PropertySheetView in netbeans application development - java

I am creating a application using Netbeans Appication development.
i have created a API and a lookup that checks for all the implementation and displays them to a Jlist placed inside a TopComponent.
public interface DemoAPI {
public String getType();
public String getName();
Lookup.Result<DemoAPI> DemoResult;
public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) {
for (DemoAPI demo : DemoResult.allInstances()) {
//Added the demo to Jlist using demo.getName() as display Name
for getting all the implementation of DemoAPI and Displaying in ListBox.
How can i Display the properties (Type and Name) in the propertySheetView for the corresponding selected Jlist Value.

To achieve this you most certainly need to use Nodes combined with an ExplorerManager and a corresponding view, replacing your JList.
This tutorial explains the basics of nodes and using them with an ExplorerManager and all kind of different views. In your created nodes you would override the getSheed()-Method and create your PropertySheet there.
The Netbeans Developer FAQ is a nice place which descripes a lot of the usual tasks when developing an application. Nodes and Explorer should tell you a lot about Nodes, ExplorerManagers and the several Views. Properties and PropertySheets has some nice extra info regarding PropertySheets.


Add a listener to a CompilationUnitEditor Eclipse PDE

I am developing an Eclipse RPC application and I have an editor (MainEditor) that contains two pages. The first page (Properties) displays the data of the model using some text fields and the second page (Source) is an editor that is instantiated from a class (SourceCodeEditor) that inherits the CompilationUnitEditor class and displays the source code that contains some annotations and some code.The annotations' values should correspond to the data in the model (the data is stored in variables in the model) .The new class (SourceCodeEditor) does nothing special it only override two super functions and executes the super implementation like so :
public void doSave(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
public void doSaveAs() {
So I would like to add a listener to the instance of the SourceCodeEditor variable that updates the values of the annotations to correspond to the data in the model every time this editor/page is opened. The reason for that is that when I change a text field in the "Properties" page and open the "Source" page without saving the text displays the values before the change not after. If there is a better way to bind the values of the annotations in the source code and the variables of the model,please let me know.

Gwtbootstrap3. Using bootstrap component only with java code- without ui-binder

Is there possibile to use bootstrap3 elements (from gwtboostrap3 library) without using ui binder, but using java code like it is done with gwt regular widgets?
I could not find a word about it in Documentation.
F.E. Lets take button widget from gwt:
public void onModuleLoad() {
// Make a new button that does something when you click it.
Button b = new Button("Jump!", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Window.alert("How high?");
// Add it to the root panel.
Which will create:
<button type="button" class="gwt-Button">Jump!</button>
In gwtbootstrap3 I have to do something like that:
<b:Button type="DEFAULT"/>
Please help me with that.
Is it possible to use gwtbootstrap3 library components like button with pure java instead of uibinder xml files?
Is there solution that works out of box?
Or maybe I should write my own classess that extends native gwt widget an add bootstrap releated css classes?
You can use the widget as you please, refer to the their javadoc to see what constructors they have! They are a different set of widgets and might not be analogue of GWT standard widgets.
GWT UiBinder does no different than you, all it does is reduce the boilerplate, generating java classes that automate the instantiate of the widgets. You can add the compiler option -gen to see these transient classes. Usually , they are deleted after GWT compiles your application, as they are no longer needed. Take a look the the compiler documentation for more info!

MVP, JavaFx and components references

I've studied all popular GUI patterns - MVP,MVC,MVVM and finally I decided to implement MVP (Supervising Controller). So I have the following OBJECTS(!). Stage<-View<->Model. It's important Stage!=View, it is another object. Between view and model data binding. Besides I have a presenter(controller) which handles all events and works with view and model, so View<-ViewInterface<-Controller->Model.
The problem is now how to get references to labels, textAreas etc in view. Javafx allows to use #FXML annotation to inject these components to controller. However, using MVP I need these components in View, as all logic for view is in View and I don't need them in controller. The only solution I know is:
public class MyView{
private Button button;
public MyView(){
button=(Button) root.lookup("#myButton");
That is to get references by their ID. However I don't like it. Or I do something wrong or I understand something wrong but I think a better solution exist. Please, help me to find it.
JavaFX has been designed to work with the MVC pattern. Hence it is much easier to use MVC than MVP. In MVP Presenter is responsible for formatting the data to be displayed. In JavaFX, it is done automatically by View. Here's a quick overview of JavaFX MVC:
Model - the domain data / data structure that you work with in your application (e.g. Person, Employer, Coursework, etc)
View - the UI definition of the application and its Model. The preferred way of creating a view is via an FXML file, which is essentially the View in JavaFX MVC.
Controller - the bridge between Model and View. The code is typically isolated in XController class (where X is the name of the FXML View). The instance of Controller is automatically injected by FXMLLoader or can be done manually in case you require a custom Controller. The Controller class will have access to UI (View) elements in order to be able to manipulate different properties and also the Model, so that it can perform operations based on the UI (View) input.
To sum up, in JavaFX you don't need to have class View, the View definition should be entirely in the FXML file. All UI elements should be injected with #FXML into your Controller class. If you absolutely have to use MVP, then AWT/Swing or MVP4j - might be a better option.
For more detailed explanation please have a look at the official Oracle tutorial for JavaFX:
If you require help building UI using FXML:
This tutorial covers basics of MVC in JavaFX and how each component communicates with others:
As an Android developer, I always use MVP pattern in my applications. MVC compared to MVP seems so old to me, so when I started working on a new Java app, I felt a little bit lost.
Here there is my solution:
Initial steps
In fxml files create the UI, without specifying a controller, because you don't need one.
Create the Java interfaces (IView, IPresenter and so on..)
Implement the IPresenter interface in the Presenter class, as you would do normally (do http requests, query a DB..)
Now the interesting part:
Adapting your view to MVP pattern
Let's see some code:
Create your GUI (for example a Main GUI) and implement your View interface
public class MainGUI extends Application implements MainContract.View {
public static void main(String... args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
//here we will load fxml or create the ui programmatically
//method from view interface
public void onServerResponse(String message) throws IOException {
//update the view
Now the last step:
Communicating with the presenter
To do this, we first create an istance of our presenter:
private MainContract.Presenter presenter;
public MainGUI() {
presenter = new MainPresenter(this);
this is, of course, the MainContract.View implemented in the MainGUI class
Now we have to get a reference to the view components
private ComboBox<Double> mySimpleList;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("layout_main.fxml"));
Parent root = loader.load();
mySimpleList= (ComboBox<Double>) loader.getNamespace().get("mysimplelist_id");
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, -1, -1));;
I prefer using fxml files instead of creating the ui by code, but the logic behind is identical.
Set the items
And the listener
What is simpleListListener?
A simple ChangeListener, where we finally call a presenter method
simpleListListener = (ChangeListener<Double>)
(observable, oldValue, newValue) -> presenter.doTheLogic(newValue);
This is an easy scenario, but in principle this is how we can use MVP Pattern with JavaFX. I also understand that it isn't the definitive solution, so I hope that one day there will be more docs where I can learn more about this argument!
Let me know if I wasn't clear in some part of the code

How to model POJO from Vaadin UI? (Best practice)

I am working on a PDF Invoice generator in Vaadin 7. The code as it stands at the time of this writing can be found here. The repo includes a crude class diagram.
My question concerns the best practice of collecting the user input from the TextField and other Vaadin components to create an instance of Invoice.
Currently it works like this:
When the user clicks the button to generate the pdf, the class VaadinInvoiceGui (a Panel) calls the method createPdf(VaadinInvoiceGui gui) in the class VaadinInvoiceController.
VaadinInvoiceController calls method getInvoiceFromForm(VaadinInvoiceGui gui) in class InvoiceMapperImpl.
InvoiceMapperIml creates and returns an Invoice (POJO) by calling get methods in the VaadinInvoiceGui that gets passed to it. These getters return the values of the components in the view.
VaadinInvoiceController takes the Invoice returned by InvoiceMapperImpl and goes on to create pdf from it etc..
The getters in VaadinInvoiceGui look like this.
public String getCustomerName() {
return infoPanel.getCustomerNameTextField().getValue().toString();
public String getCustomerStreet() {
return infoPanel.getCustomerStreetTextField().getValue().toString();
public String getCustomerCity() {
return infoPanel.getCustomerCityTextField().getValue().toString();
I really don't feel like it's a good idea to pass the whole gui class to the controller and especially to the mapper, but I'm not sure what would be a better way of doing it. I could change the method createPdf(VaadinInvoiceGui gui) to something like createPdf(String customer name, String customerStreet, ...) but the number of parameters of the method would grow huge. I could do it using setters but then it would basically be doing the object mapping in the gui which doesn't seem like a very clean idea either.
What is the proper way of doing this?
Write a bean for the data to pass around as your model. Then use the FieldGroup to bind between model and form. Wrap the model as BeanItem<Model>. Binding is either done by name (convention) or by annotation #PropertyId.
general infos:
binding in forms:

JavaFX : TableView contents are not showing

I have created a JavaFX application, I have built native bundle using Ant, and I am obfuscating jar with Proguard-4.8.
I am able to create native bundle exe using that obfuscated jar successfully. When I run it, it launching the application successfully, All things are working fine, but there ia one problem in TableView. That is data are present in TableView, but I am not able to see data in TableView.
Below the screen shot taken from exe for TableView is attached -
Is there any extra settings or code changes needed in class which are mapped to Tableview for data association, at the time of obfuscating.
I am getting my own way
I use the long form of PropertyValueFactory :
col.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Test, String>,
ObservableValue<String>>() {
public ObservableValue<String> call(TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Test, String> t) {
// t.getValue() returns the Test instance for a particular TableView row
return t.getValue().testProperty();
// or
return new SimpleStringProperty(t.getValue().getMessage());
if you use "PropertyValueFactory " for the table, you should keep the Your_Object class from obfuscation. If you do not do that, the PropertyValueFactory cannot search the Your_Object after obfuscation because this object is obfuscated.
Please find the specification of the PropertyValueFactory class from Oracle at:
PropertyValueFactory specification
Imaging you have already buildup so many tables in different packages then you need to change all.
No I suggest using this in you proguard_config will help
-keepclassmembers public class yourpackage1.**, yourpackage2.** ,yourpackage3.**{
public *Property();

