machine unit)
int slot = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < machine.length; i++)
System.out.println("slot "+i+" is empty");
System.out.println("The line is full");
public boolean fit(int num, Machine machine)
boolean check = true;
for(int i = 0; i < machine.getWidth(); i++)
check = false;
if(check == false)
System.out.println("machine does not fit");
return check;
The first function is looking for the empty slot where machine can fit. For example, if machine has a size of 10. slots 1-5 is taken, 8-10 is taken. I can't use 6-7 because is too small. so the function should tell me put in position 11, because 11-20 is empty
the second function is helping to check if the machine can fit
Here is my question. since my array is an array of machine. No matter what size of machine i put in, it will only take one slot. I need an an array with a total size of machines, which one size equal to one slot. so i can put machine into storage one by one and fit.
You can add a Class GroupOfMachines, with an int and an array of machines and go through this class and add each machine

